ok, i love Joey to pieces but i cannot stand for the taylor swift slander! lol. yall should have me call into the show so I can give you the breakdown of Taylor's love life because it's not to the extent in which the media makes it out to be! as extrememly famous women yourselves, im sure you can relate
Pride month is taking a toll on our boy Marty
Happy Pride Month Trish & Joey 🌈
Marty who hurt you 😂
lol seriously. marty was having a badddd day.
“IS THE BUS STILL RUNNING?”💀💀💀💀 iykyk rupaul😂
The fact that you’re actually calling it the Big Gay Bash slays me 🤣
ok, i love Joey to pieces but i cannot stand for the taylor swift slander! lol. yall should have me call into the show so I can give you the breakdown of Taylor's love life because it's not to the extent in which the media makes it out to be! as extrememly famous women yourselves, im sure you can relate
Trish, Joey’s weakeningggggg. He will be on Fire Island soon. 🏝️
My guy Marty has had it.
When I started this I didn’t realize I had the speed at 1.25x still
Martin has had it. Marticia pushed thru.
Team Marty all the way
Please have Claudia on!!!
Preach Marty!!!
How can my loves be bullied? Everyone loves you both!!!😘
Can you imagine 🤬
Marty needs to show some respect.
Joey, given your appearance you probably shouldn’t be criticizing the way other people look.