Did the bag come with the bike, or would you be able to purchase it separately? I have the same type of bike, but bought it secondhand, and no accessories came with it.
Yes, you can buy "folding bike bag" from Amazon. However, the bag will tear after a few uses. The best way is to put some cut out cardboard at the bottom and sides of the bag. Replace or re-enforce the cardboard if necessary.
Where would you put the bottle holder?
Did the bag come with the bike, or would you be able to purchase it separately? I have the same type of bike, but bought it secondhand, and no accessories came with it.
Yes, you can buy "folding bike bag" from Amazon. However, the bag will tear after a few uses. The best way is to put some cut out cardboard at the bottom and sides of the bag. Replace or re-enforce the cardboard if necessary.
@@patricklui5054 Great, thank you~ I'm looking into that, I want to take my Schwinn on a train trip, and possibly on an airplane/ cruise some day. :D
can you comment on the quality of the bike?
I am more curious about why he's wearing a helmet
I guess I was trying on the helmet.
Just like any other bike. But, much easier to move around/
Amazing I've been fighting this for a year
Is it heavy when you carry it?