I listened to this song like 14 years ago in college on loop for so long that I can sing this entire song from heart and I don't know a word of Russian
WORLD L'Occident nationaux Russe poland God Father YHWH Christianisme Justice Race Occidentaux Occidentale Celtes Grecs Romain Galois Christianisme nationaux Father Occidentaux and Mother Occidentale millard World L'Occident Les langues Christianisme and World Britannique Anglox saxone américa etats Canada .
Россия больше не поедет на Евровидение, это клоунада, сам ад, извращёный до ужаса! Создадим новый центр олимпийских игр и прочего в России для всего мира! Чтобы не могли исключить какую либо страну из спорта, позор Европе которая сделала это! Не то чтобы России было больно от этого, все и так знаж что мы лучшие, но всё же трогать спорт низко! Только европейцы так могут!
@@MannixGDšto je još niže je napadat druge države u Europi u 21. stoljeću i ubijat nedužne ljude. Ne budi iznenađen kada se to ne sviđa normalnim narodima)
This song will be probably more famous after the death of Putin like that Romanian song (can't remember the title) which became success after the fierce death of the Romanian dictator Ceausescu.
This song was written in 2004 for the agitation of a specially created musical group "Singing Together" before the presidential election. After the presidential election, the group disbanded in the same year.
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7цWhy are they at a rally in Sydney Australia when they should be traveling to Russia to defend Kursk ? When was Stalin was winning World War 2, Stalin did not have his valuable soldiers in Australia when they could be defending the front lines in Belarus and the Ukraine....
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7ц не будет. Ну точнее в календаре он конечно же будет, но таких грандиозных праздневств, как на 9 мая не будет точно. У нас же ведь нет дня победы в чечне например, в грузии. Так что в календаре день будет, но масштабных праздневств не будет
Ну и какая страна действительно свободная, если у вас такое происходит?) Привет из России. У нас у некоторых Путина ругать это модно. 10% населения такие. И ничего. живут и размножаются. к моему сожалению.
This song was written in 2004 for the agitation of a specially created musical group "Singing Together" before the presidential election. After the presidential election, the group disbanded in the same year.
Nah, we really don't. I like not getting conscripted for "special military operations". I can think of some 200,000 Russians that might have agreed if they were alive to ask.
What I mean is that Putin is not the type of person who someone should want to be in a relationship with. He is an evil monster who will stop at nothing to remain in power. Also this Is a propaganda song.
Слава Путину. Слава России. Путин самый лучший президент в мире. Представляете в мире никакому президенту песню ни кто не пел. А Путину посвящена больше десяти песен. Поэтому весь мир любит В В Путина.
I am an American born and bred. I have always loved Putin. He is my favorite world leader of all time. It would be a great honor to lay my life down for him. Hail Putin!!!!!
Well, L. I. Breznev was not the idol of the Soviet female comrades, I think! And what about Gen. sec. Lenin, Stalin, Chruscev, Andropov, Cernenko and Gorbacov?
this is such a fucking great idea can you even imagine xaxaxa… seriously though, i seem to remember hearing a song kind of like this about Lenin(idk the name though). I mean yeah he was ginger, but I could see how a dynamic revolutionary could get a comrade excited about more than the international proletariat. I’m sure Lenin had more important things to do than some skura though.
Вообще то Л. И. Брежнев боевой офицер. Он воевал на фронтах ВОВ. То что он к старости стал слаб умом это естественно. Но я думаю даже он не скатывался в такой маразм как Байден. А люди его любили. В стране была гармония. Те кто тогда жил с теплом в сердце вспоминают эти времена.
I always pray to God to help him ( Putin) . I'm Ethiopian I Admire him I never pass without hearnig Russia' news within 24 hours. Long live Vladimir Putin.
About Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland. Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans. On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay *inside* Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians. The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today. It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list. It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p). Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng. The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn." The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners. Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.
After three million watches we see, Putin girls are so certain about the Putin-love and their mimics are so sharp and expressive leaving no doubts behind they adore Putin and no one else on the earth!
Im German, and in front of my home is for Ukraine people food 2times in the week. I love to play the song loud when there all here.i love Russia Ukraine want all of us in war. They deserve what they get. They started it with a war since 10yeard against Russian people in donbass. Putin just react and he is right. Google it all and you can see who started against normal Russian people years before Crimea or now Ukraines east.
