Well definitely Stealth Buddy, a lot things gave changed since the beginning of season 11. Pin Point is a serious issue for aim which I personally noticed but if your opponent is using it, you are doomed. The use of melee is getting too heavily toxic even in the SnD. People keep camping across the maps and give a sudden attack with the knife, kali sticks or prize fighters. Of course I also use them but only as a secondary weapon and not a primary one. And probably they should change the name of dead silence to some silence😂🤣. Its a more worthy name😂🤣. And regarding the camping activity, its getting more and more nowadays. But still, we definitely find some of our ways to tackle such situations. And of course buddy, you are also there to guide and help.
You talking about global? I'm not seeing much in Garena. Heck for the past 3 seasons the only changes I see is the weapons we use, other than that it's been the same. It's been getting boring recently that I'm seeing more old guns like ak117, Agr, M4lmg heck even the M14 is getting used a lot.
One thing that bothers me most, is also the matchmaking problem. Whenever you're playing ranked or not, you'll always get bot or weaker teammates that didn't matched up with your class. I'm not saying that i'm really good at the game, but i just felt like it. Also they will give the most strong enemies of all time.
I agree why is my team bots weaker then there's or my team mates are nvr my lvl of skill it makes the game less fun when you go against try hards all day in ya team cnt win anything
Same here, i think its bc tryhards in ranked usually play in squads queue and not solo queue bc of the mfing BOTS. i wish CODM just made bots optional it would make the gameplay better
It also depends on your k/d. If it's above 2 you've a problem 😂. I'm not really sure if it depends on your general k/d or the ranked one, but I've guessed that. And that's why that's happening to you and even though you are losing maybe 35% of your games you're the mvp in 90% or more. Look at the bottom of both teams also, if you're a solo 'queuer' your teammate will get barely 8 kills always, and I understand all of us can have bad games, but always the bottom fragger that bad? No dude. If the enemy team bottom fragger has 15 kills that's a problem. And that's why I've guessed that if depends on the k/d.
@@Nolosevp getting a kda of 2 is normal if you grind hardpoint though, unlike in snd, you don't just get 7/9 or 2/7 meanwhile in spawns it can go up to 30/9 so your kda goes up, just a comment about what you said about players having kda of 2+ I understood your point from another comment but that confuses me as shouldn't they pair you with people your same level, same kda or close but i guess if they can't find players who have the same kda then just any will do that's why randoms sucks nowadays..
@@rebelstronk9750 yeah, you're right but in ranked above master getting a 30-9 is not common for average players and if you usually do that that's the reason the game pair you with worse teammates as you said. And even with that you can have a 300 seconds queue...
Hats off to you if you play this game dailey without getting depressed. The amount of camping is insane. It doesn't feel worth grinding as its depressing as hell. No matter how cool you are you will still lose the temper by seeing this level of toxicity. Goodluck to all the new players. I'm done grinding ranked.
Bro you’re basically burning out of the game i have some newbie friends from the motoko season they’ve been having fun on codm till now while me i’m also in the brink of burning out
I'd say the most annoying thing is in every match I'm in whether it's diamond grinding in ffa shipment or if it's normal snd or if it's ranked games, I always get meleed.
zLmao people still spam scorestreaks in a god damned free for all like bro they be having some personal issues with other players trying to get mere 10 kills with a certain weapon 💀
Ranked is a nightmare now especially for those playing with randoms. Even worse if you are a good player because you are paired with team mates who have no business playing ranked. Immediately I hit legendary it was a wrap for me as no point putting myself through torture. Imagine playing over 19 games and winning just 6 games with over 15MVPs 😂, no point grinding anymore .
It's because of the k/d, believe me. If you're above 2 it will probably struggle to find teammates of your skill and that's why it picks everyone who's on the queue, even if he's 0,5. But if your top fragger enemy has a 1,4 or some its easy to find similar teammates and you won't see 40 kills at top but you won't see also a 6 kills bottom. Those players will have much better game awareness and team mentality without having problem trading kills or getting to the point for the team. But a usual 5/7 kills will be scared of that and he'll camp to avoid dying which doesn't help the team. That's what I've been guessing all this season and las one. I can't lose more games than ever (more than 45%) and be the mvp 90% of them, that doesn't make any sense.
@@Nolosevp oh wow that explains a lot since my k/d is above 2. Now I understand why my friends with low k/d always hit legendary before me 😆. But the whole k/d system is unfair because it is like you are being punished for being a good player. I will definitely find a team to play with next season, I should make my ranked experience easier.
Something ive been experiencing heavily this season is while playing normal or ranked matches, you get really bad teammates. Like level 80 or 120. Its fine in normal matches, but super annoying in ranked matches. It has happened before, but not almsot every time you get into a match like this season
Its very clearly that codm developers never listen to players.. we all asked for them to nerf annoying and overpowered things in games, but they didnt. So what did they focus on? They only cares about money.. making trash pay to win mythic skins in game This game is clearly pay to win, if you combine battle pass epic blueprint to free epic blueprint. Payed blueprint guns often gets a unique ironsight and some even gets a red dot without taking a space of your gunsmith, and for free blueprint, the guns are just likely same to the original guns but get painted and colour. Og free credit store used to sell unique ironsight guns for free like the pdw57 but now the epic guns just get worser and even worse. In my friend list at least 40% of my friend left the game, switch to apex or even other, some of them including my best friend.. I used to remember we just play and have fun when the game is no toxic thermites.. na45... , everyone plays codm for fun. And now.. Abusers. Campers. Spammers. Trashtalkers. Toxic players. Melee abusers. Ruins your day. Codm can fix these all back, but they never listen to player.. I really miss old codm..
I wholly agree with the two shot kills for melee, some players when they can't get a kill with their gun they just switch to melee and the vexing part is that they'll end up as the mvp
Oh how many times have i seen that. Just a bunch of b…. that will never get better. Other thing is that some of the melee kills don’t even make sense. I’ve seen them swing fully in front of me, but somehow i die.
