Never fails to amaze me that Spurgeons sermons are as applicable today as ever. Praise God for the eternal relevance of His mighty Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.\♡/
Hebrews 4:13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in God's sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of God with whom we have to do. Amen.
Still coming soon when he said he was coming soon 2000 years ago? Still coming soon when every apostle said he was coming soon then,that his coming was nigh then? They were talking to people then,not you. James 5:8 ,talking to people then be ye also patient,establish your hearts,for the coming of the Lord draws nigh. 1 Peter 4:7,But the end of all things is at hand. To you? Hardly! Revelation1:3 For the time is at hand. Revelation 22:30 Surely I am coming soon. Matthew 16:28,some of you standing here (his disciples) will not taste death until you see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. 1st Thessalonians 5:23 ,I pray God preserve your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul to the Thessalonians then. When Paul said " I pray your whole body,soul and spirit be preserved...your is not us. It was to the Thessalonians. Paul to Timothy .1st Timothy 6:13-16. Keep this commandment without spot until the coming of the Lord. Is that you? No,it is not. Jesus coming was not the pretend coming that a "church" today consisting of 44000 denominations across the globe not agreeing with the other has made into a world wide cataclysmic event . Jesus said exactly when he was returning and who he was returning for,yet you sit and listen to preachers and teachers twist and turn the Bible,not questioning a thing,not looking for yourself and believe every lie they give you. Matthew 24,Luke 21,Mark 13, all tell you the events surrounding his coming. All of it concerns Israel and talks of the end of the old covenant world,the end of the law,the destruction of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple. Each and everything he said is proven 100 percent to have happened in 66-70 ad. Rome attacked and destroyed Jerusalem,raping their women,starving them out until they resorted to cannibalism. Read it. Your preachers and teachers will tell,oh yes,even though Jesus did describe this as his coming ,but there is still going to be another coming . Well where in scripture is that? Why would he be coming again when Jesus said his day was the day of vengeance when all things be fulfilled? Why when every warning concerning his coming,every threat of destruction was aimed at Israel? Why do you not start using a concordance to translate words like world? Revelation 3:10. I will also keep you from the hour of temptation coming upon the whole world. You is not youin that 2000 year old letters and the Greek word for world is Oikumene meaning, land,Terence part of the globe, SPECIFICALLY the Roman Empire. The same word and meaning in Revelation 12:9,And the great dragon was cast out...which deceives the whole world. Oikumene. Rev 16:14 the same. Does that not even make you think that you could be wrong? No? I didn't think so.1 Peter:10,...elements shall pass away with fervent heat.Elements in the Greek means rudiments and talks of Jewish law and customs. John 1,the chapter that the "church" pretends says Jesus is God. Every instance of the word Word means a plan or idea. Look them up. It's easy. You will not because you do not want truth,you want religion. Why do you say God lied in the Bible when he said ,concerning sin:Galatians 4:4-5 that God sent his son...made under the law,to redeem those that WERE under the law...That's not us. We were not under the law. Why do you not believe it when your book says that sin was the trespass of the law? If you believed it,you would not pretend it talks of you. Why do you not believe your book when it says,Jesus came to save those under the law from the curse of the law? That's not us by a long shot. Why do you twist and turn everything and let your teachers do the same? Why do you not believe Hebrews 9:26 when it says Jesus came to put away sin?Put away in the Greek means to end,out away. Very easy. Why do you not believe your book when it says that sin was nailed to the cross? Why? Why do you daily tell people that they need saved from sin which was the trespass of the law, when salvation was for those under the law,to save them from the curse of the law. Let your men twist and turn at your peril. Why do you not believe your book when it says that Jesus came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Twist it if you want to. Even if we were included then,reconciliation occurred at the same time Jesus was dying for those under the curse of the law,and the curse was lifted. It wouldn't pertain anyway. Lastly,and trust me,I know you will make this futuristic as well,do you not believe that Jesus returned to heaven,submitted,became subservient to God,turned the kingdom,all power and authority back to God,and that now God is all and in all. ALL. We know good and evil. Sin was of the flesh and of the law. Evil is of the heart and we know good and evil God is all and in all. ALL. We have a God conscience. No excuses. Stop pretending you live in the first century and that you are the church who fulfilled its work. Colossians 1.Sin has been put away. Or is it all a lie? Let God out of your book and run from the lies. He is ALL and in All. He alone to be worshipped in this day and for almost 2000 years you have tried to keep him in the first century. Won't work. He All. All and in All and the only that can show you if you are His child. Period.
Thank you, what a great privilege we have to still have these sermons available to us.
These sermons are so nice to listen to , I learn so much and they bring me closer to God , thank you Jesus and thank you Gavin Childress .
Today now his eyes sees us all for those who think not of him he’s waiting for you to turn to JESUS MY GOD AND SAVIOR AMÈN🙏🏿
Never fails to amaze me that Spurgeons sermons are as applicable today as ever. Praise God for the eternal relevance of His mighty Word. In Jesus Name. Amen.\♡/
I thank GOD for your ministry,
Blessed be the name above all names Christ Jesus! Amen.
Thank you, Jesus, for these teachings. It's amazing how we can apply this to our time. Nothing new under the sun.
