❤❤❤ its so cool to hear while you three Christians brave girls are singing such a wounderful song its a new song i hear in my life i don't know who is the original singer of the song but i found from you three girls. Your song is so sweet like your voice may the God almighty be with them and look after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. ❤❤❤Amen.
Rejoice in the Lord alwsys and again i say rejoice. Rejoice to these three brave Christians girls are singing such a sweet song. And again i say rejoice,rejoice in the Lord always for he is always to be rejoice. Sweet was your song and sweet is your voice. For what you sang no where out, have to made it sweet. Its all you three are doing the right thing on the eyes of God almighty. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂😂😂 The light shown in them while they sing this beautiful and cute song like their sweet voice. May they shines until our Lord Jesus Christ yeshua will come to take them to be his own a lived with him for ever and ever that ever too won't end. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂
Six days of works of the almighty God Jehovah and on the seven day he make it holy.❤so the temple is made of time and some has make his temple dirty. Now his temple to make it clean it is in us but the sons and daughters of men has gone so far away from him and from his love. And now there is only the temple in our heart that left if someone can clean that temple that is inside our heart then he come and rest and sub with that someone on his temple who have already made of time. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah.Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
They sang so well good and fine in this song and she alone sang his eyes is on the sparrow is pretty sweet like her only and may the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives amen
Praise be the lord our God. Who save me from the hands of the wickets. He is my loving God and my fortress, in him i take my refuge. Apart from you lord can't do anything so please lord and our god almighty take care of my soul and teach your will and make me to fear you. Hear my cry hear my request for you are the only who can save me from hell. Help me Jesus Christ to chase this satan who attacks me that i will reach your heavenly kingdom. And lived in your kingdom in heaven and save myself from the eternal punishment in hell. Song goes well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
With my walking thoughts bright with thy praise. Out of stony griefs bethel l'll raise, so by my woes to be nearer my God to thee. Or if on joyful wing cleaving the sky. Sun moon and stars forgot upward i'll fly. Nearer my God to thee nearer to thee. When my life is over here and my sarrow and troubles had gone. There i will be with my lord Jesus Christ and lives in him forever. There will be no nearer to thee anymore because i will lives with thee forever and ever that ever too won't end. Song is perfectly done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
About the temple made of time God almighty had done in his time. And now left only the temple which in someone heart have to clean it otherwise the temple May rejected at anytime. Now think about the temple which is in ours heart and pray also to the lord jesus Christ to help us to clean ours temple by sending his holy spirit to be inside us to clean our temple. The first temple that have made of time God almighty had made he will destroy one day on his right time. The temple which lived in ours heart will remains forever. More will be destroy in hell and few will stay in heaven. Song is perfectly done and keep it up in singing Christians song. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen. ❤.
As the deer pants for the water and my soul really long after you. You're my lord and you are my god to whom my heart trust. You are my strength in my weaknesses and you are my shield in my life war. My life is in your hand i know that you will do the right thing. You are my God almighty and i will learn to obey unto your will and fear you and also be far from sins. But these three brave Christians girls they had sang the song sweet to hear about the temple made of time. Keep it up in singing Christian song to pleased our lord and our god almighty. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
It was in his time the temple have been made and these three brave Christians girls they sing about that time and says that the temple made of time. They sang with their words and explain to someone how God almighty created this earth. So the song sound good while they are singing. To the precious temple that is in their heart when they will sing only God knows. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah .Amen. Amen. Amen.
There is only one God almighty the creators of the heaven and earth and all what is in them according unto his knowledge and understanding. Here are these three brave Christians girls of God almighty and lets us know how God almighty created this in six days and on the seven day he rest and make it holy and it is like the temple made of time. So sweet was their song so beautiful is their voices when they sing in the temple made of time. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂
I am so glad to know that the temple made of time. The three Christians brave girls had explained by their song how God almighty Jehovah created this earth temple in his time. About the temple that lived in someone heart that is theirs soul. When they will explain when someone sins in God almighty Jehovah. What will happen to them and what is their rewards for the sins they had done. Sill waiting for the song from the three brave Christians girls to and let someone to understand. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
God send his son they called him yeshua he came to love heal and forgive. He live and died to buy my pardon. The empty grave is there to prove my savior lives. Its is all because he lives i can face tomorrow, i will not fear for he hold my future. For he lives i too will lives in him one day when he come to take me. Like these three brave Christians girls who sang temple made of time also will lives. And be his childrens forever and ever that ever too won't end. Song goes pretty good and so fine while you are singing keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ we will have a victory in the holy name of jesus christ demons will have to flee. Who can tell what God can do, who can tell his love for us. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we will have the victory. In the name of Jesus Christ in our lifes wars we will have a victory. Maybe is far or near to win the wars but have to have Faith in jesus Christ. That one day we will have the victory of our lifes wars that had already begun. Song goes well when they sang pretty well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christian song. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen .Amen. Amen.