I just started a CODM YT channel and the amount of time to record gameplay because the amount of skilless things CODM adds and the noobs that take advantage of is ridiculous
I left codm for 3 months and I still see these kind of cancer somehow makes me happy that I chose to quit. Each season seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps backward at the same time. Same meta and strategy every season since CBR buffed for the first time.
honestly I personally left CODM, it was so abusive in many therms that it wasn't fun anymore, I left it in the past season, now I'll wait till Warzone gets released, I believe it is going to be a better game
This vid really speaks for a lot of og players. I left the game almost an year ago and recently returned to have some fun but all I see in ranked are multiple meta weapons, melee abusers who got no skill and camping being the only playstyle left. The game became so noob friendly that I've seen new players (level 70-90) reach legendary by camping in a corner with a meta weapon. I hope they give a lot more care to making the game balanced and fun than releasing new mythics for the money.
Shotguns and the full auto m16 are making the game unbalanced, also, you can’t even win a certain amount of ranked matches because then the game will think it’s an excuse to babysit the worst teammates you’ve seen in the game against tryhard teams, even if carry the entire team you still get punished by your teammates’s stupidity.
One thing that bothers me the most is that when you lose a public match, codm automatically put you against bots : you can never practice like that. You should be able to inactivate bots
@Samuel Zēta Get out 2 times in a row inmediatly of that games and the third (depending on the time of the day) will guarantee at least 2 real enemy players. That's what I do.
So true! I just thought people were getting better, and new phones have been released so be it. My playstyle hasn't changed, but the game has. The fact that all my ranked matches are full of people running around with knives is what grinds my gears most. It's a shooter game, and I do understand that a knife is a side weapon. But when you go full Rambo and use it as a main weapon, it just defeats the purpose of the game
Thank you so much this is exactly how I feel. I have included it in a community post for my subscribers to see. And campers are definitely getting worse and make me want to play the game less and less.
I’m thoroughly annoyed with the ballista em3 operator skill. Something about rotating to your next position, just to suddenly be snatched by a guy with an em3… feels wrong. 😂 There appears to be no defense to it.
Should be a noise you hear if it's pointed at you or something to let you know to move! Something that can see through walls would have to make some noise, even like a hum or sonar sound maybe.
I play sniper and it makes the game less boring. Playing only smg or AR rifles seems very annoying and anyway everyone can do it. Agressive sniping is pure skills and you are often the only one in the match
I agree stealth I m quitting this game soon and I've made up my mind. I don't need to say anything coz u said everything, tho there's just 1 thing I wanna say n that is I dont play ranked at all I play pub matches but in pub matches BOTS R THE MOST ANNOYING thing bro. That's it. I'll always watch nice yts like u, narco, zara cod, broken etc. Thanks for everything brother u deserve much more...
Thats a choice and it’s only trash ppl that do that im in grand master 3 and I had some legendary ranked players in my game that were camping and I 1v1ed them after and I won and there’s nothing cod can really do about it
Every point is perfect...thanks a lot for bringing out the sad reality about the game being skilless because of melees, metas, martyrdom, persistence, and finally K9 unit 💀
You forgot to say Reactor core and Ballista EM3. I don't know why they haven't decided to even the numbers on these 2. Whether above or below you, outside the wall, they kill you through it. I understand through the wall but in maps like Nuketown and standoff, they just go above you and wipes out the full team, it's annoying
Heheh, well they are no skill operator skills after all. Even the doggo aka K9 unit doesn't require much skills, just camp once it is unleashed until its dead. I personally call the Ballista the Nuke streak killer. I think its okay, in a competitive scenario it can be broken as it allows you to locate enemies through walls, but for normal ranked, its fine. 3 shots is okay by me. Maybe reduce the duration for the core to adjust it.
After I reached legendary rank, almost every player is camping. This game is slowly turning into a camper friendly game just like MW2022. I said this in a twitter post and the replies I got are the typical "get good", "adapt to the game",etc...,
My problem here is that is when I'm match making in ranked, I either get bot teammates or super strong sweat opponents, if worst case senario I get both
Yes. I'm fuckin' sick of ranked atm. I solo queue because I don't have a team, and I used to be able to reach Legendary somewhat easily. But now? Now it's impossible, because I always get THE WORST POSSIBLE teammates, and it doesn't matter if we are on TDM losing 14-26 and I carry them back to a tie, we still lose because my enemies are ALWAYS camping. Like today I got a Frontline game in Hijacked and THE WHOLE enemy team was camping on the upper deck room surrounded by mines. Bruhh What bothers me the most is that I lose XP when I lose a match. XP should be based on skill, not whether you win/lose. I'm slowly starting to quit the game.
The bots I have definitely noticed and the camping seriously stupid and messed up and the lucky draws a complete waste of time and energy cod need to fix this problems up
Nothing but facts. Being an aggressive player is a pain in ranked now. You see campers with LMGs and Snipers and damn when the sneak upon you from behind using dead silence while walking, gosh i want to murder them in real life😂
I'm quit in playing CoDM but still watching your vids to see what the hell happening there. Especially some news for my Kilo🤣 if there some. Reason for quitting is simple my device can't handled anymore both fps and storage problem. So I'm finding alternatives for CoDM to those who read you can suggest idk about specs but at least the storage won't go further 6gb if there's none then time to find different kind of game.
prize fighter is the worst two swipe melee. Karambit, Folding knife and other knives better. They should make melee 40 dmg for two or 4 swipe melees which means its usless to kill with the double swipe and keep things like the axe, machete and bat two hit since those only fire once and hard to get second swipe which would render campers and other annoying players useless. Just like in BR double or quadruple swipe melee is 40 dmg and one swipe melee is 50 dmg.
The campers with heartbeat sensors is the worst, i know you could use ghost but the thing is if i switch there is hundred of tripmines everywhere. And deadsilance needs a massive buff, i Hate playing snd nowadays the games be too long cuz everybody is walking so damn slow cuz they dont want the enemy to hear the footsteps its like a walking game now😞
last night during clan wars i was struggling with the cbr, never really had before but usually, i can laser people down at mid range, i was having a hard time getting mid range kills and long range hit markers popping shots at people.
I am just tired and my head is already hurting because of p2w sights and overpowered weapon+ K9 unit getting buff + A shipment weapon camo grinder like me Scorestreak has been a torture to me (And I don't need to mention melee)
One thing they can do is lower the TTK. I mean if u can't make the game balanced, lower the TTK and let the skill gap be increased. CoDm is drying up on creativity for real.
