EFFICIENT ROWING - Intensity Versus Strokes Per Minute

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @neilcollins5930
    @neilcollins5930 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Cristal clear communication, super coach .

    • @roweracademy
      @roweracademy  วันที่ผ่านมา

      I appreciate the comment. Thanks for watching. More content coming to you soon! Onward. - Luke

  • @aidanhughes3458
    @aidanhughes3458 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Should a shorter rower (someone who is 5'7) should they have a higher baseline strokerate? i often find myself between 26 to 32 SPM

    • @roweracademy
      @roweracademy  2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Great question. Simple answer: Yes, shorter and/or lighter athletes generally engage in a higher stroke rating for various pieces, workouts, tests than their taller/heavier counterparts. BUT, there isn't a golden number or range (ie. 26 to 32 spm), which covers all pieces, workouts and test. Best stroke rating also depends on what exactly you are looking to accomplish. If you are working on your aerobic base, and engaging in pieces that are 20 min long+, a lower stroke rating (18-22) is more ideal. If you are doing pieces under 20 minutes/longer than 10 min, stroke ratings of 24 to 30 are more common. 26-30 is often used for 6000m/5000m/20 min distances. Stroke ratings of 28 - 30+ are used for 2000M and less. It's not uncommon for lighter and shorter athletes to row on the higher side of all those ranges, as it comes down to differences in distance per stroke. The key to it all is settling on a stroke rating for a given piece, workout, test which maximizes YOUR efficiency. I would say the 26 to 32 you are rowing will work in MOST rowing situations. But don't hesitate to experiment with spm under 26 for longer pieces and higher than 32 for shorter pieces. Thanks for the question and thanks for watching the video. More rowing content coming soon. Onward. - Luke