They sang about the creations of God almighty what he have created on earth and say that the temple made of time. Yes,is right but this temple made of time will passed away and the temple that is in our hearts will not passed away it will last forever and ever. So its better to clean the temple in our hearts on time when he comes he may not destroy the temple that is in our hearts on time or of time. But you son goes so sweet so good and so fine and too your voices too are so sweet while you three are singing. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all. The one who sing and he ones who hear your song.Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior.Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂
❤❤❤😂😂. When the temple is made of time and when you call Jesus Christ in your heart and he will come to make the temple that is in your heart will make on time. That much love you give him that much love Jesus Christ will love you and to everyone who loves him like you do.May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord. Amen. ❤❤😂.
Yes come all he faithful,come with joy to know theirs song they sing about temple made of time. Come ye yes come ye to know the song they sang with their perfect mind. Temple made of time is the temple we are now here and this temple will be crushed one day by sinning and making he temple made of time dirty and it had became evils in God almighty eyes too. What will happen it will happens and let the will of God almighty be done in heaven and on this world on earth. Song can't deny because they sang so well and confess to us the mighty works and mighty things what the lord has done according on his will and his own understanding. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Temple made of time they had think so far so very far when God almighty created this earth. But on this temple that he had created on his own knowledge and understanding it is all perfect. Everything things that God almighty had made on earth in his time. When the sons and daughters of men and everyone sins in him in his temple made of time. Now can this earth be his temple when many had sins infront of him. God almighty Jehovah is holy he had reject this temple that made in his time. He gave to his son Jesus Christ to be the lord for a while and after a while he will finished this world and take only the childrens who belongs to him to stay with him in his kingdom in heaven. Song goes well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christian song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
King darius has said to the peoples where he reign to fear of the God of Daniel for he is the living God. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His dominion will never end. He rescues and saves; he performed signs and wonders. In heaven and on the earth. So fear the God almighty of Daniel. About the temple made of time it have been so long time. So very long time how to come to understand when many has sins in God almighty on the temple made of time. They are still young to come to their understanding only God almighty will make them know. The song goes so sweet so good and so fine while you are singing. And it is well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
Verse 1 God took six days, and created earth and moon the stars and sun On the seventh day, He rested from the work that He had done Then He blessed it, made it holy as a gift for every man To remind us where we came from and just how this world began Chorus Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time Verse 2 See Him worship on the Sabbath as His weekly custom was Feel the fury of the rabbis, for He would not heed their laws So they killed Him on a hillside as the sun began to fade But He even kept the Sabbath as they laid Him in the grave Chorus Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time Verse 3 Oft forsaken and forgotten, desecrated and profaned But the sacred fourth commandment is still valid and unchanged Hear the Father gently calling “If you love Me, heed each one, Not for merit or salvation, but because you love My Son.” Chorus Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time You will find joy divine, in this temple made of time
Go tell on the mountains over the hill and everwhere that Jesus Christ is born. But whose is there to there that you will go and tell. Mountains and hills are there they don't know how to takk never they will understand that jesus Christ is born. But have tell the soul that lived inside our heart that Jesus Christ is born. The song of these three girls who sing Christian song they have show and they got a looks. To make to someone to understand that God almighty strength is perfect . May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
At first God almighty saw to this earth it is empty darkness is over the surface. And the spirit of God almighty hovering over the water. On the first day he said."let there be light," there was a light shine and it was good. He separate th light from the darkness. On the second day ,"let there be an expanse between the water from water."so God made the expanse and separate the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was good after that on the third day he said let the water undehhr the sky be gathered in one place and let the dry ground appear. And he saw it was good. On the fourth day," he said let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruits and seed in it. According to their various kinds,It was so. And after that on the fifth day, he said let be the light ti the expanse of the sky to separate the day snd night. Let them serve as a sign to mark, seasons and days and years. And let them be light in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so. God almighty made two light. The greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. And he also made stars to help the moon to shine on earth. From here is long to explain minus some words reach straight to the six day god creation. He made also many kinds of animals birds and reptiles on the six day. He saw that it was good. After that he made on the six day a man from the mud. After that on the seven day he rest and made holy and blessed this earth. Temple made of time is a temple only at that time but not now. For the temple had became dirty by sinning infront of the God almighty. Now don't think about temple made of time but think about the temple that is in ours heart to clean before it will be destroy. If it is not clean on the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then the temple in our heart when he body will die and the spirit will come to life and if it is not clean straight have to go to hell to be destroy for eternal. Now save our own temple before comes the regrets. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
