Who Are the Nephilim in Genesis 6?

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ค. 2019
  • Genesis 6:4 reads: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."
    This is an incredibly confusing passage. We know almost nothing about the Nephilim. Who were these people, and why are they important to the surrounding narrative in Genesis?
    Professor Gary Schnittjer explains.
    WATCH THE ENTIRE SERIES ON MASTERLECTURES: masterlectures.zondervanacade...

ความคิดเห็น • 742

  • @sutherngirrl7590
    @sutherngirrl7590 3 ปีที่แล้ว +79

    I came here to learn and the majority of the comments have people bickering about who's right and who is wrong. I don't know who is right (hence why I'm here) but no one will learn anything being taught by people who just want to be right. Just an observation. Love and Light- God bless

    • @janmed1592
      @janmed1592 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I AM with you,, the real think we should fight is LOVE.

    • @janmed1592
      @janmed1592 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @wepsz wish one?

    • @AFFL1CTED1
      @AFFL1CTED1 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Check out InspiringPhilosophy's video, I think he makes the most logical sense.

    • @patrickedgington5827
      @patrickedgington5827 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      If I might suggest suthergirrl the reason for the comments is discourse....you are required to be decerning. Scripture says if anyone lacks wisdom let them ask for it from God but to do so with faith.....you are not going to find it here in the comments.

    • @Johnnypensful
      @Johnnypensful 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      read....think,read again.....n again....more thinking,this takes years....this one chapter will take you places you have never been before ....learn something else that you can make money with.....at the end of this story is that there's not enough information given to come to a true conclusion ...you'll meet many who say they figured it out but ''no they didn't''....impossible.....and the book of Enoch has too many inadequacies....and no it wasn't written before the flood n no way did Enoch write it,that's a proven fact.....even though JUDE kind of quotes him...some hand me down stories that got bigger and bigger,some were true,but the book of Enoch went too far off course,way too far........if you continue you'll go,...on n on ....all ur going to get is more ''bickering''.....i studied, I wrote,i listened...i looked ,asked many questions....and i met by the end .... a real live '' idiot"...with the last theory,"WOW,HOLY Sh!T---than i quite..i opend my eyes and i see said the blind man...i almost corrected him but i didn't...lol..i'm at peace because,that was the last one.... OMG-bad,n many ppl follow him for it...(he very RICH),.....sheep being lead to the slaughter.... ALL THE SAME.....great story.....no conclusion.........................................they'll always only be another question.......i studied with some of the best.....some confused writers.....i was young n now i'm up there,as u can see i stopped here to try to answered your question,maybe.......lol.......Genesis 6=many books n stories....... a wonderful fantastic bible story.....GREAT....just please don't believe anyone who say the got the answer....keep returning back to the book of numbers 13....WHO WERE THEY?????THAT WILL BE THE BIGGEST ????....10 OUT 0F 12 CAME BACK WITH A FALSE REPORT.....so dam cool.......the only answer is just what the 2 said out of the 12....with god lies the answer, only with him .......we can go in.....they the two spies ...Joshua n Caleb...needed no answer only to believe....from a false no true report............i took a little time out 4 u....smh,idk---lol....enjoy the ride if you're young....if ur young n smart put your energy into something where it counts....and trust GOD like the two spies did....

  • @davidlarondelle2326
    @davidlarondelle2326 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I like your cautious approach. There is so little information in the Bible about the Nephilim that its not responsible to build a theology on it, without going to book of Jasper and Enoch, etc. Let's not grow tired of the Bible by making a big deal of what God has not. Conversely, if there can be something gained, let it be on rock solid ground

    • @thefitman2626
      @thefitman2626 ปีที่แล้ว

      Well said David…here is Genesis 6:4 rightly divided

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 ปีที่แล้ว

      David, a reading of Jude, verses 6 and 7 and II Peter 2:4, clearly indicate angels left their heavenly estate and began fornicating with earthly women. I think this is clear evidence of what was happening in Gen 6. Just my opinion of course.

  • @johnguttink
    @johnguttink 4 ปีที่แล้ว +92

    @0:29 The fallen ones are NOT the Nephilim. The Nephilim are the offspring of the fallen ones.

    • @TodaysDante
      @TodaysDante 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      The word "Nephilim" means the fallen.

    • @naldy79
      @naldy79 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @ Jay - you have no clue what you are talking about!
      Nephilim - means “at the begining”In Albanian.
      Go google and study a bit

    • @johnguttink
      @johnguttink 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      naldy79 Jay Cee is right that means that you’re the one who doesn’t know what you’re talking about.

    • @TodaysDante
      @TodaysDante 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      @@naldy79 - Was the OT and Book of Enoch written in Albanian? The same word could have different definitions in different languages. But I'm sure you know that, oh wise one.

    • @OV_THE_G
      @OV_THE_G 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Demi gods.. research Greek mythology ;)

  • @prettyjohnshill76
    @prettyjohnshill76 4 ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Well that was a waste of time.
    You didn't even answer the question.

  • @joshotey2967
    @joshotey2967 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Seems like a stretch to say a "bad report" meant distorting the facts. It's more likely a "bad report" meant "they are huge, and will kick our asses", whereas a "good report" would be "they are small in numbers and disorganized, they are weak and feable; we can kick their asses for sure."

  • @chicoti3
    @chicoti3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I completely agree. I do think it's pretty explicit that they were giants and maybe that's why they were men of great reputation. But either way it's not important and shouldn't be a cause for debate among the Church. Perhaps a cause for research and investigation, but not debate.

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      the church hides the truth with all this half explanation of whats written & been copied & translated by who ever wanted it to make them great.. basically,. not the truth,at any streatch..religion,is man made,to hide our tru beginnings..chapter 1 sumerian tablets..alien intervention,before man was made..

    • @easttexan2933
      @easttexan2933 ปีที่แล้ว

      as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of man is revealed from heaven. I take this to mean great wickedness and giants. so it possibly bears knowing something about this. stay pure my brother in Christ, his return is just around the corner.

  • @bigred8438
    @bigred8438 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    The giants question is an interesting one. In a conversation l read not long ago between a native person of south east asia, Laos l believe and a western investigator, thecLoasian man described seeing a giant in the forests. It doesn't matter so much what creature was, except to say it looked vaguely human walked on two legs and was a giant. When asked to say how large the creature stood, the investigator was told about 6' tall. So, to lttle people of which most south east asians are, people 6' tall are described as giants. Incidentally, I am not sure if you are appear, but in the 19th century, many enormous skeletons were unearthed from huge burial mounds along the eastern seaboard of the USA. In some cases the skeleton measure of 8' tall. Most skeletons of which there were many, made their way to the smithsonian, where at some point they were destroyed at the behest of the director. This was borne out in a federal court case in 2017, the point of wanton destruction, was to ensure no one made reference to biblical stories having some measure of credence regarding giants.

  • @dalroache
    @dalroache 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Great video brother keep em coming I like to learn about this stuff its interesting

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      don't learn from this guy he has it all fouled up.

  • @cromag8265
    @cromag8265 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Gary Wayne's book " The Genesis 6 Conspiracy" covers this in great detail. He's got a website by the same name and numerous YT Videos.

    • @e.t.watchman5142
      @e.t.watchman5142 ปีที่แล้ว

      These people have to understand the book of enoch and some others like the book of jasher as reference to understand what actually happened

  • @youngknowledgeseeker
    @youngknowledgeseeker 3 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Geez give this guy a break, I’m sure he’s more knowledgeable than probably every single one of us in here about the Bible whether or not he’s right or wrong about this subject. Not to mention this guy was truly humble in how he taught, humbleness probably among the top five things that Christians as a whole all around the world need when it comes to learning about, talking about, and thinking about scripture....especially reading this comment section...
    Anyways I am thankful for this man and that God has given him to us as a humble teacher and brother

  • @jamesbowman7963
    @jamesbowman7963 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Genesis 6:1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, 2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they [were] fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. 3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always strive with man, for that he also [is] flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. 4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare [children] to them, the same [became] mighty men which [were] of old, men of renown. 5 And GOD saw that the wickedness of man [was] great in the earth, and [that] every imagination of the thoughts of his heart [was] only evil continually.
    Job 1:6 Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them.
    Job 2:1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD.
    Job 38:7 When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
    Jude 1:6 And the angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.1 7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.
    1 Corinthians 11:5 But every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with [her] head uncovered dishonoureth her head: for that is even all one as if she were shaven. 6 For if the woman be not covered, let her also be shorn: but if it be a shame for a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered. 7 For a man indeed ought not to cover [his] head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God: but the woman is the glory of the man. 8 For the man is not of the woman; but the woman of the man. 9 Neither was the man created for the woman; but the woman for the man. 10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on [her] head because of the angels.
    Daniel 2:40 And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all [things]: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. 41 And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters' clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 42 And [as] the toes of the feet [were] part of iron, and part of clay, [so] the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 43 And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.17 44 And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, [but] it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever. 45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of the mountain without hands, and that it brake in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver, and the gold;

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

  • @pskemster
    @pskemster 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have a question about the books of Enoch. Because it is not in the Bible should it be discarded as non factual?
    I know that many Dead Sea scrolls have been found to offer more substances to Gods holy word. But with the book of Enoch there seems to be a bit more
    Information concerning the nephilim the 3rd Heaven etc. could you please expand on my question please. Feel free to PM me if you can find the time.
    Thank you for all you do for the work of the kingdom

  • @someonethatisachristian
    @someonethatisachristian 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    king David battles giants with 6 fingers in the bible (2 Samuel 21), they are described as tall as cedar trees so it clearly describe physical offspring of fallen angels.

