As a proud father of my favorite son (Edwin) I need to confirm that I DO love being on the property FULL time! This morning I took down a white fir and a red fir tree (60 to 70 feet each). I'll mill the red fir and burn the white fir in my wood furnace. I piled the brush and burned it. Just another day in paradise!
The piece of metal Ethan's talking about around 39:00 is called a sacrificial anode. It's very common on fishing vessels where I'm from, and presumably all ocean going ships. All the ones I've seen used on lobster boats are made out of magnesium.
@robmanueb. Boats and marine vessels are wired above ground (all negatives wired directly to battery) to prevent electrolysis. Props can completely disappear if ground isn't isolated from the body.
So many other TH-cam channels could learn a lot from you guys. Build cool stuff, rip hard, and make sweet videos. I love that you guys are trying to legitimately help Will grow and mature. I also have huge respect for calling him out and telling him that you can't fully embrace him on the team when he puts your careers at risk. You guys clearly care about him and he's a fun character to have around. We all go through that phase and he's lucky to have some friends like Edwin and Ethan!
As an over 30 year-old, this is a hilarious conversation. Will, is a very interesting young boy and I'm glad he has you guys to steer him on a better path.
I wish there was more people out there like y’all. I would love friends like y’all. Well, y’all are like family to each other and it’s amazing to see how y’all treat each other. We need people like this in the world more.
I used to work in cathodic protection for pipelines. We would drill/dig and set graphite anodes. We would backfill with a coke breeze slurry. Then, each anode would have a wire lead run into a powered junction box on the surface. In theory, the graphite anodes would oxidize instead of the pipeline. I was told that they would last for about 20 years.
The metal used as a sacrificial anode is zinc . I used to work in a seafood processing plant maintaining all the equipment from processing equipment , fork lifts, skid steers ,refrigeration equipment,and water-pumps. I was constantly having to rebuild the seawater pumps due to electrolysis until I started putting a zinc anodes in the pumps , which cut down the frequency of rebuild from once a month to maybe once a year.
I LOVE this clip! What an awesome chill chat session between the guys…. I would have loved to be there for this! Coffee, Cars, business ventures, history, stories, and just FUN chats!!! Soooo cool…
Touching on the electricity to prevent corrosion, I live in the rust belt where they heavily salt the roads and you can buy a electronic rust prevention module for your vehicles. They put electrical connections around the vehicle and have a small box powered by the vehicles battery that helps prevent corrosion. And also the thing on boats and steel pipes you’re taking about is known as a sacrificial anode, usually made from a mixture of aluminum, zinc and magnesium.
i've been watching Grind Hard for a while, it's cool to hear the stories about its beginning and all the other back stories. I like what you guys are doing.
The story about the bones is crazy! That guy's property is absolutely an amazing discovery. And I'd love to see a podcast on that guy who owns the amusement park
What's funny is a now ex friend ran Rallitek back before he got out of the industry and had a 08 wrx test mule, it was running what he called the ultimate stage 3 kit which did a bit of external changes and a retune, stock internals and transmission and running on E85, he was pushing a bit north of 900 hp, it was stupid fast! I even got a few chances behind the wheel and man you learned throttle control very well with that beast
Also the method of dissimilar metals is called cathodic reaction and usually it's zinc that is the sacrificial metal, ocean going vessels have huge chunks of it bolted to the hill under the waterline. And btw I am in Oregon and can verify the bridge thing
The intervention at the end had me pretty emotional. I’ve known a lot of kids like Will, and I think everyone I know has and the story only ends one way. Kids got life by the balls but it only takes one small misstep
So many kids have lost of their lives living on the edge racing feeling like it won't happen to them but around here sdpt cda area it happens all to often. 1 second one wrong move and it's the end
53:30 you also don’t have to certify experimental aircraft, you’re allowed to work on your own experimental aircraft. You guys should look into a collaborative with Mike Patey.
Will reminds me of myself in the early 1980's but with bikes. I had a full blown 900cc Honda CB750K1 with all the bells and whistles but with all that drag racing power came reliability issues and extremely high maintenance costs, I had a second bike that was literally half the horse power which was also worked a bit that I used to work and daily use, sadly every time I got into a spot of road racing the power bike was in the garage at home when I needed it's power to beat the newer Ninja 900. Eventually I sold them all and bought the Suzuki Katana GSX 1100 SXZ which I had many of then over the years from there. I drag raced and road raced them and rode them as daily drivers at least they where nearly invincible no matter what you did to them.
