That was a lot of words for Saitou. I love it when he talks, because he always, and I mean always surprises me. Love Hijikata, but he CANNOT compare to this purple haired badass.
I absolutely love Saitou. When I first saw him in the opening credits of the game, I was like "yea, romancing him first" and I have not regretted it. So far, he has been my favorite romance. I don't care if he was going to tell her she was beautiful or that he had feelings for her, either way this is adorable and I laughed. Saito is so adorkable sometimes.
Saitou: It pains me to think that this would be the last time I would see you like this. If you have anything to say to me, tell me.....Let me prepare myself ~takes a breath~ Chizuru (have no idea what is going on): What the hell Saitou? Who in the world confesses at the red-light-district right in front of drunken opponents!!?? But anyway, since Saitou is my favourite guy, this episode was my favourite.
+Marina Zhang to be honest I found it very funny, because Saitou is so serious and never gets his eyes off Chizuru and he still manages to beat the shit out of the drunk guy XD
+Elena Valente I call that self-instinct. I think I may have took this episode a bit too seriously as I read the summary on wikipedia before I watched it and it said that Saitou was about to confess his love, so when I saw him blush I was like...this is it -inhales-. But seriously, what made me laugh so hard was Yamazaki's flips.
I wanna slap Chizuru for not paying attention to Saito when he's trying his best to tell her how he feels. I mean the guy barely shows any emotion as is so for him to show affection is huge!
how can she pay attention to him?? as you can see...they can talk...anytime...she's worried and distracted...that old man...if I we're her...I can't look at him because of that situation...but she's cute..anyway.
AWWWW Saito is so adorable and funny when he tries to tell Chizuru that he likes her and is completely ignoring the stupid guy who is trying to interrupt him. This is exactly why I love him.
Might be wikipedia's problem, I read the episode synopsis and it said that he was about to confess his love to Chizuru. For the sake of my ship, I am believing that.
-______________________- Please don't be so blank you sadist. Remember in the live drama, Saitou confessed for 'duty'? He would only confess for duty and nothing else.
i lughed so hard at, Chizuru got Hijikata, Saito and Heisuke. I think the fact she ended up with Hijikata was better but Saito is sure my favorite and really liked that he did smth like this.
Sorry, but Saito didn't want to confess... "To think this will be the last time I'll get to see you like this" and "If I don't say it now, it would mean nothing" - He tried to say, that her appearance as a geiko was perfectly suited. Which is pretty meaningless to tell her later, when she will be dressed again as a boy. This guy is super shy. He had to get drunk to ask her to call him by his first name. It's not possible for him to just confess. Let's admit that Saito is too good for this kid!
It's another way of saying she looked pretty. And while it's not exactly a confession, it's still a moment of vulnerability on his part. We know he has feelings for her regardless because he's later seen reflecting on his moments with her.
Ya'll everyone saying that he's going to confess to her, but I don't think so. He was only trying to tell her that she looks beautiful in that outfit and with all that makeup, it's only a compliment. In the anime he doesn't develop special feelings for her like in the game.
They choose the most boring guy always !!! I have so much hate for many manga/animes. I want the fun exciting ones... Okita and Kazama, but give Okita a cure for tuberculosis......
Saitou = Azusa (Brothers Conflict) = Cecil (UtaPri) = Usami (Junjou) = Morinaga (Tyrant Falls In Love) = Akira (Togainu no Chi) Toriumi Kousuke is be able to sound like this...and to sound as high-pitched as Cecil.... And then to do all that yaoi... *A*
-"Yukimura... I have to tell you sth..." -BANG- -"Will you listen to me for a while... If I don' t tell you now, it would mean nothing..." -BANG- -"Just let me prepare a little bit..." (takes deep breath) -"WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE?? DON' T YOU SEE THAT WE HAVE A CONVERSATION??" LOL let poor Saitou complete his love confession!!! It' s YOUR fault that Chizuru was with Hijikata in the end... :P By the way, one of the best scenes in the whole story of Hakuouki :D
@Clarie L (the characters in this show are based off true historic people from the Edo period. So they are real just that their personality and appearences are different in this show. Go Google it.)
anyone can tell me at what time and where this chapter or ova da scene of the most kyyaaaaaa this ....! saito san is that there chizuru chan churrazo and this beautiful and something else if this is part of the egg the first time saw saito san was not so
lol he's trying to flirt while other guys is trying to kill him XD
Lol When the enemy became the third wheel suddenly. 😂😂
I have to hand it to saito for trying his best to confess in conditions like that.
and by confess I mean compliment chizuru. too be he was interrupted.
That was a lot of words for Saitou. I love it when he talks, because he always, and I mean always surprises me. Love Hijikata, but he CANNOT compare to this purple haired badass.
Sierra Refit right? Youre so right!
He definitely loves her deeply
I absolutely love Saitou. When I first saw him in the opening credits of the game, I was like "yea, romancing him first" and I have not regretted it. So far, he has been my favorite romance. I don't care if he was going to tell her she was beautiful or that he had feelings for her, either way this is adorable and I laughed. Saito is so adorkable sometimes.
