Scorpio| Your Rapidly Manifesting”Catching up” A Sincere Vulnerable Apology, Exciting new lover 

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 33

  • @joelalexvega
    @joelalexvega 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you Dusty! Keep pushing! 🦂🙏🫡

  • @Patricia-v9t1l
    @Patricia-v9t1l 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Love the way U end Ur readings I started to get up to & jump up down a little round & round when ever U say it's going to be the best dam day 😊❤

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yeah, he was born tongue tied, and we haven't spoken in almost 2 years. He's at least communicating to resolve some stuff and closure to contract. It's been a life's lesson. Probably why I came down here. They say we choose our lessons just like we choose our parents.❤😂🎉

  • @Stacey-Devine
    @Stacey-Devine 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Good afternoon, thank you dusty

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Yes, creating new neural pathways Epigenetics putting it out there in the quantum field

  • @maureenpoulton8380
    @maureenpoulton8380 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    ❤Thanks Dusty. Looking amazing, as always. Have a great Thursday. Xxx❤

  • @j.t.a.i.
    @j.t.a.i. 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you for all you do Dusty ❤ btw the way you are extremely attractive, spiritual, and a Scorpio so it makes you a triple threat, please have a great day many blessings to you and yours💯

    • @Scorpiopriestess
      @Scorpiopriestess  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you for your kind words 🙏

  • @paula_lilmisssunshine
    @paula_lilmisssunshine 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thank you Dusty❤

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yeah, he was born tongue tied, and we haven't spoken in almost 2 years. He's at least communicating to resolve some stuff and closure to contract. It's been a life's lesson. Probably why I came down here. They say we choose our lessons just like we choose our parents.

  • @AnitaLadányi-h1e
    @AnitaLadányi-h1e 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Blessing ❤

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Wow, wow wow you look so cute today. Yes, I'm going to try those combinations. I love everything you say lots of influence from Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks you are very astute. Amazing reading wow wow wow yeah putting closure drop off to that contract today. ❤😂🎉 yeah his no bieno karma addition issue, I'm raising above focusing on positive affirmations❤😂🎉bravo bravo🎉😂❤🐶🐶

  • @SB-cj9hf
    @SB-cj9hf 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Definitely trying to quit coffee

  • @timbriand2426
    @timbriand2426 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Creatine is also naturally in your body. A creatine boost with also give you strength if you workout.

  • @williamokemow4529
    @williamokemow4529 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Good morning friend,
    Have a blessed day today ❤

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Yeah, he was born tongue tied, and we haven't spoken in almost 2 years. It's been a life's lesson. Probably why I came down here. They say we choose our lessons just like we choose our parents.

    • @Mercylopezartist
      @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Wow wow wow thank you for your time and sharing your gift with us have a abundant❤😂🎉

  • @Aquarium-Ideas
    @Aquarium-Ideas 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I m fu..d by Aries big player. Ur voice inspire me though.

  • @alex88meier72
    @alex88meier72 6 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @StoneyStone-vt7fz
    @StoneyStone-vt7fz 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Have Uuuu tried mushroom 🍄 for coffee replacement several brands on market

    • @Scorpiopriestess
      @Scorpiopriestess  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Yes I have I just got one that I absolutely love. I hated all the other ones, but this one actually taste like coffee it’s been very helpful.

  • @angeliquevisser6921
    @angeliquevisser6921 6 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @ShadowReader89
    @ShadowReader89 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

  • @malcolmmacdougall
    @malcolmmacdougall 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Gloria is the same as my soulmate, she doesn't make conversation when i talk to her; it's always simple quick mumbled answers that are hard to hear........this makes it feel like she doesn't like me but it could be extreme shyness though; even so it still triggers me .........whatever, I definitely have a huge block with Gloria because I have to all the talking; which ends up all about myself because i can't talk about her or us two, because it seems too pushy and out of bounds, Gloria is so closed off, detached and very private........... ``i have a small dog``..........(go on carry on talking don't stop, say something to make me laugh........oh shit she's stopped talking again.......all of her conversation is a one word answer).......she seems to have no personality at all........ i see no fire, no desire, no passion and emotion........... in contrast to this Maria is funny and engaging.....a typical happy Filipino..........yesterday was dreadful it all went totally wrong but i wasn't rude, i just said ``oh well i'll see you around sometime... you'll still see me here``......... she's my mother's carer so all i did was go home leaving her at mom's. ......... she just won't talk to me, it feels sort of hurtful.......... i might be too much for her, too loud and crazy........ but i feel i have to encourage her to open up but this tactic doesn't work, because i sense her cringing at me and looking away, i'm embarrassing her............ i'm not like this with other women at all; it's most odd............. i'm going to give up on Gloria it ain't working........... she won't talk so i overcompensate and try to show off........ it's totally nuts.

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

  • @Mercylopezartist
    @Mercylopezartist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Wow, wow wow you look so cute today. Yes, I'm going to try those combinations. I love everything you say lots of influence from Joe Dispenza and Abraham Hicks you are very astute. Amazing reading wow wow wow yeah putting closure drop off to that contract today. ❤😂🎉 yeah his no bieno karma addition issue, I'm raising above focusing on positive affirmations❤😂🎉bravo bravo🎉😂❤🐶🐶

    • @Scorpiopriestess
      @Scorpiopriestess  6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I’ve been doing this for a long time, sweetheart 🙌🙏 yes they have been great influences on my teachings. Have a great day … I appreciate you thank you.

  • @drlisaberry
    @drlisaberry 6 วันที่ผ่านมา