Steven Liu Jia Chang Tiffany's Tiffany's very very very love this beautiful song so much forever Because nice melody nice pictures nice videos nice composition nice composer an emotional music and an affecting song world wide fame forever Handsome Fei Yee Ching very very sweet sound an emotional singer an affecting song talented musician immortality musician immortal music immortal fame humble charming creative ability proud of being so successful good work deserves smiling faces hard work too hard world wide fame forever Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot Tiffany's very grateful to all handsome gentlemen beauty ladies fans by handsome Fei Yee Ching world wide fame forever Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot Tiffany's very grateful to handsome gentlemen beauty ladies by 必聽 Music and 快點看Bar well done Congratulations again Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot again Tiffany's very grateful to handsome gentlemen beauty ladies fans by handsome Fei Yee Ching world wide fame forever Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot Tiffany's very grateful to You Tube handsome gentlemen beauty ladies again pls take care and all the best Thank you very much Tiffany's very grateful to all the people world wide fame forever Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot Have a nice day Tiffany's 2023
李翊君的唱功已经达到了一流的水准,她唱歌咬字的技巧做到了圆满的水准,她咬字很清楚,很准确,很正确,很圆融,很有 “弹性”,很稳当,她唱歌是 100%投入的,她的歌唱技巧是一流的,她的感情发挥也是一流的,而且很自然,她唱歌是很有 feel 的,她的韵味也是圆满的,她每一首歌都可以唱出它的感情,韵味,味道,意境出来,她的感情上是真的,是从内心抒发出来的,她是一位唱功很稳的歌手,虽然有些歌手的唱功和境界会比她好,比她高,但是如果讲到唱功,控制声音,咬字的稳度,没有几个歌手可以超越她,她的收放自如这技巧是一流的, 她最强的技巧是感情发挥,歌唱技巧和收放自如的技巧,在这三个方面,很少女歌手可以超越她,她也很会抒发歌曲,其实歌曲不是拿来唱的,它是拿来抒发的,抒发歌曲是唱歌给人感觉要唱不唱的样子,轻轻把歌曲的感情和韵味从心里抒发出来,所以唱歌不是大大声,用尽力去唱,那是错误的,只有歌手达到很高的境界才会抒发歌曲的,而这个技巧,李翊君虽然没有达到达到 100%圆满的水准,她也做到了非常好的水准,接近圆满的水准,她也 100% 会用正确的发声位置来呈现歌曲,其实,一个人的声音美和丑不一定是天生的,天生的声音只占 20% 而已,另外 80% 是那个人会不会用正确的发声位置来唱歌或讲话,所以会不会用正确的发声位置,其实是一种学问,而这个技巧常常会被人忽略掉,甚至歌唱评判员也很少去讨论这个技巧,歌唱评判员最多会讲唱歌一定要有感情,咬字要清楚,等等,很少去讨论这个发声位置的技巧,以为这个是不重要的,其实这个技巧是很重要的,这个是唱歌和声音好不好听的关键所在,如果一个歌手唱歌很投入,咬字很清楚,很懂得歌唱技巧,很有感情,样样都好,他就是不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置,哪他唱歌不会好听到那里去,总觉得这个人唱歌怪怪的,又找不到他唱歌到底那里不好,不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置是好比一辆火车根本都不在它的轨迹上,我打个比喻,如果一个人,他的声音天生很美,但是他不会用正确的发声位置或用错的发声位置,他的声音也不美,不好听的,因为天生的声音只有 20% 而已,反过来如果一个人天生的的声音是不美的,但是他会用正确的发声位置,他的声音也会变得很美,很好听,因为发声位置是占 80%,正确的发声位置是眉间发声位置(以上),眉间是指两条眉毛的中间,正好印堂那个位置,这个发声位置是最美的,意思说只要你会用这个位置来唱歌或讲话,不管你是不是歌手,你的声音也会很美,很好听的,眉间发声位置(以上),那个(以上)是指头音或脑音,它是拿来飙高音的,在这个方面,李翊君做到了100% 圆满,现在要讨论她的嗓子,声音,李翊君的声音很吸引,很成熟,很有女人味,很温柔,很好听,很耐听,很饱满,很通透,很性感,很有磁性,很有型,很圆融,很甜蜜,很独特,很浪漫,很 lum,很有质素,很干净,很清雅,她是属于一个拥有很高天分的歌手,她是一个唱功很稳当和很有型的女歌手
小哥 清音樂 藍與黑。
李翊君 有夠撫媚,超有女人味~
小哥 清清唱 我為你傷心。
小哥 清音樂 如果没有你。
Steven Liu Jia Chang
Tiffany's very very very love this beautiful song so much forever
Because nice melody nice pictures nice videos nice composition nice composer an emotional music and an affecting song world wide fame forever
Handsome Fei Yee Ching very very sweet sound an emotional singer an affecting song talented musician immortality musician immortal music immortal fame humble charming creative ability proud of being so successful good work deserves smiling faces hard work too hard world wide fame forever
Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot
Tiffany's very grateful to all handsome gentlemen beauty ladies fans by handsome Fei Yee Ching world wide fame forever
Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot
Tiffany's very grateful to handsome gentlemen beauty ladies by
必聽 Music and
快點看Bar well done
Congratulations again
Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot again
Tiffany's very grateful to handsome gentlemen beauty ladies fans by handsome Fei Yee Ching world wide fame forever
Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot
Tiffany's very grateful to You Tube handsome gentlemen beauty ladies again pls take care and all the best Thank you very much
Tiffany's very grateful to all the people world wide fame forever
Pls take care and all the best Tks a lot
Have a nice day
Tiffany's 2023