Thanks one individual asked what is the time limit for repayment of money to concerned persons. it appears that time may not be fixed because public auctions and converting as liquid assets/cash for dispersement consume processing time and practical difficulties. But it may assumed that as soon as every things as a whole it would be apportionsed proportionately w r t deposits of amount. (In the absence of time limit for disbursements).thanks to all sirs / madam.
Further even after sending /notices some depositors may not come on time to get back money and also residential addresses may changed and in that case time limit for disbursements may not fixed.thanks.
அருமையான விளக்கம் 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you for uploading this video
Thanks one individual asked what is the time limit for repayment of money to concerned persons. it appears that time may not be fixed because public auctions and converting as liquid assets/cash for dispersement consume processing time and practical difficulties. But it may assumed that as soon as every things as a whole it would be apportionsed proportionately w r t deposits of amount. (In the absence of time limit for disbursements).thanks to all sirs / madam.
Further even after sending /notices some depositors may not come on time to get back money and also residential addresses may changed and in that case time limit for disbursements may not fixed.thanks.
Thanks mam
Keep watching👍
Bank varuma mam
No mam. Because banks comes under RBI and TANPID specifically excludes bank...
LLM போட்டா, BL போட அவசியமில்லை.