The Molotov Spam rn is insane, everyone uses it and everywhere are Flames, Shipment is literrally unplayable rn because of that and Idiots spamming Legendary Molotov which make my Game lag so much
I've said a long ago, since you can carry more than one lethal/tactical, that trophy must be buffed to avoid 3 impacts. Because hardpoint sometimes is unplayable with so many molotovs. And if you're device is old it could be really laggy.
Been playing this since the very beginning and I still enjoy it. Had tough times grinding Damascus but still got it. Despite all the toxicity and tryhards in the game I'll keep playing and enjoying it, those who don't, should quit.
I have an opinion devs should be add Mp Rank Category which includes one Normal & ano WC Rank which have rules like World Championship in terms of Lethal Scorestreak and Operator skils Which is completely skill based game. If you love my opinion give it a like.
They can’t do shit abt the camping part it’s just the way people play nowadays which makes it boring asf cuz everyone camps corners desperate for the wins, times changed people don’t F around anymore having fun trolling n stuff they just desperate for wins ( so competitive which is also the reason shit became toxic asf )
2:13 had the same argument with a melee abuser in ranked yesterday. He said that they added melees so that they can be used and called me an idiot. I said that it should be used as a last resort rather than a primary, then he just started trashtalking me. Still won the game but before he lost he said his team was a bunch of idiots lol.
Im kind of surprised at what is happening on the other side of my region. We have different problems here but your region seems devastating. I hope you guys get through this season well and try not to be so depressed cuz game is just a game :)
to be honest if aim assist could just highlight each enemy that would've been so much better cause I can't see shit in this game. I play on mobile screen which is comparatively smaller and the default camo works so much in enemy's favour... the other option is to download 8 gbs worth of skins
@@rishabhbhatnagar3214 There's a bug before that mythic rytec is more stable compared to other rytec skins. That's why I spammed rytec before they fix it. Mythic rytec = easy win lol (It's already fixed)
@@joethecreeper8178 hehe, yep I agree. Well they are taking 200 bucks for a cosmetic, might as well give some advantage to the player :P Poor Holger, at the time of release it did have the best sights though, the default has a ring.
@@hanashiroqt I didn't own it so not sure about the stability..well this new DLQ is certainly going to have a P2W scope, so much FOV for people to flick, there is the attachment as well, if you don't get one shot you'll die after getting concussed
As you hate grinding ranked now Stealth, I seemingly loved it. I love how campers cuss at me when I bombard them with NA-45 and thermites, killing melee abusers by holding grenades at the exact time they'll hit you. And for the aim stuff, I never used that pinpoint skill perk. All those toxic players, meets their demise whenever I am in a match with them. Viva la Toxinate. Kudos to you Stealth, you have greatly inspired me.
Honestly Codm Needs to help out Low End and all other phones because right now my phone is a couple of years old and I shouldn’t be lagging and forced to download maps, weapons and other items in the game that I don’t care about ( I noticed a few seasons ago they started Advertising trying to get people to buy more skins, bundles, etc )
They don't care for Low End players. My phone is perfectly capable of running the game in High, yet I play on Low settings due to shitty optimization and more FPS. Last ranked season there was a texture bug where many doors in Isolated were hidden behind the wall, so you couldn't see the doors. I reported this and they basically blamed me for playing on Low Settings. Like dude, this is a huge bug and it shouldn't be there, + not everyone can afford to play on High mf
@@WyvernKeyz you wouldn’t need a high end phone if they didn’t pump out so many skins and bundles plus like 75% of the camos are ugly. It’s a waste of time and gets boring after a while after buying a new skin plus I would love to see or use skins but the game takes too much storage on my phone
@@H8RSAPPRECIATE Indeed. My game is currently at 20.32 GB LOL Most skins are trash. There are several skins that look literally the same, they are just content to fill the battle pass, they know you won't be using them.
They say "Never bring a knife to gun fight." but CODM said "f*** it, we'll make knifes more powerful than guns in the game." Well what did you expect CODM to be ,a realistic military shooter.... welcome into the world of comedy my friend where you are the joke instead of the joker.
I cannot agree with you more Stealth.. Ranked matches are so frustrating. Everyone just does LMG spamming. I was stuck in Grand Master 5 for more than 2 weeks using ARs or SMGs by winning and losing again and again and ended up reaching Leggy by using a chopper.
I agree melees are toxic and OP, but requiring 2 hits to kill would make them completely useless, unless first hit disables the enemy and slow them down, or take them dowm like in desperado BR class, idk there are ways to improve the mechanics in a way even other CODs can't achieve.
I feel you on the ranked...I'm am SnD player...I am usually already top 5000 in legendary right now I'm only grand Master 4 and it takes a while to get good teammates...I carry half the time and still lose a lot of xp...the ranking system isn't fair...I'll get bad teammates and the opposing team is literally just God's it makes no sense they should make the rank more equal for lower players
Lol not just camping, the game’s spawn is getting weirder this season as well. I constantly spawn right next to or even right in front of enemies with my back turned. It’s like the game wants me to get killed 😂 I’ve seen this happen to some streamers as well. Cod timing at its best
I got 2 account, my main account is already on the top 1000+ and another just reached lagendary MP. I can tell you that the one on the leaderboard is more peaceful and high skilled opponent. The other one on my way to lagendary recently, you'll most likely see an LMG campers every game. sometime more than 1. lucky they already nerfed Persistance. otherwise it will be the perfect combo.
Yes the game is getting less interesting for me too day by day. Players are also getting less skilled and more toxic. If player dies 3-4 times in gunfight, 90% of the time he is switching to melee to get kills. It happened in many games. I have also noticed one more thing, a player skin codm selling in a lucky draw was also used by a bot at the same time. WTF. I mean if you let the bots have good skins then why are you selling them give it for free.
