Zoo siab tau ntsib nyab neb os dab laug. Hnov koj lub suab yog lub qub thaum nyob Thais teb es koj tuaj nrog dab laug zeb los dab laug ntxhuav zeb nyob tham pem pom koj ces tseem nco2 nws kawg kuv yog ntxheb nawv. Peb twb laus tag twb yuav txog lub caij ua yus niam thiab yus txiv lawv ncaim lawm os dab laug thiab niam dab laug. Nyob zoo nawv
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Thank you for your advice ❤
❤️ ❤❤❤❤❤
Hais tau zoo heev li os tij tuaj tsham koj lawm os ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Nyob zoo rau neb os
Tuaj koom koj thiab nawb w 14:12
Zoo siab ntsib neb
Nyob zoo 6 neb nkawm niam txiv nb.
nyob zoo os nyab thiab paj txos aw....pom nej tawm yutube es nco nej kawg os kuv yog ntxawm niam zeb txoos thaj os
Cas ho tsis tuaj saib peb Nyob meskas no os dab laug Paj Txos
Hi im his daughter who manage my dad yt account my dad is very busy on the farm he would love to visit US one day 💓
Zoo siab tau ntsib nyab neb os dab laug. Hnov koj lub suab yog lub qub thaum nyob Thais teb es koj tuaj nrog dab laug zeb los dab laug ntxhuav zeb nyob tham pem pom koj ces tseem nco2 nws kawg kuv yog ntxheb nawv. Peb twb laus tag twb yuav txog lub caij ua yus niam thiab yus txiv lawv ncaim lawm os dab laug thiab niam dab laug. Nyob zoo nawv
Brother I want come and fish 🐟 with your whole family?