The whole summary of God finding out the whole mess of S1: God: Sera... You have one job of being the head while i was on vacation however you accepted genocide because of hells over population and rejecting Charlie's idea of demon redeemed to heaven which also makes me accept agreeing to her idea cuz why not let demons do the right thing having a second chance to be up here BUT SERA! YOU HAVE ONE JOB! NOW ADAM MY FIRST MAN CREATED IS NOW DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU! PLUS YOU DONT HAVE THE RIGHTS TO CONTROL HELLS POPULATION!
"Sera, I left YOU and Adam in charge." "Uh-huh." "Ah, yes, great. Cause I DON'T FUCKING SEE HIM.' " I told Adam to give instruction to rehabilitate these sinners like EONS ago... ooooooh. Me-damn it I see what the problem is."
Charlie when he meets Charlie “hold up I have a granddaughter why did nobody ever tell me and Charlie you rehabilitated the sinners not Lucy okay here’s a floor key just hold it out think of any floor you want in heaven or hell oh and any place on earth now your coming with me as I spoil you rotten me damn it.” Charlie’s reaction to all of this “uh okay grandpa.” Gods reaction “no no no no Charlie dear call me granpop it sounds more funny now let’s look at this hotel so I can teach you some things
Gabriel: We tried to help out, but they don't like to listen to us for some reason Michael: I had to put them in their place so many times I lost count, but I left Emily alone because she actually LISTENS and has COMMON SENSE *glaring at Sera* Uriel: Don't get me started with Adam's attitude and Lute. Don't you think you get a free pass because I've gotten onto you for similar reasons
Finding out that rehabilitating sinners was gods ultimate plan, would be the greates tnews Charlie could ever hear. She would point at everyone that laughed at her idea and gone "I fucking told you so!"
3:09 Sad part is Lucifer said he did try to rehabilitate sinner's but heaven rejected the idea Edit: Lucifer said in More than anything "Charlie! You don't understand, Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you. " and "You didn't know that when I tried this all before My dreams were too hard to defend" proving my point
The second god finds out Adam never gave him the instructions, and Lucifer wasn’t the one rehabilitating them is going to be chaos! And I’m here for it! 😄
@Galaxy_Penguin I've been for the show to be released for 4 years since the release of the pilot and the 4 years of waiting were worth it. Also you should definitely make a video where God does come back from vacation a little earlier around the time Charlie visits Heaven in episode 5. I wonder how he would interact with the court as Charlie is presenting her idea to Sera and the Seraphims.
Same, but they got to be careful because they already have “Christians” raging because “Lucifer is SuPpOsEd To Be UgLy AnD EvIL, sToP mAkInG HiM fUnNy aNd CuTe!” and cheering on the exorcists for exterminating Sinners. If they add God and it doesn’t meet expectations it will just make demands to shut it all down worse. Shit like that is what gets good shows cancelled early.
Bruh…. this is far too funny and even if this design of the Big G is never made canon it’s too good of an design that the Hazbin Hotel fandom basically adopted as fan canon. 😂 Great work and I hope to one day see Lucifer’s siblings like Azrael and Micheal’s reactions to Big G telling them all this. 😂 Their reactions would be glorious.
Glad you can see it, please enjoy. I understand if you can’t see it but you can watch it afterwards 🫶 Edit: I changed the time, I didn’t want that one person waiting for too long
I feel lik god would give them the talk how teachers do when we are 1% louder than we were a few seconds ago like, “YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS” with the finger pointing at every single student.
This is why we can't have him in the show, he will solve everything and then there will be no show, but as a Christian I can 100 percent tell you this would be his reaction.
That is exactly how that meeting happened in my mind until proven otherwise. Any chance of a part 2 where God meets Charlie, congratulating Charlie for redemption and also being surprised he has a granddaughter?
That tracks…of course Hazbin Hotel’s version of Adam would just straight up ignore something God told him to do if he didn’t agree with it and he could get away with disobeying Him.