@@MohammadMoniruzzamanABIRbro it’s getting weird. Players I thought were bots since the game been out are giving me likes after the game lol. Like I know guywick is a boy lol how is he giving likes
Bro the one thing i hate the most is desync , it's like I can beat a meele toxic trash talker more than desync chicom Guy 2 taps me with a bizon like what? I use a cbr and he didn't die to like 7 bullets in 10 meters range
I think they should prolly bring the old developers back I mean the buggars actually know what they were doing I remember molotov being a scorestreak not a tactical equipment and all the meta was perfectly balanced
I recall when they decided to move molotov to lethals...We had the Cocktail party in CODM, poor announcer just kept saying - Friendly molotov, enemy molotov. They fixed it within a week but it was fun while it lasted :D
Ok so now i feel better knowing its not just me. Ive played this game for about 2 months now and getting to legendary i just felt like was full of campers. Now that i got legendary i just play free for all its far more fun and fast paced because everyones racing to 20.
I don’t care, I have more of a problem with just the matchmaking system. I honestly feels like it listens to you and your reaction to how hard the enemy team is. I’ve been playing cod since mw2 original release. It feels like every consecutive cod game the match making gets more and more aggressive
You're right bro, Now its headache to grind rank in codm especially campers and hardscopers. I grind daily codm and the summary implies that I have to invest happiness in this game to become self cruel and hatered filled with anger and nothing else....hope you understand as you always! (Comment me if you are also)
yes, I agree there are so many guns that you can use in rank now instead of cbr4's, kilo 141, my main weapon in rank is bizon and it's pretty good it's my favorite gun since it's release I'm glad that i can use it in rank
I think the best solution for dead silence problem is make it trigger like quick fix..For example after you got a kill you got 5-7 sec completely silenced footstep to make sure whenever you try to reposition after getting a kill you don't get noticed by corner camper...because if it was reverted back to the old days using headphone might be pretty useless...
I recently came back to codm after 1 and half years thinking I could enjoy the game but naaa as soon as I reached pro league every single on of em was camping and knifing and I was the only on pushing but nope the campers got me every time codm definitely does not feel the same as in the og season 1 to 13
Game has gone to shit all cause devs fail to listen. I quit 3 weeks ago cause the lag was awful due to so many mythic/legendary weapons that caused lag in ranked. Also every single match had several melee abusers no matter what mode it was. Game is no longer fun and has jumped the shark
The campers in higher legendary rank like in top 5000 are different. They many times have really good aim and hold a lane sitting on a head glitch. That head glitch and occasional slide peak makes it very difficult to kill them. And if couple of them hold 2 lanes then the whole team is left with only 1 lane to use which becomes extremely difficult to overcome and the whole match becomes a very bad and bitter loss.
grinding ranked is definitely gonna feel like headache now as it is 3+ years now that we have been playing the same game. Warzone mobile to the rescue.
Well definitely Stealth Buddy, a lot things gave changed since the beginning of season 11. Pin Point is a serious issue for aim which I personally noticed but if your opponent is using it, you are doomed. The use of melee is getting too heavily toxic even in the SnD. People keep camping across the maps and give a sudden attack with the knife, kali sticks or prize fighters. Of course I also use them but only as a secondary weapon and not a primary one. And probably they should change the name of dead silence to some silence😂🤣. Its a more worthy name😂🤣. And regarding the camping activity, its getting more and more nowadays. But still, we definitely find some of our ways to tackle such situations. And of course buddy, you are also there to guide and help.
screw campers honestly
So we all can agree S11 2022 has been the start of the worst season
You talking about global? I'm not seeing much in Garena. Heck for the past 3 seasons the only changes I see is the weapons we use, other than that it's been the same. It's been getting boring recently that I'm seeing more old guns like ak117, Agr, M4lmg heck even the M14 is getting used a lot.
ig after 2nd anniversary , codm has started its decline
U can write essays no cap
One thing that bothers me most, is also the matchmaking problem. Whenever you're playing ranked or not, you'll always get bot or weaker teammates that didn't matched up with your class. I'm not saying that i'm really good at the game, but i just felt like it. Also they will give the most strong enemies of all time.
I agree why is my team bots weaker then there's or my team mates are nvr my lvl of skill it makes the game less fun when you go against try hards all day in ya team cnt win anything
Same here, i think its bc tryhards in ranked usually play in squads queue and not solo queue bc of the mfing BOTS. i wish CODM just made bots optional it would make the gameplay better
It also depends on your k/d. If it's above 2 you've a problem 😂. I'm not really sure if it depends on your general k/d or the ranked one, but I've guessed that. And that's why that's happening to you and even though you are losing maybe 35% of your games you're the mvp in 90% or more.
Look at the bottom of both teams also, if you're a solo 'queuer' your teammate will get barely 8 kills always, and I understand all of us can have bad games, but always the bottom fragger that bad? No dude. If the enemy team bottom fragger has 15 kills that's a problem. And that's why I've guessed that if depends on the k/d.
@@Nolosevp getting a kda of 2 is normal if you grind hardpoint though, unlike in snd, you don't just get 7/9 or 2/7 meanwhile in spawns it can go up to 30/9 so your kda goes up, just a comment about what you said about players having kda of 2+ I understood your point from another comment but that confuses me as shouldn't they pair you with people your same level, same kda or close but i guess if they can't find players who have the same kda then just any will do that's why randoms sucks nowadays..
@@rebelstronk9750 yeah, you're right but in ranked above master getting a 30-9 is not common for average players and if you usually do that that's the reason the game pair you with worse teammates as you said.
And even with that you can have a 300 seconds queue...
Hats off to you if you play this game dailey without getting depressed.
The amount of camping is insane. It doesn't feel worth grinding as its depressing as hell.
No matter how cool you are you will still lose the temper by seeing this level of toxicity.
Goodluck to all the new players. I'm done grinding ranked.
I Stilll play ranked in grandmaster yeh I lose multiple of ranked and points but stilll love to play ranked
Bro you’re basically burning out of the game i have some newbie friends from the motoko season they’ve been having fun on codm till now while me i’m also in the brink of burning out
I play everyday and just ignore all of the criminals (motolav, melee and thermite bots.