The temple made of time when Adam and eve had not sins in God almighty after they sins the temple made of time have finish at not yet of the time. In our suffering now is better to forget about the temple made of time. Only curse on the day that someone come to this world. This world is not good to come out only sins surrounding us and sometimes used to falls by devil's temptation in our weaknesses. When you sang this song sometimes became angry to stay here in this temple made of time because can't look the evils ones destroy he inocence person and made little ones to sins is very painful full to look at them and never like this temple made of time be made of time again when someone saw the small kids have been destroy in adultery sins. Song you what shall i say okay its a well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
❤❤❤ its so cool to hear while you three Christians brave girls are singing such a wounderful song its a new song i hear in my life i don't know who is the original singer of the song but i found from you three girls. Your song is so sweet like your voice may the God almighty be with them and look after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. ❤❤❤Amen.
What a powerful song done by amazing singers. Such a blessing.
Rejoice in the Lord alwsys and again i say rejoice. Rejoice to these three brave Christians girls are singing such a sweet song. And again i say rejoice,rejoice in the Lord always for he is always to be rejoice. Sweet was your song and sweet is your voice. For what you sang no where out, have to made it sweet. Its all you three are doing the right thing on the eyes of God almighty. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
The light shown in them while they sing this beautiful and cute song like their sweet voice. May they shines until our Lord Jesus Christ yeshua will come to take them to be his own a lived with him for ever and ever that ever too won't end. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂
Six days of works of the almighty God Jehovah and on the seven day he make it holy.❤so the temple is made of time and some has make his temple dirty. Now his temple to make it clean it is in us but the sons and daughters of men has gone so far away from him and from his love. And now there is only the temple in our heart that left if someone can clean that temple that is inside our heart then he come and rest and sub with that someone on his temple who have already made of time. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah.Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Beautiful song! Thanks God for the gift of Your Holy Shabbat!... and thanks Fountainview Academy!
Beautiful song reminding us of God's Holy unchanging Sabbath.
Absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing!
More Grace to perform IJN, Amen
They sang so well good and fine in this song and she alone sang his eyes is on the sparrow is pretty sweet like her only and may the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives amen
I love your music guys and am proud to be Adventist. God bless your ministry...
Beeeautiful! Thanks Pastor Bradshaw for having those beeautiful girls with those beeautiful hearts
One of the best trios from the Fountainview generations.
Praise be the lord our God. Who save me from the hands of the wickets. He is my loving God and my fortress, in him i take my refuge. Apart from you lord can't do anything so please lord and our god almighty take care of my soul and teach your will and make me to fear you. Hear my cry hear my request for you are the only who can save me from hell. Help me Jesus Christ to chase this satan who attacks me that i will reach your heavenly kingdom. And lived in your kingdom in heaven and save myself from the eternal punishment in hell. Song goes well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
With my walking thoughts bright with thy praise. Out of stony griefs bethel l'll raise, so by my woes to be nearer my God to thee. Or if on joyful wing cleaving the sky. Sun moon and stars forgot upward i'll fly. Nearer my God to thee nearer to thee. When my life is over here and my sarrow and troubles had gone. There i will be with my lord Jesus Christ and lives in him forever. There will be no nearer to thee anymore because i will lives with thee forever and ever that ever too won't end. Song is perfectly done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Das ist eine sehr feierliche und sehr schöne musikalische Darbietung , danke in JESU NAMEN AMEN. *
Amen, so very beautiful and beautifully presented-from the heart!
About the temple made of time God almighty had done in his time. And now left only the temple which in someone heart have to clean it otherwise the temple May rejected at anytime. Now think about the temple which is in ours heart and pray also to the lord jesus Christ to help us to clean ours temple by sending his holy spirit to be inside us to clean our temple. The first temple that have made of time God almighty had made he will destroy one day on his right time. The temple which lived in ours heart will remains forever. More will be destroy in hell and few will stay in heaven. Song is perfectly done and keep it up in singing Christians song. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen. ❤.
