The cards look nice. I still prefer an oracle deck that gives multiple interpretations around a theme or asks questions about a theme, for instance forgiveness. Those make me think about that theme and let me work with it in my own life instead of telling me 'I should be thankful for X' through affirmations. I prefer the openness of some oracle decks. (Not all decks are that open.) Thanks for the review.
Well said, thank you for sharing. One of the many reasons why am grateful that we have multiple decks giving us the various perspectives we can use or approach. 🙏
These are really nice cards. Wonderful for self care. Thank you for sharing such an in-depth walkthrough!
The cards look nice. I still prefer an oracle deck that gives multiple interpretations around a theme or asks questions about a theme, for instance forgiveness. Those make me think about that theme and let me work with it in my own life instead of telling me 'I should be thankful for X' through affirmations. I prefer the openness of some oracle decks. (Not all decks are that open.)
Thanks for the review.
Well said, thank you for sharing. One of the many reasons why am grateful that we have multiple decks giving us the various perspectives we can use or approach. 🙏