This is my favorite handbag since I received it. I was waiting for the regular black shopper to drop but I got this email instead. Talk about somebody first in line, I have always wanted a good denim bag. Telfar in my opinion hit the nail on the head with this one. Great everyday carry, no wear yet.
I have been thinking about getting a Telfar bag. But they seem to be difficult to get. I keep hearing about some drop they do and how fast they sell out would like a small one.....maybe one day. Congrats of scoring this....enjoy. Happy New Year !!!!!
@@ladyb7588 I’m so glad the holidays are over, lol. Holidays always make me sad since I lost my daddy in the month of December right at Christmas time. Happy New Year beautiful ❤️
This is my favorite handbag since I received it. I was waiting for the regular black shopper to drop but I got this email instead. Talk about somebody first in line, I have always wanted a good denim bag. Telfar in my opinion hit the nail on the head with this one. Great everyday carry, no wear yet.
I agree and I want the black denim one. They did have a one day drop last week but I missed it 😩
Loved this video
Thank you
I have been thinking about getting a Telfar bag. But they seem to be difficult to get. I keep hearing about some drop they do and how fast they sell out would like a small one.....maybe one day. Congrats of scoring this....enjoy. Happy New Year !!!!!
Hey there lady! Yes they are hard to score but if you sign up for the emails you can get one fairly easily.
@@ramonalayne oh ok thank you. I will do that. How have you been ? Did you have a nice Christmas and New Year ?
@@ladyb7588 I’m so glad the holidays are over, lol. Holidays always make me sad since I lost my daddy in the month of December right at Christmas time. Happy New Year beautiful ❤️
@@ramonalayne I understand that. Holidays are a difficult time without our loved sorry for your loss xoxo
Love the video. I missed the the denim drop