I agree with the safe driving. People are dying on the highway near Bozeman. An average of 40 estimates at one Bozeman dealership a day. I don’t like driving on our highway because it is so dangerous. Great guys . We want you around.
I think the rebar being electrically charged would be a electrolysis. also, another reason I can't run a mix of different metals in my PC cooling loop.
the rebar and electricity needs a sacrificial metal like a bag of zinc. you can pulse electricity in a truck, running or not and attach the zinc and significantly reduce the rust. ethan make a half track out of an oshkosh.
Loved the part about building a cheap car into a super expensive car. All because you love the car/platform. I've seen and done this with bikes. I bought an $800 nice bike. So much I have to do or replace to change the bike. I bought a bike half that price for a different reason and application and have adding items to improve it. All because I didn't want to tinker with it and upgrade as I go. It's a great hobby and you don't have to break the bank just upgrade as you can afford it. Plus things that break on the more expensive things will cost more to replace. It's all in what you can afford.
I hope to God that he has a fantastic alarm system for that Subaru and it would have been better to use the left hand drive parts and made the right hand parts like molding the dash hand made that would be great points for coolness. You guys are awesome. This is the 1st time watching this pod cast . But not the last. Keep up the great work and God Bless you guys.
Ethan, you can still go to the Bird Museum! I was there in the summer for a private event. It's at the CDA airport. They still have an Iron Lung in there!
You guys are all fabulous people and I'm sure you treat folks right. Kudos... however Ethan blows my mind. His creative mind coupled with his upgraded intelligence makes him truly special. He's going to be worth a mint before our skies cave in I assure you. Cool dude 😎
Some of the things that you guys discussed about doing if you won the lottery are totally doable now. I love the idea of a movie and doing more involved/finished builds. One of my favorite builds to watch on TH-cam was Stanceworks Ferrari, he made it at his own pace and often scrapped and remade parts so they would be better. I could see this working with your builds and I fell like the dream camper was on a different level that some of the other builds.
I get 550hp wheel from my 1.7l mitsubishi ralliart colt, G30-660, 38psi boost on e85 and its happy, been doin it for 3 years so far and hasn't let go, it only turns 8600rpm so not super high in the relm of tuning but its a daily, she still loves limiter 😅😂
I know this isnold, but I have a few pieces of mammoth tusk left over from the 8ft section we donated to our local museum. My uncle found it in a gravel pit in ohio 35ish years ago.
Will turning 22 and needing membership into grindhard and being willing to really slow down on being immature reminds me that 26 years ago i was 22 and i got my girlfriend pregnant and i knew that to be a good dad i had to get car insurance and quit speeding. Best thing ever
Thanks for the video Guys.. I think if I had 100,000,000, I'd be like all 3 of you Guys lol. Great conversation, you remind me so much of me and my buddies it's Great!
Fun fact the navy has them on the bottom of ships they are called sacrificial anodes and they are made of zink and electrified to help the bottom of the ship from corroding
There has never been a cannonball run accidents in any coast to coast attempt. The point of cannonballs was to prove that the national 55 MPH speed limit was not practical or necessary. So to prove that the cannonball was created to show you could safely travel at high rates of speed without incident and that has been accomplished to this day.
I used to work in a car dealership and we sold those little box that was supposed to prevent rust by sending current to the frame. Tho I always though it was a gimmick the company that made it would warranty your frame for rust for a couple more years if you install it on a new car. 🤷
the youtube channel Ambition Strikes designed and build a set of tracks for their jeep. They have the CAD files for sale for like $100.00 you just cut them out with your plama cutter table. They use snowmobile parts and tracks.
At 19 I lost my DL for 10years for street racing. Double the speed limits tickets and more! Never crashed never caused anyone to crash. I look back and regret it. All those years taking the bus and begging for rides. Nope. Never again. I got lucky with that punishment. Time and place for the speed and around others and traffic isn’t it. Long drives with tunes are better then high speed and anxiety. Be safe out there Edit. I’m 36 now and have had my do back for lil over 5 yrs now. What a world there is when you can go outside the bud route.