    • @sherryblatt4459
      @sherryblatt4459 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But wouldnt they have been destroyed in the flood????

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sherryblatt4459 we were saved,world wide,by some of our creators,there were thousands of arks,not 1,that is stupidity to think noah saved the world,that is christian brainwashing. you want the truth,forget the bible it lies. look up sumerian tablets. we were given laws to live by,not religious commandments..religion is man made to control you..

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Time to Believe sorry,you wrong..giants still exist,red haired six fingers & toes,.they are a by product from our making,by our creators,not god. ever wandered why you,human,have speech, & no other ape ever will.?..its called genetic engineering. by the aliens that were mining earth for minerals thousands of yrs, before they made us. finally..to replace the igigi. all knowledge was taught to the sumerians,.after the flood/ice age, by our creators that stayed. ever been to egypt,seen the holes in granite,with 1 line from beginning to end,. we cant replicate that today..not earth technology..this was a world wide invasion..maybe you should study indian vedas,hindu history. not the bible. might make more sense. go to brazil,there heaps of people with six fingers,its a genetic throw back. the american indians slaughtered all the giants in there land,as they were canibalistic,,no food..believe what you want,die ignorant..

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ow. You are mixing so many things up. ONE person in the Bible is called as tall as the cedars, not all the 'giants' David fought.
      ONE of those men had 6 fingers, not all of them.
      NONE of them were giants. At least not category 2 giants as those giants were wiped out by the time Moses had died.

  • @lindam.9282
    @lindam.9282 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    If all these evil Nephilim were here in Genesis and then after the flood, they were here again. Could it be they didn't drown like normal humans? Just ran through my mind while listening... I welcome any input!

    • @ceedee873
      @ceedee873 ปีที่แล้ว

      Apparently there are sources suggesting that the sons of god warned their Nephelim offspring before hand and they managed to escape the flood using a giant hollow tree, sounds more Nordic though if anything.
      I have heard others say that some of them lived underground and could have escaped certain death that way, but it also says that water rose from beneath the ground during the flood so it seems unlikely.
      Others again try to speculate that the great flood wasn't world wide but rather local, which I don't really believe.. it is always important to speculate though! Good luck with your searching.

  • @craigellis555
    @craigellis555 4 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    The Sethite view makes no sense. See Psalm 82, God has a divine council. You must read the The Unseen Realm by Dr. Michael Heiser.

    • @tp6016
      @tp6016 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Sextus Julius Africanus. Before him all Jewish and Christians were in agreement with what Genesis 6 was meaning. Africanus didn't believe that and gave HIS OPINION, which was late picked up by another and it spread. Either all God's word is true, or none of it is. Can't pick and choose. That's why we have so much spread beliefs and conflict. The Church is Jesus bride so we should be unified, not split.

    • @davidclark6694
      @davidclark6694 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      The sethite view was always the original view. The fallen angel myth occurred during their babylonian exile. I don't care what heiser thinks he knows. He's been wrong on many things.

    • @davidclark6694
      @davidclark6694 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Albert Schultz 1. I'm not your bro. 2. No it was not. You want to believe in fairy tales feel free, but it wasn't the original. We have documentation showing what I said to be true. 3. Hebrews tells you god does not call angels sons. 4. You don't speak or know hebrew. I do. I can tell you what the ancient hebrews prior to babylon believed. It's in the language itself. 5. Not here to debate because I know the truth. Stop trolling. Thanks

    • @tp6016
      @tp6016 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@davidclark6694 So trolling requires hunting and harassing. You tagged him in a comment section. This is supposed to be a discussion of equal respect and proof to show why you feel God has shown you it one way over the other.
      Additionally, assuming you know ones educational background, researching, and prayer time with God is far less than yours is putting your pride over the truth seeking. Relax and share your point of view with facts and translations to show what you are saying. That is all. This doesn't need to be hostile cause we believe and trust in what we have researched and prayed over.
      Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas!

    • @davidclark6694
      @davidclark6694 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@tp6016 mind your own business. Thanks

  • @louisaccardi6808
    @louisaccardi6808 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Professor Gary in this short blurb did more to cause confusion, and actually didn't explain anything significant. His translation was loose at best and watered down. It would be difficult for a professor to come right out and hold to any particular interpretation of this theme that is controversial. The problem is clearly that of holding a position in a seminary that has a reputation to uphold. The clearest interpretation of Genesis 6 is the one that is the wildest and weirdest to the natural mind. The wickedness of the world at that point would have been obvious if the offspring of Adams seed mingled with fallen angels who left their original estate (Refer to Jude). The evil nature of fallen beings were corrupt and evil. Their abilities would have been amazing as far as intellectual and human strength. Yes, they would have been men of renown. With supernatural powers of mind to develop technology that would scare people and keep them in line and rule them. People don't want to accept what the scriptures teach on this point because our culture is so conditioned to not accept this view out of hand. Although, currently there has been experiments with genetics and the crossing of different types of genes with other plants and even animals and humans. The military is looking for a super soldier, and if they could give that soldier superior hearing or sight or other advantages by including an animal's particular genes into the human to produce that type of soldier it would be done. (It may already be a guarded secret)This type of thing is scary and would be tampering with the creation that God has made. It is an affront to God. That is what was happening in Genesis 6 and why God had to destroy the world. It was evil to the max because of this evil influx of wicked creatures increasing sin. In the last days we will have a repeat of these types of horrors. Men's hearts will fail them for what will be coming upon the earth in those days.

    • @trayseemitchell7923
      @trayseemitchell7923 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Louis Accardi - well said.

    • @dantommo4797
      @dantommo4797 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Interesting. I know your post is a year old but do you believe we are in end times now?

    • @kinglil546
      @kinglil546 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@dantommo4797 I believe we are. I’ve been digging into so much about this stuff it’s insane

    • @kinglil546
      @kinglil546 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@dantommo4797 most would just think I sound crazy and just disregard what I say cause the truth is so unacceptable for some reason. I guess they were programmed that way 🤷🏽‍♂️

    • @dantommo4797
      @dantommo4797 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@kinglil546 There is a saying: truth is stranger than fiction

  • @jackc70
    @jackc70 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Looking fir answers. You put effort forward but leave to many questions and options.

  • @BenHaMiqra
    @BenHaMiqra 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    What did Job know that we didn't? Job 4:18. He charged His angels with FOLLY. What is this referring to? Selah.

    • @jasminehubbard9072
      @jasminehubbard9072 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

  • @wolfbyteblair3672
    @wolfbyteblair3672 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was told at church that nephilims where killed off by the great flood. Is that true. Is it possible that they could still be around.

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      nope,the church lies its ass off,so does the pope., go to afganistan,ask them. they still exist,,if the giants were killed off,so would we of been..you need to study sumerian tablets,& stop going to that lieing church of yours..all religions are man made to hide the real truth..of where we came from. all the church does is take your money & lie to you..&,ill bet,most of these pastors actually believe what there saying,as its drummed into them..