Пожалуйста, не прекращайте это делать😂мы, русские, добрые хорошие люди. Мы не хотим войны. Мы всего лишь защищаем своих в Украине. А Вам, ТАКИМ хорошим немцам, спасибо за знание истории ✊🌹привет из Сибири! 😊
@@valerija.legasov548 Putin has had his opposition poisoned and jailed if they started to become a bit too popular among the people of Russia or were overly critical of Putin. The Russian economy has not changed or improved since Putin took office and as such is in a slow decline as it is still heavily a mono-industrial economy based on oil. He circumvented the Russian constitution by being President, then Prime Minister, then President again allowing him to maintain power for longer than the constitution used to allow (two term limit like in the USA - unlike the USA it was for consecutive terms which is why Putin was able to go from President to PM to President, but has since been changed in 2020 to let Putin run for re-election without changing his title to PM again). When it comes to the elections Putin's party has committed fraud which has discouraged people from voting against him. There is a joke that goes something like "Looks like there was tremendous voter turnout this time. 140% of voters came out to vote and 90% voted for Putin", which is of course exaggerated but in every joke there is an element of truth, in this case the ballot stuffing is done in an obvious way to tell opposition "don't even bother trying to run against me". On an international front, Russia is one of the most popular points from which cyber attacks and misinformation occurs. He also managed to declare war with Ukraine which used to be a sister nation to Russia, but now that relationship is ruined. Of course not everything he and his party have done is bad, I am just listing some of the things that are wrong.
@@valerija.legasov548 what is wrong? He kills and jails his political opponents, the elections are always rigged with him getting majority votes, there is no democracy, no free speech in Russia because of him, he keeps russian people as hostages.
@Secondfifthanshark yeah, Saddam Hussein got his, huh? He swung from a rope just like Putin will. There is only one path for psychopathic rapists, murderers and pedophiles - to the gallows.
@jn!x23 Yeah right... Russia is so weak that all of the bootlicking countries to the U.S. together with the imperial hegemon (with a history of supporting all of the worst extremists in the world - from Al Qaeda, Saudi dictatorship, Israel Zionist regime to the actual nazis) are unable to defeat her together militarily in the current proxy war which they are waging against her. Also, is doing so bad economically that in the mid of the heavy western sanctions against her is set to earn $300 billion or more just from oil & gas this year alone.
Szanowny Pan Prezydent Federacji Rosyjskiej Władymir Władymirowicz Putin jest największym mężem stanu naszych czasów. Chwała Mu! / Уважаемый Президент Российской Федерации, Владимир Владимирович Путин - величайший государственный деятель современности. Похвали Eго!
After two million watches that I am sure this video is referring to Freud's sexual approach towards facts and the world... A strong, untouchable guy, this is you indeed.
my freshman high school teacher sent us this about 4 years ago to show us how russian media idolized putin and how he was perched up to be peak human man. every now and then i find it again cuz its unreasonably catchy
hmm, I noticed something spectacular after 1 million watches, the women are so sharp and clear, they don't leave a doubt on they really want a Putin-like man.
Мой парень снова влип в дурные дела, Подрался, наглотался какой-то мути. Он так меня достал, и я его прогнала. И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин. Такого, как Путин, полного сил, Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил. Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал, Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал. Я видела его вчера в новостях, Он говорил о том, что мир на распутье. С таким, как он, легко и дома, и в гостях, И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин. Такого, как Путин, полного сил, Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил. Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал, Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал. Такого, как Путин, полного сил, Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил. Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал, Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал. Такого, как Путин, полного сил, Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил. Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал, Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал. Такого, как Путин, полного сил, Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил. Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал, Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
My history teacher showed this to us and now I can't stop listening to it.
Bro ill give u 1000€ for ur teacher pls
@@andreafloro5531 p
Imagine /b/ being a female history teacher (-: *honks*
It’s a banga
Who is this based teacher?
I listened to this song like 14 years ago in college on loop for so long that I can sing this entire song from heart and I don't know a word of Russian
That's exactly what I'm doing right now, glad I could uphold your legacy
and here I thought me being able to sing half of katyusha was cursed enough
@@Th3Shrike lmao,learn ruskie and then it wont be cursed anymore,
@@Th3Shrike the beauty of katyusha is that it uses very simplistic words that can be easily pronounced by most non-Russian speakers
you might have loved Putin for so long!
its hard to NOT be a putin's supporter while listening to this masterpiece
It's just another song that is part of the Putin propaganda machine that in overdrive as it tries to saturate the internet with Russian propaganda.
Well wheres Biden song
This should be on the top chart of Eurovision
If murdering infants is top on that list
Will be soon.
they would never let this wonderful propoganda ;-;i wish though would be funny especially the timing of that whole war thing
Don't worry. The next Russian Eurovision will be held in London
WORLD L'Occident nationaux Russe poland God Father YHWH Christianisme Justice Race Occidentaux Occidentale Celtes Grecs Romain Galois Christianisme nationaux Father Occidentaux and Mother Occidentale millard World L'Occident Les langues Christianisme and World Britannique Anglox saxone américa etats Canada .
Let’s be honest this didn’t come up on your recommendations - you searched for it.
Someone from Hinge sent it to me 🤣🤣🤣
It came up to me on my recommendations.
Of course I did.