Electronic rust protection systems (ERPS) are also available. These systems can protect the interiors and exteriors of vehicles from rusting. They work by sending a negative charge through the body of the vehicle, which neutralizes the chemical reaction and keeps the vehicle rust free. ERPS can be self-installed, have no ongoing maintenance, and are environmentally friendly. However, they don't protect against surface rust and often aren't scientifically supported.
Love your show. I like it how and where it is. I don’t think you need a drag strip. The movie may be nice, but bigger isn’t always better. Your channel is great how it is.
Quick suggestion fellas, more so Ethan instead of waiting to find the perfect location to do the top speed run it is really quite simple just do it on a frozen lake we have snowmobile races and car/truck races on the ice every winter and some of these guys are reaching 150mph within a very short distance it is insane!
I am alot like will and im 2 years younger i work in the car business and i drive shit that you shouldn't drive and ive risked alot just to drive home and its not okay i needed to draw the line when i almost got sent into the ditch at 75 durring the summer losing a tire on a shit box that didnt steer good in the first place
I would love to learn about Will's Yellow First Generation Impreza. I'm huge into them and would love to discuss it. Even having a quick overview video would be sweet. I got a bunch of super rare JDM parts stashed in storage.
Ethan, I am a licensed contractor and have an idea for foundations. I even thought of a name “1000 year foundations”. Do you know anything about megalithic architecture, or the polygonal walls around the world? Look up polygonal masonry and I’m sure you’ll understand my idea
I really need to see the banana Subaru after this 🤣 Additionally love listening to this, feel like I’m sat at the table, so many share interests and experiences being discussed! Any treehouses available for rent for a week 🤣
So Will and Edwin arent related? I would have bet money they were brothers. Love the channel btw, one of a short list i never miss👍 This is the first podcast i have caught and im subscribed now. I appreciate you guys keeping it clean, that's rare anymore.
I wouldnt mind a Tesla truck. I think that would be the most flash vehicle if I had heaps of spendoola. Also, thats why my dad built with mud so it wasnt permanent.
As a proud father of my favorite son (Edwin) I need to confirm that I DO love being on the property FULL time! This morning I took down a white fir and a red fir tree (60 to 70 feet each). I'll mill the red fir and burn the white fir in my wood furnace. I piled the brush and burned it. Just another day in paradise!
Hope to see some more videos from you! Tell Edwin to come hang out for a week!
That's the way to live as far as I'm concerned.
@@RebelGoatFPV Indeed!
@@drewgraff7748 Will do!
Sounds awesome Carl!
My favourite part of this is will using the piston in the table as his “invisible” coaster lol
We all do that haha
He may be O.C.D. I am OCD and I would be doing that it just seems like where it should sit😊
The piece of metal Ethan's talking about around 39:00 is called a sacrificial anode. It's very common on fishing vessels where I'm from, and presumably all ocean going ships. All the ones I've seen used on lobster boats are made out of magnesium.
Used in camp trailers water heaters as well.
Zinc is used in crab pots out here in the PNW
They mention running current through a car chassis to prevent corrosion being too hard but that is why we use negative earth on vehicles.
@robmanueb. Boats and marine vessels are wired above ground (all negatives wired directly to battery) to prevent electrolysis. Props can completely disappear if ground isn't isolated from the body.
On that topic. Electric rust protection is a common option on cars these days.
So many other TH-cam channels could learn a lot from you guys. Build cool stuff, rip hard, and make sweet videos.
I love that you guys are trying to legitimately help Will grow and mature. I also have huge respect for calling him out and telling him that you can't fully embrace him on the team when he puts your careers at risk. You guys clearly care about him and he's a fun character to have around. We all go through that phase and he's lucky to have some friends like Edwin and Ethan!
As an over 30 year-old, this is a hilarious conversation. Will, is a very interesting young boy and I'm glad he has you guys to steer him on a better path.
Love how this turned into and intervention for will. 😂😂
I wish there was more people out there like y’all. I would love friends like y’all. Well, y’all are like family to each other and it’s amazing to see how y’all treat each other. We need people like this in the world more.
I used to work in cathodic protection for pipelines. We would drill/dig and set graphite anodes. We would backfill with a coke breeze slurry. Then, each anode would have a wire lead run into a powered junction box on the surface. In theory, the graphite anodes would oxidize instead of the pipeline. I was told that they would last for about 20 years.
