Милый солнечный мальчик Кукунечка с кроткими глазами и добрым сердцем. Он очень умный и забавный, потрясающий комический артист. Благодаря ему эти видео так интересны и калоритны! Их можно смотреть бесконечно. Но Кукуне приходится очень много для этого трудиться и он устает. Пожалуйста, позаботьтесь о нем. Кормите его получше, дайте ему полноценный отдых и лучшую одежду. Этот удивительный мальчик заслуживает больших наград! Пожалуйста, берегите его! ❤️🙏🌿❤️🌹🙉❤️🎉
I did not like this video because the older monkey does not let little monkey eat and mom thought he ate. Besides older monkey is not well edicated. Take more atention to both, please.
Похоже, эти двое парней здорово подружились и составили великолепный комический дуэт! 😅🎉 Кукуня доброе сердечко, полюбил малыша Су и заботится о нем. Как восхитительно они играют друг с другом и отдыхают в одной кроватке. Но я уверена, что обнимая Су, Кукуня вспоминает Мими и грустит о своей подружке. Пожалуйста, не отлучайте его от Мими. Он нуждается в общении с ней. Ведь они так любят друг друга! 💞🐒❤️🙉🌸🌿❤️❓🐒
Kuku a dévoré toute l'assiette de cake il en a pas laissé un pour Su qui est très en colère. Pauvre petit chéri Mom vient à mon aide. Bisous lovely ❤❤❤❤
Hola mamá de tan hermosos mokey ¿Como son sus mokey? Mimi es hermosa le gusta ver televisión , es una niña delicada , kuku trabajador, sensible, y tierno y el bebé es dulce ,tierno . Estos hermosos mokey tienen mucho, mucho amor. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Ha ha ha kuku ada ada aja.itu jajanan kenapa di habiskan?lucu banget.kuku sembuyi setelah menghabiskan jajanan. Su bingung tidak ada sisa jajsnannya.he he he su sabar ya?semangat👍❤😁💪
Yes, he is always an understanding person and has a lot of love together How is your day? Are you happy or not? What do you like about our family's children? Can you comment more so I can have more experience in taking good care of them?
I love Kuku and Su, it's like watching human brothers playing with each h other who love each h other and care for each other deeply and they love their momma and so do I, she is awesome ❤❤❤
Você já viu os filhos da nossa família perguntando sobre tudo ao seu redor e descobrindo coisas novas todos os dias? Como está o seu dia? Você está feliz ou não? O que você gosta nos filhos da nossa família? Você pode comentar mais para que eu tenha mais experiência em cuidar bem deles?
Thương Su quá. Lúc nào rờ tới là a ăn hết. Mẹ ơi phần cho e riêng chứ a kuku lớn ăn khỏe quá ko thương e, ko phần cho e gì cả. E chơi xong tìm đến ko còn gì chỉ biết kêu là. Thương quá.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 a tui kể ra cũng biết điều. Thấy e buồn đi lấy tiền mua về cho e ăn.Nhưng mẹ chú ý a kuku ăn rất nhiều. Ăn hết phần của e.nên đừng bỏ ra hết 1 lúc Su sẽ đói
Those are the effects that make my videos more vivid, thank you for watching Thank you very much. Wishing you always have lots of laughter and joy every day
Kuku se comiò todo ,deve mirar es egoista con el pequeño no le deè màs a kukù el pobrecito tiene mucho hambre controle eso mi amore Su sufre de hambre,por favor dele agua y de comer al pequeñito
Nice to meet you. Wish you have interesting experiences with our family and have more laughter every day. Can you share your feelings about the children with me?
Куку с детства очень любит молочко. Вероятно он голоден и молочком пытается компенсировать недостаток питательных веществ 😊 Кукуня много трудиться и много ходит на двух ногах, таская тяжести. Что очень вредно для его хрупкого позвоночника. Ему необходим Кальций и витамин D 3. А также хорошее и регулярное сбалансированное питание. А не только от ролика к ролику.
Is Kuku got pain in this video? The way he is walking looks like me when I have a back ache. his arm looks painful as well. I hope he is okay. I'm sure you keep them in check and you do everything to make them better..😘😘😘
yes he will always be very good thank you for your concern Yes, they are always very happy, thank you for your concern for Kuku, you have many interesting experiences with the family. Yes, thank you very much for always accompanying and caring for our family like that. We wish you a happy new day.