  • @xanderpoo8417
    @xanderpoo8417 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    All this confusion could've derived from the epic of Gilgamesh where he is described as a giant who is part human and part god. Gilgamesh is also considered the first hero and he is said to have been a King. Maybe people got all this confused and decided that the nephilim must have been giants that were a product of angels and humans interbreeding. This is all just random ideas in my head that I jumbled together into a baseless theory

    • @ClickClickCSS
      @ClickClickCSS 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      not even close cause the Bible doesnt even mention Gilgamesh

  • @jeffchapman1632
    @jeffchapman1632 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think the old testament is clear that these mighty men were the giants. If the Septuagint says gigantis or whatever it is. Then that's what the Hebrew scholars of old perceived it as when they translated the Hebrew Bible into the Greek when Alexander the Great conquered the world. I think it's fairly simple and there's no need to overthink it.
    Genesis 6:4
    There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
    There was a time when this happened when angels in human form -- (which is biblical), were enticed to marry women. And they bore the giants. And when it wasn't going on these giants also had sons that were giants too, so also there after that. It's in the old testament were Anak had sons and they were referred to a tribe called the Anakim. Goliath was one of the Anakim. Interpret it however you want. But I think the Hebrew Bible clearly says angels appeared in human form and some of them were apparently enticed to marry and copulate with the daughters of men. It's not a bizarre and false teaching. The apostles seem to have believe this as well because of some of the things they wrote in their epistles, including the apostle Paul. In 1 Corinthians chapter 11 he talks about women in the church covering their heads because of the angels. That maybe this kind of thing could happen. I have personally experienced some weird stuff at church before.

  • @rodneyjohnson7327
    @rodneyjohnson7327 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Which bible perversion or version are you using. I've never seen it written like that before.

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      SAME.. I wondered that exact thing myself.

  • @Michael26507
    @Michael26507 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you for your information.
    Interesting 🙂

  • @zephan1q847
    @zephan1q847 ปีที่แล้ว

    1:30 One possible take:
    The 'bad report' was bad, not because the 10 were telling untruths about the giants living in the land, but bad because they believed they would be unable to conquer them (despite God being on their side).
    Caleb doesn't dispute the detail about the large powerful inhabitants.

  • @Cb88x
    @Cb88x 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sons of God are referring to the bloodline of Adam through Seth. Correct. Daughters of men is not necessarily Cain's line as there were other humans in earth already. Cain just happened to be banished from the son of God bloodline. And wound up having to mix with the daughter's of men.

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wrong and I'll prove it using the Sethite view.
      1 Corinthians 7:14
      For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband; otherwise your children would be unclean, but now they are holy.
      So that idea went out the window fast. There are nearly 100 places in the Bible that support that the Genesis 6 sons of God are angels and not human.

  • @lindapowell8217
    @lindapowell8217 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I read where a Giant was referred to as a Bully not exactly a big or tall man.

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      nephilim = giant, and is why the words are interchangeable and used as such in different versions of the bible. Cheers!

  • @electrictofumuffins6384
    @electrictofumuffins6384 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Could it be organic portals and source souled people of earth?

  • @getx1265
    @getx1265 4 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I'll stick with Dr Michael Heiser's clear and definitive explanation for Gen 6 clarification.

    • @cromag8265
      @cromag8265 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes, he is a Semitic language scholar that can interpret the text in it's original context.

    • @joshuamichael4312
      @joshuamichael4312 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      All one has to do is read the book of Enoch and all of the missing pieces fit right into place.

    • @Stoneington
      @Stoneington 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Look to Chuck Missler’s explanation of this passage.

    • @michellejohnsen912
      @michellejohnsen912 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@joshuamichael4312 the book of Enoch is gnostic and contradicts the Bible.

    • @joshuamichael4312
      @joshuamichael4312 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@michellejohnsen912 no, it's not Gnostic. It fills in a gap in the biblical narrative, most notably down the path of Genesis 6.

  • @trayseemitchell7923
    @trayseemitchell7923 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Jesus, often called "son of Man" was from the line of Seth who was the offspring of Adam and Eve (original dna). The Nephilim, called "sons of God" were of the line of Cain, were hybrids, offspring of the serpent (fallen angel) and Eve.

    • @alonzoright8941
      @alonzoright8941 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Eve was not serpentine seed! Son of God is (Bene ha Elohim) the same word that it used for Angels !

    • @trayseemitchell7923
      @trayseemitchell7923 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@alonzoright8941 correct. Eve was the creation of the Most High God. Cain may have been the offspring of Eve and the Serpent (fallen angel).

    • @silentlurker1324
      @silentlurker1324 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      What an ignorant in the Bible! Sons of God are angels/watchers. Job 1:6 is the proof that it was the ANGELS who corrupted the world in the days of NOAH.

    • @Ironsharpensiron89
      @Ironsharpensiron89 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Traysee Mitchell no Cain could not have been the offspring of Satan. “Now Adam knew Eve his wife, and she conceived and bore Cain, and said, “I have acquired a man from the LORD.””
      ‭‭Genesis‬ ‭4:1‬ ‭NKJV‬

    • @trayseemitchell7923
      @trayseemitchell7923 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Ironsharpensiron89 Good point. But then what offspring was God referring to when speaking to the serpent in Genesis 3:1 - "And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel."?

  • @raymondjarramillo3301
    @raymondjarramillo3301 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    Im too high right now to be hearing this crazy shit

    • @k1k1b34r
      @k1k1b34r 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @jaymorales1999
      @jaymorales1999 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@k1k1b34rYou will trip out even more once you figure out that these are True Facts and that it was once or still is real!!! Get ready for the Nephilim or modern day name UFOS OR ALIENS to present themselves before our very eyes!!

    • @jaymorales1999
      @jaymorales1999 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Jesus christ has risen and is alive today God is great

    • @thecrucible2353
      @thecrucible2353 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Pretty sure the Nephilim were the "demigods" we know today as hurcules and so on. Demigods being half human half angelic beings.

    • @tiffanyrose3
      @tiffanyrose3 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thecrucible2353 "mighty men of renown"?

  • @michaelturpin145
    @michaelturpin145 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How were they soooo renowned then if they were offspring of Seth. All flesh was corrupted not just human flesh. Remnants of the giant Nephilim existed after flood, hence Goliath and his four brothers, the very reason David brought five stones. I've heard it said Benehaelohim and Benothadam. Pardon my spelling.

  • @sloth1992
    @sloth1992 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    You didn’t answer the question you just circled it a few times.

    • @JMARTIN1947
      @JMARTIN1947 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      That dog chased his tail.

    • @cromag8265
      @cromag8265 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The plan is to divert from the truth and muddy the waters.

  • @albertbalendran5513
    @albertbalendran5513 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You should watch Chuck Missler, your understanding of Nephilim is skewed. When you have pls correct your errors.

    • @patrickstar7428
      @patrickstar7428 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Welp it's all in old ass book, so unless you can find some proof that he's wrong then you best respect his view

    • @rilianriggs4620
      @rilianriggs4620 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Chuck Missler was a false prophet with a fertile imagination

    • @albertbalendran5513
      @albertbalendran5513 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rilianriggs4620 Let Jesus be the judge of...oh yeah he has the final say unless you claim to be Jesus!

  • @Theevangelist7
    @Theevangelist7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The term that need to be focused on to make it come together is: Sons of God which in Hebrew Ben ne Elohim which means sons of God which always refer to the angels never to humans. So these sons of God are angels and chose to fall from their form to corrupt the human genome, genetics DNA

  • @elelbatel7140
    @elelbatel7140 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    In shortcut the nephilims are angels married the daughters of human and they are the heroes of old mentioned the europian Caucasian they are half angels.

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

    • @elelbatel7140
      @elelbatel7140 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pililani_blessings Christianity is occult came from greek and Rome the Greek Chris is Greek
      The fake messiah
      The real messiah is hebrew

  • @dsm5d723
    @dsm5d723 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You are the one to ask. In Enoch, Azazel was chief among the fallen angels, for giving the secrets of metal to the children they had, causing them to "make sacrifices to demons instead of GodS." This plural bothers me, as does the phrase Bene Elohim. We have a problem. Blaming Azazel for all sin upon the Earth smells of a convenient way of NOT answering the favor of god in an ambivalent choice. The Spies of Israel killed the Bene Elohim of Canaan, presumably to assert the might of Yahweh over Baal.
    Is it not curious how Enoch is ignorant of the Evil in the hearts of men, when he asks the Arch Angels who accompany him about the nature of the places "where no flesh walks"? And how the Fallen bind each other in a pact, to distribute the blame of their deeds, known to them to oppose the Natural order? There is a genetic and evolutionary function to a priestly caste, and I think this is it. To disseminate the use of technologies that could end human civilization on Earth. Woops.
    Here is my linguistic question. The secrets men have been striving to learn, the ones Azazel and his like taught through defiling themselves with women and having the Nephilim as children, is this the same word in the original text of Genesis? The Striving I mean. Only used once to my understanding, not counting its possible use in Enoch. Thanks for your time.

  • @thejumpingarmadillo
    @thejumpingarmadillo 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    0:17 - someone has obviously fiddled with the audio... “the sons of God GOT OFF”

    • @ken440
      @ken440 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ha ha. But they will not get off in the big plan. Jude tells us what happened to them, and Psalm 82 tells us about the later Deut 32 bunch who go bad after the Babel episode.