@@abdurrahmaanishmael6764 same🤞🏼🙂
I am a camper too 🤣🤣🤣 lv150 br ranked grandmaster 2 and mp ranked pro iv
I'd say the most annoying thing is in every match I'm in whether it's diamond grinding in ffa shipment or if it's normal snd or if it's ranked games, I always get meleed.
zLmao people still spam scorestreaks in a god damned free for all like bro they be having some personal issues with other players trying to get mere 10 kills with a certain weapon 💀
@@max-uw6bi exactly I see people grinding diamond and then getting there 10 kills then they pull out the juggernaut (I forgot what that is called)
Yeah melee abuse is out of control. I had no issues with it until they introduced the idiotic buff to melee weapons
Yes, they literally win maker now. If there are someone act as active melee then its win guarantee for your team
@@Oni_CodmXS-1 Goliath
Ranked is a nightmare now especially for those playing with randoms. Even worse if you are a good player because you are paired with team mates who have no business playing ranked. Immediately I hit legendary it was a wrap for me as no point putting myself through torture. Imagine playing over 19 games and winning just 6 games with over 15MVPs 😂, no point grinding anymore .
This is my exact experience 😂
It's because of the k/d, believe me. If you're above 2 it will probably struggle to find teammates of your skill and that's why it picks everyone who's on the queue, even if he's 0,5. But if your top fragger enemy has a 1,4 or some its easy to find similar teammates and you won't see 40 kills at top but you won't see also a 6 kills bottom. Those players will have much better game awareness and team mentality without having problem trading kills or getting to the point for the team. But a usual 5/7 kills will be scared of that and he'll camp to avoid dying which doesn't help the team.
That's what I've been guessing all this season and las one. I can't lose more games than ever (more than 45%) and be the mvp 90% of them, that doesn't make any sense.
@@Nolosevp oh wow that explains a lot since my k/d is above 2. Now I understand why my friends with low k/d always hit legendary before me 😆. But the whole k/d system is unfair because it is like you are being punished for being a good player. I will definitely find a team to play with next season, I should make my ranked experience easier.
Something ive been experiencing heavily this season is while playing normal or ranked matches, you get really bad teammates. Like level 80 or 120. Its fine in normal matches, but super annoying in ranked matches. It has happened before, but not almsot every time you get into a match like this season
Its very clearly that codm developers never listen to players.. we all asked for them to nerf annoying and overpowered things in games, but they didnt.
So what did they focus on? They only cares about money.. making trash pay to win mythic skins in game
This game is clearly pay to win, if you combine battle pass epic blueprint to free epic blueprint. Payed blueprint guns often gets a unique ironsight and some even gets a red dot without taking a space of your gunsmith, and for free blueprint, the guns are just likely same to the original guns but get painted and colour. Og free credit store used to sell unique ironsight guns for free like the pdw57 but now the epic guns just get worser and even worse.
In my friend list at least 40% of my friend left the game, switch to apex or even other, some of them including my best friend..
I used to remember we just play and have fun when the game is no toxic thermites.. na45... , everyone plays codm for fun.
And now..
Toxic players.
Melee abusers.
Ruins your day.
Codm can fix these all back, but they never listen to player..
I really miss old codm..
I wholly agree with the two shot kills for melee, some players when they can't get a kill with their gun they just switch to melee and the vexing part is that they'll end up as the mvp
facts thats one of the most frustrating things is someone who keeps losing gunfights gets butt hurt and switches to melee
Oh how many times have i seen that. Just a bunch of b…. that will never get better. Other thing is that some of the melee kills don’t even make sense. I’ve seen them swing fully in front of me, but somehow i die.
In cod most melees are a one hit kill
Combat master gets that and made Melee 2 shot for some modes
Potato melee abusers = Gae+ cheat+ never improve
I just started a CODM YT channel and the amount of time to record gameplay because the amount of skilless things CODM adds and the noobs that take advantage of is ridiculous
I've left this game a long time ago
And i think i made the right choice it's good to know that i wasn't the only one suffering
I've found joy in older games
Get good noob lol joking I enjoy the game
im on the verge of leaving this game, i can't take it anymore.
You left coz u r noob mofo
I left codm for 3 months and I still see these kind of cancer somehow makes me happy that I chose to quit. Each season seems like 1 step forward and 2 steps backward at the same time. Same meta and strategy every season since CBR buffed for the first time.
I quitted the game this Monday because of lag. There was not much toxicity or camping in low level games so it was cool. It was fun while it lasted. 😔
Same here...I quit last sunday...
That’s why none willing remember your name
Get a better device or internet
@@Project_19YT it's easier said than done. I don't want to get a new device just for codm and my internet is very strong.
honestly I personally left CODM, it was so abusive in many therms that it wasn't fun anymore, I left it in the past season, now I'll wait till Warzone gets released, I believe it is going to be a better game
Every point you mention is 101% correct. I'm facing this every time mostly the aim shake.
Dead silence is useless, LMG campers are making crazy.
This vid really speaks for a lot of og players. I left the game almost an year ago and recently returned to have some fun but all I see in ranked are multiple meta weapons, melee abusers who got no skill and camping being the only playstyle left. The game became so noob friendly that I've seen new players (level 70-90) reach legendary by camping in a corner with a meta weapon. I hope they give a lot more care to making the game balanced and fun than releasing new mythics for the money.
I would people making these channels to learn proper English, sometime their speculations look very misinformative
Shotguns and the full auto m16 are making the game unbalanced, also, you can’t even win a certain amount of ranked matches because then the game will think it’s an excuse to babysit the worst teammates you’ve seen in the game against tryhard teams, even if carry the entire team you still get punished by your teammates’s stupidity.
The full auto M16 desperately needs a nerf and anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.
One thing that bothers me the most is that when you lose a public match, codm automatically put you against bots : you can never practice like that. You should be able to inactivate bots
Exactly thank god theres someone who thinks the same
This is the reason I quit the game
@@adityasailada4218 playing agressive sniper and 1v1’s is the reason why I still find it cool.
@Samuel Zēta Get out 2 times in a row inmediatly of that games and the third (depending on the time of the day) will guarantee at least 2 real enemy players. That's what I do.
keep bots, just nerf them to the damn ground is whats needed
So true! I just thought people were getting better, and new phones have been released so be it. My playstyle hasn't changed, but the game has. The fact that all my ranked matches are full of people running around with knives is what grinds my gears most. It's a shooter game, and I do understand that a knife is a side weapon. But when you go full Rambo and use it as a main weapon, it just defeats the purpose of the game
Not the fault of the player tho
Thank you so much this is exactly how I feel. I have included it in a community post for my subscribers to see. And campers are definitely getting worse and make me want to play the game less and less.
