Huh, i didn't know about that! I'll admit it, that's honestly a pretty cool new feature they added. I remember getting into the reborn and being confused on what to do, new players can have a fun little tutorial for themselves now!
This new content is cool but it has been implemented in such a weird way. Why can only some new players access it? Why can't everyone access it using a menu or setting or something? They could turn this into a race too I guess
It's probably a really new feature I asume that's why they didn't implement it for all players yet. I hope they will make an option to replay it so old players could experience this as well. Maybe either making it a race track or a small obby would work?
How you did that can you please find a video how to make a video how to find it inside of pet simulator you have to be in level one and create a new account to do it or just you do it
How you did that can you please find a video how to make a video how to find it inside of pet simulator you have to be in level one and create a new account to do it or just you do it
To make things very clear, this level only has a CHANCE to appear for brand new players. It won't show up for everyone (yet)!
Do you lose your progress? Because I will be very upset if so.
@@JaggertheGamer-h2f No I didn't lol. This was all on a new account
@@ChaotixSoda Lucky bro
Phew! I didn't want to lose my level 300. It took me a year! Thank you for telling me!
@@ChaotixSoda I’m curious but in which day it is chaotic
This new update sure is interesting starting the Green Hill act 1.
Huh, i didn't know about that! I'll admit it, that's honestly a pretty cool new feature they added. I remember getting into the reborn and being confused on what to do, new players can have a fun little tutorial for themselves now!
The game's only gotten better for new players ever since I started from the beginning!
ChaotixSoda this is one of the best updates BECAUSE I’ve notices so many new players lately .I will definitely have them join your servers.Thank you
ok, THIS is interesting and fun for new players
Really intresting to add
I wish we had a tutorial level back when the game came out
Same! I just mashed keys to figure out the controls back then 😅
Technically we had those stages in ghz back then.
@timotheravetier9442 the Green Hill obbies?
Nice find!!
The new players are lucky
I’ve never seen this side of Green Hill before.
I like this feature
Hi soda! I've been wondering, how do you add the font into sonic speed sim. Especially the fact that Im on mobile. Thank You in advance!
Sorry, Bloxstrap is only available on PC
Tha last uptade of shadow hope you’ll enjoy fearless year 😊
I feel like when I started playing in October, I think I actually played this, or maybe I haven't, I honestly can't remember but I feel like I have 😅
@@mathewwatson-FireGem21 This level only existed since the latest update (Super Shadow part 1)
@@ChaotixSoda ohh, that makes sense! 😅
You're my Favourite youtuber
I had no idea that this was in the game!
Because it’s brand New…
Brooooo I saw my friend in his secondary account playing gren hill act 1!
Chaotix Soda this reminds me of Kronos Island intro and tutorial part in sonic frontiers
Why isn’t this available for everyone? This is so cool.😭😭
Btw, What is that font called?
TT Lakes Neue Condensed ExtraBold Italic
@ChaotixSoda Thanks!
I wish you could play this normally they could add levels for each world lost valley emereld hill new yoke all of them
Is this sonic generation’s green hill added in sss?
Nope. It’s similar, but it’s a different layout.
@@Charmysodastudios It has references to Generations but more of it was modified just for the game, essentially the giant gold Sonic statue!
I love you ❤
Best sss youtuber fr
Neat o!
This new content is cool but it has been implemented in such a weird way. Why can only some new players access it? Why can't everyone access it using a menu or setting or something?
They could turn this into a race too I guess
It's probably a really new feature I asume that's why they didn't implement it for all players yet. I hope they will make an option to replay it so old players could experience this as well. Maybe either making it a race track or a small obby would work?
@@L0an47 It’s just a feature being tested for select players as of now
@@ChaotixSoda okay but I find their testing method to be kinda odd
Wait a sec isiton sonic speed this lvl or what's going on here bc I really want to try it
How do you even find this tutorial?
All just a chance to play it when starting a new account
What Happened To You???
there's a tutoral level?
@@RujiTheRockBoi Yes this is real
@@ChaotixSoda sweet!
How you did that can you please find a video how to make a video how to find it inside of pet simulator you have to be in level one and create a new account to do it or just you do it
Is this an alt?
@@Gigglefestation Yes, I had to make more just to see it
How to find the evolution machine
First btw how to get it
Check my pinned comment
How do I get there
oy chaotixsoda love ya i met you but you were afking i was shocked my jaw dropped add me preety please my username aboyjayaraya
@@jayaraya2411 Unfortunately im still full on friends
How you did that can you please find a video how to make a video how to find it inside of pet simulator you have to be in level one and create a new account to do it or just you do it