Thanks, Boy Boy!
sad but true
this song here is probably going on speakers in russian tanks now
Nah. The reports say that most Russian soldiers don’t even know why exactly they’re fighting or what their orders are
Putin for the win
Russian tankers are too busy exploding for that
Yeah, and the beat bursts them from the inside...
Im straight and i need a man like putin
@bear meneer who hurt you?
😂😂😂you win
@@lepatriote5767 he's not wrong but..
It’s a pretty good euro dance song to be honest. Could’ve won Eurovision
Pretty average for euro dance actually. All of them use the same chords and instruments, and usually at a similar tempo.
But not the war
@@XXsupersonic9XX yeah gotta take off points since Russia couldn’t beat Ukraine. Eurovision should grade wars conducted by Europeans too.
Россия больше не поедет на Евровидение, это клоунада, сам ад, извращёный до ужаса! Создадим новый центр олимпийских игр и прочего в России для всего мира! Чтобы не могли исключить какую либо страну из спорта, позор Европе которая сделала это! Не то чтобы России было больно от этого, все и так знаж что мы лучшие, но всё же трогать спорт низко! Только европейцы так могут!
@@MannixGDšto je još niže je napadat druge države u Europi u 21. stoljeću i ubijat nedužne ljude. Ne budi iznenađen kada se to ne sviđa normalnim narodima)
My life goal is to have a song like this made about me!
Nice goals, but don't invade Ukraine.
Invade Ukraine or have a song made about you?
@@clearcontentment3695 both 😎
Yes just become the king of a fallen empire
I hope you achieve it.
Twenty years from now, I hope they’re still making videos like this.
I think this is already twenty years old.
Given the track record so far, that's very likely.
This song will be probably more famous after the death of Putin like that Romanian song (can't remember the title) which became success after the fierce death of the Romanian dictator Ceausescu.
@@lionelparks8326 How about this one? th-cam.com/video/90v4SbT18_M/w-d-xo.html
This song was written in 2004 for the agitation of a specially created musical group "Singing Together" before the presidential election. After the presidential election, the group disbanded in the same year.
Fire! I saw this performed live at a Pro-Russia rally in Sydney Australia this week organized by Aussie Coassack! Great stuff! Worth a watch!
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7цWhy are they at a rally in Sydney Australia when they should be traveling to Russia to defend Kursk ? When was Stalin was winning World War 2, Stalin did not have his valuable soldiers in Australia when they could be defending the front lines in Belarus and the Ukraine....
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7цЯ слушала ВАНГУ:
Тогда НАСТУПИТ МИР НА 3.000 лет.
Мне было 17 лет, когда я это услышала. Тогда ничего не поняла🤷♂️
@@svetlanashatunova642 E .... ci vorrebbe ..........
From Canada with Love. Mad respect for Putin and Russians : ) you guys are cool.
Милым канадцам светлый привет из Сибири 🇷🇺🍁
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7ц не будет. Ну точнее в календаре он конечно же будет, но таких грандиозных праздневств, как на 9 мая не будет точно. У нас же ведь нет дня победы в чечне например, в грузии. Так что в календаре день будет, но масштабных праздневств не будет
I'm gonna be on a watchlist for listening this too often for sure 😶
Like the echo you hear when talking to someone on your mobile phone 😊
Ну и какая страна действительно свободная, если у вас такое происходит?) Привет из России. У нас у некоторых Путина ругать это модно. 10% населения такие. И ничего. живут и размножаются. к моему сожалению.
@@Suvorov1983It's sad that those people commonly end up as political prisoners. Hope it'll get better
This song was written in 2004 for the agitation of a specially created musical group "Singing Together" before the presidential election. After the presidential election, the group disbanded in the same year.
Can I get the source?
Bing lmfao
Russian propaganda….no surprise there
@@PutinsMommyNeverHuggedHim Choosing between Russian and American propaganda, I will give preference to the first
I'm going to start walking like Putin from now on.
Play some Song for Denise while you're at it
I tried .... I tripped and fell on my face. Perhaps I've got the Biden bug? 😂
Same Lmao
You know you can't win a world war against a leader with a theme song like this
Your comment aged like dog shit
@@maxlupo996 "aged" it was 4hrs ago lol
tell that to the russian conscripts getting slaughtered in ukrainian ambushes lmao
@@suRGEangl Okay, in that case I think ukraine doesn't need any help then. Why worry if they can handle it themselves
all world want a man like Putin.
Nah, we really don't. I like not getting conscripted for "special military operations". I can think of some 200,000 Russians that might have agreed if they were alive to ask.
You sound like a coward@@greggazro2389
@@greggazro2389 Closer to half a million about now good Sir
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7цgreat. You gave up your location in the Donbas and now your comrades are dead. Swift move.
This song is so weird if you actually listen to the lyrics, but damn is it weirdly good.
What's weird when someone wants a true man for a life partner?
Is not wreid..
