Sneezing is a reflex action that occurs when your nasal passages are irritated or inflamed. The main purpose of sneezing is to expel irritants or potentially harmful substances from your nose and respiratory system. When irritants like dust, pollen, pet dander, or viruses enter the nasal passages, the sensory nerves in the nose send a signal to the brain, which triggers a response. The brain then sends a message to various muscles, including those in the chest, throat, and face, to contract forcefully. As a result, air is expelled through the nose at high speed, carrying the irritants out of the body. Sneezing helps protect the respiratory system and maintain the health of the airways. It is a natural defense mechanism and usually nothing to worry about, but if sneezing becomes chronic or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional. Thanks, SPOTLIGHT ENGLISH!
I Too enjoyed di much with this story. My Contury in Iraq. The sneezing sing ,yuo most patience for something want to made ,But evryone now that this not true.
Awesome article. Thanks teacher.
I love this video. Thanks
Thank you for english)😘😍
English =Wild pig language
Sneezing is a reflex action that occurs when your nasal passages are irritated or inflamed. The main purpose of sneezing is to expel irritants or potentially harmful substances from your nose and respiratory system. When irritants like dust, pollen, pet dander, or viruses enter the nasal passages, the sensory nerves in the nose send a signal to the brain, which triggers a response. The brain then sends a message to various muscles, including those in the chest, throat, and face, to contract forcefully. As a result, air is expelled through the nose at high speed, carrying the irritants out of the body. Sneezing helps protect the respiratory system and maintain the health of the airways. It is a natural defense mechanism and usually nothing to worry about, but if sneezing becomes chronic or is accompanied by other concerning symptoms, it's essential to consult a healthcare professional. Thanks, SPOTLIGHT ENGLISH!
I Too enjoyed di much with this story. My Contury in Iraq. The sneezing sing ,yuo most patience for something want to made ,But evryone now that this not true.
To be honest, I love when I’m sneezing! 🤧 🤔feels good to me...
Ex’s Zmas brusl
hysen kerqeli hi my friend!😃
hysen kerqeli hi my friend.