Last 3 videos. The little white brat was given a huge plate of food and Ku not summoned. The white one leaves at his will. Look carefully, his pouches are full. Ku comes in , finds what Su left and hides to eat. Then the brat throws a fit, is petted and guven more food and Ku skolded. Poor Ku lost out all around, lost mimi and now second behind this one. Not wat hing anymore.
Nun hat Kuku der kleinen Su auch noch die Milchflasche gestohlen und diese ganz alleine ausgetrunken. Mom muß bei Su bleiben, bis sie alles alleine getrunken hat...🙏🙏🙏
Wow! Lady is not very honest that she took a lot of money for just cutie little orange from Kuku. She did not even changed the money to KuKu.😢 Kuku needs to learn do the math and practice the shopping with cash money. 😊
Mom thats your fought dont get made at YOYO he would of left baby monkey some but you didnt say it was for baby monkey so he eat what he thought 🤔 was his ❤
Se debe tener más cuidado con los animalitos ,quedan solos por mucho tiempo ya que el pequeño queda en desventaja frente a su hermanito,se ve que lo deja sin comida porque se la lleva de una forma como un ladrón otro muy malicioso
Someday he won't be able to eat, all 😢The over-eating will make his stomach toxic. He's given too much food and many times the wrong kind of food such as sweets. That's why so many monkeys on these videos are getting sick and lying on the bed refusing food. Then they disaaear. Putting a cold press on their foreheads is nuts! The Vets don't know what's going on at home so 😢They dont help. The same thing happened to my tiny Yorkie called Jack. He was given people food, not by me, an stopped eating, almost died until l changed his diet to only rice and small amounts of boiled chicken. He got better snd only ate three meals a day - he keys went on a dog food regimine feed monkeys monkey food
KUKU is the real big brother. Refined little animal. ❤❤❤
Милый солнечный мальчик Кукунечка с кроткими глазами и добрым сердцем. Он очень умный и забавный, потрясающий комический артист. Благодаря ему эти видео так интересны и калоритны! Их можно смотреть бесконечно.
Но Кукуне приходится очень много для этого трудиться и он устает.
Пожалуйста, позаботьтесь о нем. Кормите его получше, дайте ему полноценный отдых и лучшую одежду. Этот удивительный мальчик заслуживает больших наград! Пожалуйста, берегите его!
I agree with you KuKu derserve better treat. This woman can live without KuKu help in this house . He is best helper he like human.
I did not like this video because the older monkey does not let little monkey eat and mom thought he ate. Besides older monkey is not well edicated. Take more atention to both, please.
Love you KuKu family 🥰 God bless always 🙏
O que acomteceo a Mimi
Похоже, эти двое парней здорово подружились и составили великолепный комический дуэт! 😅🎉
Кукуня доброе сердечко, полюбил малыша Су и заботится о нем. Как восхитительно они играют друг с другом и отдыхают в одной кроватке. Но я уверена, что обнимая Су, Кукуня вспоминает Мими и грустит о своей подружке. Пожалуйста, не отлучайте его от Мими. Он нуждается в общении с ней. Ведь они так любят друг друга!
Comen con mucha ansiedad. Los matan de hambre.
Takes care of Su? He stole all the food, hid and ate it while Su was hungry.
How do you know rhis??
Kuku com olhar triste vendo su ser acariciado e ele faz tudo pra chamar atenção 😢😢😢😢
Kuku a dévoré toute l'assiette de cake il en a pas laissé un pour Su qui est très en colère. Pauvre petit chéri Mom vient à mon aide. Bisous lovely ❤❤❤❤
Hola mamá de tan hermosos mokey ¿Como son sus mokey? Mimi es hermosa le gusta ver televisión , es una niña delicada , kuku trabajador, sensible, y tierno y el bebé es dulce ,tierno . Estos hermosos mokey tienen mucho, mucho amor. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wo ist Mimi?
They wont say
My daughter still lives here, she just doesn't appear in this video. She will appear soon, please rest assured.
Ha ha ha kuku ada ada aja.itu jajanan kenapa di habiskan?lucu banget.kuku sembuyi setelah menghabiskan jajanan. Su bingung tidak ada sisa jajsnannya.he he he su sabar ya?semangat👍❤😁💪
So cute baby su and kuku so smart, I love kuku how play with su,beautiful videos
thank you
Кукунечка ты наш любимый мальчик!!!!❤❤❤❤❤
I love mimi kuku and baby Su and family dogs ❤❤❤❤
Mẹ cư xử rất tốt. Mẹ rất công bằng. Hoan hô mẹ.
