@@joluk3839 no, he wasn't. He had about a 50ish% WR. He was nerfed because of the insanely high play rate. Sojourn with a really high WR sees little play below like diamond. They are trying to balance play rate by buffing characters that aren't played and nerfing ones that are played a lot. They are more likely to buff sojourn rn then nerf her. I think they should get their faces out of spreadsheets like that and play the game.
After the nerf I’ve been in so many situations to where I’d dive an enemy in their back lines and pull off a combo that would normally be a confirmed kill and I’d dash out quickly but instead they are left with a sliver of HP and I’m already reloading and by the time I’m finished reloading the enemy team is on me and my target is already being healed. Worst feeling lmao
And if its a support without any help by other teammates their health starts going up again because of the ow2 passive during your reload time and now youre stuck with no dash no shurikens no may or may not have deflect which only delays your inevitable death by a few seconds. Dont get me started on dealing with moira
According to the community, that’s just a skill issue. I swear, I would PAY to see anyone who thinks Genji is still viable play in a Masters lobby or even high-mid Diamond.
As a Genji main who just started becoming consistently good with Genji, I am disappointed, and angered that Blizzard would nerf a character that had no need to be nerfed in the first place.
@@thegammerman for what? Genji has an extremely high skill ceiling. Nerfing him because people who aren’t skilled with him complain about people who are is absurd.
I honestly don't know what is worse, the damage makes it so you can't pull off none of his combos or the ammo capacity making you play reload simulator. Now his ult... 🤦🏾♂️
Its the combination really...u need longer to kill 200hp targets and sometimes have to reload in the middle of a fight cuz u dont always start a fight with full ammo
@Reinkaru cassidy also does a oneshot combo if you land the sticky and tracer reloading during fight is not really a problem since you have the blink to play around it. The blink doesn't interrupt reloading
@Reinkarureapers wrath reloads his weapons and makes him invulnerable with speed. Genji is just nerfed cause they hatin on the people that can play him blade is ass asf
Reaper: headshot, body, body Mccree: nade, body,body Genji: triple headshot, dash, melee combo.................................................... what a great nerf lmao
If reaper headshots you in his range you instantly die if you don’t have more than 300 hp Cassidy is a body shot sticky he doesn’t need an extra body shot or just fan the hammer it deals 300 damage Genji you need to land 3 projectiles with tiny ass hit boxes and also land the dash you fail either the target doesn’t die looks at you and kills you because you don’t have a reset to escape.
@@retro3856most of the time if you’re in the 1 shot headshot range for a reaper your positioning is bad since he needs to be right up in your face for dat otherwise it’s a head and body shot to kill or head then double body
As a Brig player, I feel your pain. That's pretty much what I have to do to kill anyone. Meanwhile kiriko headshots once then body and kills someone. Not every character should be the same but what else does Genji have/had except burst kill potential? Maybe they give him a smoke grenade lol
the monkeys paw of blizzard is that they give genji godly cosmetics but then nerf his gameplay to the ground they nerf his instakill combos but characters like sojourn are alright i guess
Yup and Players will still play genji bcuz he’s still dope af to play. He will never sit at top tier meta. He has most of the best skins/animation and players will continue to try and learn him.
I think it's hard to balance genji because 1 damage difference on his shurikens makes or breaks the character. Since he's a burst damage character either your gonna constantly leave people at 1 and not be able to finish them off or your gonna be able to kill them, dash reset get another burst combo on a squishy, rince and repeate and wipe the team. Hes always either gonna be bad or OP with no inbetween
the problem is i think they always go a bit too far with the nerf. its always a large jump instead of gradual. if they gave him just another point in damage this nerf wouldnt feel so bad imo. but still youre right i guess itd make him seem op
@@910Jarothe entire point of the original comment was saying that it’s impossible to make it more gradual since its just one damage that makes the difference between oneshotting or not
@@Nillioh i just don’t remember a single time they changed his damage by one point. always two or more. that was the point of my comment, i understood yours, still wanted to state my opinion
it's literally not that bad this is just extremely over exaggerated. genji is still playable you just have to work harder to play him. and besides he showed raw damage numbers in the training range. you have 4 other teammates to help you poke so you can dive as genji
@@lilyzrd you realize that was a dummy that doesn’t move and shoot back right? You realize there’s also 4 other characters on the other team right? Lol this argument is nuts, why play a hero that requires even more coordination than before when you can play sojourn, tracer, cree, ash, widow, torb, junkrat, hanzo, reaper, symm, like bro this shit is not real lmao
@@lieutenant-hound484 feels like i just dont do damage as genji anymore so i started playing mcree again and now im fragging like i used to as genji because ive got good damgae out of ult
yeahh the worst thing ive noticed is getting that last amount of damage off. the amount of times i die because someone was left w 1 hp is infuriating, i almost always hope theres a winton on my team now.
honestly everyone says the ammo is the problem, but i'd rather want the damage on shurikens reverted and ammo kept the same (or 27 ammo but 24 is fine)
ammo is a problem tho ,the amount of times i almost got a kill but i was stuck in reload while the guy run back to his teammate is big , dmg nerf is bad for 1 combo the 2left click melee but the real problem is making sure you have enough ammo to engage
Man they could atleast increase his reload Speed. The number of times the event has escaped while I reload these days has increased a lot. Or something like auto reload when u dash, like cree when he rolls
Tbh I'm genuinely not as upset with this nerf as I thought I'd be. I ended up dropping 42 kills with 12k something damage post nerf and all I really had to do to be able to stay on top of my damage was pressure tanks and confirm kills for my team, aka just play more team and objective focused and make opportunity for pushes and distractions. Once again, not that bad guys.