I like to imagine that the reason he wasn't in season 1 is because he went on a vacation or something. "Alright, my little angels, i am going to leave for moment, there's an lasagna on the fridge, some leftover pasta, rice and some other stuff in there, while i'm gone please don't turn this into a genocide where you erase souls from existance, thank y'all for letting me have a moment to rest for a bit and goodbye."
You know I feel like God was the one who would have aloud Sir Penchous to get redeemed and that he was the one who made him spawn in front of Sara and Emilly
i imagine by vacation what was going on was god, hastur, the wendigo, cthulhu, yog sothoth, and dagon (along with his deep ones) were in some city partying, with the wendigo eating crap, hastur driving people insane, and dagon, god, and cthulhu were drunkenly singing sweet caroline and The Person In The Mirror, while yog-sothoth was just thinking "I'm surrounded by idiots"
The whole summary of God finding out the whole mess of S1:
God: Sera... You have one job of being the head while i was on vacation however you accepted genocide because of hells over population and rejecting Charlie's idea of demon redeemed to heaven which also makes me accept agreeing to her idea cuz why not let demons do the right thing having a second chance to be up here
In this au, he doesn’t know he has a granddaughter but great summary
@@Galaxy_Penguin I was about to type that but I have bad memory recap of everything 😭😭😭 but thanks a lot
ok I don't know too much about the bible but I'm pretty sure that lucifer is not gods son@@Galaxy_Penguin
@@GraysonSantos even though I’m Christian, I agree with you. I only know Satan was the one that fell from Heaven
@@Galaxy_Penguin god cerated evrithig
Lilith: I'm not...*Sips* You didn't see me...
I thought that was Mimzy.... ehh, being wrong is an occasional meet-and-greet
Fr 🤣
“I’m just a ghost. A dead ghost- no one sees me.”
Fr fr lmao 😂😂😂😂
Love the PFP!
Im not you didnt see me -liliths best quote
Yes 😂
@@Galaxy_Penguin Look At This Please
God: Where Is My Me Damn Fricking First Man
Lute: 0:44
God:Exfricking Excuse Me
God: dead? 3x
God: h- h- how?
.... That was a productive meeting.
I made your comment 444 likes everyone keep it like this
@@sophiecat1392 apparently that didn’t happen, it’s at 447 now
@@sophiecat1392 AND NOW YOU WON'T HAVE 469 LIKES
@@sophiecat1392 its now at 507 😶
Lilith: I’m not
*sippppppp* ah, you didn't see me
i love how he says me damn and not god damn
It's funny because his name is goe
@@Rosie_playzz-125 yeah thats why i said it
It took me a minute to reakise he said that😢
And when he saw sir pencous lol😂😂😂😂
The creator of the sound (I forgot his name) technically made God stop what he’s saying when he looked at Sir Pentious. I had improvise there
Sir pentious? More like Sir Precious 🗿
@@Volcanicus1-s3eSaint repentious
@@BillCipherEatsNerdy6Fingrzsire repentance
"Where Is my me dam f*king first man"😂
I like how Emily just looks so happy while Sera and Lute were lowkey panicking
She’s trying to be happy
“Oh… mmm…. Me damn it, I see where the problem went there.”
I like how emily Was the only one god wasn't mad at 💀
She did nothing wrong to get God mad at her
Because she is smol and precious.
@@DariusKetchum2010 yes
I know emily is most the favorite character from haven in the fandom there's nothing you can say that would make me think otherwise 😊
It's physically impossible to be mad at best duck... I mean best duck... No best duck.... Angel, best
"Sera, I left YOU and Adam in charge." "Uh-huh." "Ah, yes, great. Cause I DON'T FUCKING SEE HIM.'
" I told Adam to give instruction to rehabilitate these sinners like EONS ago... ooooooh. Me-damn it I see what the problem is."