  • @bug______
    @bug______ 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Everyone seems to ignore the fact that people were incredibly short back then
    Anyone over 5'10 was probably considered a giant lmao

    • @Avatar7x7
      @Avatar7x7 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Where's your scientific proof for that statement ? According to scripture people were way more robust and lived 10 times longer than we do today.. Biblical logic goes from the point of the fall of man we have been on a steady decline..Remember David killed a lion and a bear not to mention Sampson who killed mighty creatures with his bare hands... some feat for a midget !!! 😜

    • @bryantgil2204
      @bryantgil2204 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Nordics and Saxon’s were pretty tall ranging from 5’9 - 6’4 and this was around 400 A.D to 1100 A.D

    • @bug______
      @bug______ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Avatar7x7 implying that anything in the Bible before Ezra actually happened and isn't just oral tradition and folklore

    • @bug______
      @bug______ 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bryantgil2204 that's probably who the nephilim were for all we know

    • @Avatar7x7
      @Avatar7x7 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@bug______ Evidence my friend Evidence..one thing we know today is human stature and development is tied to nutrition.. I think the soil, the plants, water, air everything was more nutrient dense also the Bible includes measurements for lots of giants mentioned in scripture

  • @brotherstefanmcp4048
    @brotherstefanmcp4048 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    And we wonder why the church is confused. Our teachers and learned ones perpetuate confusion

  • @Ryan-jl5kf
    @Ryan-jl5kf ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Interesting stuff

  • @apollossevere8602
    @apollossevere8602 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Hey, this guy is my professor lol

    • @tiarnan76
      @tiarnan76 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      any nice birds in your class?

    • @Robbievanstaden
      @Robbievanstaden 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Apollos, He deceived you

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      no wonder so many are falling for this false teaching if this is the kind of garbage being taught!
      Lets look at the passage he is speaking of Gen 6:4 from the Strongs Concordance
      There were giants H5303 in the earth H776 in those days; H3117 and also after H310 that, H3651 when H834 the sons H1121 of God H430 came in H935 unto the daughters H1323 of men, H120 and they bare H3205 children to them, the same H1992 became mighty men H1368 which were of old, H5769 men H582 of renown. H8034
      nephilim means giant, they are one in the same Strongs concordance makes it clear 5303 nphiyl nef-eel' or nphil {nef-eel'}; from 5307; properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:--giant..
      Old Testament (Hebrew) for "giant"
      H1368 גִּבּוֹר gibôr (giant) mighty, mighty man, strong, valiant, .... ones, mighties, man, valiant men, strong man, upright man , champion, chief, excel, giant, men's, mightiest, strongest
      When you look at the definition of giant we see why they were called 'mighty men, men of 'renown'.
      This is why in some versions of the Bible it says 'GIANT' and others it says 'Nephilim' the two words are interchangeable. (Non if it has anything to do with 'fallen angels' in fact angels, fallen or otherwise are never even mentioned until Genesis 3:24 when it says cherubim) It's all a deceptive teaching. This is why these people pushing the Enoch nonsense NEVER tell you the definitions of the words or even acknowledge that giant and nephilim are one in the same. This is partly why Enoch book is NOT in the bible. It is a FALSE teaching written long after the bible. The Hebrew Book of Enoch, The Book of the Palaces, The Book of Rabbi Ishmael, and The Revelation of Metatron, was written in Hebrew. It is dated to the 5th century CE, though it claims to be the work of Rabbi Ishmael of the 2nd century. When you look at who this Rabbi is, it all comes clear why it is NOT of God. Modern scholars describe this book as pseudepigraphal (Pseudepigrapha are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past), as it says it is written by "Rabbi Ishmael" who became a "high priest" after visions of ascension to Heaven. This has been taken as referring to Rabbi Ishmael, a 3rd generation Tanna (Tanna, meaning Jewish scholars who, over a period of some 200 years, compiled oral traditions related to religious law) and a leading figure of MERKABAH MYSTICISM.(which is Kabbala)

  • @phedrob3735
    @phedrob3735 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Could "The fallen ones" mean " Those who have landed".

    • @RogerThat1945
      @RogerThat1945 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      And the Angels kinda had jetpackx; and the UFO had a medic room for JC after the Crucifixion, to fix him up. Not to mention the LED blinding lights for leftist Luddite-chimps trying to throw progress off course.

  • @tracyclark3634
    @tracyclark3634 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You're incorrect sir...
    It's not a bad report in the sense of there realness....but the truth is these scouts were scared,,,,,didn't believe they could be defeated even with Gods help.....

  • @IslandTimes.
    @IslandTimes. หลายเดือนก่อน

    Missing a lot without reading the Book of Enoch

  • @jt2727
    @jt2727 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The Fallen ones were the Nephilims who did not keep their place. The Sons of God in Genesis is pointing to the angels in 6/1 you can find this reference also in the book of Job 1/6 it clearly states who the sons of God are and satan was among them. this takes place in heaven because God asks Satan from were have you come. Satan replies from going to and fro on the earth and walking down in it. this is not debatable so do not try and create a debate. Job to states it again 2/1 Again there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and the Lord said to Satan from where have you come? Satan answered the Lord and said from going to and fro on the earth and from walking up and down on it. clearly this does not take place on earth and the sons of God came to present themselves in heaven.

  • @fsketchies2rdawow833
    @fsketchies2rdawow833 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thx I wanted to know I was reading

    • @phantomwalker8251
      @phantomwalker8251 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      your reading lies..the church hides the truth to keep you inline..

  • @BibleTumper
    @BibleTumper 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The Nephilim weren't just giants in size.

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      in fact nephilim means giant... do any of you people actually research things for yourself and not just take mans word it!!??
      Lets look at the passage he is speaking of Gen 6:4 from the Strongs Concordance
      There were giants H5303 in the earth H776 in those days; H3117 and also after H310 that, H3651 when H834 the sons H1121 of God H430 came in H935 unto the daughters H1323 of men, H120 and they bare H3205 children to them, the same H1992 became mighty men H1368 which were of old, H5769 men H582 of renown. H8034
      nephilim means giant, they are one in the same Strongs concordance makes it clear 5303 nphiyl nef-eel' or nphil {nef-eel'}; from 5307; properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:--giant..
      Old Testament (Hebrew) for "giant"
      H1368 גִּבּוֹר gibôr (giant) mighty, mighty man, strong, valiant, .... ones, mighties, man, valiant men, strong man, upright man , champion, chief, excel, giant, men's, mightiest, strongest
      When you look at the definition of giant we see why they were called 'mighty men, men of 'renown'.
      This is why in some versions of the Bible it says 'GIANT' and others it says 'Nephilim' the two words are interchangeable. (Non if it has anything to do with 'fallen angels' in fact angels, fallen or otherwise are never even mentioned until Genesis 3:24 when it says cherubim) It's all a deceptive teaching. This is why these people pushing the Enoch nonsense NEVER tell you the definitions of the words or even acknowledge that giant and nephilim are one in the same. This is partly why Enoch book is NOT in the bible. It is a FALSE teaching written long after the bible. The Hebrew Book of Enoch, The Book of the Palaces, The Book of Rabbi Ishmael, and The Revelation of Metatron, was written in Hebrew. It is dated to the 5th century CE, though it claims to be the work of Rabbi Ishmael of the 2nd century. When you look at who this Rabbi is, it all comes clear why it is NOT of God. Modern scholars describe this book as pseudepigraphal (Pseudepigrapha are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past), as it says it is written by "Rabbi Ishmael" who became a "high priest" after visions of ascension to Heaven. This has been taken as referring to Rabbi Ishmael, a 3rd generation Tanna (Tanna, meaning Jewish scholars who, over a period of some 200 years, compiled oral traditions related to religious law) and a leading figure of MERKABAH MYSTICISM.(which is Kabbala)

  • @lindarose4652
    @lindarose4652 ปีที่แล้ว

    Those who have watched this video may be interested in my videos about the DNA haplogroups that have changed through our human story. th-cam.com/play/PLHsTD1l811Wd53DiLT8BP_GVrK9P2M-Qm.html

  • @jamescouillard7352
    @jamescouillard7352 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    The offspring of the fallen angels are giants

    • @YaDangHippies
      @YaDangHippies 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe That’s all he really had to say tbh haha

    • @jamellfoster6029
      @jamellfoster6029 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @Dewey_Boondye420
      @Dewey_Boondye420 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      are you a giant?

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

  • @terryvanbocquestal1142
    @terryvanbocquestal1142 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Sorry, but you lost me with your explanation.

  • @urasam2
    @urasam2 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Next, please explain how Jor-el was able to converse with Superman in the Fortress Of Solitude.