I’m thoroughly annoyed with the ballista em3 operator skill. Something about rotating to your next position, just to suddenly be snatched by a guy with an em3… feels wrong. 😂 There appears to be no defense to it.
Should be a noise you hear if it's pointed at you or something to let you know to move! Something that can see through walls would have to make some noise, even like a hum or sonar sound maybe.
Just dance like a monkey, he probably can't catch you. After all, this operator is made to get rid of camping pu$$ies
its basically legal wall hack
I play sniper and it makes the game less boring. Playing only smg or AR rifles seems very annoying and anyway everyone can do it. Agressive sniping is pure skills and you are often the only one in the match
Great idea for the melee : in other cod it’s 2 shots and the baïonnette could be cool too
I agree stealth I m quitting this game soon and I've made up my mind. I don't need to say anything coz u said everything, tho there's just 1 thing I wanna say n that is I dont play ranked at all I play pub matches but in pub matches BOTS R THE MOST ANNOYING thing bro. That's it. I'll always watch nice yts like u, narco, zara cod, broken etc. Thanks for everything brother u deserve much more...
This is so true, when I shoot at someone and someone else hits me, my aim snaps onto a random position and I die shortly
Codm is getting weird and force peoples to be campers n melee abusers 💀 ggs btw 💥
Thats a choice and it’s only trash ppl that do that im in grand master 3 and I had some legendary ranked players in my game that were camping and I 1v1ed them after and I won and there’s nothing cod can really do about it
@@iAmGh33zy i swear that i had the same problem in grand master 3 💀😂🤣
Codm is just making it hard to rank up mp thats why i say rank doesn't matter 💀
@@donotreplybruh onb at this point I’m jus gonna grind to get the grand master 3 gun idc bout hitting leggy anymore
@@iAmGh33zy bro u r smart i did the same thing i just grinded to gm 3 for the switchblade epic
Now all I see in a match Is the enemy running around the map with melee
Every point is perfect...thanks a lot for bringing out the sad reality about the game being skilless because of melees, metas, martyrdom, persistence, and finally K9 unit 💀
You forgot to say Reactor core and Ballista EM3.
I don't know why they haven't decided to even the numbers on these 2. Whether above or below you, outside the wall, they kill you through it. I understand through the wall but in maps like Nuketown and standoff, they just go above you and wipes out the full team, it's annoying
Bro, Ballista EM3 just feels wrong. There’s no defense to it. 😭
Heheh, well they are no skill operator skills after all. Even the doggo aka K9 unit doesn't require much skills, just camp once it is unleashed until its dead.
I personally call the Ballista the Nuke streak killer. I think its okay, in a competitive scenario it can be broken as it allows you to locate enemies through walls, but for normal ranked, its fine. 3 shots is okay by me. Maybe reduce the duration for the core to adjust it.
Its nightmare for campers
@@viveksingh-vf4td I don’t camp. I’m getting snatched up by it (suddenly) when rushing & fighting lol
@@rishabhbhatnagar3214 operator skills don't require skills at all, you're right. Let's rename it
After I reached legendary rank, almost every player is camping. This game is slowly turning into a camper friendly game just like MW2022. I said this in a twitter post and the replies I got are the typical "get good", "adapt to the game",etc...,
That’s the CODM community for ya, god forbid you say anything negative about their precious noob friendly garbage.
@@DDog1125 it’s garbage rn
My problem here is that is when I'm match making in ranked, I either get bot teammates or super strong sweat opponents, if worst case senario I get both
Yes. I'm fuckin' sick of ranked atm.
I solo queue because I don't have a team, and I used to be able to reach Legendary somewhat easily.
But now? Now it's impossible, because I always get THE WORST POSSIBLE teammates, and it doesn't matter if we are on TDM losing 14-26 and I carry them back to a tie, we still lose because my enemies are ALWAYS camping.
Like today I got a Frontline game in Hijacked and THE WHOLE enemy team was camping on the upper deck room surrounded by mines.
What bothers me the most is that I lose XP when I lose a match. XP should be based on skill, not whether you win/lose. I'm slowly starting to quit the game.
They should make an anti camper mode like if you sit in the same area too long it kills you
Not in a Normal but a featured version would be cool
@@0billy0nako03 ye
@@DeyFw_Ian2007 uhh mmm cranked
I agree with you. CoDM it's slowly turning into PUBG/Tarkov in terms of camping and this is not good.
The bots I have definitely noticed and the camping seriously stupid and messed up and the lucky draws a complete waste of time and energy cod need to fix this problems up
Nothing but facts. Being an aggressive player is a pain in ranked now. You see campers with LMGs and Snipers and damn when the sneak upon you from behind using dead silence while walking, gosh i want to murder them in real life😂
If you wanna end them in real life, you may need to find a different game to play 😂❤
I'm quit in playing CoDM but still watching your vids to see what the hell happening there. Especially some news for my Kilo🤣 if there some.
Reason for quitting is simple my device can't handled anymore both fps and storage problem. So I'm finding alternatives for CoDM to those who read you can suggest idk about specs but at least the storage won't go further 6gb if there's none then time to find different kind of game.
Kali Sticks should be 2-hit like in Modern Warfare 2019. Prizefighter is also included.
prize fighter is the worst two swipe melee. Karambit, Folding knife and other knives better. They should make melee 40 dmg for two or 4 swipe melees which means its usless to kill with the double swipe and keep things like the axe, machete and bat two hit since those only fire once and hard to get second swipe which would render campers and other annoying players useless. Just like in BR double or quadruple swipe melee is 40 dmg and one swipe melee is 50 dmg.
@@LetTheseWordsInspireYou at least 50 damage per hit. 200 damage is already too much to be abused.
The campers with heartbeat sensors is the worst, i know you could use ghost but the thing is if i switch there is hundred of tripmines everywhere. And deadsilance needs a massive buff, i Hate playing snd nowadays the games be too long cuz everybody is walking so damn slow cuz they dont want the enemy to hear the footsteps its like a walking game now😞
last night during clan wars i was struggling with the cbr, never really had before but usually, i can laser people down at mid range, i was having a hard time getting mid range kills and long range hit markers popping shots at people.