What I mean is that Putin is not the type of person who someone should want to be in a relationship with. He is an evil monster who will stop at nothing to remain in power. Also this Is a propaganda song.
Commadant Putin
Whats weird about the lyrics?
This has aged well
haha agreed
Putin for the win
@@thesilverreich3947 glory to the dictating war crime committing potato
Like milk
This video: Russian
The guy uploaded the video: Armenian
The language I speak: English
Me: Filipino
*Mr. Worldwide*
Потому что в каждой стране должен быть такой как Путин. Привет Филипинам!
@@ШураБалаганов-ъ4щ и тогда начнется 3 мировая, да и вообще весь мир пойдет на спад. люди будут жить в бедности и конец всего.
Speak Seven Langue d'origine Homme Father pere Occidentaux Celtes Grecs Romains and Mother Occidentale Christianisme World L'Occident
King Vladimir Christianisme Lois Justice Nationaux Russie Ukraine Pologne Hongrie Autriche chez chez Eux EsT world L'Occident
Congratulations to president Putin from Czech Republic 🇨🇿❤🇷🇺
Тази песен за товаришу Путин е прекрасна да живее братска Русия и братският руски народ и да живее великият президент Владимир Владимирович Путин
Лучше бы ты на своём языке писал)
@@ghost_phoenix38това е български език 🇧🇬
Searched this up 5 years later and I am laughing so hard
did you see the violin version?
@@mint8648 Yes i have
@@TheMrpeejoe i made one hour version unlisted th-cam.com/video/BII_jqiY96g/w-d-xo.html
how about after today?
What about now lol
A very catchy song! Well done.
This song just have an entirely different meaning from today onwards.
Right? lol fucking love Putin
Всё правильно!!!Я за Путина.🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Putin for the win
@Kacper Kędrak You'll never be a great power ever again, Poland is forever a vassal state to the the LGBT in EU
War supporters are cancer of modern society
my dad has this as his ringtone
Good idea, exactly!
your dad needs a man like putin
A man of culture 👍🏻
Are you Russian?
Слава Путину. Слава России. Путин самый лучший президент в мире. Представляете в мире никакому президенту песню ни кто не пел. А Путину посвящена больше десяти песен. Поэтому весь мир любит В В Путина.
John Oliver got me here. And I don’t even speak Russian !!! That song got stuck in my head!!!
@@PutinsMommyNeverHuggedHim The John Oliver parody of this song was interesting. Anybody got a URL link for it?
@@224dot0dot0dot10 youtube won’t let me post it. but you can look it up :)
John Oliver is simply the best. A man like Oliver 😅😂
Обожаю эту песню , всегда актуальна! Я очень буду скучать по нему. Как третий родитель! ❤
Надо говорить - 'родитель #3"!
@@John_Goodwin да, можно и так)
If Volodya were my father I would be running the US Congress by now. Oh, well...
Russia nazi
Song played at Navalny funeral
Hell yeah!
Navalny is much hotter than Putin
Кстати есть видео как тролят этой песней людей, на похоронах Навального 😂
I genuinely wanna sing this at my school talent show with the bois
Like with all of us dressed exactly like these girls
You like murdering infants?
Please. YES.
DO IT!! :D
I don't think you still want to do it.
go for it chad
My mom listens to this on repeat and yes she knows the lyrics 💀💀💀
Damn ur dad got a problem
Maybe, you are russian a man who know English?
Same 😂😂😂😂😂😂
I want friend like Putin
But he never drinks so 🤷♂
@@PurooRoyno strong man need drinks
I am an American born and bred. I have always loved Putin. He is my favorite world leader of all time. It would be a great honor to lay my life down for him. Hail Putin!!!!!
Nothing but love to true American patriots. United against evil!!!
Then why don't you leave for Russia if you love him so much?
На похоронах анальнага эта песня порвала три баяна и танцпол!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 Слушала по кругу! ❤❤❤❤
Гимн Украины 2024🎉
From your lips to God's ears.
Mabye 2025. 2026 will be EU anthem
Much love for president Putin from Japan and fellow orthodox 🇷🇺🇷🇺☦️☦️ keep up the good work and continue fighting the good fight. 💪
Большой привет братьям из Японии 😊👋🇷🇺❤пусть таких дружелюбных, как Вы, будет больше 🌹✨
Likewise 👍👍💪💪🇷🇺🇷🇺☦️☦️
Imagine if they had a song like this about Brezhnev during the early years if this leadership.
Well, L. I. Breznev was not the idol of the Soviet female comrades, I think! And what about Gen. sec. Lenin, Stalin, Chruscev, Andropov, Cernenko and Gorbacov?
I hope it would have lots of shots of him flexing his eyebrows
@@willtipton100 dem thicc eyebrows
this is such a fucking great idea can you even imagine xaxaxa… seriously though, i seem to remember hearing a song kind of like this about Lenin(idk the name though). I mean yeah he was ginger, but I could see how a dynamic revolutionary could get a comrade excited about more than the international proletariat. I’m sure Lenin had more important things to do than some skura though.
