decode the sequence of Hex digits on the 'Uploading...' screen to ASCII, and you get... "Case was twenty-four. At twenty-two, he'd been a cowboy, a rustler, one of the best in the Sprawl. He'd been trained by the best, by McCoy Pauley and Bobby Quine, legends in the biz. He'd operated on an almost permanent adrenaline high, a" ...which appears to be a quote from Neuromancer.
decode the sequence of Hex digits on the 'Uploading...' screen to ASCII, and you get...
"Case was twenty-four. At twenty-two, he'd been a cowboy, a rustler, one of the best in the Sprawl. He'd been trained by the best, by McCoy Pauley and Bobby Quine, legends in the biz. He'd operated on an almost permanent adrenaline high, a"
...which appears to be a quote from Neuromancer.
Very nice demo. The music sounds like Remixes of some old classic Amiga Demo Scene music. Very nice 😊
Nice music, fits very well with the design
x-ceed very good job
Very cool!
This is amazing
It looks like a Rez clone on Amiga ( i'll love it... )
Cool design, although it looks more like an intro to me because it is quite repetitive