  • @daveebert1925
    @daveebert1925 ปีที่แล้ว

    'Gigantes' from the LXX translates, "Earth Born" not Giants...

  • @maxmcgraw3571
    @maxmcgraw3571 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's interesting to hear you speak as though you are the knowledgeable one on this issue.
    You are not!
    And of course, as expected, You literally side step from the entire question by going into everyone was evil and everyone must die.
    You can read it however you want and lead people's thoughts in the way you want them to think, but you are missing the most important line:
    Vs. 6: ( The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward )....when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them.
    Read what is in the quotes.
    The Nephilim were already there....'''''BEFORE'''''....the sons of God...and AFTERWARD.
    So how could they be the offspring if they were there 'BEFORE' the sons of God.
    Don't side step In order to sound intelligent.
    Trickery of God's word just does not hold water.

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      How could they be the offspring? Easy. The Bible says they are. You, like most people skip the part where it says a key word: When. They were on the earth in the days of it populating, and after it populated, WHEN the sons of God came in to the daughters of men.

    • @angeliquestamatiou2503
      @angeliquestamatiou2503 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The text is clear that the Nephillim were the offspring of the fallen angels. Please read it again

  • @sallyportillo2755
    @sallyportillo2755 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    So where were the women that mated with Cain and Seth, were they dauhters of Adam and Eve or there's another tribe of humans outside the Paradise?

  • @davidcarothers3311
    @davidcarothers3311 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I shall Reveal All in My due time.
    When the Lord has ordained.
    Until that hour Mystery shall Cloud the Reality....

  • @charlesnoble8256
    @charlesnoble8256 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    i know that there are many ways to look at it as far as mistranslation many denominations could it have been mistranslated the word giant i mean i believe angel wings to be metaphorical

  • @MissGodsChild
    @MissGodsChild 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Tomatoes tomatoes. The fallen ones are Fallen Angels and their offspring the "gods." In the OT the "sons of God" are ALWAYS FALLEN ANGELS! THERE IS NO DEBATE! 🤷‍♀️

  • @majordendrocopos
    @majordendrocopos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    A nice man trying his best to explain what the Bible means. Unfortunately the book is so confusing and contradictory and open to wildly differing interpretations, as he himself points out.Not to mention the fact that the early chapters are not a good description of the Earth’s development or history.

    • @carlosdelarosa2926
      @carlosdelarosa2926 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok and spontaneous generation makes sense?

    • @majordendrocopos
      @majordendrocopos 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@carlosdelarosa2926 The origin of the universe is not well understood as yet.
      However we do know that the ancient history of the world as described in the Bible is not to be relied on. It was not created within a week, the animal and plant life on Earth were not created fully formed and there never was a world wide Flood. No skeletons of human giants have ever been found.

  • @rdbowles4285
    @rdbowles4285 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The book of Enoch is not a book in the Bible. Nephilim are just men of renown. But only men not fallen angels.

  • @robinpresleywoodward
    @robinpresleywoodward ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You need to review the meaning of gigantus🐨

  • @arthurbradford
    @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    WOW! Completely false. A sloppy research into Nephilim.

    • @arthurbradford
      @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @WhyMe Lord Are you saying if you make a video that everything on it is true? Or are you saying that people can't object to your information without having a video? Maybe you're just saying that ALL REAL RESEARCHERS will have a video?

    • @arthurbradford
      @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @WhyMe Lord Why did you ask to see my video?

    • @arthurbradford
      @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @WhyMe Lord Do you presume that I don't have a video?

    • @arthurbradford
      @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @WhyMe Lord Why does it have to be MY video?

    • @arthurbradford
      @arthurbradford 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @WhyMe Lord These are questions. You should ask questions!

  • @digidalethenagatuhoefromra8047
    @digidalethenagatuhoefromra8047 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    As modern development in scientific fields of knowledge grows ever larger, the bible becomes an incomplete fragmentation of an alien encounter. So how would an author explain an iPhone to his readers if he lived 100 years ago ? Or add on another 2000 years and even Academics becomes a fledgling of theoretical history.

  • @tracyclark3634
    @tracyclark3634 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This guy here had absolutely zero information....
    Nom at all

  • @-Princesse-
    @-Princesse- 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Genesis 3:15
    "And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."
    NOTE: between THY SEED and her seed. Who's seed? the seed of men made in the image of God and the seed of the serpent made in the likeness of him and his. The root word of the Nephilim in Hebrew (Nephal) means the fallen ones, to be cast down or away. In the Septuagint the word for nephilim was "gigantes." It was then transliterated into giants - now, they did happen to be giants, but that is not what the word means. The word gigantes means "earth-born."
    Also, anytime "the sons of God" is used as "bene ha elohim" it refers to the angels.
    Please see LA Marzulli and Chuck Missler for more resources.

  • @kayakeraltamaha5720
    @kayakeraltamaha5720 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Wrong translation to begin with: NIV.

    • @kayakeraltamaha5720
      @kayakeraltamaha5720 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MichaelWilliams-hs5sk Indeed... He's using the NIV. Tough enough with a veiled KJV/OT: (2Cor 3:KJV)
      12. Seeing then that we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech:
      13. And not as Moses, which put a vail over his face, that the children of Israel could not stedfastly look to the end of that which is abolished:
      14. But their minds were blinded: for until this day remaineth the same vail untaken away in the reading of the old testament; which vail is done away in Christ.
      15. But even unto this day, when Moses is read, the vail is upon their heart.
      16. Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the vail shall be taken away.

    • @kingijjackson1080
      @kingijjackson1080 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Michael Williams esv, nasb, nkjv is okay. there is really nothing wrong with others. but the ones that we should mostly stick to is those

  • @leefrancis4565
    @leefrancis4565 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Many people don't know that Hitler's father was a Pastor, and l believe that he himself had a interest in God also. Hitler also believed after this life is over you will go back to wherever your from. In all the photographs you see Jesus he has light brown hair, and Blue eyes the Bible says he came from Heaven, and after he died he went back to Heaven.

  • @formernifb6864
    @formernifb6864 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The sons of God are not angels and I can prove that objectively if you'd like too see why see Hebrews 1:4-5 also we must interpret sons of God with 1 John 1:12 and other verses in mind

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Okay, I'll take that challenge. How many places in the Bible can you find to support the idea of the sons of God from Genesis are human?
      And I will go against that with many verses supporting the truth that they were angels.

  • @JoshuaCEdwardsMusic
    @JoshuaCEdwardsMusic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Nephilim cannot mean fallen ones! If anybody is actually interested in being true to the text see Michael Heiser’s teaching.

  • @TeStOs78
    @TeStOs78 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Is there a part 2 where you answer the question??
    But let me say this... Angel is not mentioned once in those verses, a matter a fact, in the entire chapter you can't find one mention of angels. But you know what you do find, God speaking about man. Why is that?? Genesis 6:3 (KJV)
    "3 And the Lord said, MY SPIRIT shall not always strive WITH MAN, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years."
    If the context is based upon angels marrying women, why does God say this? Why he didn't say my Spirit shall not always dwell with fallen angels?? If people would only read the bible and think critically. God breathe his Spirit into man and he became a living soul. Just as angels were created sons of God, Adam was created a son of God and thus, his son sons who are led by the Spirit of God would also be called the sons of God. Romans 8:14 (KJV)
    "14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."
    The bible tells us that the lineage of Seth called upon the name of God which showed they worshiped Him, so they were led by His Spirit - Gen 4:26. And in Gen 6:3, God says his Spirit shall not always dwell with men, which tells us that these sons were being led by his Spirit before the intermingling.
    This tells us that there was the lineage of Seth who worshiped God, and were led by the Spirit of God and there were daughters of ungodly men upon the face of the earth as it was populating. It is a case of unequally yoke with unbelievers. Men of God going after the beauty and the flesh, and that is why God said in verse 3 that His Spirit shall not always strive with man for he is yet flesh. How many times in the bible we have seen accounts of godly men intermingling and marrying daughters of ungodly men who turn their hearts from God and bear children who become heathens as well??
    Not only that, but verse 4 tells us that even before the relationship took place between the two parties, there were giants. Read it
    Gen 6:
    "4 There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown."
    The sons of God is the lineage of Seth that God appointed as the replacement of Abel, whose lineage was suppose to be his worshipers.
    Genesis 3:15 (KJV)
    15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. From since sin entered, God has appointed a separation between his seed (sons) and that of the world (Satan).

    • @ken440
      @ken440 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Angel is not mentioned because they were not acting in a messenger capacity, which is what Angel means, a messenger. Any spiritual being bringing a message is an Angel. Study the work of Mike Heiser.

