Take That are the best band out there and nothing anyone says about them can change that, It's amazing that they can do those dance rountines in there late 30's and one 40 year old, they all have talent and they are popular and Jason isn't gay !!
My gosh! They all look so good! Jay in particular! Gary has lost so much weight is sexy! and I'm so glad Howard got rid of the dreadlocks lol. Mark looks just like he did 10 years ago bless!
Ive always thought gary was cute and seems genuinely a nice guy but he deffo got better with age. have you seen him lately- oooooooft ;) (Off for a cold shower) lol
I meant the old 'Pray' video, of course, not the 2006 one. And thank you so much for these Blue Fairy, they are in my favourites.
OMFG** I have died and gone to heaven! I love you Mark Owenxx
Jason looks so great :-)
All my gosh this was the music back then wow so much has changed
OMG I Love Mark *Faints*
Take That are the best band out there and nothing anyone says about them can change that,
It's amazing that they can do those dance rountines in there late 30's and one 40 year old,
they all have talent and they are popular and Jason isn't gay !!
My gosh! They all look so good! Jay in particular! Gary has lost so much weight is sexy! and I'm so glad Howard got rid of the dreadlocks lol. Mark looks just like he did 10 years ago bless!
gaz is my fave x
My comment from 2 years ago has 12 likes & is now one of the top comments:D I think I needed a spell check though. :P
does he still have that dolphin tatoo?? i havent seen it 4 a while
rob was vey funny in TT
mark mmmmmmm
on which arms?
Ive always thought gary was cute and seems genuinely a nice guy but he deffo got better with age. have you seen him lately- oooooooft ;) (Off for a cold shower) lol
TT r the best but jonathen ross is cool too he shud not be suspended!!!
no hes not
thats taking the piss. wheres part 1/1?
So I take it everyone agrees that the 'Pray' video is cringeworthy.