How did you stop Revelation? Is Genetic Corp secretly the command and control server or something? You only cleaned 1 location and the whole thing died! Definitely a creative win :)
This is a skip I found by complete accident in my last successful run attempt, I thought the run had died so I started fast forwarding time, but instead of killing my save it actually finished the mission. Since then I found a reliable setup for it by experimenting: when you receive the mission, fast forward the time to receive the e-mail about Revelation outbreak having stopped (but also before Revelation infects you! Uplink fast-forwarding is wonky and this can kill the run very easily) and from there, running Faith on just one machine, not disconnecting from it (just staying in console) and fast forwarding time seems to completely kill Revelation. I've tested this setup many times (both on 1.55 STEAM and 1.6 DRM-free) and found it to be very reliable, but I have no idea why it actually works. Any Internal Services Machine can be used, Genetic Corp was chosen at random.
"no way, do you think i'm stupid?"
How did you stop Revelation? Is Genetic Corp secretly the command and control server or something? You only cleaned 1 location and the whole thing died! Definitely a creative win :)
This is a skip I found by complete accident in my last successful run attempt, I thought the run had died so I started fast forwarding time, but instead of killing my save it actually finished the mission. Since then I found a reliable setup for it by experimenting: when you receive the mission, fast forward the time to receive the e-mail about Revelation outbreak having stopped (but also before Revelation infects you! Uplink fast-forwarding is wonky and this can kill the run very easily) and from there, running Faith on just one machine, not disconnecting from it (just staying in console) and fast forwarding time seems to completely kill Revelation. I've tested this setup many times (both on 1.55 STEAM and 1.6 DRM-free) and found it to be very reliable, but I have no idea why it actually works. Any Internal Services Machine can be used, Genetic Corp was chosen at random.
@@mpu01 It also obviously works in Uplink on Android as well :)