    • @TeStOs78
      @TeStOs78 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@ken440 So why did God say His Spirit shall not always strive with man for he is yet flesh?? (Gen 6:3) Why it didn't say angels instead for unless they were incarnated in the flesh like Christ, they weren't humans and thus God wouldn't have referenced them as man. If God knew these were angels committing the act, why he didn't say penalty was for them and not man? Even more than that, if God's Spirit was dwelling with men, it means they were his sons (John 4:24). There was a son of Adam after Abel, whose name was Seth, his lineage worshipped God and it is within his lineage that Christ came. Now, how angels would get into this context if Adam was a son of God and those of his lineage who worshipped God were also sons of God??
      But tell me this, what would have been wrong with the act on the part of these angels since they married the women and instead of fornicating with them?? Who instituted marriage? Where is there mention of angels who can manifest themselves as humans on the level of producing sperm to procreate with women??
      You ever heard about unequally yoke? It began from since the fall of man and that is why Abraham, Isaac and Jacob took wives of their own people. In Gen, God said that there would be His seed and there would be devil's seed. Is not the same thing God told the Israelites and it's not the same thing the apostle Paul tells the Christians?
      What happened when Samson turned to the flesh of the daughter of the heathens? What happened when king Ahab and Solomon?? Why does vs4 of Gen 6 say there were already giants before the intermingling if you base the result of the offspring on angels crossing with women?? So how could giants exist before it happened?? An ungodly wife can turn a godly man's heart away from God to the point where God's Spirit can no longer dwell with him and this can go into a generations of ungodly children. That is what the world and the generations came to, ungodliness and wickedness, men and women who hated God and did evil in his sight, save Noah and his family, who are of the lineage of Seth & lived righteous before God in his generation.

    • @jinkzy23
      @jinkzy23 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Why does it say sons of god singed for joy when the saw the lord create earth adam wasent around yet

    • @TeStOs78
      @TeStOs78 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@jinkzy23 Just don't talk, put the verse there you're referring to since you only recognize angels as the sons of God. It would make sense to at least see that God created angels and he created Adam, who are all his sons. But put the verse in Gen 6 which tells you that the sons of God were angels and not descendants of Adam??

    • @jinkzy23
      @jinkzy23 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @creaturesintheclouds5141
    @creaturesintheclouds5141 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i believe i am catching them in pics... and it will freak you out if you do.

    • @MyLifeInVideos
      @MyLifeInVideos 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Can I see?? Joshcariola@gmail.com that's my email send pic please. And thank you

    • @Discerning-es6ix
      @Discerning-es6ix 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MyLifeInVideos Did You Get The Pix ???

    • @MyLifeInVideos
      @MyLifeInVideos 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Discerning-es6ix nope

  • @dantommo4797
    @dantommo4797 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Do you guys believe we are in end times?

  • @rumplestiltskin5036
    @rumplestiltskin5036 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have a hard time understanding of this subject can be SO misunderstood. If one follows the story line, it is one about the fight between good and evil within mankind. The "sons of God" are those that continued to believe in God and follow Him. Daughters of men are those who rebelled and became idolaters. Cain's line.
    Angels are no where close to being mentioned until the 18 chapter. More importantly, Angels are a creation. THEY ARE NOT SONS!

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Angels are spirits. God is the father of spirits.
      Humanity in the Old Testament is called son/s of man/men. Never sons of God.
      1 Corinthians alone throws out the idea that the sons of God in Genesis are human.
      There are also nearly 100 places in the Bible that support the fact that the sons of God in Genesis are angels and cannot possibly be human.

    • @rumplestiltskin5036
      @rumplestiltskin5036 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tonyf4991 You couldn't be more mistaken. Angels are NOT sons. They are created being. Those that believed believed in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (in the Old Testament), and those of us that have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior are sons.
      You are NOT following the story line.

    • @rumplestiltskin5036
      @rumplestiltskin5036 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@tonyf4991 1Corinthian 6:3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
      If the angels were the sons, how - on earth - could we judge them?

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rumplestiltskin5036 are not angels spirits?
      Hebrews 12:9
      Furthermore, we have had human fathers who corrected us, and we paid them respect. Shall we not much more readily be in subjection to the father of spirits and live?
      Hebrews 1:14
      Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@rumplestiltskin5036 and if angels are spirits and God is the Father of spirits, then God is the Father of angels.
      Yes, God created them, hence why they are their sons. Adam who was a human created by God from dust is called God's son in the New Testament, and again he was created not born. So if Adam can be a son of God because God created him, how are angels not sons of God because he created them as well?

  • @Luna-cf3op
    @Luna-cf3op 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Short and sweet well said. Thanks

    • @swmplvr
      @swmplvr 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      it was all garbage lol. He is pushing a false narrative that for whatever reason so many want to believe in.
      Lets look at the passage he is speaking of Gen 6:4 from the Strongs Concordance
      There were giants H5303 in the earth H776 in those days; H3117 and also after H310 that, H3651 when H834 the sons H1121 of God H430 came in H935 unto the daughters H1323 of men, H120 and they bare H3205 children to them, the same H1992 became mighty men H1368 which were of old, H5769 men H582 of renown. H8034
      nephilim means giant, they are one in the same Strongs concordance makes it clear 5303 nphiyl nef-eel' or nphil {nef-eel'}; from 5307; properly, a feller, i.e. a bully or tyrant:--giant..
      Old Testament (Hebrew) for "giant"
      H1368 גִּבּוֹר gibôr (giant) mighty, mighty man, strong, valiant, .... ones, mighties, man, valiant men, strong man, upright man , champion, chief, excel, giant, men's, mightiest, strongest
      When you look at the definition of giant we see why they were called 'mighty men, men of 'renown'.
      This is why in some versions of the Bible it says 'GIANT' and others it says 'Nephilim' the two words are interchangeable. (Non if it has anything to do with 'fallen angels' in fact angels, fallen or otherwise are never even mentioned until Genesis 3:24 when it says cherubim) It's all a deceptive teaching. This is why these people pushing the Enoch nonsense NEVER tell you the definitions of the words or even acknowledge that giant and nephilim are one in the same. This is partly why Enoch book is NOT in the bible. It is a FALSE teaching written long after the bible. The Hebrew Book of Enoch, The Book of the Palaces, The Book of Rabbi Ishmael, and The Revelation of Metatron, was written in Hebrew. It is dated to the 5th century CE, though it claims to be the work of Rabbi Ishmael of the 2nd century. When you look at who this Rabbi is, it all comes clear why it is NOT of God. Modern scholars describe this book as pseudepigraphal (Pseudepigrapha are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past), as it says it is written by "Rabbi Ishmael" who became a "high priest" after visions of ascension to Heaven. This has been taken as referring to Rabbi Ishmael, a 3rd generation Tanna (Tanna, meaning Jewish scholars who, over a period of some 200 years, compiled oral traditions related to religious law) and a leading figure of MERKABAH MYSTICISM.(which is Kabbala)

  • @fazenice3235
    @fazenice3235 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where my boi eren at?

  • @prophetfelixankomah3764
    @prophetfelixankomah3764 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    We need to believe God and trust him alone

    @THE_OG_DEMMON 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This concept is explored in detail in THE BOOK OF LAMECH OF CAIN AND LEVIATHAN.

  • @devinlinkme6025
    @devinlinkme6025 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Fallen ones and nephilim are two different things

    • @naldy79
      @naldy79 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @Devin - that’s right!
      Nephilim is Albanian for “the begining “
      Everything starts from the begining.

  • @clintonbrownell6386
    @clintonbrownell6386 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Genesis does not say the "Fallen Angels" are the "Nephilim"... not in my Bibles, and I see "nowhere" where it says that the children of Angels and Humans are giants... it's seems to be assumptions, yes? I admit I knew to the Bible so correct me if I'm wrong.

    • @marysheilds9966
      @marysheilds9966 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      you are new to a lot of things

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You are 100% right.
      The bible doesnt say that
      Its an assumptions that bible scholars make
      So many Christians also believe this.
      most of them base this on the unscriptual book Enock.

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

  • @alanwallis1052
    @alanwallis1052 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    so to say the Nephilim SURVIVE the flood they are now in the ark with Noah and his family.? But God our creator only talks to Noah . Genesis 6.4 in those days and after.. After what?

  • @davidmartin123
    @davidmartin123 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good summary or "upshot" regarding the significance of these passages - that God observed the wickedness of mankind and took action. And yet most people don't think He's watching us now?

  • @conniefait7403
    @conniefait7403 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    This didn't answer the question. The fallen ones are NOT the Nephilim. The Nephilim are the offspring of the fallen ones. The earliest text was written in Paleo- Hebrew the language which later because of Israelites being taken over became Assyrian Babylonian Aramaic and tainted with names of gods etc.