Players will always complain because they want genji op just for the sake of highlights... Genji is already hard to hit and he was one shoting people like crazy, nerfs were needed and they did nerf him good, he is balanced now
I’m pre and post game nerf genji I agree and disagree, it’s the one hit move you know that’s supposed to kill someone and it don’t that grinds my gears and than your waiting on your reset or the nerf shurikens to hit and kill the person but they don’t die
I actually started thinking about this more and saw other peoples opinions on this, looked at the state of overwatch too with soujorn still being unbelivably busted even after her nerf yesterday and realised genji isn't viable at higher level comp play because he falls short on damage and the ability to secure kills. And the only reason he was genuinely busted before the nerf was because of the attack role passive that just made him a fucking bullet
@@kenshix4549 He is the worst hero wdym.... just go hitscan or actually hit your shots, hes an easy to hit walking cube, not like moira, tracer or widowmaker, which are walking sticks the one shot technique requires a lot of practice to pull out consistently, hundreds of hours to master, compare that to just shooting at people with every other dps to kill them, moving your mouse or joystick is optional with most heroes
im a genji main and i learned a lot from shadder, been crushing players in asia but with this nerf i dont think theres any chances for me especially with how broken some other hero are like sym, tob, sojourn, sombra, moira and reaper
@@-zod-4882 either the sombra u got is bad or the genji is too good for the average player, most of the time since sombra is invis and genji is a flanker she can wait with her team and genji is diving or flanking sombra can hack him and disable his ability which for genji is huge since his actual weapon is not that punishing and has a higher versatility than like sniper rifle like widow or a handgun like mcree or even like soldier 76 with an AR and by the time sombra done hacking u for flaking her teammates u would have gotten 2v1 with no abilities idk about u but genji rn with the nerf is not that good
@@greatmusic142sombra sucks honestly I walk down every sombra with genji cause my abilities come back faster. Just don’t waste ur cooldowns/dive unless u know u can get a kill
@@ChomoActivities101 than shadder? You're smoking crack. Necros can't play without a mercy/Ana pocket. Shadder solo queues every time and is still better
As someone who started Overwatch with ow2 and has been using Genji since the beta was available to me this nerf is a pain in the ass. Instead of the usual secondary+melee combo I need to use another attack in order for me to secure kill. At this point I might aswell do dash kills more than melee kills since dash already kills anyone with two bars of health.
Genji: can jump twice, has dash resets, can deflect enemy ultimates and abilities, has one shot combos and an ultimate that has team wipe potential Cree- gun go shoot pew pew Also roll 4 feet wow
@@drewc8052 Genji requires execution and actual muscle memory and still cannot kill in a single combo with headshots. Cass lands 1 shot and throws a tracking grenade to kill any squishy.
@@drewc8052 mecree can deadeye a whole team, harder to kill during ultimate, grenade that will attach to enemies no matter what in 13 meters. 2 shotter(headshot/bodyshot) that can kill someone in 1sec. Does not require to be in danger to do dmg. Both has its benefits and flaws. But mecree don't require much risk as genji do. Genji can do 1 shot combo but that requires you to land 3 shots and a dash while mecree is only 2 and have no projectile speed.
@@lieutenant-hound484 it’s a old ass picture lmao but I can see what u mean lol but still you are a trash gold player lol so you don’t understand how numbers work with a burst down character and it’s not easy to balance him at all since he is either op or just shit
Movement creep in this game is also insane. Genji blade with no boosts is painful, you ult and dash onto a moira she'll just fade away. A kiriko? She'll just tp away and make someone else you choose as a target invincible. Oh you thought you were killing reaper? Nah wraith form time. Killing echo? You thought, bird time. Not even just the movement creep, his ultimate is just not an ultimate, ramattras new melee form is better and its not an ult. Genji has to be melee when ulting and it has terrible reach and hes slow when ulting, youll just get hog hooked, anti healed and slept, or mcree stick bombed or junkrat double mined. Theres about 27 abilities that all have to be on cooldown at the same time for genji to have a successful blade. His neutral game was the last thing you could cling to but is now neutered...you're gonna tell me a giant heavy armored german mech is going to walk just as fast as a cyborg ninja while using blade???? Like i could just play soldier and ult and i dont have to be close at all, no risk, high reward. Genji is ultimate risk, and tiny little tittle wink of a reward if youre a gm smurfing in silver.
If you actually play Genji then you know that he's probably one of the worst characters in the game, people see clips from the two best Genji players and they think he's broken when in reality it's just pain and suffering trying to literally do ANYTHING with him. Don't know why blizzard thought it was okay to listen to BRONZE PLAYERS WHO CAN'T PLAY THE GAME AND ARE LITERAL NPCS instead of idk actual good players who ACTUALLY have a brain and know how to play the game. As if it wasn't already bad enough to play him. Literally blade gets countered almost every time you use it, every stun in the game or just hitting him, hook, MEI!! it goes on.
So true, blade is such a bad ult and people expect you to teamwipe with nanoblade, but in reality their kiriko will turn invincivle then fucking teleport, soujourn will go to another planet and zen ult
@@ardelius0198 Yeah, Just try to imagine a nano Blade against Moira, Kiriko, Junkret and Soujorn, i needed count The skills countdown, and even with that, i only killed One, cause everyone Just dissapeared , i was Lucky that i killed one fr
@@ardelius0198 yeah not only they brought kiriko which is a hard counter to genji and then they nerfed him they and nerfed blade a couple months ago to 110 damage so a healer out heal your damage between slashes making you triple slash a target instead of double slash to kill them and now they suzu in between that with zero counter play like for real just delete him from the game at this point
Prolly to get more newbies and casuals to play. Not everyone wants to put effort so they pick junk or reaper and these type of people if they get like rekt by a good genji lose their motivation or might even try him bc yeah hes so op and then realize he actually needs some work so the solution make genji less powerful so they can have fun and be happy haha by all means to be fair genji was extremely strong before but why shouldnt he be when you put work into him? Its deserved When you actually need skill to pull that off
@@samakun3603 It sure is a lot more fun for casual players to get squashed by a good reaper/soujorn who will be present 100% of the games than it is to be squashed by a good genji in 1 game out of 20. This logic just doesn't work
I dont even play Genji but this shit is so frustrating. It feels like OW2 is just Blizzard giving up on anything they struggled to balance. Getting rid of double tank forces me to play in ways I don't like to, and 2CP is 1000000% more fun than push, because push basically ends when one teams gets a mild advantage.