Вообще то Л. И. Брежнев боевой офицер. Он воевал на фронтах ВОВ. То что он к старости стал слаб умом это естественно. Но я думаю даже он не скатывался в такой маразм как Байден. А люди его любили. В стране была гармония. Те кто тогда жил с теплом в сердце вспоминают эти времена.
How ironic it is, this song is originally created to criticize Putin and his rule but instead, the Internet made it into Putin's unofficial anthem.
Putin until 2030 URAAA🫡🇴🇲🇷🇺
It’s nice to see that there are still women in this world who appreciate REAL men.
You mean demented psychopathic killers
@@Bobbythrasher69 well said 👏
Thank you.
of course, real nen are great.
alas, Putin quality men are very rare, difficult to find. make an effort, men! become like Putin.
@@barbaraseiler9750 yes 🙌
Putin un Presidente serio e razionale . Zelensky e Biden hanno molto da imparare dal Presidente Putin che Dio lo protegga per il bene dell' Europa.
February 2024! Russia is soo lucky to have Putin!!! ❤❤❤🎉
Мы это знаем.Он действительно лучший и пример для других.
Это правда!❤
Even though he is sending millions of people to die?
Ukraine is so unlucky to have Russia as a neighbour. And all of Russia's other neighbours too. Putin is the new Hitler and will end up as Hitler too.
Путин Президент Мира
Greetings from Poland!
Antifa Ukraine hearts Antifa Poland.
Привет Польше из Сибири, Россия! 🇷🇺 ❤ 🇵🇱
Love from Chile ❤ Viva Rusia, Viva la URSS, viva Stalin y viva Putin.
Горжусь нашим президентом
Петра Порошенко Лучше
I always pray to God to help him ( Putin) . I'm Ethiopian I Admire him I never pass without hearnig Russia' news within 24 hours. Long live Vladimir Putin.
same, i'm from Italy
Да здравствуют такие замечательные добрые эфиопы ✨❤️😊привет из Сибири✨🕊️
Niech żyje Władimir Putin!🇵🇱🇷🇺🇧🇾🤝
Mozesz mi objasnic skad sie takie wywłoki jak ty biora?
@@saykoza8481 z Polski ukrofilu
From Poland
A ty co tu robisz? @@saykoza8481
@@saykoza8481 a co ty tutaj robisz XDDD?
Russians should be glad to have such a man as putin in charges greeting to Russia … truth is with you. Stay strong 💪. 🇭🇷
Ukraine needs a man like Putin
Putin decided that Ukraine now deserves him
Ukrainians are rebelling against a narcotic and their getting a man like putin 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
old and insane?
@@flargarbason1740 sounds like yer dad 🤣🤣
It has a far better man!
About Ukraine: nation created in Lenin's time (not to be confused with the history of the city of Kiev and/or with Kievan Rus & its Rurik dynasty started by Prince Rurik of Novgorod; Novgorod is an ancient Russian city), but only theoretical/administrative terms, since it remained under Russian control in the Soviet era, the conformation of its territory today consists mainly of territories that have historically belonged to the Russians (from the center to the eastern and southern side) and the western side has historically belonged to Poland.
Important issue about Poland: the h4tred of the Poles towards the Russians is immense and it is they who have partly influenced the western part of Ukraine, this h4tred is historical, since Poland and Russia have had multiple w4rs for several centuries, even the Poles invaded Moscow at some point and were driven out by the Russians (look for the monument to Minin and Pozharsky in Moscow's Red Square). Now if you add this historical h4tred towards Russia with Neo-Naz1 elements (in western Ukraine) that by default relate Russia to the greatest enemy of the Naz1s, that is, the Soviets, who ended up destroying their beloved H1tler, you will have a gigantic anti-Russian national1sm, which the United States has been able to use as a geopolit1cal tool against the Russ1ans.
On the current crisis: The people of Donbass are ethnic Russians and they did not support the 2014 coup, as those who took control of Kiev (with US backing) are openly xenophob1c against the Russians, they even banned the Russian language in Ukraine, which is the native language of the people living in Donbass. Ethnic Russians have lived in Donbass for several centuries, so at the moment they are defending their families and the lands where they have lived for many generations. People living in Donbass voted in a referendum to gain more autonomy and stay *inside* Ukraine, the latter being important as it shows that the Western narrative that the Donbass conflict was started by "pro-Russian separat1sts" is not is so true and this was part of the typical western pr0paganda to confuse the world about reality and adapt everything to the western narrative of "it's Russia's fault", I repeat "the people of Donbass did not vote for independence from Ukraine and/or to join Russia, they voted to have more autonomy within Ukraine", in fact this is the basis of the famous Minsk agreements that Kiev and the West refuse to implement (accusing Russia of not complying with them, when Russia does not has obligations in the agreement), and it has to be repeated that the people of Donbass wanted this because they simply never accepted the 2014 coup, which brought to power people who h4te ethnic Russians.