The metal used as a sacrificial anode is zinc . I used to work in a seafood processing plant maintaining all the equipment from processing equipment , fork lifts, skid steers ,refrigeration equipment,and water-pumps. I was constantly having to rebuild the seawater pumps due to electrolysis until I started putting a zinc anodes in the pumps , which cut down the frequency of rebuild from once a month to maybe once a year.
Will got interventioned! Serious though take it easy on the road, you have such an amazing opportunity Will, you got this.
I Love the mentoring going on here. The world needs more of this.
I LOVE this clip! What an awesome chill chat session between the guys…. I would have loved to be there for this! Coffee, Cars, business ventures, history, stories, and just FUN chats!!! Soooo cool…
Still my favorite podcast. Love that y'all tell everyone about some of the crazy things we do up here in the pnw. Keep up the great work y'all.
"the jetboat would fit in a carry on"🤣🤣
Ethan is one of those kids we all know that just knows everything about every trade.
Touching on the electricity to prevent corrosion, I live in the rust belt where they heavily salt the roads and you can buy a electronic rust prevention module for your vehicles. They put electrical connections around the vehicle and have a small box powered by the vehicles battery that helps prevent corrosion. And also the thing on boats and steel pipes you’re taking about is known as a sacrificial anode, usually made from a mixture of aluminum, zinc and magnesium.
Glad to be in on Will's intervention. :)
I love this shot. It really makes you feel like your sitting at the table listening on these guys 👍
Will is so wholesome
i've been watching Grind Hard for a while, it's cool to hear the stories about its beginning and all the other back stories. I like what you guys are doing.
At 39:10 Ethan is referring to Zinc anode. Used to absorb corrosion.
9:05 Will is goin full Looney Tunes/Tom & Jerry designing his scuba gear.
Boat anchor tied to his foot, fish tank on his head.
Really looking forward to this one !!!
Funny how so many of these turn into "father, son sit down talks" when Will is around.
The story about the bones is crazy! That guy's property is absolutely an amazing discovery. And I'd love to see a podcast on that guy who owns the amusement park
Me to
53:44 Ethan does a pretty good will impression and will is just there thinking about the idea😂😂😂
What's funny is a now ex friend ran Rallitek back before he got out of the industry and had a 08 wrx test mule, it was running what he called the ultimate stage 3 kit which did a bit of external changes and a retune, stock internals and transmission and running on E85, he was pushing a bit north of 900 hp, it was stupid fast! I even got a few chances behind the wheel and man you learned throttle control very well with that beast
Also the method of dissimilar metals is called cathodic reaction and usually it's zinc that is the sacrificial metal, ocean going vessels have huge chunks of it bolted to the hill under the waterline. And btw I am in Oregon and can verify the bridge thing
Why your ex friend?
@@802yotaguy5 let's just say he ran astray with the law and got caught in a sting involving sex with minors
A grind hard move would be premium 💯
100% would watch the movie. I off road often and everybody I've talked to know about you guys! Keep it up
Being from St.Maries, Idaho i love watching these. same conversation as I would have with my friends.
Back in the day when the ej2.2 was around was when Subarus were just so bulletproof then they started going down hill from there
ERPS has been in canada for a while. Its basically running current through the body and frame to keep the car rust free.
The intervention at the end had me pretty emotional. I’ve known a lot of kids like Will, and I think everyone I know has and the story only ends one way. Kids got life by the balls but it only takes one small misstep
So many kids have lost of their lives living on the edge racing feeling like it won't happen to them but around here sdpt cda area it happens all to often. 1 second one wrong move and it's the end
53:30 you also don’t have to certify experimental aircraft, you’re allowed to work on your own experimental aircraft.
You guys should look into a collaborative with Mike Patey.
Will reminds me of myself in the early 1980's but with bikes. I had a full blown 900cc Honda CB750K1 with all the bells and whistles but with all that drag racing power came reliability issues and extremely high maintenance costs, I had a second bike that was literally half the horse power which was also worked a bit that I used to work and daily use, sadly every time I got into a spot of road racing the power bike was in the garage at home when I needed it's power to beat the newer Ninja 900. Eventually I sold them all and bought the Suzuki Katana GSX 1100 SXZ which I had many of then over the years from there. I drag raced and road raced them and rode them as daily drivers at least they where nearly invincible no matter what you did to them.