Powerful message. If this were preached in more churches around the world, people would behave and think more saintly
His eyes are on the sparrow and i know He watches me ❤❤❤
I need God so bad right now! I want His peace and forgiveness that He has promised me and i believe everything He has promised me through His Word.
Lord Jesus,Thank you Lord I praise your holy name.
Hebrews 4:13
Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in God's sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of God with whom we have to do. Amen.
Amen! Lord God! the Highest! Absolutely Beautiful! Sermon! I can't wait to hear it again! Blessings Everyone! 🙏❤️😀🌄🌄🌅🌅🌅
Amen. Hallelujah.
Thank God for this precious man of God.
One of the best and insightful messages I've heard from CHS.
*We love, serve and trust the one true God-Yahweh.*
Amen 🙏
Spurgeon sermons
Still coming soon when he said he was coming soon 2000 years ago? Still coming soon when every apostle said he was coming soon then,that his coming was nigh then? They were talking to people then,not you. James 5:8 ,talking to people then be ye also patient,establish your hearts,for the coming of the Lord draws nigh. 1 Peter 4:7,But the end of all things is at hand. To you? Hardly! Revelation1:3 For the time is at hand. Revelation 22:30 Surely I am coming soon. Matthew 16:28,some of you standing here (his disciples) will not taste death until you see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. 1st Thessalonians 5:23 ,I pray God preserve your whole spirit soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul to the Thessalonians then. When Paul said " I pray your whole body,soul and spirit be preserved...your is not us. It was to the Thessalonians. Paul to Timothy .1st Timothy 6:13-16. Keep this commandment without spot until the coming of the Lord. Is that you? No,it is not. Jesus coming was not the pretend coming that a "church" today consisting of 44000 denominations across the globe not agreeing with the other has made into a world wide cataclysmic event . Jesus said exactly when he was returning and who he was returning for,yet you sit and listen to preachers and teachers twist and turn the Bible,not questioning a thing,not looking for yourself and believe every lie they give you. Matthew 24,Luke 21,Mark 13, all tell you the events surrounding his coming. All of it concerns Israel and talks of the end of the old covenant world,the end of the law,the destruction of Jerusalem and destruction of the temple. Each and everything he said is proven 100 percent to have happened in 66-70 ad. Rome attacked and destroyed Jerusalem,raping their women,starving them out until they resorted to cannibalism. Read it. Your preachers and teachers will tell,oh yes,even though Jesus did describe this as his coming ,but there is still going to be another coming . Well where in scripture is that? Why would he be coming again when Jesus said his day was the day of vengeance when all things be fulfilled? Why when every warning concerning his coming,every threat of destruction was aimed at Israel? Why do you not start using a concordance to translate words like world? Revelation 3:10. I will also keep you from the hour of temptation coming upon the whole world. You is not youin that 2000 year old letters and the Greek word for world is Oikumene meaning, land,Terence part of the globe, SPECIFICALLY the Roman Empire. The same word and meaning in Revelation 12:9,And the great dragon was cast out...which deceives the whole world. Oikumene. Rev 16:14 the same. Does that not even make you think that you could be wrong? No? I didn't think so.1 Peter:10,...elements shall pass away with fervent heat.Elements in the Greek means rudiments and talks of Jewish law and customs. John 1,the chapter that the "church" pretends says Jesus is God. Every instance of the word Word means a plan or idea. Look them up. It's easy. You will not because you do not want truth,you want religion. Why do you say God lied in the Bible when he said ,concerning sin:Galatians 4:4-5 that God sent his son...made under the law,to redeem those that WERE under the law...That's not us. We were not under the law. Why do you not believe it when your book says that sin was the trespass of the law? If you believed it,you would not pretend it talks of you. Why do you not believe your book when it says,Jesus came to save those under the law from the curse of the law? That's not us by a long shot. Why do you twist and turn everything and let your teachers do the same? Why do you not believe Hebrews 9:26 when it says Jesus came to put away sin?Put away in the Greek means to end,out away. Very easy. Why do you not believe your book when it says that sin was nailed to the cross? Why? Why do you daily tell people that they need saved from sin which was the trespass of the law, when salvation was for those under the law,to save them from the curse of the law. Let your men twist and turn at your peril. Why do you not believe your book when it says that Jesus came only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel? Twist it if you want to. Even if we were included then,reconciliation occurred at the same time Jesus was dying for those under the curse of the law,and the curse was lifted. It wouldn't pertain anyway. Lastly,and trust me,I know you will make this futuristic as well,do you not believe that Jesus returned to heaven,submitted,became subservient to God,turned the kingdom,all power and authority back to God,and that now God is all and in all. ALL. We know good and evil. Sin was of the flesh and of the law. Evil is of the heart and we know good and evil
God is all and in all. ALL. We have a God conscience. No excuses. Stop pretending you live in the first century and that you are the church who fulfilled its work. Colossians 1.Sin has been put away. Or is it all a lie? Let God out of your book and run from the lies. He is ALL and in All. He alone to be worshipped in this day and for almost 2000 years you have tried to keep him in the first century. Won't work. He All. All and in All and the only that can show you if you are His child. Period.
What a wonderful sermon