Facts dude cbr4 aka p90 really needs to get fix for mid range ttk or damage range
I am just tired and my head is already hurting because of p2w sights and overpowered weapon+ K9 unit getting buff
+ A shipment weapon camo grinder like me
Scorestreak has been a torture to me
(And I don't need to mention melee)
One thing they can do is lower the TTK. I mean if u can't make the game balanced, lower the TTK and let the skill gap be increased. CoDm is drying up on creativity for real.
The Molotov Spam rn is insane, everyone uses it and everywhere are Flames, Shipment is literrally unplayable rn because of that and Idiots spamming Legendary Molotov which make my Game lag so much
I've said a long ago, since you can carry more than one lethal/tactical, that trophy must be buffed to avoid 3 impacts. Because hardpoint sometimes is unplayable with so many molotovs.
And if you're device is old it could be really laggy.
I am already done with this game, and it feels peaceful since the last few months as I am not playing this game anymore.
When they buff dead silence, automatically u can't hear melee abusers and you complain about it in a new video 💀
You still don't hear them
@@StealthCODM 😅
This guy show true points 😲 i always feels like weird in codm and then this video is same to same thing please codm fix this all issues 🙏
Playing rank is like playing hell because of bad teammates and campers
The annoying thing that makes me rage ARE BAD Teamates in ranked
The only thing more annoying than rank currently is trying to rank solo. It’s so frustrating because of their completely ineffective matchmaking.
Been playing this since the very beginning and I still enjoy it. Had tough times grinding Damascus but still got it. Despite all the toxicity and tryhards in the game I'll keep playing and enjoying it, those who don't, should quit.
I have an opinion devs should be add Mp Rank Category which includes one Normal & ano WC Rank which have rules like World Championship in terms of Lethal Scorestreak and Operator skils Which is completely skill based game. If you love my opinion give it a like.
They can’t do shit abt the camping part it’s just the way people play nowadays which makes it boring asf cuz everyone camps corners desperate for the wins, times changed people don’t F around anymore having fun trolling n stuff they just desperate for wins ( so competitive which is also the reason shit became toxic asf )
This video is so accurate :) ( dropshot or sliding gives the enemy headshot on you )... thnx for upload
2:13 had the same argument with a melee abuser in ranked yesterday. He said that they added melees so that they can be used and called me an idiot. I said that it should be used as a last resort rather than a primary, then he just started trashtalking me. Still won the game but before he lost he said his team was a bunch of idiots lol.
Im kind of surprised at what is happening on the other side of my region. We have different problems here but your region seems devastating. I hope you guys get through this season well and try not to be so depressed cuz game is just a game :)
I’d say codm is at its worst state player wise right now. Guns are balance finally but nothing else is
to be honest if aim assist could just highlight each enemy that would've been so much better cause I can't see shit in this game. I play on mobile screen which is comparatively smaller and the default camo works so much in enemy's favour... the other option is to download 8 gbs worth of skins
I dunno if I'm the only one feeling this. But I feel like mythic weapons kills faster than it's default counterpart. The hits are more registered too
nope they have the same TTK. There have recently been some P2W sights for them, but besides that no advantage.
@@rishabhbhatnagar3214 There's a bug before that mythic rytec is more stable compared to other rytec skins. That's why I spammed rytec before they fix it.
Mythic rytec = easy win lol
(It's already fixed)
@@rishabhbhatnagar3214 recently??? Almost every mythic has a free red dot ( or a clean iron sight) except Holger
@@joethecreeper8178 hehe, yep I agree. Well they are taking 200 bucks for a cosmetic, might as well give some advantage to the player :P
Poor Holger, at the time of release it did have the best sights though, the default has a ring.
@@hanashiroqt I didn't own it so not sure about the stability..well this new DLQ is certainly going to have a P2W scope, so much FOV for people to flick, there is the attachment as well, if you don't get one shot you'll die after getting concussed
I was super happy when they buffed dead silence secretly and then after a few days they nerfed it I was so disappointed that day
Honesty and public opinion at finest
Keep up this good work until codm realizes
if they did, the game wont be like shit now
i’m glad i’m not the only one feeling this
Please tell CODM to nerf ballista as through enemy wall banging I lost countless times.
Bro i don't know how many times I said Nerf melle it's most annoying and disrespectful for players especially when enemies start using it as a primary
As you hate grinding ranked now Stealth, I seemingly loved it. I love how campers cuss at me when I bombard them with NA-45 and thermites, killing melee abusers by holding grenades at the exact time they'll hit you. And for the aim stuff, I never used that pinpoint skill perk. All those toxic players, meets their demise whenever I am in a match with them. Viva la Toxinate. Kudos to you Stealth, you have greatly inspired me.
Why can't they put everything back to the OG days everything was smooth and relaxed and less stressful ☹️
Honestly Codm Needs to help out Low End and all other phones because right now my phone is a couple of years old and I shouldn’t be lagging and forced to download maps, weapons and other items in the game that I don’t care about ( I noticed a few seasons ago they started Advertising trying to get people to buy more skins, bundles, etc )
They don't care for Low End players.
My phone is perfectly capable of running the game in High, yet I play on Low settings due to shitty optimization and more FPS.
Last ranked season there was a texture bug where many doors in Isolated were hidden behind the wall, so you couldn't see the doors.
I reported this and they basically blamed me for playing on Low Settings.
Like dude, this is a huge bug and it shouldn't be there, + not everyone can afford to play on High mf
@@WyvernKeyz you wouldn’t need a high end phone if they didn’t pump out so many skins and bundles plus like 75% of the camos are ugly. It’s a waste of time and gets boring after a while after buying a new skin plus I would love to see or use skins but the game takes too much storage on my phone
@@H8RSAPPRECIATE Indeed. My game is currently at 20.32 GB LOL
Most skins are trash. There are several skins that look literally the same, they are just content to fill the battle pass, they know you won't be using them.
They say "Never bring a knife to gun fight." but CODM said "f*** it, we'll make knifes more powerful than guns in the game." Well what did you expect CODM to be ,a realistic military shooter.... welcome into the world of comedy my friend where you are the joke instead of the joker.