Saitou: It pains me to think that this would be the last time I would see you like this. If you have anything to say to me, tell me.....Let me prepare myself ~takes a breath~
Chizuru (have no idea what is going on):
What the hell Saitou? Who in the world confesses at the red-light-district right in front of drunken opponents!!??
But anyway, since Saitou is my favourite guy, this episode was my favourite.
Marina Zhang Right
+Marina Zhang to be honest I found it very funny, because Saitou is so serious and never gets his eyes off Chizuru and he still manages to beat the shit out of the drunk guy XD
at that time he so cute. I like him so much ^^
+Elena Valente I call that self-instinct. I think I may have took this episode a bit too seriously as I read the summary on wikipedia before I watched it and it said that Saitou was about to confess his love, so when I saw him blush I was like...this is it -inhales-. But seriously, what made me laugh so hard was Yamazaki's flips.
Marina Zhang I actually haven't whatched the OVAs yet, I found this video casually so I didn't know anything and so...LMAO 😂
He liiiiiiikes her
Dat happy purr
Nope he doesn't.
No he don't like her. He like like like like liiike her... xD 😆
He don’t like her, he LOVES her
According to the game's canon, he first fell for her at Ikedaya.
I wanna slap Chizuru for not paying attention to Saito when he's trying his best to tell her how he feels. I mean the guy barely shows any emotion as is so for him to show affection is huge!
how can she pay attention to him?? as you can see...they can talk...anytime...she's worried and distracted...that old man...if I we're her...I can't look at him because of that situation...but she's cute..anyway.
Yeah but its not the only time. In the OVA's she does exactly that. Blow him off in his episode when she makes him a snow bunny.
I think the problem is that she's as clueless as he's shy so she doesn't realize that he likes her :P
AWWWW Saito is so adorable and funny when he tries to tell Chizuru that he likes her and is completely ignoring the stupid guy who is trying to interrupt him. This is exactly why I love him.
It's not that he is confessing to her. He simply wanted to say that she looked great in the clothes. No romantic feelings on his side.
+Liths old channel WHAT!! NUUUU!!! WAHHHH!! *major meltdown...
+Lithia -.- You troll, let people dream.
Marina Zhang b-b-ut... they literally say that...
Might be wikipedia's problem, I read the episode synopsis and it said that he was about to confess his love to Chizuru. For the sake of my ship, I am believing that.
... KAWAII!!!!
saito is so adorable XD
Saito was blushing.... X3
Sebastian Michaelisis
(I luv u so much sebby!!)
Faith Mine Hello :D
Faith Mine *smiles* Thank you :D You are perfect yourself.
they need to give saitou his own anime seires ^_^ I wanna see more of him!!
IKR!! But I love Heisuke too *blush... But Saito is so badass ;)
@@powerprincess6507 vy
He is so funny in serious way... XD
btw,, guy.. he wasn't confessing...
he was just trying to tell her that she looks beautiful..
(Saito >u< I really love him! X'') )
-______________________- Please don't be so blank you sadist. Remember in the live drama, Saitou confessed for 'duty'? He would only confess for duty and nothing else.
Haha I know xD and he was breathing in and bracing himself for too lol whatta cutie
+ShinigamiChick39 WAHH!!! I thought he was preparing to kiss her!! WAHHH! Imagination...ruin....
the cutest confession ever!!
he is totally ignoring the background characters lol
this scene was hillarious!
i lughed so hard at, Chizuru got Hijikata, Saito and Heisuke. I think the fact she ended up with Hijikata was better but Saito is sure my favorite and really liked that he did smth like this.
Sorry, but Saito didn't want to confess... "To think this will be the last time I'll get to see you like this" and "If I don't say it now, it would mean nothing" - He tried to say, that her appearance as a geiko was perfectly suited. Which is pretty meaningless to tell her later, when she will be dressed again as a boy. This guy is super shy. He had to get drunk to ask her to call him by his first name. It's not possible for him to just confess. Let's admit that Saito is too good for this kid!
It's another way of saying she looked pretty. And while it's not exactly a confession, it's still a moment of vulnerability on his part. We know he has feelings for her regardless because he's later seen reflecting on his moments with her.
I found this really funny but incredibly adorkable at the same time. Gotta love Saitou, haha
Thank you!! I loved this scene even without understanding anything but now thanks to you i love it even more, thanks!!! Saitou looks so cute!!!
Oh we love you and your little quirks.
so absolutely precious that he blushes!!
Poor guy...he was so ignored XDDD
Saito is such a dork ^w^ but a lovable dork i just wanna hug and never let go ahhah
How could someone define both badass and adorkable at the same time. That's Saito for you.
oh god saito blushing is juste so... can't handle the cuteness! >w
but yeah i agree! Chizuru and Saito make a good couple! :)
Saitou x Chizuru 4 eva, I don't like Hijikata..........
(but u do have a point, Saito is more cute and well better in so many ways XD)
@@mvstudios4922 Everyone to their own ship, no need to be hostile.
