So you the other board you just can use power injections on that board adding more power to the pixels to have more lights per port? I got 4 smart recivers from somebody isn't using them. I am depading to buy another controller or just go with the smart receivers. I love the box your using.
Is the terminals on the power supply common to each other ( all positive the same and all negative the same) so the 300 watts can be used by the one connection going to control board
Each of these controllers has its own power supply. When installed they will be far away from each other. Having them altogether I could run them off a single power supply as long as I didn't overwhelm the power supply, which I would?
I guess I asked my question incorrectly. I’m asking on the power supply are all the positive common to each other and all the negatives common to each other. I noticed you only have one power lead coming from the power supply to the board. I assume it will put out all of its wattageacross those leads
I use my 3D printer to print out brackets for my power supplies also. Ingenious the way 3D printing has come out for us light enthusiast. Your use of the ammo box is different than mine but it all serves a great purpose of customizing our setups. Are you still using LOR for programming or did you go to XLights??
So you the other board you just can use power injections on that board adding more power to the pixels to have more lights per port? I got 4 smart recivers from somebody isn't using them. I am depading to buy another controller or just go with the smart receivers. I love the box your using.
Is the terminals on the power supply common to each other ( all positive the same and all negative the same) so the 300 watts can be used by the one connection going to control board
Each of these controllers has its own power supply. When installed they will be far away from each other. Having them altogether I could run them off a single power supply as long as I didn't overwhelm the power supply, which I would?
I guess I asked my question incorrectly. I’m asking on the power supply are all the positive common to each other and all the negatives common to each other. I noticed you only have one power lead coming from the power supply to the board. I assume it will put out all of its wattageacross those leads
I use my 3D printer to print out brackets for my power supplies also. Ingenious the way 3D printing has come out for us light enthusiast. Your use of the ammo box is different than mine but it all serves a great purpose of customizing our setups. Are you still using LOR for programming or did you go to XLights??
What can of fuse you use, from power supply to bord or e-fuse?
Between the power supply and the board I put an inline fuse on V+. The inline fuse takes a car fuse.
Do you vent your boxes?
Yes, I live in Texas and we get hot days.