Su is such a patient baby, he doesn’t complain and. Waits for everyone and everything. He is a darling baby monkey.
Yes, he is always an understanding person and has a lot of love together
How is your day? Are you happy or not?
What do you like about our family's children? Can you comment more so I can have more experience in taking good care of them?
Me gusta lindos 💯💥💛🙏👌👍👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️❤️🐒🐒🙏🙏🙏🙏
Sí, siempre me preocuparé y confiaré mucho en ellos para que puedan entender todo lo nuevo que hay.
Маленкий, всегда обижает старший.Всегда первый слопает,не оставляет для братика.😅😅😅😅❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Они просто играют друг с другом, чтобы развлечься, вы можете быть в них уверены.
Sentindo falta da mimi 😢 onde anda nossa princesa será 🤔❤️
Hola mis niños 🐒🐵🐒🙏💯💥👍❤💛👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
I love Kuku and Su, it's like watching human brothers playing with each h other who love each h other and care for each other deeply and they love their momma and so do I, she is awesome ❤❤❤
Yes, they always care for each other and have a lot of good feelings together. Thank you for always taking care of the children
I think this time together with su and kuku been good for them to bond, but I really hope mimi will be back soon.❤
yes she will come back
Mais si il faut leur donner des galettes gluantes ....
C'est très bon pour eux ça elimine très vite....👍👍👍😝👍😝👍👍👍👍👍
А Су питается цветочками
The very best collection Respect Mr. Kuku i wish him to live 1000 years
oh 1000 years is too greedy but hope you make it
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ this ❤❤❤❤❤❤ them
If would feed and give them milk and water they wouldn't have to steal it.😅😅😮😮
They are always well taken care of you can rest assured about them
What are they eating?
Kuku a mangé toutes les mandarines et j'en ai pas une pour moi Mom😮😮😮
Kuku come demasiado
Siempre son niños divertidos y divertidos.
I wasn't through with my post.
Thương gì đâu ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂 thằng a thỉnh thoảng cũng thương e ra phết
The little one so naughty 😂😂😂😂❤❤❤❤
Yes, they are always funny
Duktig Kuku ger Su flaskan. Apelsiner i massor.
Humor så man skrattar. Tack 😊😊😊
Ja, de älskar alltid varandra och har många värdefulla känslor för varandra, vilket är uppbyggnaden av känslor över tid
Parabéns, como eles são bem cuidados, e agora agente vê que eles comem bem, que fofos, eles gastam de comer tod hora né kkk
Você já viu os filhos da nossa família perguntando sobre tudo ao seu redor e descobrindo coisas novas todos os dias?
Como está o seu dia? Você está feliz ou não?
O que você gosta nos filhos da nossa família? Você pode comentar mais para que eu tenha mais experiência em cuidar bem deles?
Thương Su quá. Lúc nào rờ tới là a ăn hết. Mẹ ơi phần cho e riêng chứ a kuku lớn ăn khỏe quá ko thương e, ko phần cho e gì cả. E chơi xong tìm đến ko còn gì chỉ biết kêu là. Thương quá.
Kuku, deixa de ser guloso!😂❤❤❤
😂😂😂😂😂😂 a tui kể ra cũng biết điều. Thấy e buồn đi lấy tiền mua về cho e ăn.Nhưng mẹ chú ý a kuku ăn rất nhiều. Ăn hết phần của e.nên đừng bỏ ra hết 1 lúc Su sẽ đói
😂❤🎉 Баловни 😅
Kuku ist aber auch ein großer Egoist, er ißt alles alleine auf und läßt dem kleinen süßen Fratz Su nichts übrig..🤔😉😅
Kuku möchte, dass Su immer aktiv ist, damit er mit ihm spielen kann, auch wenn er alles isst
Kuku è bravissimo , va a comperare le leccornie per Su . È dolcissimo
Sì, si prende cura di me
Love the fake lightning, raining but the ground isn't wet
Those are the effects that make my videos more vivid, thank you for watching
Thank you very much. Wishing you always have lots of laughter and joy every day
Kuku se comiò todo ,deve mirar es egoista con el pequeño no le deè màs a kukù el pobrecito tiene mucho hambre controle eso mi amore Su sufre de hambre,por favor dele agua y de comer al pequeñito
So true the big one acts like a bully to the little ones then he will take good care of them when mom is busy doing something
Ku ku is a trip ,😮he eats until everything.. is gone
He is always someone who knows how to care a lot for family members
So lovely ❤
糯米糕不適宜動物食 難以消化
많이 발전했네.