  • @danalexander186
    @danalexander186 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It’s all more than true, now quit reading it and thinking about it at all and you won’t “re-create” it.

  • @ncbible1575
    @ncbible1575 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You didn't identify them. Sure it tends to obscure but that doesn't mean the issue isn't genuine. We can identify both the nephilim and the sons of god and daughters of men. It isn't that difficult - scripture interprets Scripture. God did not write for us to be confused. We need only apply proper hermeneutics and interpretation.
    The nephilim are (Num 13) extraordinarily large (and using some other shemetic language it seems the term can be fallen ones as well). The sons of God (if we allow Scripture to interpret Scripture) must be angelic. The question then arises - did angelic beings have sexual relations with the daughters of men? Well that is what it says. However if one brings in some understanding of demonic activity (2 Peter, Jude) it is very possible that the people were given over to demon possession - which would explain the insatiable sexual appetites. Can you imagine the home life at this point - which helps to understand the necessity of the flood. Ultimately we must understand that the attack from Satan is on the Messianic line. God therefore preserved that in Noah and Shem.

    • @charliechocolate8276
      @charliechocolate8276 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The Bible is the word of God because it says so? If we're going to interpret Genesis, how do we know we have the right interpretation? Either we believe the Bible is literal or we can all make our own interpretations. The Bible is confusing.

    • @ncbible1575
      @ncbible1575 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charliechocolate8276 You read the bible like anything else. It is revelation from God himself. That is the unique feature - it demands discernment on the spiritual side of things. But it was never intended to be confusing. God desires to communicate with man. There are some hoops to jump through - I call them bridges. Historical, cultural and linguistic. Yet still the principles are there to grasp and obey. I trust you will find peace and understanding coupled with your desire to know God.

    • @charliechocolate8276
      @charliechocolate8276 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ncbible1575 The Bible was written by men for men. There is no divine revelation. The men who wrote the Bible wrote according to their understanding of Nature. God created everything in 6 days and then he rested? Poor God. That creating wore him out. Either the Bible is the inerrant word of God or it's history. But it's not both. God can communicate with me any time he wants. Nothing stopping him. Too many translations and too many edits have made the Bible just another document. And it was plagiarized. from earlier texts. The Sumerian Tablets were written approx. 2200 BC. The Epic of Gilgamesh was written approx. 2100 BC while Genesis was written approx. 1450 BC. They all have the same stories only the names have been changed. Oxford Univ has done a translation that makes my point. The Bible is 3rd hand information. Go to the Source.

    • @ncbible1575
      @ncbible1575 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@charliechocolate8276 You bring up many good points. However the accuracy must be called into question. This is not the platform to debate all this. I will leave us with the most important truth - God exists and he has spoken and we have what he said. Included in that is man's sinful nature that puts him at enmity with the holy sovereign God of the universe. If that be the case man is without hope. However God has stepped in (actually before the world was called into existence) and had a plan of paying our debt to him in the person of Jesus Christ. Sir, I do hope that truth resonates with you. Good day.

    • @charliechocolate8276
      @charliechocolate8276 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@ncbible1575 The God of the Bible doesn't exist. Man's nature is to survive. That's not sinful. If Jesus and the father were one, why can't I be one with the creator god? I can. Nobody needs Jesus to be saved. We can save ourselves. That's what the Pastors won't tell you. They want you to be a slave to the Bible and to the Church. Do you want freedom? Save yourself. Jesus is dead and gone. Let him rest in peace. Forgive yourself for the things you've done or not done and move on. I don't owe the Creator anything. No one does.

  • @richardanthony8327
    @richardanthony8327 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Also your explanation sounds nice but it gives no answers none nothing!

  • @michaelc7259
    @michaelc7259 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Look at the book of Enoch, it is explained there in detail, the sons of God are the watchers (rebellious angels)

    • @sonictone
      @sonictone 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The book of Enoch is an interesting read, but it's not canon, that is Holy Scripture. In other words do not put your faith in the book of Enoch.

    • @Saoj1981
      @Saoj1981 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Michael C where do we find the book of Enoch, and who wrote it?

    • @sonictone
      @sonictone 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @demarco chapman ok. What's king james have to do with this? Long before the kjv, there were other translations. Hundreds of years of translations. The book of Enoch wasn't a part of those books. 1 and 2 Peter reference it, as well aa Jude.

    • @memelordyeyu6600
      @memelordyeyu6600 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @demarco chapman Actually it's canon only in Ethiopian Orthodox church, they have 15 other books in addition to the canonical 66 books in the bible.

    • @hollywoodusmcboss8867
      @hollywoodusmcboss8867 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Some dont credit the book of Enoch but I believe it. The church and governments dont wanna hear it cause it exposes the real deal about satan and his angels

  • @sarasonsalas3472
    @sarasonsalas3472 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    It was Somyaza and Azeziel.

  • @Ryan-bk3ig
    @Ryan-bk3ig 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    What religion is this

  • @beutelm1
    @beutelm1 ปีที่แล้ว

    You read it yourself….the Nephilim were there already “at that time”…..so not necessarily the hybrid offspring…🤷🤷🤷

  • @ken440
    @ken440 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is a typical soft pedal to make nice church.
    We should not try to work this out with 21st century sentimentality and language , but look at it from a Hebrew perspective from OT times, as Dr. Mike Heiser advises. Do a youtube search on The Unseen Realm, or Reversing Hermon, for an in depth and scholarly view of the subject from the Hebrew source. Oh and read 1 Enoch as well, it is very enlightening (if you dare) and even explains what became of these Nephilim.

    • @dantommo4797
      @dantommo4797 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Should we read all 14 removed books or are they part of deception?

    • @ken440
      @ken440 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@dantommo4797 Dan there is deception all over the place, even in translation of canonical scripture.
      We should try to understand scripture from the context it was given to the recipients, the Hebrew and nearby peoples of the time. The nt Apostles and ot prophets writings was not delivered in 21st cent gramma or worldview. We can not force 21stC meanings into 1stC writing.
      Thats the point i make.

    @JASONCTRIPP ปีที่แล้ว


  • @chadkincham
    @chadkincham 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    The bad report was bad because it was an unbelieving report with no faith - they didn’t believe that they could conquer the land, even though he was sending them into the land, and had promised them the land - therefore to deny that it was possible for them to enter and conquer the land, made it a bad report.

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It was also bad/evil because they lied and they used that to turn Israel against Moses and Aaron.

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
      2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
      And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
      This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
      God always create perfect-complete things.
      not deformed, void, formless.
      This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
      3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
      It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
      Here it shows that
      there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
      and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
      God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
      To avoid distractions.
      God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
      These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
      3) Then now comes the Creation again.
      second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
      we can say,
      The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
      Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
      it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
      4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
      i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
      For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
      those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
      were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
      5) Genesis 1 v 26
      God created humans
      All races,
      Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
      all these people were created at the same time,
      male and female
      were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
      have babies and fill the earth.
      Eat the fruits.
      LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
      Women could easily give birth to children
      Sin has not entered the world yet.
      6) God rested on the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      without creating anything.
      7) After the 7th day
      (1000 years)
      God decided to create one man, ADAM,
      The first Hebrew Prophet
      for one reason
      To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
      No Eve is created here yet.
      8) Adam is lonely,
      God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
      But Adam was still lonely
      9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
      As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
      And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
      Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
      Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
      With increased labour pains.
      10) Adam and Eve sin
      God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
      God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
      God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
      All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
      Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
      All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
      11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
      Cain and Abel.
      12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
      and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
      Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
      12) In Genesis 6,
      Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
      13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
      14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
      a product of humans and humans.
      Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
      Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
      it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
      15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
      16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
      It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
      It did not kill all races of the People on earth
      Let me stop here for now,
      lest i write a book.
      From your brother in Christ,
      (Pililani Blessings Mughogho

