2021 New Year Resolution to Improve Your Horsemanship

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.ย. 2024
  • Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you are welcoming in this New Year with renewed excitement, inspiration, and motivation to set new goals and find success and happiness every day and in every way.
    We will be launching a new series and direction where we will be focusing each week on “Success in 5 minutes or Less” with your horse. This level of success is real and attainable in every aspect of your life too.
    For years I have been teaching horses and humans how to connect deeply so they can be one in mind, body, and soul. This means they think the same, reading each other’s thoughts; they move as one, getting in sync and rhythm and they feel as one in heart because of the mutually rewarding relationship.
    You see this way of being with my horses in all my videos and training lessons. It is not only the foundation to all things possible with your horse, but it also feels amazing! It is addictive for both you and your horse, meaning once you have a taste of this feeling, you both want it all the time. And, this is what motivates your horse to want to be with you and work with you.
    Let me ask you this…have you ever felt like time was standing still while you and your horse were completely immersed in either grooming, ground training or riding? Everything you did together just felt easy, harmonious, and fluid. You could see it in the way your horse looked at you and responded effortlessly to your aids. You could also feel the energy that flowed between you - it was perfect, and it felt amazing!
    And, then it was gone. It was there yesterday and not today, or the next day and then it became harder to remember the last time you felt this way and had that perfect connection with your horse.
    Would you believe me if I were to tell you that you can have this way of connecting, being together, all the time and in everything you do together - even during the challenging, tough times?
    That this way of connecting - in mind, body and heart will totally transform your horsemanship too, becoming a total game changer when it comes to training and problem-solving.
    Trust me when I tell you this way of being one, connecting, is a total game changer. So, where do we begin? We begin with you and within you.
    First, we need to create the right mindset, or attitude, for this level of connection to happen. This allows us to “open the door”, or “create the mental space”, for the intention of being one with our horse to occur. Intention is the key word here too.
    Intention means we harness a strong level of mental focus, mental energy, which in turn creates a powerful connection to what we are focused on. This connection then becomes a feeling within us that ultimately shapes, and guides, our behavior, our actions.
    When we have a close bond, relationship, to our horse, our strong focus, feelings are then felt and mirrored by our horse. Thus, we can affect the behavior and actions of our horses more easily. And this is where we want to start our learning and training with our horses.
    A simple example would be having a positive mindset when you see your horse and not letting anything change, or influence, your positivity. By creating the positive mindset and focusing the energy to maintain it, we create positive and powerful energy that is felt by our horse. We then take that positive energy, flow and mindset to our horse and our work together.
    Before I show you how, let’s talk about the science that supports how this happens.
    Science describes both the mindset and type of connection I am referring to as The Zone or Flow. I also use the words “endorphin high” to describe the intense and energetic feeling my work creates as it teaches you and your horse how to be and work as one.
    Technically, flow is defined as an “optimal state of consciousness where we feel our best and perform our best.” It’s also a strange state of consciousness. It feels strange because of the chemical release produced in both the brain and nervous system that creates endorphin and dopamine releases and at the same time. Hence, I call it the “endorphin high.”
    After these explanations, I think we can all say we have experienced a flow state at some point in our lives - a sense of fluidity between our body and mind, where we are totally absorbed by and deeply focused on something, beyond the point of distraction. Time feels like it has slowed down. Your senses are heightened. You are at one with the task at hand, as action and awareness sync to create an effortless momentum.
    If you would like to have this state of Being and oneness with your horse - all the time, I can show you how.
    If you would like to learn how to develop your horse holistically and classically, I offer a step-by-step guide in both my Spirituality of Horsemanship Course and MasteryMembership Riding Foundation Program. Please click here for details www.taoofhorse... .

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