So rich, so profound, i keep watching and listening, i am completely transported to another time and another place. Thanks.
As the deer pants for the water and my soul really long after you. You're my lord and you are my god to whom my heart trust. You are my strength in my weaknesses and you are my shield in my life war. My life is in your hand i know that you will do the right thing. You are my God almighty and i will learn to obey unto your will and fear you and also be far from sins. But these three brave Christians girls they had sang the song sweet to hear about the temple made of time. Keep it up in singing Christian song to pleased our lord and our god almighty. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
It was in his time the temple have been made and these three brave Christians girls they sing about that time and says that the temple made of time. They sang with their words and explain to someone how God almighty created this earth. So the song sound good while they are singing. To the precious temple that is in their heart when they will sing only God knows. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah .Amen. Amen. Amen.
Heavenly music
There is only one God almighty the creators of the heaven and earth and all what is in them according unto his knowledge and understanding. Here are these three brave Christians girls of God almighty and lets us know how God almighty created this in six days and on the seven day he rest and make it holy and it is like the temple made of time. So sweet was their song so beautiful is their voices when they sing in the temple made of time. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior. Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂
I am so glad to know that the temple made of time. The three Christians brave girls had explained by their song how God almighty Jehovah created this earth temple in his time. About the temple that lived in someone heart that is theirs soul. When they will explain when someone sins in God almighty Jehovah. What will happen to them and what is their rewards for the sins they had done. Sill waiting for the song from the three brave Christians girls to and let someone to understand. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Happy Sabbath! Beautiful song!
Hermoso Himno al Creador!
Amazingly sung, praise be to the Lord.
God send his son they called him yeshua he came to love heal and forgive. He live and died to buy my pardon. The empty grave is there to prove my savior lives. Its is all because he lives i can face tomorrow, i will not fear for he hold my future. For he lives i too will lives in him one day when he come to take me. Like these three brave Christians girls who sang temple made of time also will lives. And be his childrens forever and ever that ever too won't end. Song goes pretty good and so fine while you are singing keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
In the name of Jesus Christ we will have a victory in the holy name of jesus christ demons will have to flee. Who can tell what God can do, who can tell his love for us. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ we will have the victory. In the name of Jesus Christ in our lifes wars we will have a victory. Maybe is far or near to win the wars but have to have Faith in jesus Christ. That one day we will have the victory of our lifes wars that had already begun. Song goes well when they sang pretty well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christian song. May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen .Amen. Amen.
They sang about the creations of God almighty what he have created on earth and say that the temple made of time. Yes,is right but this temple made of time will passed away and the temple that is in our hearts will not passed away it will last forever and ever. So its better to clean the temple in our hearts on time when he comes he may not destroy the temple that is in our hearts on time or of time. But you son goes so sweet so good and so fine and too your voices too are so sweet while you three are singing. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all. The one who sing and he ones who hear your song.Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty Jehovah and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior.Amen. Amen ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂😂😂
Marvelous fascinathing ashow great girl success total for you my darling what god blessing you.amazing
❤❤❤😂😂. When the temple is made of time and when you call Jesus Christ in your heart and he will come to make the temple that is in your heart will make on time. That much love you give him that much love Jesus Christ will love you and to everyone who loves him like you do.May the God almighty be with you all take care after you all as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord. Amen. ❤❤😂.
Great 👏👏
Yes come all he faithful,come with joy to know theirs song they sing about temple made of time. Come ye yes come ye to know the song they sang with their perfect mind. Temple made of time is the temple we are now here and this temple will be crushed one day by sinning and making he temple made of time dirty and it had became evils in God almighty eyes too. What will happen it will happens and let the will of God almighty be done in heaven and on this world on earth. Song can't deny because they sang so well and confess to us the mighty works and mighty things what the lord has done according on his will and his own understanding. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Beautiful, sincere and sweet.