Even Necros has been switching off Genji for Echo and Reaper, Genji is just unplayable against certain comps and obviously constant Mercy pocket helps.
I fell like when everyone complained about blizzards monetization of the OW2. The devs just decided to punish us in relatiation by nerfing the one character who everyone bought the season pass for. They are like oh let's make genji terrible now that everyone is playing him because we released a cool new skin for him. And let's do it now that they payed for it and have no way to refund.
Genji is ultra situational now, no real reason to pick him over Tracer/Reaper even Torb is no joke a top tier hero. They did not need to nerf both his damage and ammo at the same time, Genji players should be rewarded for hitting headshots just like every other heroes are rewarded.
Agreed. For me, they should at least put his clip back up to 30 and keep the damage were it's at now. Either that or buff his ult somehow. Put it back to 8 seconds or keep it at 6 second ls but either make his swings faster by default (without Kiriko) or up the damage a bit (which is a hot take I know).
These nerfs were not deserved, at least not in their current form. Genji now has lower dps and burst than the characters they were trying to align him with i.e. Reaper and Tracer. Regarding the proper balance, the Overwatch Dev team might need to take a leaf out of the book of Paladins. Have a test version of the game where a large player base can test your planned changes and give you live feedback during an assessment window. That way you are not stuck playing the same metas for half a season.
Semi half decent? This whole comment section is a echo chamber of genji mains trying to cope getting a deserved nerf. "Oh noo my hero isnt broken and unfun to play against anymore how can i play this game"
@@sparda_ it was and the game is better for it. Gotta love these genji nerds crying on this echo chamber trying to make each other feel good by saying it wasnt for a reason lol. Im just super happy he got nerfed and actually requiers skill now so boosted noobs like you can fall into your actual place
Why is everyone exaggerating how bad the nerf is, I’m sure at the highest levels it makes a much larger difference but for everyone else, such as the people watching this video, it’s just an inconvenience that makes you lose out on a few kills here and there. We still do more than plenty damage to secure kills and solo a very decent amount of matchups
You don’t know what you’re talking about bro, in diamond/plat yh sure. But in masters he’s just getting fucked over and over again by sojourn as an example
Imagine if Ana did 65 damage per shot That's about the same amount of damage lost. That breakpoint means she needs 4 shots to the body on 200hp You are losing soooo many more duels because of that. And she's not a dive dps that's incredibly risky. Play the hero, genji is a breakpoint hero.
as a genji main i think adding more ammo to stay in the fight a lil longer would help. depends on your team how good of your genji can be . most of the time early on they’ll switch to beams and use it on you and shooting them is the only way to get them to back off since you can’t combo as before and it feels weak even if you try becuz they’ll be healed so no point , but as soon as you reload which takes a while tbh your kinda fckd if you do reload and you’re kinda stuck deep. and genji wasn’t made to be played holding from the back so yeah. i say buff some melee dmg
The nerf is not bad at all, you have to remember that there are 4 other people on your team that are shooting at the enemy too. Basically Genji is more of a team player than a solo, much better that way.
The first minute is him being bad because he cant 2 tap a support or DPS? Why tf should he be able to dispatch someone that quickly someone pls explain to me I'm curious
RIP genji, hanzo is the true brother now… before we can dashing and 1v1 now, it’s just an escape spell… 😅 so unfair but moira and sojurn can live a long life 🤣
Its ok next patch we got another sojurn nerf where when she slide deal damage to the enemy and on kill its reset. But looking how badly genji perfom we remove his dash. Instead he will make a litle hop and auto say : I need healing.
I main genji in ow1 ranking at 3400 then hit masters around 3700 with him and stop playing him and swap to widow, then ow2 was announced and suddenly stopped using him bc I just knew he was going to be bad in overwatch 2 with the new hero abilities and I might have been right. I still do play with him in qp but never in rank again. I’m at gm 2 now with widow, sojourn, and soldier. Used to be genji, Cree and widow
Idk if I'm improving or am just too low skill for it to make a difference to me but I somehow started increasing my damage number AFTER the nerf.... End me please
Honestly if they would just make his cooldowns less Genji would be fine. Or hell what if they gave him a rework where swift blade and deflect are both apart of the same ability and you get two charges of it. Kind of like how Zarya can bubble herself or a teammate with her ability. I think that would make him alot easier to play without making him super overpowered.
I was a doom main since release. Season one of ow2 was hard but still made it work. Genji can’t simply solo kill as effectively as before which is fine. My friend plays Genji and dives whenever I go in as doom and he gets hella picks still. Just gotta play the hero a bit differently
To be honest I feel like all they had to do was just put a cd on his double jump like hanzos but shorter. Whenever some genji goes above my head, I look up to see him gone then when I look down he goes up with his double jump again ;-;
@@kneecapz7385 absolutely not bruh have u seen the pick rate of that hero? its brainded hero for noobish player to use, theres always one in any game, the dps range is insane and the cd for invulnerable and move at the same time is too low, the ult and the dps is crazy too she heals herself everytime she deals dmg, shes like a half tank, dps and a healer
@@greatmusic142 i agree, i fucking hate her as well, but she can do 2 things, heal and dmg. its normal for her to be easily able to get lots of value out of that
@@kneecapz7385 "but she can do 2 things, heal and dmg" yes but shes not even like a semi dps, im talking just hard carry full on dps if she wants too, i have seen moira on either team out damaging their own dps by double and she doesnt even heal most of the time or much, that shouldnt even be possible shes a healer with a healer passive and yet she can play a role thats outside of her class without consequences?
what's the point of escape abilities if you instantly die to Genji combo anyway, sojourn has to have mercy pocket and get a headshot, tracer has to have insane spray luck and hit nearly all headshots, and Genji mains press two buttons and cry that enemy is not dead, blade plus nano is still one of the most broken ult combos in the game. Genji is fine
“Yes we saw how Soujorn is extremely op. That’s why we decided to nerf Genji”
Truly a Blizzard moment
Genji is op
@@joluk3839 no, he wasn't. He had about a 50ish% WR. He was nerfed because of the insanely high play rate. Sojourn with a really high WR sees little play below like diamond. They are trying to balance play rate by buffing characters that aren't played and nerfing ones that are played a lot. They are more likely to buff sojourn rn then nerf her. I think they should get their faces out of spreadsheets like that and play the game.
