A great MV newly released by Dasa Studio and uploaded on TH-cam and I like it as it always creates a peaceful environment/atmosphere that leads to much of relaxation, entertainment, enjoyment, peace of mind, very sweet memories/nostalgia and, last but not least, brings me an excellent working companion. Again and as always, my heartfelt thanks to Dasa Studio for releasing this great MV and I look forward to more great MV releases again from Dasa Studio in the near future.
Wah cocok siang 2 rungok ke lg campursari sinambi Leyeh 2 go sangu turu NGELARAS. tenan
Lagune enak di runggokake, mantap
Pokoke Sangga Buana memang oke In the best❤
Uiiih apik tenan asik beneran, merdu suaranya enak kedengarannya, manis mempesona sangat mengesankan
kualitas audio nya, istimewa,
Makasih Kang
Lagu Jawa waru doyong memang pas banget buat istirahat siang hari sinambi leyeh leyeh
AQ wong banyumas seneng banget rungokke campursari sangga buana,larase mantep
Dengan hadirnya campur sari Sagga Buana sangat menghibur, hati jadi tenang dan tentram
A great MV newly released by Dasa Studio and uploaded on TH-cam and I like it as it always creates a peaceful environment/atmosphere that leads to much of relaxation, entertainment, enjoyment, peace of mind, very sweet memories/nostalgia and, last but not least, brings me an excellent working companion. Again and as always, my heartfelt thanks to Dasa Studio for releasing this great MV and I look forward to more great MV releases again from Dasa Studio in the near future.