아기 우유도 안뺏어먹고..
말귀도 잘알아듣고.
감동 이다.
아기먼저 챙겨주다니~~
똑똑한 원숭이 였구나 ㅎ
똑똑하고 이해심 많은 아이들은 저를 많이 위로해 줍니다. 그들은 결코 저를 실망시킨 적이 없습니다. 그래서 아이들에 대한 저의 사랑은 해가 갈수록 계속 커지고 있습니다.
Su and ku enjoying with milk
Nice to meet you. Wish you have interesting experiences with our family and have more laughter every day. Can you share your feelings about the children with me?
Eles são muito arteiros❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂
Olá, fico feliz em ver seu comentário
BLESS THEIR HEARTS AND SOULS LITTLE ANGELS 😇😇😇😇💕🥰🥰🥰🥰😇😇😇😇😇💕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰😇😇😇😇😇💕🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
God will also bless you with a kind person
Watch😅ng now 🎉
Why ku is so hungry for milk
Куку с детства очень любит молочко. Вероятно он голоден и молочком пытается компенсировать недостаток питательных веществ 😊
Кукуня много трудиться и много ходит на двух ногах, таская тяжести. Что очень вредно для его хрупкого позвоночника.
Ему необходим Кальций и витамин D 3.
А также хорошее и регулярное сбалансированное питание. А не только от ролика к ролику.
Where is mimi??
My daughter still lives here, she just doesn't appear in this video. She will appear soon, please rest assured.
Вот и Су сидит голодный...., пока приготовила не понятно что, кашу не варит совсем, молоко большой выпьет....
I only watch the videos of mimi
Why do u hide her?????
I garderoben
Where is Mimi at
My daughter still lives here, she just doesn't appear in this video. She will appear soon, please rest assured.
Cade a outra macaquinha grande. Ela parecia doente, ficava deitata,onde ela está. ❤
Ela ainda está saudável e brincando lá fora. Obrigado pela sua preocupação. Tenha um bom dia.
You need more videos ❤
Thank you for liking the family video
Kuku es comerciante 😂😂😂😂😂
Sí, Kuku siempre tiene ideas creativas.
Wow Kuku eat all the food
kuku always takes good care of and is by his side
Är du bland?
Es tem fome, muita fome um toma comida do outro, tadinho do pequeno fica sem comer
Eles são apenas crianças que gostam de brincar uns com os outros
Que bonitas estarian ellas ollas bien limpias.
Mamá siempre les prepara hermosas macetas para que se diviertan mientras se bañan
Is Kuku got pain in this video? The way he is walking looks like me when I have a back ache. his arm looks painful as well. I hope he is okay. I'm sure you keep them in check and you do everything to make them better..😘😘😘
yes he will always be very good thank you for your concern
Yes, they are always very happy, thank you for your concern for Kuku, you have many interesting experiences with the family. Yes, thank you very much for always accompanying and caring for our family like that. We wish you a happy new day.
Kuku estava com fome, procurando algo no quintal, não foi chamado para comer eu não concordo com isso 😢😢
Last 3 videos. The little white brat was given a huge plate of food and Ku not summoned. The white one leaves at his will. Look carefully, his pouches are full. Ku comes in , finds what Su left and hides to eat. Then the brat throws a fit, is petted and guven more food and Ku skolded. Poor Ku lost out all around, lost mimi and now second behind this one. Not wat hing anymore.
Kuku hai mangiato il cibo di Su !
è sempre lui che sa come renderlo felice
What happened to mimi
My daughter still lives here, she just doesn't appear in this video. She will appear soon, please rest assured.
@@FamilyKuKu a
Que lindo mi bebé 🐒son muy bonitos me gusta amen 🐒🐵👍👍👍👍👍👍💛💛💛💛🌹🌹🌹👍👍👍👍👍❤❤❤❤❤❤🐒
Gracias por gustar a los pequeños de su familia.
He greedy look a his face swollen you him eat to much 😮
He can always eat whatever he wants
Hi from georgia USA
Hello friend from the United States
Hallo Familie Kuku und Du... Liebe Grüße from Germany... und alles Liebe und Gute..😉💖
Hallo, alles Gute wird zu dir kommen. Es ist schön, dich kennenzulernen
Nun hat Kuku der kleinen Su auch noch die Milchflasche gestohlen und diese ganz alleine ausgetrunken. Mom muß bei Su bleiben, bis sie alles alleine getrunken hat...🙏🙏🙏
Kuku möchte mit Su spielen und mit ihm scherzen
baba monkey minik monkeye milk almaya gidiyor.