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      1) Yes, the earth was created more than 6000 years ago. Give or take.
      3) God never destroyed a first earth then recreated it in-between Genesis 1:1-2. Genesis 1:1 is the beginning of what God will be doing throughout the rest of the chapter as shown in 2:1, which goes along nicely with 1:1.
      3b) Sorry, but wrong. Land isn't even created until Genesis 1:9, and the separation of waters would not have to have happened again. Proof of this, is from what the world looks like after the flood.
      4) Days were 24 hour days. Proof of this is in the verses themselves.
      Genesis 1:5 God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.
      Genesis 1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. So the evening and the morning were the second day.
      Genesis 1:13 So the evening and the morning were the third day.
      Genesis 1:19 So the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
      Genesis 1:23 So the evening and the morning were the fifth day.
      Genesis 1:31 Then God saw everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day.
      5) You have to understand how a lot of the Bible works. Especially in this first chapter. During the sixth day, there was only one man created. This is shown in chapter 2. One man created from dust, then put into the garden of Eden. It is through that one man and his wife that all the nations of the earth exist.
      6) God rested on the seventh DAY. And not rested such as a human does. But rested by dwelling and enjoying His creation.
      7) Man (Adam for that is the Hebrew word for man) was created on the sixth day. NOT after. The only human created after the seventh day was Eve, and the Bible doesn't specify how much time had passed before her creation from Adam's rib, hence why he called her woman (Because she was taken out of man).
      8)Animals were created on days 5 and 6. Chapter 2 is reaffirming that like Man (Adam), they too were created from the ground. And yes, God brought them to him so that he could name them.
      9) God never said Adam and Eve should not be fruitful and multiply. In fact, if he never told Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply, then why did He tell Eve, "In pain you shall bring forth children;"? As YOU stated, before the sinned, Eve could easily have given birth with no pain. It wasn't until after she sinned that birthing was to be made painful.
      10) First half I agree with, when you start talking about other people, especially since Eve is called the mother of all living, I heavily disagree. There is nothing to support that claim.
      12) As Eve is the mother of all living, Cain's wife was his sister. Not another woman from a different place.
      12b) False. Sin is increased on earth because "Every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." Not to mention there was no such thing as Jews and gentiles at that time.
      14) False. Scripture shows that the Nephilim could NOT be a byproduct between two humans. A Nephilim is unclean. And two humans cannot bring forth an unclean child. Not to mention that there was no salvation in the Old Testament, so it was impossible for humans to be sons of God (Bnei HaElohim) who went in to the daughters of man ( Banot HaAdam).
      15) The flood was global. No local flood could over all the mountain and kill all life on earth, which is exactly what the flood did.

    • @pililani_blessings
      @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lets agree to disagree.
      I will hold to what the Holy Spirit revealed to me
      You too hold unto what you understand.

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pililani_blessings You are listening to the wrong spirits if you believe your original comment.

  • @georgefernandez3541
    @georgefernandez3541 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I don't what the bible translation that is but its already loaded.

  • @alankuntz4406
    @alankuntz4406 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You didn't say a damn thing now did you

  • @jeffrey1950
    @jeffrey1950 ปีที่แล้ว

    a simple reading of the word from many translations makes it obvious that the nephilim were the offspring from angels and not some other form of beings as it makes sense in the context. Also, why would God leave anything to interpretation as to imply that "mythical beings" can not be explained by His word....The bible is for all read, we don't have to be scholars to understand ..hence many translations to make it accessible to everyone...we don't have to read the KJV which is easily misinterpreted by the old english language, example being the word "replenish" in Genesis, which has been used by the gap theory lies

  • @FrancesShear
    @FrancesShear 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I agree. Noah must be followed in his example on how to refuse participation in ecological sin too. Anyone who refuses to participate in ecological sin too are sons and daughters of both Noah and Abraham too. Who cares if a Hebrew word meaning Nephilim gets translated into the word giants who would have looked like a threat to any scouts bringing back a bad report? The word giants has nothing to do with actual size or gender and instead everything to do with maybe or maybe not serving alone with god's grace or to one another according to god's will. Sarah was a hero like both her husband Abraham and king David too instead of wicked men like Goliath or wicked men like magicians who think they can buy or sell a hero's anointing.

  • @skully1030
    @skully1030 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I learned absolutely nothing watching this video

  • @jennawrena
    @jennawrena 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sons of God= angels
    Nephilim = offspring of the union of disobedient angels with humans .
    Not complicated.
    They were destroyed along with all other violent humans at the flood.

  • @melissamadison483
    @melissamadison483 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Liar it never says an intentional bad report

    • @tonyf4991
      @tonyf4991 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      He wasn't lying.
      Numbers 14:36-37
      Now the men whom Moses sent to spy out the land, who returned and made all the congregation complain against him by bringing a bad report of the land, those very men who brought the evil report about the land, died by the plague before the Lord.

  • @mrgeorge1888
    @mrgeorge1888 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Those two theories are both wrong, you should read Gen 1 : 11-13, 2 : 5-7, 6 : 1-4, Psalm 82, and John 10 : 34-35 carefully. Then hopefully you'll understand what the heaven was going on. Gbu, brother.

  • @pililani_blessings
    @pililani_blessings 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    1) The Earth was not created 6000 years ago
    2) In Genesis 1, the earth was probably created thousands or millions of years ago.
    And this is when God created a perfect Heaven (sky) and Earth,
    This earth wasnt void and deformed but it was perfect.
    God always create perfect-complete things.
    not deformed, void, formless.
    This perfect created heaven and earth had water on it, plants, and many living things like DINOSAURS.
    3) In Genesis 1 v 2,
    It says the earth was formless, void, and ''Water'' was already on earth such that the Holy Spirit was hovering over the waters.
    Here it shows that
    there is a jump of events which took place which left the earth void, formless, and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering over,
    and these events are not recorded because the bible is not some history-science book.
    God sets the scriptures in a such a way that it shows the most important things we need to know.
    To avoid distractions.
    God destroyed the first heaven(sky) and the earth killing/wiping out all dinosaurs, and all living things.
    These events took place between Genesis 1 v1 and Genesis 1 v 2
    3) Then now comes the Creation again.
    second creation after the first creation which God destroyed
    we can say,
    The first creation after the first creation which God destroyed living the world void, formless and polluted water, on which the Holy Spirit was hovering on.
    Replenish the earth or refill the earth.
    it was once filled but God destroyed everything in preparation of the creation of humans.
    4) Then comes in order the 6 days creation
    i personally believe there were not 24 hr days but rather 1000 years according to 2 Peter 3 v 8 and Psalm 90 v 4.
    For 1 day to God...to us its 1000 years.
    those 6 days of creation of Genesis chapter 1,
    were 6000 years...in earthly time and not 6 literal days.
    5) Genesis 1 v 26
    God created humans
    All races,
    Blacks, whites, indians, Asians etc
    all these people were created at the same time,
    male and female
    were commanded to multiply and fill the earth.
    have babies and fill the earth.
    Eat the fruits.
    LABOUR PAINS: At this time, the labour pains for women were very minimal.
    Women could easily give birth to children
    Sin has not entered the world yet.
    6) God rested on the 7th day
    (1000 years)
    without creating anything.
    7) After the 7th day
    (1000 years)
    God decided to create one man, ADAM,
    The first Hebrew Prophet
    for one reason
    To till the ground and take care of His fruits and flowers in the Garden that He would create...which later He created in Eden and placed Adam in it.
    No Eve is created here yet.
    8) Adam is lonely,
    God creates animals for him to name them and play with them.
    But Adam was still lonely
    9) So God creates a woman, Eve, for him, as a help meet.
    As an assistant in taking care of the garden.
    And were not commanded to have sex and have babies.
    Such commandment was never given to Adam and Eve in the garden.
    Until they had sinned and got kicked out the garden of Eden thats when they had their first Sex and Eve conceived and gave birth to Cain and Abel.
    With increased labour pains.
    10) Adam and Eve sin
    God curses the snake, removes the legs and commands it to move on its belly,
    God increases labour pains for all women because of the Sin of Eve,
    God removes free things like food from Adam....No sweet without sweat now.
    All the races of people outside the garden sins along with Adam.
    Because Adam was representing all races on earth.
    All the races of people were being represented by Adam.
    11) Adam and Eve get kicked out, and have babies.
    Cain and Abel.
    12) Cain kills Abel and goes to Nod and marries a gentile idolatrous woman from among the races of people like whites, blacks who were outside the garden populating
    and gives birth to Enock and builds a city.
    Because there were many idolatrous gentiles there.
    12) In Genesis 6,
    Sin is increased on earth because Jews, sons and grandsons of Adam, just like cain, continued marrying idolatrous races of people and turned away from God except Noah and his family.
    13) Some gave birth to giants like who were humans just like Og the King, Goliath and his brothers.
    14) The giants of genesis 6 were humans
    a product of humans and humans.
    Jews and gentile people some of whom were already giants.
    Angels do not procreate as Jesus says in the new testament.
    it was not fallen angels who were marrying women but Jews...true believers in yahweh marrying idolatrous gentile women....just like King Solomon as we see later.
    15) God sends a local/regional flood which destroyed all the wicked except Noah and his family.
    16) Yes the flood was not global but local...regional in that area.
    It did not kill all the animals and birds on earth
    It did not kill all races of the People on earth
    Let me stop here for now,
    lest i write a book.
    From your brother in Christ,
    (Pililani Blessings Mughogho