@@alfianna2578 no
“We saw how unbalanced and overall bad push was so we removed payload” another blizzard moment
@@joluk3839 nice constructive argument, but @Alfianna is correct
What if they buffed his melee instead of his Shuriken? That way he’s not racking up the damage, but is still able to get the combo kills.
You... I like you
This is actually a perfect fix… makes sense since its a sword too lmao
@@yoo912 Yeah and not that weird for the game since JQ has a special effect on her melee weapon for example
Good idea
yeah if Zen can have a kick Genji's sword should work like a sword
After the nerf I’ve been in so many situations to where I’d dive an enemy in their back lines and pull off a combo that would normally be a confirmed kill and I’d dash out quickly but instead they are left with a sliver of HP and I’m already reloading and by the time I’m finished reloading the enemy team is on me and my target is already being healed. Worst feeling lmao
And if its a support without any help by other teammates their health starts going up again because of the ow2 passive during your reload time and now youre stuck with no dash no shurikens no may or may not have deflect which only delays your inevitable death by a few seconds. Dont get me started on dealing with moira
According to the community, that’s just a skill issue. I swear, I would PAY to see anyone who thinks Genji is still viable play in a Masters lobby or even high-mid Diamond.
@@LiterallySpikeSpiegel seen plenty int those ranks
As a Genji main who just started becoming consistently good with Genji, I am disappointed, and angered that Blizzard would nerf a character that had no need to be nerfed in the first place.
Nah he still needs to be nerfed tbh
@@thegammerman for what? Genji has an extremely high skill ceiling. Nerfing him because people who aren’t skilled with him complain about people who are is absurd.
@@XxRileyxX42 no, need nerf
@@thegammerman thanks for your wrong opinion
@@arielariel1176 does he know
I honestly don't know what is worse, the damage makes it so you can't pull off none of his combos or the ammo capacity making you play reload simulator. Now his ult... 🤦🏾♂️
Its the combination really...u need longer to kill 200hp targets and sometimes have to reload in the middle of a fight cuz u dont always start a fight with full ammo
I barely feel the dmg nerf. The ammo nerf is the problem.
@Reinkaru cassidy also does a oneshot combo if you land the sticky
and tracer reloading during fight is not really a problem since you have the blink to play around it. The blink doesn't interrupt reloading
@Reinkarureapers wrath reloads his weapons and makes him invulnerable with speed. Genji is just nerfed cause they hatin on the people that can play him blade is ass asf
@Reinkarunot to mention the deflect is usless most games from moria, winston players, mei, back shots, so much shit people dont consider
life as a genji main is truly suffering.
then.. dont main him?
@idc lol bro… YOU DONT GET IT
@@idclol2883 but his playstyle is fun and they just make his damage horrible
@@idclol2883 bruh
Reaper: headshot, body, body
Mccree: nade, body,body
Genji: triple headshot, dash, melee combo.................................................... what a great nerf lmao
Nade body thats it
Triple head + dash for 200hp heroes
If reaper headshots you in his range you instantly die if you don’t have more than 300 hp
Cassidy is a body shot sticky he doesn’t need an extra body shot or just fan the hammer it deals 300 damage
Genji you need to land 3 projectiles with tiny ass hit boxes and also land the dash you fail either the target doesn’t die looks at you and kills you because you don’t have a reset to escape.
@@retro3856most of the time if you’re in the 1 shot headshot range for a reaper your positioning is bad since he needs to be right up in your face for dat otherwise it’s a head and body shot to kill or head then double body
As a Brig player, I feel your pain. That's pretty much what I have to do to kill anyone. Meanwhile kiriko headshots once then body and kills someone. Not every character should be the same but what else does Genji have/had except burst kill potential? Maybe they give him a smoke grenade lol
the monkeys paw of blizzard is that they give genji godly cosmetics but then nerf his gameplay to the ground
they nerf his instakill combos but characters like sojourn are alright i guess
Yup and Players will still play genji bcuz he’s still dope af to play. He will never sit at top tier meta. He has most of the best skins/animation and players will continue to try and learn him.
Yeap its not that genji is weak, its that other characters are just way too strong
You know they are going to nerf her cry baby
They keep new characters OP to make more people play them. It's clear manipulation. OW2 is trash
@@Jspath3 ram teh new tank isn't op so that's false and soljorn is getting her nerf today I'm pretty sure
I think it's hard to balance genji because 1 damage difference on his shurikens makes or breaks the character. Since he's a burst damage character either your gonna constantly leave people at 1 and not be able to finish them off or your gonna be able to kill them, dash reset get another burst combo on a squishy, rince and repeate and wipe the team. Hes always either gonna be bad or OP with no inbetween
the problem is i think they always go a bit too far with the nerf. its always a large jump instead of gradual. if they gave him just another point in damage this nerf wouldnt feel so bad imo. but still youre right i guess itd make him seem op
@@910Jarothe entire point of the original comment was saying that it’s impossible to make it more gradual since its just one damage that makes the difference between oneshotting or not
@@Nillioh i just don’t remember a single time they changed his damage by one point. always two or more. that was the point of my comment, i understood yours, still wanted to state my opinion
Yup, same with Hog... either OP or trash
Genji was never op… unless he was nano boosted and had ult
They killed the most fun hero in the game.... Well done blizzard
it's literally not that bad this is just extremely over exaggerated. genji is still playable you just have to work harder to play him. and besides he showed raw damage numbers in the training range. you have 4 other teammates to help you poke so you can dive as genji
@@lilyzrd you realize that was a dummy that doesn’t move and shoot back right? You realize there’s also 4 other characters on the other team right? Lol this argument is nuts, why play a hero that requires even more coordination than before when you can play sojourn, tracer, cree, ash, widow, torb, junkrat, hanzo, reaper, symm, like bro this shit is not real lmao
Moira exists
@@lilyzrd looks like someone isn't playing genji
@@SionicK looks like someone isnt good at genji
Rip to all the genji mains...
