Lots of wide-ranging thought provoking information delivered with infectious enthusiasm in a local setting. Leeds is good for nature despite its other drawbacks. Have edited the comment to suggest that a future episode looks specifically at wildlife in Leeds urban parks like Middleton or Roundhay. Scotland Woods Meanwood Valley etc.
Lots of wide-ranging thought provoking information delivered with infectious enthusiasm in a local setting. Leeds is good for nature despite its other drawbacks. Have edited the comment to suggest that a future episode looks specifically at wildlife in Leeds urban parks like Middleton or Roundhay. Scotland Woods Meanwood Valley etc.
Thanks so much for your thoughts and feedback, James. We very much appreciate it and that it sounds like a good episode to us!
Rosie and Tom
Welcome back!
Thanks Matt!!!
Hi Iris.
Excellent film...missed you guys! Thoroughly enjoyed your woodland foray!
Thank you so much! We have missed all of you, we are so glad that you enjoyed it!!
Great episode! 👍
Q: What did one mushroom say to the other?
A: you're a fun guy
Haha! That had us laughing, definitely should have got that in the episode!