⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Intelligently written, immensely engrossing from the very first sentence. A telling of MM romance, love. With sublimely textured raw and gritty setting of a depravity to the redemptive embrace of emotional healing and true sexual salvation that occurs like lightning in a bottle. That charms you viscerally leaving you wanting needing, more. ADEN A STORY WELL TOLD ❗️👍
Thank you for this. Really enjoyed listening to it. Could you also please upload hector and steele from the same seties? And also any others in the series. Thank you again.
I love the story. The cover says “Book One” I hope that’s a good sign of what’s to come….book two maybe??
Excellent story.
Nice! Thanks.
That was an excellent book thank you so much
I really Love this story wish there were more like this one ❤❤❤❤❤
I Love this storys great , I wish there were more storys like this one , ❤❤❤❤❤
I love this book the narrator is the storyline are fantastic I just wish you had a number two because the number two that’s there doesn’t work
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Intelligently written, immensely engrossing from the very first sentence. A telling of MM romance, love. With sublimely textured raw and gritty setting of a depravity to the redemptive embrace of emotional healing and true sexual salvation that occurs like lightning in a bottle. That charms you viscerally leaving you wanting needing, more.
Is there really a book 2? Someone mentioned it but I don’t see it
❤❤❤ finished it and loved it. Thank you
Up to chapter 7 This is good,
Thank you for this. Really enjoyed listening to it. Could you also please upload hector and steele from the same seties? And also any others in the series. Thank you again.
Could you upload book 2
I just wish there were more real life stories. Most gay men arent rich doctors, lawyers, CEO’s or prostitutes
The hector and steele on youtube at the moment has no sound