Yeah cry over 2 hp
@@lieutenant-hound484 feels like i just dont do damage as genji anymore so i started playing mcree again and now im fragging like i used to as genji because ive got good damgae out of ult
@@lieutenant-hound484 dumb bronze player :
@@LSND gold. Close though
I still play him, but man I die more often to people I put 1hp, it’s frustrating 🤦♂️
Fr dude the amount of times someone gets healed, escapes, or kills me when they were literally 1 is unreal
@@maxd3str0y3r Yeah, thats so frustating
@@maxd3str0y3r fr dude genji is too fun to get nerfed
Happens too often ngl
Cry over 1 hp
He’s the only one with a mythic skin so now he can embrace being a cosmetic character
yeahh the worst thing ive noticed is getting that last amount of damage off. the amount of times i die because someone was left w 1 hp is infuriating, i almost always hope theres a winton on my team now.
Necros is way ahead of you with the Mercy pocket.
shows the skill diff before.
@@Relixification it goes both ways, but now all i see is necros duo q with mercy pocket
@@Relixification Necros its only good with Dragon Blade at all
I never knew about the nerf, now I’m realising how I lost my rank so easily
honestly everyone says the ammo is the problem, but i'd rather want the damage on shurikens reverted and ammo kept the same (or 27 ammo but 24 is fine)
27 is the perfect number but they should just round up the damage to 30
I agree
ammo is a problem tho ,the amount of times i almost got a kill but i was stuck in reload while the guy run back to his teammate is big , dmg nerf is bad for 1 combo the 2left click melee but the real problem is making sure you have enough ammo to engage
Genji mains when they can't 100 0 your hp in a millisecond
Dawg you don’t use Genji so u wouldn’t understand the nerfs, plus souljurn does the same thing, ion see u complaining bout her tho
@@isayuh5303 everyone complains abt her what u on about
@@isayuh5303 so because a universally broken character can do it, I suppose it sounds be common. Ah yes, the horror.
Genji haters whenever they get outplayed by a skillful character and can’t accept it:
Hahahaha genji mains are the biggest doors brah hqhahq
Man they could atleast increase his reload Speed.
The number of times the event has escaped while I reload these days has increased a lot.
Or something like auto reload when u dash, like cree when he rolls
Tbh I'm genuinely not as upset with this nerf as I thought I'd be. I ended up dropping 42 kills with 12k something damage post nerf and all I really had to do to be able to stay on top of my damage was pressure tanks and confirm kills for my team, aka just play more team and objective focused and make opportunity for pushes and distractions. Once again, not that bad guys.
Players will always complain because they want genji op just for the sake of highlights... Genji is already hard to hit and he was one shoting people like crazy, nerfs were needed and they did nerf him good, he is balanced now
@@kenshix4549 just click head smoothbrain
I’m pre and post game nerf genji I agree and disagree, it’s the one hit move you know that’s supposed to kill someone and it don’t that grinds my gears and than your waiting on your reset or the nerf shurikens to hit and kill the person but they don’t die
I actually started thinking about this more and saw other peoples opinions on this, looked at the state of overwatch too with soujorn still being unbelivably busted even after her nerf yesterday and realised genji isn't viable at higher level comp play because he falls short on damage and the ability to secure kills. And the only reason he was genuinely busted before the nerf was because of the attack role passive that just made him a fucking bullet
@@kenshix4549 He is the worst hero wdym....
just go hitscan or actually hit your shots, hes an easy to hit walking cube, not like moira, tracer or widowmaker, which are walking sticks
the one shot technique requires a lot of practice to pull out consistently, hundreds of hours to master, compare that to just shooting at people with every other dps to kill them, moving your mouse or joystick is optional with most heroes
pls never change this editing style 💀
Yo lets keep Sojourn untouched while we nerf genji again. Fucking yikes lmao
and we got a nerf for sojourn and genji again
Me playing genji
Genji gets nerfed
Me when i see doomfist: “perhaps i treated you too harshly”
im a genji main and i learned a lot from shadder, been crushing players in asia but with this nerf i dont think theres any chances for me especially with how broken some other hero are like sym, tob, sojourn, sombra, moira and reaper
sombra got nuked with genji so
@@-zod-4882 either the sombra u got is bad or the genji is too good for the average player, most of the time since sombra is invis and genji is a flanker she can wait with her team and genji is diving or flanking sombra can hack him and disable his ability which for genji is huge since his actual weapon is not that punishing and has a higher versatility than like sniper rifle like widow or a handgun like mcree or even like soldier 76 with an AR and by the time sombra done hacking u for flaking her teammates u would have gotten 2v1 with no abilities idk about u but genji rn with the nerf is not that good
@@greatmusic142sombra sucks honestly I walk down every sombra with genji cause my abilities come back faster. Just don’t waste ur cooldowns/dive unless u know u can get a kill
Basicaly you describe the only reason why necros still says genji is op cuz he have their ana merc to buff his ass
Necros is also better
@@ChomoActivities101 than shadder? You're smoking crack. Necros can't play without a mercy/Ana pocket. Shadder solo queues every time and is still better
As someone who started Overwatch with ow2 and has been using Genji since the beta was available to me this nerf is a pain in the ass. Instead of the usual secondary+melee combo I need to use another attack in order for me to secure kill. At this point I might aswell do dash kills more than melee kills since dash already kills anyone with two bars of health.
