If I need to be in life just for 49 years it make me shy as a muslim but i naver feer to die we will die one after the other benjamin is not good for our country and for me too why low is sending this typ of human gaye to be with us are you tring to killed me
I miss my Germany before the influx..Man cannot Bless who God has cursed. Man cannot curse who God has Blessed...
If I need to be in life just for 49 years it make me shy as a muslim but i naver feer to die we will die one after the other benjamin is not good for our country and for me too why low is sending this typ of human gaye to be with us are you tring to killed me
I can't be in a gaye football team no HSV solvaye rodia a place of respect and real sport they have the right people's
Benny is acting like a gaye on me in my sport I can't be with you
Micheela HSV rodia why people's like to defence lies government gambia and german sport fans of my value betray my club is Hsv rodia 2019