Charlie when he meets Charlie “hold up I have a granddaughter why did nobody ever tell me and Charlie you rehabilitated the sinners not Lucy okay here’s a floor key just hold it out think of any floor you want in heaven or hell oh and any place on earth now your coming with me as I spoil you rotten me damn it.” Charlie’s reaction to all of this “uh okay grandpa.” Gods reaction “no no no no Charlie dear call me granpop it sounds more funny now let’s look at this hotel so I can teach you some things
Lemme put this into my notes
Charlie when he meets Charlie💀
@@Funnything-x3m that doesn't make any sense
@@rajavaidya8910 yeah I know which is why I made this comment he said “Charlie when he meets Charlie”
@@Funnything-x3m ah ok
God: This is what happens when I leave my kids for a while😅
Gabriel: We tried to help out, but they don't like to listen to us for some reason
Michael: I had to put them in their place so many times I lost count, but I left Emily alone because she actually LISTENS and has COMMON SENSE *glaring at Sera*
Uriel: Don't get me started with Adam's attitude and Lute. Don't you think you get a free pass because I've gotten onto you for similar reasons
@@dreademperor2094 Some winners: Let's be honest: he was a asshole!
@roberthaggerty8887 Raphael: Thank you, glad we're not the only ones
@@dreademperor2094 jesus:...I was busy with paperwork
@@chese0965 Azreal: I can relate
Uriel: I feel bad for you two
Why is this the funniest thing I’ve watched.
“Why are you here?”
“I’m not…
You didn’t see me”
God:About fucking time!
Me:I can see god saying that
I just realized that he and Lucifer kinda have the same hat
Finding out that rehabilitating sinners was gods ultimate plan, would be the greates tnews Charlie could ever hear. She would point at everyone that laughed at her idea and gone "I fucking told you so!"
3:09 Sad part is Lucifer said he did try to rehabilitate sinner's but heaven rejected the idea
Edit: Lucifer said in More than anything "Charlie! You don't understand, Heaven never listens! They didn't listen to me, they won't listen to you. " and "You didn't know that when I tried this all before My dreams were too hard to defend" proving my point
I think redemption was the original work of Adam...
I also think the angels refused it not God
@@lovegirlangel5588 exactly!!!
The emotion in God's eyes are sending me 😂😭
i love this sm- Love the fact God didn't know about the extermination being early lmaoo-
The second god finds out Adam never gave him the instructions, and Lucifer wasn’t the one rehabilitating them is going to be chaos! And I’m here for it! 😄
Well RIP Samael Morningstar
@@Lucifer_Ultima I think I saw the second video from this person and it’s chaos on a cliff hanger(sorta)
😂😂😂 As a fellow Christian, I believe God should be in the show. If you were in the show, then this is how he would act. Lol.
That’s what I’m saying! Also it’s good to see fellow Christians watch Hazbin Hotel (or at least heard of it).
I've been for the show to be released for 4 years since the release of the pilot and the 4 years of waiting were worth it. Also you should definitely make a video where God does come back from vacation a little earlier around the time Charlie visits Heaven in episode 5. I wonder how he would interact with the court as Charlie is presenting her idea to Sera and the Seraphims.
@@astephens3600 I’ll add that to my list
Same, but they got to be careful because they already have “Christians” raging because “Lucifer is SuPpOsEd To Be UgLy AnD EvIL, sToP mAkInG HiM fUnNy aNd CuTe!” and cheering on the exorcists for exterminating Sinners. If they add God and it doesn’t meet expectations it will just make demands to shut it all down worse. Shit like that is what gets good shows cancelled early.
Kinda a tough spot with doing the show how it’s supposed to be and not making twitter go ballistic for billionth time
I feel bad for God at this point because he has to deal with their shenanigans
Yeah, he’s been gone on a vacation. Let the man rest
Bruh…. this is far too funny and even if this design of the Big G is never made canon it’s too good of an design that the Hazbin Hotel fandom basically adopted as fan canon. 😂 Great work and I hope to one day see Lucifer’s siblings like Azrael and Micheal’s reactions to Big G telling them all this. 😂 Their reactions would be glorious.
“Me Danm” is the best thing I’ve heard all day. Though I think you went a bit overboard with it
I did?
@@Galaxy_Penguin a wee bit yeah not too much tho
@@amandawilliamson986 ah, thank you
I like the idea that god out of everyone swears more than lucifer 💀
How ironic that Heaven made that rule of angels not swearing when God, the creator of humanity swears way more than Lucifer
Irl nobody knows what God looks like but I like how they are doing this style for God.