Genji - a cyborg ninja assassin = 200hp
Mccree - just a cowboy = 225 hp
wtf blizzard.
It made sense when he had flash and was a dive counter, but now it's just kinda weird
@@sovietmudkip1 Cree was NEVER a dive counter. The +25HP are made to survive getting dived.
Genji: can jump twice, has dash resets, can deflect enemy ultimates and abilities, has one shot combos and an ultimate that has team wipe potential
Cree- gun go shoot pew pew
Also roll 4 feet wow
@@drewc8052 Genji requires execution and actual muscle memory and still cannot kill in a single combo with headshots. Cass lands 1 shot and throws a tracking grenade to kill any squishy.
@@drewc8052 mecree can deadeye a whole team, harder to kill during ultimate, grenade that will attach to enemies no matter what in 13 meters. 2 shotter(headshot/bodyshot) that can kill someone in 1sec. Does not require to be in danger to do dmg.
Both has its benefits and flaws. But mecree don't require much risk as genji do. Genji can do 1 shot combo but that requires you to land 3 shots and a dash while mecree is only 2 and have no projectile speed.
“They need to keep nerfing genji” 😭😭😭
Cry over 2 hp
@@lieutenant-hound484 coming from a person in the average Elo lmao ofc it wouldn't matter to you
@@pogy1096 im not even gonna argue with you. Your pfp says it all😂
@@lieutenant-hound484 yeah he kinda discredited himself with that ngl
@@lieutenant-hound484 it’s a old ass picture lmao but I can see what u mean lol but still you are a trash gold player lol so you don’t understand how numbers work with a burst down character and it’s not easy to balance him at all since he is either op or just shit
I don't think the Genji nerf is that bad; The issue I have with it is that the devs nerfed Genji over Sojourn.
Get your priorities straight Blizzard.
I'm a Doom/Genji main. Picture how I feel when all what blizzards does is cater to the newbies coming to the game, and whining hit scan players
Other than doom when he was dps, genji was the most fun damage hero in the game it’s sad
Other dps: fun because they are actually good
Genji: fun because hes cool cyborg ninja, despite being the worst dps
I hate the ammo count as I keep losing fights were if I had the 6 extra shurikens I'm confident I could of won
Movement creep in this game is also insane. Genji blade with no boosts is painful, you ult and dash onto a moira she'll just fade away. A kiriko? She'll just tp away and make someone else you choose as a target invincible. Oh you thought you were killing reaper? Nah wraith form time. Killing echo? You thought, bird time. Not even just the movement creep, his ultimate is just not an ultimate, ramattras new melee form is better and its not an ult. Genji has to be melee when ulting and it has terrible reach and hes slow when ulting, youll just get hog hooked, anti healed and slept, or mcree stick bombed or junkrat double mined. Theres about 27 abilities that all have to be on cooldown at the same time for genji to have a successful blade. His neutral game was the last thing you could cling to but is now neutered...you're gonna tell me a giant heavy armored german mech is going to walk just as fast as a cyborg ninja while using blade???? Like i could just play soldier and ult and i dont have to be close at all, no risk, high reward. Genji is ultimate risk, and tiny little tittle wink of a reward if youre a gm smurfing in silver.
I'm a Genji main and my friend is a Doom main. We're masters but we're basically throwing every time we duo and play our mains. 😀
Blizzard gonna show this at the next nerf meeting to nerf genji again
Genji was so fun to play before the nerfs now it's just a tiring chore with no reward
Bro now the new dps passive losing the much needed speed boost after a kill
I fell like blistered nerfed his flanking potential sooo I dunno what they are on since sojourn still exists
Yep the good old can't miss right click you just better just so much better.
The memes were having me weak asf , but this is no laughing matter tbh. The amount of kills that your just never gonna get now because ✨support✨
If you actually play Genji then you know that he's probably one of the worst characters in the game, people see clips from the two best Genji players and they think he's broken when in reality it's just pain and suffering trying to literally do ANYTHING with him. Don't know why blizzard thought it was okay to listen to BRONZE PLAYERS WHO CAN'T PLAY THE GAME AND ARE LITERAL NPCS instead of idk actual good players who ACTUALLY have a brain and know how to play the game. As if it wasn't already bad enough to play him. Literally blade gets countered almost every time you use it, every stun in the game or just hitting him, hook, MEI!! it goes on.
So true, blade is such a bad ult and people expect you to teamwipe with nanoblade, but in reality their kiriko will turn invincivle then fucking teleport, soujourn will go to another planet and zen ult
@@ardelius0198 Yeah, Just try to imagine a nano Blade against Moira, Kiriko, Junkret and Soujorn, i needed count The skills countdown, and even with that, i only killed One, cause everyone Just dissapeared , i was Lucky that i killed one fr
@@ardelius0198 yeah not only they brought kiriko which is a hard counter to genji and then they nerfed him they and nerfed blade a couple months ago to 110 damage so a healer out heal your damage between slashes making you triple slash a target instead of double slash to kill them and now they suzu in between that with zero counter play like for real just delete him from the game at this point
He has a very high skill ceiling. He’s either really shit if you’re bad with him or insane if you’re good with him.