Temple made of time they had think so far so very far when God almighty created this earth. But on this temple that he had created on his own knowledge and understanding it is all perfect. Everything things that God almighty had made on earth in his time. When the sons and daughters of men and everyone sins in him in his temple made of time. Now can this earth be his temple when many had sins infront of him. God almighty Jehovah is holy he had reject this temple that made in his time. He gave to his son Jesus Christ to be the lord for a while and after a while he will finished this world and take only the childrens who belongs to him to stay with him in his kingdom in heaven. Song goes well and it is well done and keep it up in singing Christian song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
King darius has said to the peoples where he reign to fear of the God of Daniel for he is the living God. His kingdom will never be destroyed. His dominion will never end. He rescues and saves; he performed signs and wonders. In heaven and on the earth. So fear the God almighty of Daniel. About the temple made of time it have been so long time. So very long time how to come to understand when many has sins in God almighty on the temple made of time. They are still young to come to their understanding only God almighty will make them know. The song goes so sweet so good and so fine while you are singing. And it is well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
Verse 1
God took six days, and created earth and moon the stars and sun
On the seventh day, He rested from the work that He had done
Then He blessed it, made it holy as a gift for every man
To remind us where we came from and just how this world began
Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified
Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time
Verse 2
See Him worship on the Sabbath as His weekly custom was
Feel the fury of the rabbis, for He would not heed their laws
So they killed Him on a hillside as the sun began to fade
But He even kept the Sabbath as they laid Him in the grave
Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified
Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time
Verse 3
Oft forsaken and forgotten, desecrated and profaned
But the sacred fourth commandment is still valid and unchanged
Hear the Father gently calling “If you love Me, heed each one,
Not for merit or salvation, but because you love My Son.”
Holy day purified, set apart, sanctified
Enter in to joy divine, in a temple made of time
You will find joy divine, in this temple made of time
I wrote the lyrics on a 3x5 index card. Thank you. I will try to post it as a comment on a pertinent video.
Go tell on the mountains over the hill and everwhere that Jesus Christ is born. But whose is there to there that you will go and tell. Mountains and hills are there they don't know how to takk never they will understand that jesus Christ is born. But have tell the soul that lived inside our heart that Jesus Christ is born. The song of these three girls who sing Christian song they have show and they got a looks. To make to someone to understand that God almighty strength is perfect . May the God almighty be with them and look after them in their lives. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
At first God almighty saw to this earth it is empty darkness is over the surface. And the spirit of God almighty hovering over the water. On the first day he said."let there be light," there was a light shine and it was good. He separate th light from the darkness. On the second day ,"let there be an expanse between the water from water."so God made the expanse and separate the water under the expanse from the water above it. And it was good after that on the third day he said let the water undehhr the sky be gathered in one place and let the dry ground appear. And he saw it was good. On the fourth day," he said let the land produce vegetation, seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruits and seed in it. According to their various kinds,It was so. And after that on the fifth day, he said let be the light ti the expanse of the sky to separate the day snd night. Let them serve as a sign to mark, seasons and days and years. And let them be light in the expanse of the sky to give light on the earth. And it was so. God almighty made two light. The greater light to govern the day and the lesser light to govern the night. And he also made stars to help the moon to shine on earth. From here is long to explain minus some words reach straight to the six day god creation. He made also many kinds of animals birds and reptiles on the six day. He saw that it was good. After that he made on the six day a man from the mud. After that on the seven day he rest and made holy and blessed this earth. Temple made of time is a temple only at that time but not now. For the temple had became dirty by sinning infront of the God almighty. Now don't think about temple made of time but think about the temple that is in ours heart to clean before it will be destroy. If it is not clean on the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Then the temple in our heart when he body will die and the spirit will come to life and if it is not clean straight have to go to hell to be destroy for eternal. Now save our own temple before comes the regrets. May the God almighty be with you all take care after you on earth as long as you have a life to lived on earth. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen
The temple made of time when Adam and eve had not sins in God almighty after they sins the temple made of time have finish at not yet of the time. In our suffering now is better to forget about the temple made of time. Only curse on the day that someone come to this world. This world is not good to come out only sins surrounding us and sometimes used to falls by devil's temptation in our weaknesses. When you sang this song sometimes became angry to stay here in this temple made of time because can't look the evils ones destroy he inocence person and made little ones to sins is very painful full to look at them and never like this temple made of time be made of time again when someone saw the small kids have been destroy in adultery sins. Song you what shall i say okay its a well done and keep it up in singing Christians song. Amen hallelujah praise the Lord God almighty and Jesus Christ our holy king and our savior yeshua the beloveded son of God almighty Jehovah. Amen. Amen. Amen.
Nice song
Although the other one is nicer