Wow! Lady is not very honest that she took a lot of money for just cutie little orange from Kuku. She did not even changed the money to KuKu.😢 Kuku needs to learn do the math and practice the shopping with cash money. 😊
Yes, I will give you more instructions so you can go to the market most effectively
Mom thats your fought dont get made at YOYO he would of left baby monkey some but you didnt say it was for baby monkey so he eat what he thought 🤔 was his ❤
He just wants to take good care of his younger brother
Это что за еда,какие голодные , это сверх грани!!!
Это была каша, которую мама приготовила для них.
Well, that's what you should be doing is helping them eat now.Get them something to drink.Change the diapers
kuku and mom will always take good care of him
Thank you very much
I also wonder where is Mimi I miss her. I love them all but I'm very worried about Mimi.😢
You don't need to worry too much because she's still healthy. I'll be filming a video with her soon, so stay tuned
He is so wrong ate all the food up from baby monkey 🐒 😢
He just wanted to attract attention to make his younger brother happy. There was always enough food for everyone
Si, muchas gracias por siempre acompañar y cuidar tanto a nuestra familia. Les deseamos un feliz nuevo día.
Deles comida a esos pobres animalitos tienen ambre por favor
Eles têm muita comida, você pode ficar tranquilo
Ага, жрут, торопятся, вдруг отберут. Не лгите, ваши питомцы голодают
Можете быть уверены, что они всегда сыты. Смотрите больше, чтобы узнать о них больше.
Kuku eats too much. I can’t understand how he can have so much food???
Er hat eine Ersatztasche
He then eat a whole plate mom he still eating he oi g o.make himself sick 😮❤
you can see he is always very affectionate together
Eles não gostam de comida, leite, biscoitos?
Mamãe sempre preparará comidas que eles gostam
El pequeño no ha comido los dos biberones selos ha tomado kuku 😢😢😢😢
Kuku encontrará formas de burlarse de Su para que pueda jugar con él.
Now, how sad is that that they didn't even have enough?They had to go get more and oh, this is just sad so sad.These people need help
Yes, we always have a lot of love for each other. Thank you for always paying attention to our family. We wish you good health and joy.
Когда нам покажете всех троих куку мими и су?
да, я скоро сниму это трио, спасибо, что вы их всех так сильно любите
Моя дочь все еще живет здесь, просто ее нет в этом видео. Она скоро появится, будьте уверены.
Ku ku lowdown..😮
What you need to do is make sure both of them get to eat,not just the mama, and seldom do they get to drink. Cruelty to these animals is wrong.
I don't understand what you want to say, please comment back to me
У мими не мало интеллекта, она вредничает,ревнует ничего не хочет делать
Да, семья всегда расскажет много информации о детях, чтобы вы могли больше узнать о членах семьи.
HANDSOME KUKU I LOVE U 🤟🏽 ❤😂😂😂SHAREING is careing KUKU great 👍🏼
Yes, they always care and have a lot of fun together every day
Lady the monkeys are hungry. You need to feed them or give them to someone else. Be ashamed of yourself for not feedin these baby monkes.
They are always prepared with everything you can rest assured about them I wish you many new joys
Se debe tener más cuidado con los animalitos ,quedan solos por mucho tiempo ya que el pequeño queda en desventaja frente a su hermanito,se ve que lo deja sin comida porque se la lleva de una forma como un ladrón otro muy malicioso
Sí, escucharé tu opinión, gracias por darnos tu opinión.
Someday he won't be able to eat, all 😢The over-eating will make his stomach toxic. He's given too much food and many times the wrong kind of food such as sweets. That's why so many monkeys on these videos are getting sick and lying on the bed refusing food. Then they disaaear. Putting a cold press on their foreheads is nuts! The Vets don't know what's going on at home so 😢They dont help. The same thing happened to my tiny Yorkie called Jack. He was given people food, not by me, an stopped eating, almost died until l changed his diet to only rice and small amounts of boiled chicken. He got better snd only ate three meals a day - he keys went on a dog food regimine feed monkeys monkey food
You can rest assured that your children's food is always taken care of to ensure their health.