@@joeynyesss1286 not anymore, even shadder said genji is useless lol
Lmfao they did the same thing with hanzo 3 storm arrows leave an enemy with like 5 health like…. What
why does blizzard want junkrat to be good and genji to be bad... how is it fun man
They love no skill heros look at the metas its all easy characters they hate genji who takes a shit ton of skill
Found this out about blizzard a long time ago. They really do favor the heroes that take no skill
Prolly to get more newbies and casuals to play. Not everyone wants to put effort so they pick junk or reaper and these type of people if they get like rekt by a good genji lose their motivation or might even try him bc yeah hes so op and then realize he actually needs some work so the solution make genji less powerful so they can have fun and be happy haha by all means to be fair genji was extremely strong before but why shouldnt he be when you put work into him? Its deserved When you actually need skill to pull that off
@@samakun3603 thing is genji is not even op my dps is getting outhealed same with blade they can just outheal it
@@samakun3603 It sure is a lot more fun for casual players to get squashed by a good reaper/soujorn who will be present 100% of the games than it is to be squashed by a good genji in 1 game out of 20. This logic just doesn't work
I dont even play Genji but this shit is so frustrating. It feels like OW2 is just Blizzard giving up on anything they struggled to balance. Getting rid of double tank forces me to play in ways I don't like to, and 2CP is 1000000% more fun than push, because push basically ends when one teams gets a mild advantage.
The fact necros think this hero is still strong with his mercy and ana armies is cringe lmaoo
Even Necros has been switching off Genji for Echo and Reaper, Genji is just unplayable against certain comps and obviously constant Mercy pocket helps.
bro its a joke hes saying he is too good that the nerf doesnt matter
@@stacks4k cringe ego he has
@@alku6252 sounds like other heroes that are balanced
I'm sorry children but please just get better none of y'all are grandmaster so stop birthing about him being dead
I fell like when everyone complained about blizzards monetization of the OW2. The devs just decided to punish us in relatiation by nerfing the one character who everyone bought the season pass for.
They are like oh let's make genji terrible now that everyone is playing him because we released a cool new skin for him. And let's do it now that they payed for it and have no way to refund.
Genji is ultra situational now, no real reason to pick him over Tracer/Reaper even Torb is no joke a top tier hero.
They did not need to nerf both his damage and ammo at the same time, Genji players should be rewarded for hitting headshots just like every other heroes are rewarded.
Fr mccree has a 130 damage homing missile but I’m not allowed to right click head and melee
@@carnivorousplant5772 Now they are going to nerf mcree after what u said
@@amgadmohamed18Sounds like a Blizzard thing to do. Nerf any hero which is already not performing that well in the Sojourn meta.
Agreed. For me, they should at least put his clip back up to 30 and keep the damage were it's at now. Either that or buff his ult somehow. Put it back to 8 seconds or keep it at 6 second ls but either make his swings faster by default (without Kiriko) or up the damage a bit (which is a hot take I know).
@@ingenium2872 yah his too weak and almost everything counters him so he need likkke a big buff in damage or his abilities
It's like they lowered the age rating for Genji by not allowing him to kill people.
I didnt know my guy shadder was listening to tevvez, biggest w in ow community imo
These nerfs were not deserved, at least not in their current form. Genji now has lower dps and burst than the characters they were trying to align him with i.e. Reaper and Tracer. Regarding the proper balance, the Overwatch Dev team might need to take a leaf out of the book of Paladins. Have a test version of the game where a large player base can test your planned changes and give you live feedback during an assessment window. That way you are not stuck playing the same metas for half a season.
there was a PTR for OW1, not sure why it's not really a thing anymore
@@weeyum99 and the experimental mode is still there in the menu, which replaced the PTR in late OW1 for balance changes
@@crisman300 oh do they still put changes there for you to try out pre patch? i don't really play any of those modes
@@weeyum99 nope, balance changes just go live now
It seems like if they just KEPT his ammo count it at least he wouldn’t be in the godawful tier he’s in now
Doom mains: Wellcome to the club
2:54 still trying to figure out where the extra dash came from. Also why do I remember seeing this video?!?!
He got an elim for hitting the hog 1 time
wait what did they do? I see no genji in the patch notes
other heroes: broken and abused for months
when genji is semi half decent for once he’s nerfed into the ground in a matter of 1-2 week(s)
Semi half decent? This whole comment section is a echo chamber of genji mains trying to cope getting a deserved nerf. "Oh noo my hero isnt broken and unfun to play against anymore how can i play this game"
high skill, middling reward hero = broken..
whatever helps u sleep at night rofl
@@sparda_ he got nerfed for a reason and the game is better for it. Keep crying
>nerfed for a reason
>implying its the right decision since it's made by blizzard
actual bootkisser kek
@@sparda_ it was and the game is better for it. Gotta love these genji nerds crying on this echo chamber trying to make each other feel good by saying it wasnt for a reason lol. Im just super happy he got nerfed and actually requiers skill now so boosted noobs like you can fall into your actual place
Why is everyone exaggerating how bad the nerf is, I’m sure at the highest levels it makes a much larger difference but for everyone else, such as the people watching this video, it’s just an inconvenience that makes you lose out on a few kills here and there. We still do more than plenty damage to secure kills and solo a very decent amount of matchups
You don’t know what you’re talking about bro, in diamond/plat yh sure. But in masters he’s just getting fucked over and over again by sojourn as an example
@@mkYuuichi that’s what I mean by a larger difference
Imagine if Ana did 65 damage per shot
That's about the same amount of damage lost.
That breakpoint means she needs 4 shots to the body on 200hp
You are losing soooo many more duels because of that. And she's not a dive dps that's incredibly risky.
Play the hero, genji is a breakpoint hero.
@@lootbaglu yeah it sucks ass, he’s still fun to play tho, just a lot harder to pick fights
I thought I was trippin abt his damage I thought my skill had somehow become atrociously aids with genji out of nowhere :(
love your videos man, the edits are so perfect
Now genji can BARELY one shot with 3hradshots and left shift what u think about that
as a genji main i think adding more ammo to stay in the fight a lil longer would help. depends on your team how good of your genji can be . most of the time early on they’ll switch to beams and use it on you and shooting them is the only way to get them to back off since you can’t combo as before and it feels weak even if you try becuz they’ll be healed so no point , but as soon as you reload which takes a while tbh your kinda fckd if you do reload and you’re kinda stuck deep. and genji wasn’t made to be played holding from the back so yeah. i say buff some melee dmg
I hop on the game once a week, get railed in the face 10 times in a row, log off, pretty fun.