The Ukrainian army launched an 4ttack on these regions in 2014, moving its entire 4rsenal against the civilians of Donbass, this topic is important since the w4r takes place in the lands of Donbass, therefore civilian v1ctims are always the civilians who live in the Donbass (usually the Western media always interviews Ukrainian civilians living in regions that do not suff3r the real consequences of these w4rs), the people of Donbass won practically all the b4ttles, there were a lot of material on youtube about these b4ttles, where they showed civilians f1ghting aga1nst the Ukrainian army, but youtube has cens0red almost everything. These victories should not really surprise us too much, since the people of Donbass were defend1ng their homes against people who h4te Russians (their ethn1city), any of us would fight with full force if you see that your family is thre4tened by crazy rac1sts that h4te your friends and family, today after all the 4ttacks they have received by Kiev, if they hold a new referendum it is very sure that they will vote to join Russia, they have already seen the true face of the Westerners and of those they control Kiev today.
It is interesting that the West always supports autonomies when they are initiated within en3my nations: H0ng K0ng in Ch1na, the K*rds in Syr1a, K0s0vo in Serb1a, Ch3chny4 in Russ1a and a long list.
It is true that Russ1a supports those Russ1ans who live in Donbass, in fact it has more right to do so than the illegal military presence of the Y4nkees in northern Syr1a ("support1ng" the K*rds and steal1ng Syrian oil along the way), the inhabitants from Donbass are ethn1c Russ1ans, they are in lands close to the Russ1an border (secur1ty issue), they have an obvious connection with Russ1an culture and above all they share many family members with Russ1ans, for this reason after 2014 many residents of Donbass have obtained a Russian p4ssport (Russian citizensh1p).
Possible w4r: If a w4r breaks out between Russ1a and Ukra1ne, it will be when K1ev attacks the Russ1ans living in D0nbass, because Russ1a has said for years that it will intervene with the Russian 4rmy to protect its citizens in any part of the world, including the D0nbass region, some believe that Russia will r0ot out the pr0blem, even reaching K1ev to cle4n up the g0vernment house that is under US c0ntrol. The US n4rrative about a possible Russian 1nvas1on of Ukra1ne is based on this last point, because the Y4nkees know very well that a provocation from K1ev is enough for Russ1a to 1ntervene and the Western med1a will have "pr0of" of the alleged 4ggress1on against the "peaceful" K1ev. The western n4rr4t1ve has always been based on l1es, they are heirs to the Br1t1sh emp1re, experts in this type of str4tegy: ly1ng, caus1ng d1vis1on and succeed1ng.
The objectives of the Un1ted States: Everything written above explains some symptoms, but not the real cause of the confl1ct and the main objective. As everyone knows, the United States became the hegemon1c world power when Europe was totally destroyed in the Sec0nd W0rld W4r, destruct1on that also extended in Asia, China was the second nation to suffer more hum4n l0sses after the Sov1et Un1on. Therefore today, in a world where Ch1na has managed to 0vertake the United States in terms of GDP-PPP, becoming the first und1sputed w0rld p0wer in economic terms, the United States has no other alternative than to resort to w4r in order to ret4ke the hegem0ny that has been l0sing, a new c0ld w4r is necessary to d3str0y Russia economically and gain full c0ntrol of Western Europe (in ec0nomic and p0litical terms), this will help to c0nfr0nt Ch1na (the Western med1a is already mention1ng Ch1na in this European confl1ct). You have doubts? Just look at what N$TO's first secretary general, Lord Ismay, said, explaining NATO's goal: "to keep the USA in, the Russ1ans out, and the Germ4ns d0wn."
The US is the one who needs this w4r, that's why the western med1a controlled by the western el1te push this w4r, the Ukrain1ans are just a che4p t0ol for the westerners.
Now we must write using numbers to avoid western c3ns0rsh1p, long live fr33 w3stern express1on haha.
I wrote and copied these comments on many videos about Ukraine since December 2021, you can see that everything is happening as I described.
@@EnriqueVivancoH спасибо а правду❤
@@liisaification ❤️
i seen you some where else thanks thing which you say makes sense
@@Hd4321jain 👍
I want a black metal version of this.
Such a version exists, but it is a parody and it is called "A man like Hitler" (Такого как Гитлер)
@@DonbassUnreality where i can find it, It's not on TH-cam....
@@radoslav777 https: //youtu. be / fh47Ox3yss4
just remove the spaces in the link
Troppo bella ...si ascolta anche in Italia e in România...Ura Vladimir Putin 🫡🫡
I guess i am converting to Russianism
that means your normal
@@Chaldon-hl6yk you're* but you are correct. Slava Z
Legenda na zawsze
Vive le président Poutine,il aime son pays et le protége.
