New blasphemous art exhibition opens in Dublin (IMOCA)
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A new art exhibition, titled Blasphemous, opened on Good Friday in the Irish Museum of Contemporary Art (IMOCA) which is located in Lad Lane, off Baggot Street, in Dublin. It runs until 25 April 2010, and is open from 12 noon to 5 pm every Friday, Saturday and Sunday, or by appointment through contacting IMOCA.
This is the second Dublin art exhibition to highlight and challenge the new Irish blasphemy law, which became active on 1st January 2010.
SInce then, the Irish Justice Minister has responded to the campaign against the law by saying that he will propose a referendum, later this year, to remove the reference to blasphemy from the Irish Constitution, thus enabling the blasphemy law to be repealed.
This makes the new exhibition not just a challenge to the blasphemy law, but also a celebration of artistic freedom, and freedom of expression generally.
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Join Atheist Ireland. Atheist Ireland is voluntary organisation. We promote atheism, reason, ethical secularism, the rights of atheists and the separation of church and state
Donate to Atheist Ireland. We receive no State funding and employ no paid staff. We rely entirely on membership fees and donations to continue.
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@Richierua Thanks for your comment. The very fact of the law, promotes defying it.
Don't forget that the original Law was an English Law which dates back to even pre-15th century and was used by the Anglican Church of Ireland against other religions, not Atheists.
Wikipedia- Blasphemy law in Ireland:
1703 Thomas Emlyn, a Unitarian minister, was fined £1,000 and imprisoned for one year for denying the Divinity of Christ.
@Richierua That's from a theist's view point, as most people do not believe in Santa, there is no group calling them "without Santa". Actually the word Atheist stems so far back that it had a meaning like outcast or against the organized faith, supposedly the person known as Jesus was referred to as atheist by some.
Well said.
On July 1st, 1937, 41 Spanish Catholic bishops addressed a long document to their colleagues of the entire world. In it, they described the vicious hatred against Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother, what they described as, “the hatred of Hell becoming incarnate in our unfortunate Communists.” Precise figures at the end of the war listed 13bishops, 4,317 secular priests, 2,489 religious, 283 nuns and 249 seminarians-all massacred out of hatred for their faith.
This is old tat.
@DustinDosh UCC has a very strong atheist group. They have guest speakers that give talks after school hours to anyone who wants to attend
On a slightly related issue, - look up the lyrics to "imagine" by John Lennon.He was a great forward thinker!
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@Richierua cont. In 1852, in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, John Syngean Bridgman, a Franciscan friar, was convicted in County Mayo after burning an Authorized King James Bible. He viewed it as a souperist work inferior to the Catholic Douay-Rheims Bible. While the indictment described his actions as "in contempt of the Protestant religion".
So for the Blasphemy law goes against the Irish constitution for freedom to practice Religion
Hey, breath of fresh air from the isle of green and gray! Keep the folks coming, they will come! Irish have great imagination! This guy Grim Broward has some good art too, think I saw him on facebook along with other friends o' his! Paul Woodfull, nice! Like only one side can be radical!?
@Richierua 2. The exhibition is to highlight the problems of the Law, if you went to it and found it offensive go to the garda and complain.
Do you really personally find the Art offensive ? or is it just idea that it challenges the privilege and power that the Law gives you over others, as they are two separate issues.
The redemptive power of art.
Well no, not really. The order of creation in the Bible is still wrong. It says stars (and the sun) were created after the Earth when we know that's not true.
Where can I get the "Ballad of Jaysus Christ"? I can't find it anywhere on the internet!
As Dawkins put it: Blasphemy is a victimless crime.
pardon my ignorance oh magnificent one.
@AtheistIreland and so Thomas should have been. The Law applies to all the people and i respect that. I would be equally angry at a bhuddist or pagan or muslim setting up such an event. Aswell as a Christian one. I am not purely against atheists.
Can anyone tell me that song that was playingat 0:40 and at the end. That was funny.
If you are an atheist, please have the decency to not insult us. It exposes your bitter, malice filled hearts. I hope you eventually convert
Former Atheist
What is that song called?
That song is great !
@Richierua if religion had ANY evidence or justification for it's claims it wouldn't need to hide behing threats and intimidation (like this blasphemy law).
Do people who believe in god respect the beliefs of those who worship allah, buddha, or satan? This exhibition is great.
no. That is constructive. I do not have much of a problem in someone disbeleiving in God and challenging me in an intellectual debate. Creating an art gallery that simply mocks religion in general achieves nothing and just offends people. It is a distasteful move. It aims not to prove or disprove religion and only insults it and its adherants. When such behaviour becomes laudable, alarm bells should be ringing.
Blasphemy is a "victimless" crime...
This is some hard core Hate Speach in a velvet glove.
Yeah yeah, Jacobin revolution 2.0!
Why not discuss The School of Athens?
it sounds kinda familiar dont it? A peasant from israel 4000 years ago wont understand billions of years so they call it a week.That is why i became christian. It makes sense.
@irishmauddib pardon me(not sarcasm)
appleogies for being curt.
@irishmauddib i suppose if you are that entrenched in your heresy then i suppose we can agree to disagree.
@irishmauddib yes, indeed time must have started at some point. Noting could have happened unless something acted opon it, an apple will not fall from a tree unley the wind or somthing else removes it. A rock will not fall down a hill unless it is moved by something, say the wind. Something must have always existed to kick start everything else- time etc. That immortal thing, was God.
What blasphemy?
May God have mercy on your souls.
This is truly sad that an exhibition is made to ridicule Christ and the saints as a way of campaigning against a law. Whoever supports this should be ashamed and be prepared for what happens to them in the next life in celebrating disgusting filth against Christ and His Holy Family. Why would anyone present such material against people who lived their lives as righteous and good people?
@Richierua You hope atheists convert? Hark who's talking about respecting other people's beliefs or non-beliefs as they are.
@AtheistIreland "Atheisim" means literally "without God". And you are also not supposed to mock religion, ANY religion in public- the hate laws.This show mocks and insults religion. That is not giving people the right to practice religion in peace. You dont see anti-semetic or anti-muslim art shows do you? Either insult ALL religion or be respectfull. Dont insult just Christianity.
@irishmauddib oh no not the people, murder is a sin. But the works themselves? Kindling!
BLASPHEMY is a victimless crime! LOL, but they don't realize that inconvenient fact.
Uhhh, I hate being 15, in Cork and having parents who don't like Atheism! But at least someones trying. :P
@Richierua LOL, oh please. I've been insulted by theists more times than I can count. But I don't care and I support thier freedom of speech to do so (here in the US). However they also threaten me and try to take my rights away, THAT I fight and irelands blasphemy law is an afront to basic human rights and should be protested. Since the country is majority christian that is where the protest should be aimed. If it were muslim would be same message with different images.
@amaqula - If that were true Papa Ratzi would not survive. Speaking of parasites.
@VYaCanisMajoris -That would be correct...just try telling that to some religious nut cases.
@Richierua So you support Mob rule? That's what you think democracy means? So if in 40 years islam is the majority religion and they all decide non-muslims should be put to death that should be legal!?!
I hope you see how outrageous that position is. You do NOT have the right to never be offended or made fun of, you should never be threatened or attacked. But nobodies beliefs are above ridicule and never should be.
That looks like my kind of exhibition. :-) BTW, I really love the song!
I Like it, bring on the referendum.
Good on them. Great song! :)