It was based off an artwork
Sir pencous was so cute!👍
I actually didn’t have a Heaven design for him while making the vid, until I noticed it was getting to his part
Glad you can see it, please enjoy. I understand if you can’t see it but you can watch it afterwards 🫶
Edit: I changed the time, I didn’t want that one person waiting for too long
Why didn't you put the dude the name who created but I like the video
In the description
@@Chainsawman447 I putted it in the description
I all most spit out my drink
@@Starry_hehe I feel sorry for you
No wonder why I like God more. This will be his reaction.
@@Galaxy_Penguin Buddy can’t even go on vacation without something stupid happening😭😭
@@Mr.mask211 something stupid is always gonna happen
@@Galaxy_Penguin you’re not wrong about that one buddy
I would like part2 when god found out he had a grand daughter
does that mean you’ll do a part 2?? :D@@Galaxy_Penguin
@@RandomUser-Hi gladly
If anything, God would be disappointed at the Exorcists' abysmally low killcount.
“Me damm dead” I was on the floor laughing😂
I feel lik god would give them the talk how teachers do when we are 1% louder than we were a few seconds ago like, “YOU ARE BETTER THAN THIS” with the finger pointing at every single student.
This is EXACTLY how God should be in the show
This is why we can't have him in the show, he will solve everything and then there will be no show, but as a Christian I can 100 percent tell you this would be his reaction.
I hope God is actually like this in the show, he’s so chill. 😂
When it first started the first thing I thought “well y’all gonna talk bishes?”😋😋
Why do I think this is super accurate...?
You had the exact same thought when I saw the vid that had the same audio
Finally when I found these tic tok videos I remember being baffled how there were no videos😂
Tbh I'm under the impression that God probably would have fired Sera on the spot upon learning about the exterminations happening in general
God's top set of eyes look so goofy 😂
I couldn’t duplicate the top eyes
@@Galaxy_Penguin ah alr
“Ec-fucking-cuse me?”
I’ll come to your funeral then and play this video
@@Galaxy_Penguin thank u
“Me damn dead!?”
Excuse me sir, what?
Tbh I didn’t actually paid attention to that part
It is basically saying God damn dead. He didn't say God damn dead because he wouldn't say his name so Me damn dead.
@@p3bbl-e oh ok that makes sense
That is exactly how that meeting happened in my mind until proven otherwise. Any chance of a part 2 where God meets Charlie, congratulating Charlie for redemption and also being surprised he has a granddaughter?
I- hello there.. god- sir..!
God: Can some one explain to me why there’s a snake in my meeting?
Emily: Oh he's uh *lip smack* He's the first rehabilitated sinner.
@@PANdora95Flowers God:… First what now? First rehabilitated sinner?… wow! About F**king time something like this happen, Jesus!!
Sera: I I I. I’m sorry my lord you you you wanted there to be rehabilitated sinners
@@Agent-8 Samael Morningstar: How long is this gonna be dad I want to go back
I love that god says "Me DAMN"
This shit is funnier than it should be 😭
I tried my best
Normally I’m not crazy about Gacha life stuff but this was so funny! I love every single detail about this. Please make more!
I’m making another one which follows the story but I also post stuff that isn’t Gacha Life 2
Tho im a Christian i enjoyed hazbin hotel. And i enjoyed this video. Its so creative and god knows we need more people like that!
I’m Christian too! And personally, I think God should appear in the show in future seasons!!
@@Galaxy_Penguin Yea!
idk abut day
God is such a mood😂😂
He’s trying to keep with the trends right now
0:15 Ooooo~ Y’all in trouble now
Well all of them except for Emily
@@desmondsinghal22 Yeah
When I saw the title I thought it meant that God didn't know that the extermination was happening.
That tracks…of course Hazbin Hotel’s version of Adam would just straight up ignore something God told him to do if he didn’t agree with it and he could get away with disobeying Him.
If they introduce god as a character in season 2 or whatever I hope he has this personality and attitude.
blazekritire is awesome i really like his series.
im glad he uploaded it to youtube.