I love the song. Best president in the world. Greetings from Poland Russian brothers ❤🇷🇺🇵🇱💪🐺
Baza towarzyszu.
@Предраг Митрић Шта Ти значи ово,, напокон нормалан Пољак "?
@BigScope03 ja tez Polak, tez normalny. Pozdrawiam siostry i braci z Rosji
Привет - привет, чудесный брат поляк! 😊 👋🇷🇺 🇵🇱 От сестрёнки из России ✊🕊️
Иностранцы отрыли клип и продвигают в массы)) забавно) но сейчас актуально
We, the foreigners, love this song :D
Slava russia
Trump wishes for this kind of video for him 🤣🤣🤣
vielleicht bekommt er es nach dieser Amtszeit 😉
@@birgitpiroschka9218 prorussia are UE
Наш лучший президент! 🇷🇺❤
Шикарная песня 👍
Уважаю сильного президента великой страны Владимира Владимировича Путина!
Привет с Донбасса, братья 🤝🇧🇾❤️🇷🇺
Вот ещё одна хорошая песня про путина th-cam.com/video/dBqBJ6C5Mkw/w-d-xo.html
Россия победит нато 🇷🇺🇷🇺
Спасибо Владимир Путин 🎉🎉мой президент ❤️❤️
After three million watches we see, Putin girls are so certain about the Putin-love and their mimics are so sharp and expressive leaving no doubts behind they adore Putin and no one else on the earth!
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7ц Privet, mne mala znayu Po-Ruskiy, shto R ponimal tbe ochen nravitsa yiyo.
@@ИннаФатеева-ы7ц Privet iz Ctambul
Im German, and in front of my home is for Ukraine people food 2times in the week. I love to play the song loud when there all here.i love Russia Ukraine want all of us in war. They deserve what they get. They started it with a war since 10yeard against Russian people in donbass. Putin just react and he is right. Google it all and you can see who started against normal Russian people years before Crimea or now Ukraines east.
I'm Polish and I agree with u in hundred per cent!!! Вперёд Россия!!!
Браво людям с мозгами которые понимают что происходит. Нацизму не место в цивилизованном мире.
😂 we all have to start doing the same . Greetings from Poland too 🇵🇱🤝🇷🇺
Пожалуйста, не прекращайте это делать😂мы, русские, добрые хорошие люди. Мы не хотим войны. Мы всего лишь защищаем своих в Украине. А Вам, ТАКИМ хорошим немцам, спасибо за знание истории ✊🌹привет из Сибири! 😊
If this is what propaganda looks like i dont even care. Long live tsar putin.
What is wrong with V. V. Putin as the president? I am not Russian, I am Czech (learn Russian), so I simply do not understand...
@@valerija.legasov548 Putin has had his opposition poisoned and jailed if they started to become a bit too popular among the people of Russia or were overly critical of Putin. The Russian economy has not changed or improved since Putin took office and as such is in a slow decline as it is still heavily a mono-industrial economy based on oil. He circumvented the Russian constitution by being President, then Prime Minister, then President again allowing him to maintain power for longer than the constitution used to allow (two term limit like in the USA - unlike the USA it was for consecutive terms which is why Putin was able to go from President to PM to President, but has since been changed in 2020 to let Putin run for re-election without changing his title to PM again). When it comes to the elections Putin's party has committed fraud which has discouraged people from voting against him. There is a joke that goes something like "Looks like there was tremendous voter turnout this time. 140% of voters came out to vote and 90% voted for Putin", which is of course exaggerated but in every joke there is an element of truth, in this case the ballot stuffing is done in an obvious way to tell opposition "don't even bother trying to run against me".
On an international front, Russia is one of the most popular points from which cyber attacks and misinformation occurs.
He also managed to declare war with Ukraine which used to be a sister nation to Russia, but now that relationship is ruined.
Of course not everything he and his party have done is bad, I am just listing some of the things that are wrong.
@@valerija.legasov548 what is wrong? He kills and jails his political opponents, the elections are always rigged with him getting majority votes, there is no democracy, no free speech in Russia because of him, he keeps russian people as hostages.
@@ignaszvirblis8204 Well, I have to say, You clamed erious things, honestly. Tell me, why is so popular in The Russian federation in the society?
@@valerija.legasov548 Why do you think Putin is popular in Russia?
One of the best eurodance/trance out there!!! 🎼🌟 let us pray for the Ukraines and Russias innocent citizens!!!
first comment referencing the war, even many in the last few months... and yeah I agree with you UE and of course innocent Russians who don't invade.
There are no innocent Russians.
@@look4lecinvader Just pseudo of ugayine
@Secondfifthanshark yeah, Saddam Hussein got his, huh? He swung from a rope just like Putin will. There is only one path for psychopathic rapists, murderers and pedophiles - to the gallows.
