There is a tiny hole on the top side of the loop just above the can. The wicking is to draw up liquid into the copper loops. Might I suggest using a fan of the weld mix to affix a metal bottle cap to the top of the can in the center of the 3 loops. Add alcohol to the bottle cap and light to start heating those copper loops and light it
the pipe used for heating up the alcohol so it can evaporate from liquid to gas, and the flamming torch came from the gas that out trough the little hole under the pipe
Amei ❤️😍😱tô chocada 👏👏👏👏👏
完美示範 很精彩!
Nice design!
Does the side valve regulate the air intake and thus the height of the flame?
My guess is the valve are for allow cool air input, what cool down the stove and reduce the pressure and thus, the flame.
那麼會作爐子 以後不用花大錢買爐子及瓦斯了 自己動手DIY 也能省下一筆不小的開銷😅😅😅😅😅😅😅👍👍👍👍👍
what are the copper pipes for ?
They transmit heat; my curiosity is, what the hell is the wicking for?
There is a tiny hole on the top side of the loop just above the can.
The wicking is to draw up liquid into the copper loops.
Might I suggest using a fan of the weld mix to affix a metal bottle cap to the top of the can in the center of the 3 loops. Add alcohol to the bottle cap and light to start heating those copper loops and light it
The working works best if it is a natural material like cotton . . . A shoe string works great and easy to thread through
the pipe used for heating up the alcohol so it can evaporate from liquid to gas, and the flamming torch came from the gas that out trough the little hole under the pipe
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