Best part: lilith entering the meeting
It was an amazing video! ❤
Now I want a reaction vid of this. It's way more realistic imo than him not knowing about extermination day, lol
It’s amazing!!!!!!!!
Love God in this
God:Sera......yiu had one fu*king job
Only when sir pentious showed up I realised God was replacing God in things like godamn with me, I feel very dumb
This is too perfect im gonna end up staying up watching this over and over....
Pls dont
@@Galaxy_Penguin alright fine... But you did great
@@Lunar-FunSizedBean thank you
@@Galaxy_Penguin your welcome
I like to imagine that the reason he wasn't in season 1 is because he went on a vacation or something.
"Alright, my little angels, i am going to leave for moment, there's an lasagna on the fridge, some leftover pasta, rice and some other stuff in there, while i'm gone please don't turn this into a genocide where you erase souls from existance, thank y'all for letting me have a moment to rest for a bit and goodbye."
Season 1* F-ck.
@@Sir_GrimReaperyour theory is funny 😂😂
@@Galaxy_Penguin thanks, been thinking about it.
By the way for people who cant spell his name: its Sir Pentious (like a serpent) or Sir Precious
I think God would be pretty d*** upset if he found out that Sarah, an atom attack charlie's hotel. That would be a pretty good video.
,,I may have kicked Lucy out"-lol
If god is shown in the show i can see this as gods personality so much
This is awesome! It all should be canon!
I want So Badly for somthing like rhis to be cannon.
Lilith: "if I stand still enough, I won't be seen"
Angel 37: When did you see Infinity War?
So God is now pissed off and we are all so f****** screwed!😂
It looks like he has two really big, spread apart eyes and I can’t unsee it.
I despise gacha vids but this... This is an exception
This shit is fucking funny lmao
Why do you hate Gacha vids?
there usually cringe and have no humor and have bad designs
@@ILIKECOMMITINGEAT Yeah, I guess I understand that.
God being a complete scatterbrain with poor management and Delegateing skills it has been makes so much sense
“I leave you alone for a few me-damn months…”
I’m over here thinking he’s got jar-jar binks eyes.
You're so underratedddd!!!
I love the fact that instead of saying God damn he says Me damn cause he is god, it makes everything even more funny
Lilith's just there to watch the drama unfold 😂
You know I feel like God was the one who would have aloud Sir Penchous to get redeemed and that he was the one who made him spawn in front of Sara and Emilly
This is amazing
This is awesome!!!! I swear
i imagine by vacation what was going on was god, hastur, the wendigo, cthulhu, yog sothoth, and dagon (along with his deep ones) were in some city partying, with the wendigo eating crap, hastur driving people insane, and dagon, god, and cthulhu were drunkenly singing sweet caroline and The Person In The Mirror, while yog-sothoth was just thinking "I'm surrounded by idiots"
You just gave me another idea that I need to put on the list
@@Galaxy_Penguin i should have included bill cipher on that list but YIPPEEEEE
@@adetheaters1111 do you think I was forgetting the yellow dorito?
@@Galaxy_Penguin hes the one making the snacks
😭✋ why is this so true
Oh this is brilliant!
Thank you!
@@Galaxy_Penguin You're welcome.
Months in question
10 eons months
This should be a comic
Me: well this meeting just a little weird 😅
0:14 not a single thought behind those eyes.
I feel like he would already know but he got impatient waiting for them to decide to fix it
Or that he didn’t get the news yet because it takes a long time to travel to him
Bro, just really just said you got 2.5 seconds to spite yourself
Id have imagined god would have put micheal in charge before adam
Imagine his reaction when he finds out he has a granddaughter
I’m working on it
I love this
Perfection 🤩
The best 3:33 minutes of my life😭
God: Why are you here
Lilith: I'm not😂😂
Omg you're lute looks so cute❤
there sure be a vid where they find out Adam became a sinner (i rlly hope he does)
Since the creator did a vid on TikTok about God meeting Adam in Hell… that will be on my plan
@@Galaxy_Penguin YAYYY
loved this btw