Pray for everyone involved. Even Jesus asked his Father to forgive those who crucified him as he was bleeding to death.
Putin is King 🇷🇺🇦🇹🇩🇪
🤣 Trump is his daddy
Putin! Support from Serbiaaa! 🇷🇺🇷🇸🇦🇹 💪💪💪
@@sojiccc22 Do you miss the horrors of war in Serbia? You can see them again soon if there are more like you cheering for Putin.
Emperor of Mankind
Bravo 👏 👏 👏 👏 za pjesmu..koji GOSPODIN ❤❤❤
This is strangely catchy
Playing this after he won the 2024 election
It's not winning when you rig it so you are the only option.
@@mactire6045 he still technically won
@@cristiii7605 Technically. With a major technicality.
From glorious USSR to this...
Glorious 🤡
Лучший президент❤
How is Russia both the most depressing and most amusing country on earth?
Only in your brainwashed head is
@@prosvet1233/4 of them live in shit soviet era flats. It's pretty depressing
С Днём рождения Владимир Владимирович за вас в огонь и воду. 2минометная батарея. 🎉🎉🎉
This songs beat is really good.
Keep being strong & prosperous Russia, you're lucky to have such a great & wise statesman in charge 💪💯
@jn!x23 Yeah right...
Russia is so weak that all of the bootlicking countries to the U.S. together with the imperial hegemon (with a history of supporting all of the worst extremists in the world - from Al Qaeda, Saudi dictatorship, Israel Zionist regime to the actual nazis) are unable to defeat her together militarily in the current proxy war which they are waging against her. Also, is doing so bad economically that in the mid of the heavy western sanctions against her is set to earn $300 billion or more just from oil & gas this year alone.
Спасибо, будем стараться
Thank you for loving our country! Happiness to you too!
Спасибо за теплоту души 😊✨🌹 мы, действительно, любим свою страну и своего президента ❤️🕊️
my history teacher showed me this as an example of russian propaganda
😂беги от такого истрика.он тебя хорошему не научит.
западная пропаганда в работе
Szanowny Pan Prezydent Federacji Rosyjskiej Władymir Władymirowicz Putin jest największym mężem stanu naszych czasów. Chwała Mu! / Уважаемый Президент Российской Федерации, Владимир Владимирович Путин - величайший государственный деятель современности. Похвали Eго!
After two million watches that I am sure this video is referring to Freud's sexual approach towards facts and the world... A strong, untouchable guy, this is you indeed.
My favorite childhood song
The greatest leader of our time .I am from italy.
Respect to you! Love Putin as a Russian Swede, he has saved my family in Donbass
I'm from America and completely agree. ❤ President Putin
Congrats Putin 🇷🇺
Обалденная песня никогда не надоест ,спасибо .
Vladimir Putin.❤❤❤❤
@@readisgooddewaterkant7890 Quem?
This is an updated version, Trump was definitely not in the original
Same thing for Xi.
Gonna tell my kids this is the music the russian used to listen during the ukranian invasion
The put in on loudspeakers when they kill the Azov scum in battle. I hope they do that actually!
my freshman high school teacher sent us this about 4 years ago to show us how russian media idolized putin and how he was perched up to be peak human man. every now and then i find it again cuz its unreasonably catchy
hmm, I noticed something spectacular after 1 million watches, the women are so sharp and clear, they don't leave a doubt on they really want a Putin-like man.
amazing you have this in HD
И Россия любит тебя! 😊 🌹 🇷🇺
Respect from Slovenia
Russian brothers ❤️❤️❤️🇷🇺🇸🇮
"Brothers" 😆
@@kanadomyslny2744 da pička
I wonder if your attitude would be the same, had Slovenia been the target of Putin's invasion.
@@clydecash5659 It would be a liberation not a invasion. We are occupied right now by the western powers. I wish only the worst to the west
Slava russia
What a banger!
Like your wife? A banger?
Vive l'empereur poutine ton continent européen
بوتين الرأس السياسي الذهبي يستحق أن تغني له الحوريات لأنه يدافع عن حقوق الشعوب المسروقة
знай наших!!!
Great song.
Мой парень снова влип в дурные дела,
Подрался, наглотался какой-то мути.
Он так меня достал, и я его прогнала.
И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин.
Такого, как Путин, полного сил,
Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил.
Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал,
Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
Я видела его вчера в новостях,
Он говорил о том, что мир на распутье.
С таким, как он, легко и дома, и в гостях,
И я хочу теперь такого, как Путин.
Такого, как Путин, полного сил,
Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил.
Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал,
Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
Такого, как Путин, полного сил,
Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил.
Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал,
Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
Такого, как Путин, полного сил,
Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил.
Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал,
Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
Такого, как Путин, полного сил,
Такого, как Путин, чтобы не пил.
Такого, как Путин чтоб не обижал,
Такого, как Путин, чтоб не убежал.
He is the MAN, Europe need many like him to change things for better