Your gameplay is just insanely satisfying
I cannot agree with you more Stealth.. Ranked matches are so frustrating. Everyone just does LMG spamming. I was stuck in Grand Master 5 for more than 2 weeks using ARs or SMGs by winning and losing again and again and ended up reaching Leggy by using a chopper.
I like you for something, I can always relate to ur content man🔥🔥🙏🏽🙌🏽
I agree melees are toxic and OP, but requiring 2 hits to kill would make them completely useless, unless first hit disables the enemy and slow them down, or take them dowm like in desperado BR class, idk there are ways to improve the mechanics in a way even other CODs can't achieve.
slea;th bro is the best about getting new in codm keep it bro soon 150k subs
I feel you on the ranked...I'm am SnD player...I am usually already top 5000 in legendary right now I'm only grand Master 4 and it takes a while to get good teammates...I carry half the time and still lose a lot of xp...the ranking system isn't fair...I'll get bad teammates and the opposing team is literally just God's it makes no sense they should make the rank more equal for lower players
Lol not just camping, the game’s spawn is getting weirder this season as well. I constantly spawn right next to or even right in front of enemies with my back turned. It’s like the game wants me to get killed 😂 I’ve seen this happen to some streamers as well. Cod timing at its best
I got 2 account, my main account is already on the top 1000+ and another just reached lagendary MP. I can tell you that the one on the leaderboard is more peaceful and high skilled opponent. The other one on my way to lagendary recently, you'll most likely see an LMG campers every game. sometime more than 1. lucky they already nerfed Persistance. otherwise it will be the perfect combo.
Yes the game is getting less interesting for me too day by day. Players are also getting less skilled and more toxic. If player dies 3-4 times in gunfight, 90% of the time he is switching to melee to get kills. It happened in many games.
I have also noticed one more thing, a player skin codm selling in a lucky draw was also used by a bot at the same time. WTF. I mean if you let the bots have good skins then why are you selling them give it for free.
Because CODM wants people to know bots are real player not bots, I used to think bots as real players when I started this game 1 year ago
@@MohammadMoniruzzamanABIRbro it’s getting weird. Players I thought were bots since the game been out are giving me likes after the game lol. Like I know guywick is a boy lol how is he giving likes
Bro the one thing i hate the most is desync , it's like I can beat a meele toxic trash talker more than desync chicom
Guy 2 taps me with a bizon like what?
I use a cbr and he didn't die to like 7 bullets in 10 meters range
Same it happened with me on the fennec
I think they should prolly bring the old developers back I mean the buggars actually know what they were doing I remember molotov being a scorestreak not a tactical equipment and all the meta was perfectly balanced
I recall when they decided to move molotov to lethals...We had the Cocktail party in CODM, poor announcer just kept saying - Friendly molotov, enemy molotov. They fixed it within a week but it was fun while it lasted :D
Ok so now i feel better knowing its not just me. Ive played this game for about 2 months now and getting to legendary i just felt like was full of campers. Now that i got legendary i just play free for all its far more fun and fast paced because everyones racing to 20.
I don’t care, I have more of a problem with just the matchmaking system. I honestly feels like it listens to you and your reaction to how hard the enemy team is. I’ve been playing cod since mw2 original release. It feels like every consecutive cod game the match making gets more and more aggressive
Codm is fairly worse since it only survives off leeching people dumb enough to buy stuff and ads
@@potatoewifi lol I've bought like a custom costume once in 2 years. Thats was like 3 bucks
Even tho this year just started, the title is the most accurare sentence of the year.
You're right bro, Now its headache to grind rank in codm especially campers and hardscopers. I grind daily codm and the summary implies that I have to invest happiness in this game to become self cruel and hatered filled with anger and nothing else....hope you understand as you always!
(Comment me if you are also)
yes, I agree there are so many guns that you can use in rank now instead of cbr4's, kilo 141, my main weapon in rank is bizon and it's pretty good it's my favorite gun since it's release I'm glad that i can use it in rank
Fun fact :hg40 actually op this season.. I dont know but its very good in longshot
I think the best solution for dead silence problem is make it trigger like quick fix..For example after you got a kill you got 5-7 sec completely silenced footstep to make sure whenever you try to reposition after getting a kill you don't get noticed by corner camper...because if it was reverted back to the old days using headphone might be pretty useless...
Me a krig 6 user : noted headshot sliding
I definitely feel you on the camping thing and dead silence needs a buff
I recently came back to codm after 1 and half years thinking I could enjoy the game but naaa as soon as I reached pro league every single on of em was camping and knifing and I was the only on pushing but nope the campers got me every time codm definitely does not feel the same as in the og season 1 to 13
My game stutters a lot with huge frame drops when someone uses legendary molotov. I couldn’t understand for a long time why it was happening!
They need to nerf the bots in ranked cause the bots in ranked does ridiculous amount of damage with any gun they use
Game has gone to shit all cause devs fail to listen. I quit 3 weeks ago cause the lag was awful due to so many mythic/legendary weapons that caused lag in ranked. Also every single match had several melee abusers no matter what mode it was. Game is no longer fun and has jumped the shark
They should balance their system conpletely through a major update😐
My greatest regret was downloading hd resources, now im stuck with lagging when someone brings legendary or mythic guns to the match
The Maddox is going to be so broken if they make it like it was on black ops 4. I remember that gun well, EVERYONE used it back in 2018
Gald to see I'm not the only one with the disappearing arm glitch 😅. But yeah, meelees definitely need a nerf!
The campers in higher legendary rank like in top 5000 are different. They many times have really good aim and hold a lane sitting on a head glitch. That head glitch and occasional slide peak makes it very difficult to kill them. And if couple of them hold 2 lanes then the whole team is left with only 1 lane to use which becomes extremely difficult to overcome and the whole match becomes a very bad and bitter loss.
grinding ranked is definitely gonna feel like headache now as it is 3+ years now that we have been playing the same game. Warzone mobile to the rescue.
Yo u got some good freaking ideas. I love the Bayonet one!!
Dead silence does work if you dont slide or jump or climb you can run full sprint without making noise
Dead silence needs a mad buff? Lol. It should become a scorestreak or should be removed from the game altogether.
one day I picked up a match that had 4 CAMPERS IN THE SAME SPOT, it made almost impossible to reach them