What are the project documents and their types? Project management documents | Document Controller
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 5 ก.พ. 2025
- What are the project documents and their types? Project management documents | Document Controller
In this exciting video, we'll explore best practices in document control and how to efficiently implement a document control system in your organization. We'll take a comprehensive look at a number of important topics in this area, and provide a review of the best document control software currently available on the market.
We begin by discussing the importance of document control and how effective document organization can improve an organization's productivity and reduce legal risks. We will also review effective document control processes and procedures and how to implement them successfully in a business environment.
We cannot forget the importance of using templates and forms in document control. We will review some common templates and forms that can be used to organize and facilitate the document control process.
Then, we will talk about the best tips and tricks for document control, where we will present a set of strategies and tools that can contribute to improving the efficiency and accuracy of the document control process. You will also learn how to deal with document control challenges and provide effective solutions to them.
In addition, you will find suggestions for training and certifications available in the field of document control, which will help you develop your skills, raise your level of experience, and make you qualified for leading jobs in this field.
In addition, we will discuss the importance of training in the field of document control and how to take advantage of the educational programs and workshops available to develop Document Controller skills. We'll also talk about document control certifications and how they can boost your career opportunities.
This episode also focuses on career and career opportunities in document control, where we will discuss the availability of document control jobs and opportunities in various industries and fields.
Then, we will talk about job opportunities and career paths in the field of document control. We'll take a look at the training and certifications available that can help you develop your skills and increase your chances of being employed in this exciting field.
Finally, we will explore how document control is implemented in a specific industry, such as the construction industry, pharmaceutical industry, and oil and gas industry. We'll learn about the unique challenges a Document Controller faces in these industries and ways they can help you deal with them effectively.
If you want to learn more about best practices in document control, review document control software, and efficiently implement document control systems, this video is the perfect resource for you. In it you will find valuable information and practical advice that will help you improve document management in your organization and successfully achieve your goals.
Don't miss this opportunity to discover best practices and solutions in the field of document control, and get ready to achieve excellence in document management in an effective and impactful way. Join us on this fun journey to enhance your knowledge and skills in the field of document control.
We will give you valuable tips and useful tricks to simplify the document control process and increase productivity. You will also learn about the importance of document control in business and how it can impact business efficiency, reduce risk, and enhance legal compliance and customer satisfaction.
We will also explore optimal document control procedures and workflows and provide some tips and tricks that can contribute to improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the document control process. We will also go over the document control checklist and how to ensure that all procedures are followed correctly.
Don't miss the opportunity to benefit from valuable advice and practical information about document control and document management system. Learn how to manage your documents securely and effectively and successfully achieve your organizational goals.
Make sure to subscribe to the channel and turn on the notifications button to be the first to receive our updates and other exclusive content about document control. We are excited to share this valuable content with you and help you achieve your success in the document control industry.
Thanks for watching and we look forward to your interaction and feedback in the comments section. Let's start this exciting journey in document control together!
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جزاك الله خيرا
وابشرك شرحك ممراز اللهم بارك وقد اشت كنا في قناتك
سعيد جداً إن دروسي ساعدتك! ده شرف كبير ليا
الله ينور عليك يا استاذ تامر
ربنا يوفقك في شغلك، سعيد جداً إني كنت سبب في مساعدتك
لا تظن ابدا أنك صالح ولكنك مستور بستر الله سبحانه وتعالى و اللهم صلي وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين 💕💕💕 حبيبى يا رسول الله
الحمد لله وربنا يديمها نعمة الستر والصحة واشكرك علي تواجدك دائما علي قنواتي ولك جزيل الشكر والتقدير
جزاك الله كل خير استاذ تامر .
اتمني تكون مسميات المستندات مترجمة باللغة الأنجليزية لأن معظم المشاريع في مصر باللغه الأنجليزية
الشرح العام ويمكنك ترجمته ولكن بحاول اشرح عربي لوصول المعلومات للمبتدئين
انا كمراقب مستندات المستندات اللى حضرتك ذكرتها بتيجى جاهز وانا بحفظها نسخة هارد ونسخه سوفت بس ولا انا بعمل حاجه تانى
اولا شرفتني بزيارتك الكريمة لقناتي ومحتواي وبالنسبة لاستفسارك فحضرتك انا أكد هذا في اول دقيقة بالفيديو انها نسخة ارشيفية ولكن مهمة جدا تكون متاحة علي جهازك بالكامل لمتابعة المشروع فأنصحك بمشاهدة أول دقائق من الفيديو مرة اخري
ممكن حضرتك تقولنا اى المرفقات اللى كل مستند مثل MS. MIR. IR. SD.
بالنسبة لنموذج MS فيوجد حلقة عنه بالقناة
وايضا نموذج الاعتماد المستندي
وحلقة شاملة عن جميع انواع الرسومات SD,AB,IFC
ولو محتاج نماذج غير موجودة بلغني وهيتم عمل شرح وافي عن كل شئ عنها
مع تحياتي وتقديري لحضرتك
فضلا انا تخصصي انتاج برامج كمبيوتر واخي انتاج انظمة طاقة شمسية، كيف اقوم بعمل وثائق مشروع انتاج منتجات، بحيث انتج انا وهو ينتج بمنهجية من خلال الوثائق . بحطث ننتج خلال الوقت والميزانية النطاق، ان شاء الله
وهل تستطيع عمل دورة لنا في كيفية عمل هذه الوثيقة التي بمثابة مخطط الإنشاء او الكروكي في مجال الب مجة وانتاج انظمة الطاقه الشمسيه لذوي الدخل المتوسط، نحن نعيش خارج مصر
صعب عمله الا من خلال دراسة بين نوعية الوثائق واسلوب البرمجة وهذا الامر بيكون تابع لكم فقط كمبرمج
وبخصوص عمل دورة فأن التخصص الذي نشرحه له علاقة بمجال التشييد والبناء خاصة والوثائق عامة وليس لكل تخصص له دورة تدريبية فأنصحك دراسة الامر بينك وبين مقدم الوثائق وتقدر تظبط هذه الامور برمجيا
لو سمحت ممكن ترسل لنا شرح كل بند فى ملف نقدر نرجع ليه من خلاله ... وشكرا لتعبك
وضحت هذا بالفيديو حضرتك
@@tamerturkydcm قصدي الملف إلى حضرتك شرحت فيه البنود نطبعه عندنا على مستند ورقي