Can we at least have 8s dragon blade back? Or at least lower cd on deflect? Something anything please
The nerf is not bad at all, you have to remember that there are 4 other people on your team that are shooting at the enemy too. Basically Genji is more of a team player than a solo, much better that way.
I get it now. They're slowly removing his ammo until he can only melee to bring him back to his original design plan of being a melee only character
6:16 wth with the cooldown numbers??
thank god
I think it's literally the effective 1 shot combos that players don't like.
Yes we don't. Nobody likes being one shoted. And I say that as a hog main. Hog needs a nerf too to be honest
@@ogrynmod1765 bru widow?
@@ogrynmod1765 Bru sojourn?
@@ogrynmod1765 bru plus gengi doesn't even one shot
The first minute is him being bad because he cant 2 tap a support or DPS? Why tf should he be able to dispatch someone that quickly someone pls explain to me I'm curious
RIP genji, hanzo is the true brother now… before we can dashing and 1v1 now, it’s just an escape spell… 😅 so unfair but moira and sojurn can live a long life 🤣
Doomfist mains: first time?
they should've just either done ammo or damage. I cant understand why they saw the need to do both
Its ok next patch we got another sojurn nerf where when she slide deal damage to the enemy and on kill its reset.
But looking how badly genji perfom we remove his dash. Instead he will make a litle hop and auto say : I need healing.
I main genji in ow1 ranking at 3400 then hit masters around 3700 with him and stop playing him and swap to widow, then ow2 was announced and suddenly stopped using him bc I just knew he was going to be bad in overwatch 2 with the new hero abilities and I might have been right. I still do play with him in qp but never in rank again. I’m at gm 2 now with widow, sojourn, and soldier. Used to be genji, Cree and widow
Did he know that Mei has been in the game before Moira
As a person who has over 180+ hrs on genji and damn near everything unlocked I’m disappointed af they making it really hard to wanna play him
I have only 8 hours on genji but he's my favourite because even though he's hard to play i really like his stile and sometimes you can pull nice potg
Respect much love bro keep grinding❤❤❤ personally I am a junk rat and genji main can’t decide so I play both
nothung can stop genji mains tho
I like how necros uses white genji and shadder2k uses black genji cool af
Also serios question how do I get that cross hair I’ve been trying to figure it out and I cant
The only way to combo genji is triple shuriken before everything
Also genji is probably the hardest hero to play flank since he has really low health
Idk if I'm improving or am just too low skill for it to make a difference to me but I somehow started increasing my damage number AFTER the nerf.... End me please
No wonder why I haven't seen a genji in the new season lmaoooooo
Meanwhile, Hanzo is one shooting all the heros that aren't a tank...
"Look how they massacred my boy.."
Welp guess my 100hrs that i finally got pre nerf has truly been a waste of time for me
Honestly if they would just make his cooldowns less Genji would be fine. Or hell what if they gave him a rework where swift blade and deflect are both apart of the same ability and you get two charges of it. Kind of like how Zarya can bubble herself or a teammate with her ability. I think that would make him alot easier to play without making him super overpowered.
I was a doom main since release. Season one of ow2 was hard but still made it work. Genji can’t simply solo kill as effectively as before which is fine. My friend plays Genji and dives whenever I go in as doom and he gets hella picks still. Just gotta play the hero a bit differently
Now you all genjis finally can be an easy target for me, THE HUNT BEGINS.
What skin is shader using here I want it so bad ;-;
I never growled so bad watching a vid
Yo shadder have u ever deflect an Kiriko 's kunai and had an headshot kill?
Oddly this 1hp remaining thing happened to me with an enemy soldier76 today which lead me to find this video. Weird
can i have the code for the first map in the vid?
Tbh I think he still needs a nerf like maybe get rid of reset blade or make melee do less damage
Is genji worth playing if I haven’t played him much before?
No you unless quick play you will get demoted to bronze 5 unless you have 50h on him
Genji is no longer a good hero, but I'm a loyal genji main and I'll never stop playing him, when u get that 4 k with his ult it's such satisfaction
To be honest I feel like all they had to do was just put a cd on his double jump like hanzos but shorter. Whenever some genji goes above my head, I look up to see him gone then when I look down he goes up with his double jump again ;-;
what is the song in the outro?
Why Genji man? Nerf Moira instead!
moira is fine atm, still waiting for that sojourn nerf tho
moira is even stronger against genji since he deals less damage and has less ammo , depending if the moira can break the genjis ankles
@@kneecapz7385 absolutely not bruh have u seen the pick rate of that hero? its brainded hero for noobish player to use, theres always one in any game, the dps range is insane and the cd for invulnerable and move at the same time is too low, the ult and the dps is crazy too she heals herself everytime she deals dmg, shes like a half tank, dps and a healer
@@greatmusic142 i agree, i fucking hate her as well, but she can do 2 things, heal and dmg. its normal for her to be easily able to get lots of value out of that
@@kneecapz7385 "but she can do 2 things, heal and dmg" yes but shes not even like a semi dps, im talking just hard carry full on dps if she wants too, i have seen moira on either team out damaging their own dps by double and she doesnt even heal most of the time or much, that shouldnt even be possible shes a healer with a healer passive and yet she can play a role thats outside of her class without consequences?
what's the point of escape abilities if you instantly die to Genji combo anyway, sojourn has to have mercy pocket and get a headshot, tracer has to have insane spray luck and hit nearly all headshots, and Genji mains press two buttons and cry that enemy is not dead, blade plus nano is still one of the most broken ult combos in the game. Genji is fine
Cap name a dps worse then genji atm in season 3