Using Hendo's method I can grow 22 grams of dry (or 1 smackpack liquid) yeast starting Monday and have plenty to pitch into 6hl of wort on Wednesday. The following Tuesday or Wednesday I can easily pull off enough yeast to pitch into 2 more 6hl batches. Cost is less than $20.
Great interview. Really enjoyed the open honest chat, well done fellas.
Thanks for the feedback 🙂
Dereck is a legend!
Using Hendo's method I can grow 22 grams of dry (or 1 smackpack liquid) yeast starting Monday and have plenty to pitch into 6hl of wort on Wednesday. The following Tuesday or Wednesday I can easily pull off enough yeast to pitch into 2 more 6hl batches. Cost is less than $20.
Hendo, sounds like you’ve got compressor problems, maybe try a lower release time.
Your guest’s mic sounds fine but sometimes you almost disappear.
Agreed.... Thanks so much for the feedback 🙂