Please do all three feature films
The Bird Aviation Museum in Idaho is still open? is this different than what you guys are talking about?
I agree with the safe driving. People are dying on the highway near Bozeman. An average of 40 estimates at one Bozeman dealership a day. I don’t like driving on our highway because it is so dangerous. Great guys . We want you around.
This is sick. Stoked that you guys are still doing podcast stuff
I like how this went from podcast to intervention for will
I think the rebar being electrically charged would be a electrolysis. also, another reason I can't run a mix of different metals in my PC cooling loop.
I love that table
I missed wills back story, I assumed he was a younger brother. He looks just like you guys.
I definitely thought he was Edwin's brother the first few times I saw him on the channel.
None of then are related,
I hate standing at the gas pump too. I will never prepay with cash to avoid the pump going so slow for that last dollar.
the rebar and electricity needs a sacrificial metal like a bag of zinc. you can pulse electricity in a truck, running or not and attach the zinc and significantly reduce the rust. ethan make a half track out of an oshkosh.
Loved the part about building a cheap car into a super expensive car. All because you love the car/platform. I've seen and done this with bikes. I bought an $800 nice bike. So much I have to do or replace to change the bike. I bought a bike half that price for a different reason and application and have adding items to improve it. All because I didn't want to tinker with it and upgrade as I go. It's a great hobby and you don't have to break the bank just upgrade as you can afford it. Plus things that break on the more expensive things will cost more to replace. It's all in what you can afford.
I hope to God that he has a fantastic alarm system for that Subaru and it would have been better to use the left hand drive parts and made the right hand parts like molding the dash hand made that would be great points for coolness. You guys are awesome. This is the 1st time watching this pod cast . But not the last. Keep up the great work and God Bless you guys.
Ethan, you can still go to the Bird Museum! I was there in the summer for a private event. It's at the CDA airport. They still have an Iron Lung in there!
Will should totally get his pilots license.
You guys are all fabulous people and I'm sure you treat folks right. Kudos... however Ethan blows my mind. His creative mind coupled with his upgraded intelligence makes him truly special. He's going to be worth a mint before our skies cave in I assure you. Cool dude 😎
“When I crash them, I crash. To. Win.”😂
Some of the things that you guys discussed about doing if you won the lottery are totally doable now. I love the idea of a movie and doing more involved/finished builds. One of my favorite builds to watch on TH-cam was Stanceworks Ferrari, he made it at his own pace and often scrapped and remade parts so they would be better. I could see this working with your builds and I fell like the dream camper was on a different level that some of the other builds.
Keep bring it up as long as Will keeps joking about safety please 57:00
I think you can get 200+hp / litre reliably from a Steve Morris engine . Probably save Will a lot of money and effort in the long run .
the lesson from this is that if you love what you do there is a pretty good chance other people will do too.
All I can say is they can and will crush your stuff to set an example
I get 550hp wheel from my 1.7l mitsubishi ralliart colt, G30-660, 38psi boost on e85 and its happy, been doin it for 3 years so far and hasn't let go, it only turns 8600rpm so not super high in the relm of tuning but its a daily, she still loves limiter 😅😂
I know this isnold, but I have a few pieces of mammoth tusk left over from the 8ft section we donated to our local museum. My uncle found it in a gravel pit in ohio 35ish years ago.
Had a pair of feral kittens rip my hand to shreds trying to relocate them! Also, my father built our home full mud brick and using all reclaimed wood.
Will turning 22 and needing membership into grindhard and being willing to really slow down on being immature reminds me that 26 years ago i was 22 and i got my girlfriend pregnant and i knew that to be a good dad i had to get car insurance and quit speeding. Best thing ever
Thanks for the video Guys.. I think if I had 100,000,000, I'd be like all 3 of you Guys lol. Great conversation, you remind me so much of me and my buddies it's Great!
Fun fact the navy has them on the bottom of ships they are called sacrificial anodes and they are made of zink and electrified to help the bottom of the ship from corroding
There has never been a cannonball run accidents in any coast to coast attempt. The point of cannonballs was to prove that the national 55 MPH speed limit was not practical or necessary. So to prove that the cannonball was created to show you could safely travel at high rates of speed without incident and that has been accomplished to this day.
They do that on metal ships and water heaters to prevent the tank from corroding. Its called a sacrificial anode.
St.louis zoo has one of those small trains. It pulls people around the zoo aday.