1:20 ... Saito is a boss.
You’re a boss if you can casually talk and knock someone out without moving.
Ya'll everyone saying that he's going to confess to her, but I don't think so. He was only trying to tell her that she looks beautiful in that outfit and with all that makeup, it's only a compliment. In the anime he doesn't develop special feelings for her like in the game.
They choose the most boring guy always !!! I have so much hate for many manga/animes. I want the fun exciting ones... Okita and Kazama, but give Okita a cure for tuberculosis......
So fans, what do you guys think he was about to say?
lol he's so cute he doesnt give a damn about others than chizuru ^.^
He wanted to say that she looked great in the clothes
haha i bet :P or something like i love you chizuru haha
nah that would have been to much for him :P
nieni1999 no, he actually mentioned what he wanted to say later on.
oh wait you are right!
My all-time favourite Hakuouki character ! Go get 'em Saitou !
Soo cute >
Saito and Heisuke are the only men for me... If there was a series about just the 2 of them I wouldn't watch anything else ever again.
Saito is my favorite character in this anime and I was shocked when I was told he was careful ⚠️ spoil was dead
This is so hilarious xDD LOL at Saitou, he didn't want to get disturbed lmao
POOR SAITOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sooo cute how he can't explain his feelings to Chizuru
Saitou = Azusa (Brothers Conflict) = Cecil (UtaPri) = Usami (Junjou) = Morinaga (Tyrant Falls In Love) = Akira (Togainu no Chi)
Toriumi Kousuke is be able to sound like this...and to sound as high-pitched as Cecil.... And then to do all that yaoi... *A*
I really cant stop laughinh in saito's expression hahhaahah🤣🤣 this handsome dork!
Ahh love Saitou! This is so sweet but hilarious :D
Aww, Saito's so shy and cute here. Damn those jerks for interrupting his confession!!
Beat 'em down, Saito!! >:O
...That moment when you're fangirling while just staring at his blushing face
bless you for doing this
I just wish you did the whole thing TT_TT
why would someone interpt saitou . i feel bad for him .
-"Yukimura... I have to tell you sth..."
-"Will you listen to me for a while... If I don' t tell you now, it would mean nothing..."
-"Just let me prepare a little bit..."
(takes deep breath)
LOL let poor Saitou complete his love confession!!! It' s YOUR fault that Chizuru was with Hijikata in the end... :P
By the way, one of the best scenes in the whole story of Hakuouki :D
My fav part of the ova
hajime you precious muffin ♥
Saitou blush... oh my gash
*dies dies dies dies*
the OVA Hakuouki Sekkaroku episode 2
i love saito
God I wanted to hear the confession so bad!
i really didnt care much for saito in the anime, but once i saw this episode i couldnt help but get feels X3
My best friend gonna be pissed when she see's this. She's literaaly in love wih Saitou lol. That's why I stick with Souji-Kun
They're so made for each other!! 😍😍
Awwwww! Saito blushed^_^
🌸🌸🌻🌻Saito is the best🥰🥰
1:19 When a fly keeps buzzing in your ear.
I wonder what Saitou wanted to say
Third season this summer! And two part movie next year!
*pmsl*love it!hot hajime...damn!way to ignore a person...*clutches stomach doubles over laughing*
SOO ADORABLE KYYYAAAA -_- Saigon San is blushing !!!!!!
Que le iba a decir!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OMG! he is just soooo georgeous and perfect T^T
Saitou xD he is so lovely
what was he going to say 😳😳 but cute 😍😍😻💑💋💋
Hahaha, he's so in love with her xD
I watched this anime n it made me cry like hell this is the only anime dat made me cry like hell n I luv the guys omg they r so hawwt
Saito Loves her a lot💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
uhm... actually what he want to say is she's really look good in that kimono...
ok at this moment this sense was the cute funny and romance all in one but personally i think it is funny
LMAO. In the end, he couldn't say what was so important...
@shin30 it is from Hakuouki Sekkaruku OVA, as I rememebr it is 2 ep.
... Well, I know what's my next anime to watch will be... >_>
Hakuouki Sekkaroku (OVA) Ep.2
Damn saitou san blushing=too freaking cute
note to self, never interrupt Saito Hajime.
LOL, he is so....
saitou is a badass, my wow pg have his name :D
Haha i luv this ep! XD shes so adorable, and hes so like Lost for words! haha
ahhhhhh he's blushies >.
Yes he was. xDD
@Clarie L (the characters in this show are based off true historic people from the Edo period. So they are real just that their personality and appearences are different in this show. Go Google it.)
@LILBEAR1able I think it's cause Saitou speaks really formally and formal people usually call others by their last name (?)
Saito. Blushing. Oh God. 😳
anyone can tell me at what time and where this chapter or ova da scene of the most kyyaaaaaa this ....! saito san is that there chizuru chan churrazo and this beautiful and something else if this is part of the egg the first time saw saito san was not so
way to to his little fantasy world...*laughs*
Kyaaaaaaa! Saito's so cute :3 I love this anime -333