I used to work in a car dealership and we sold those little box that was supposed to prevent rust by sending current to the frame. Tho I always though it was a gimmick the company that made it would warranty your frame for rust for a couple more years if you install it on a new car. 🤷
the youtube channel Ambition Strikes designed and build a set of tracks for their jeep. They have the CAD files for sale for like $100.00 you just cut them out with your plama cutter table. They use snowmobile parts and tracks.
At 19 I lost my DL for 10years for street racing. Double the speed limits tickets and more! Never crashed never caused anyone to crash. I look back and regret it. All those years taking the bus and begging for rides. Nope. Never again. I got lucky with that punishment. Time and place for the speed and around others and traffic isn’t it. Long drives with tunes are better then high speed and anxiety. Be safe out there
Edit. I’m 36 now and have had my do back for lil over 5 yrs now. What a world there is when you can go outside the bud route.
Electronic rust protection systems (ERPS) are also available. These systems can protect the interiors and exteriors of vehicles from rusting. They work by sending a negative charge through the body of the vehicle, which neutralizes the chemical reaction and keeps the vehicle rust free. ERPS can be self-installed, have no ongoing maintenance, and are environmentally friendly. However, they don't protect against surface rust and often aren't scientifically supported.
I'd love to see Ethan build a small snow cat for snow clearing purposes.
I'm very excited about the movie you're planning to produce
"last year was swindily... this year, premium....) 🤣😂🙈
I think they attach zink to the pipes, they also do this with boats
Love your show. I like it how and where it is. I don’t think you need a drag strip. The movie may be nice, but bigger isn’t always better. Your channel is great how it is.
Quick suggestion fellas, more so Ethan instead of waiting to find the perfect location to do the top speed run it is really quite simple just do it on a frozen lake we have snowmobile races and car/truck races on the ice every winter and some of these guys are reaching 150mph within a very short distance it is insane!
I am alot like will and im 2 years younger i work in the car business and i drive shit that you shouldn't drive and ive risked alot just to drive home and its not okay i needed to draw the line when i almost got sent into the ditch at 75 durring the summer losing a tire on a shit box that didnt steer good in the first place
I would love to learn about Will's Yellow First Generation Impreza. I'm huge into them and would love to discuss it. Even having a quick overview video would be sweet.
I got a bunch of super rare JDM parts stashed in storage.
i gave this video 5.8 giga hearts
Edwin and Ethen the big brother Will never had . Cool video will is a sensible young lad 🤣🤣🤣
march 7, I've got a root canal scheduled for that day.. yay
" time-line is a little different, I go through time and space at a different speed then most people.." Premium absolutely Premium
It's quite apparent that many young people do not have an appreciation for hard-earned money at all. Know in advance that I'm not a "boomer" ...
Wait, how do I find their other channels to all their cool adventures?
funny thing. You can still look up the article where Will talks about Reggie Robotics.
Love the vids!
Can't wait for the movie!
i am obsessed with that table
Show off Will's "racecar!" Im sure alot of us would love to see his yellow Subaru. i know i sure do!
Cathodic protection is what its call with electricity running through the iron.. done on pipelines now days..
Ethan, I am a licensed contractor and have an idea for foundations. I even thought of a name “1000 year foundations”. Do you know anything about megalithic architecture, or the polygonal walls around the world? Look up polygonal masonry and I’m sure you’ll understand my idea
Build an anchored diving bell
If someone told me you guys were brothers. I wouldn't think twice about it.
700HP on a 2.5L motor is 175HP per cylinder
Scary wood is a must front cart on tremors 🤘🏼🤘🏼
Ethans facial movements are hilarious
You dont need Netflix. YT 4EVER!
I really need to see the banana Subaru after this 🤣
Additionally love listening to this, feel like I’m sat at the table, so many share interests and experiences being discussed! Any treehouses available for rent for a week 🤣
So Will and Edwin arent related? I would have bet money they were brothers.
Love the channel btw, one of a short list i never miss👍
This is the first podcast i have caught and im subscribed now.
I appreciate you guys keeping it clean, that's rare anymore.
I wouldnt mind a Tesla truck. I think that would be the most flash vehicle if I had heaps of spendoola. Also, thats why my dad built with mud so it wasnt permanent.
World's fastest snow bike? I'd like to see a competition now.