Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to people of good will. We praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you, we give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, you take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us; you take away the sins of the world, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father. Amen.
This song lacks spiritual connection. It is more rhythmic than melodic. There are too many quarter notes in succession to sustain a lyrics importance. There have been much better Gloria's used in the past
Beautiful song May the Lord use you and your group and ministry this weekend in the youth rally in Punta Gorda Just met some of there band members Gray electric guitar and Blake the drummer I pray over their lives that tomorrow God you use this ministry to reach all the youth at the rally May God bless you greatly
I have been looking for something like this for so long. I’m a convert (formerly Pentecostal worship leader). It has been so hard finding current resources to lead mass in Catholicism... sooo frustrating... i screamed when I found found this TH-cam channel. I’ve been given one mass a month! Moving forward! ThAnkyou!
You don't necessarily need current resources. For really most to all of the church's history, the songs have not been current, but ancient and passed down through tradition. Those are fine.
Learn the Gregorian chant settings. I have no problem with contemporary mass settings, but I strongly urge new Catholic musicians to learn the glorious heritage of where they come from. Even if you don't use them, you'll appreciate their rich beauty, and the incredible synthesis of words with music.
Glory to God in the highest! This rendition of Gloria just makes you want to shout it out loud. It is clearly a musical change from the traditional Gloria, but the bass feels refreshing to a degree. Still, as good as this is, it is probably better not to include this bass, tempo and overall style of music in mass. The idea is that we do not draw as much attention to ourselves as we do give glory to God and praise him, so we want to avoid something like a rock concert. Still, great job Josh! I still love listening to this!
Excited to finally incorporate the Gloria into the lineup now that we're through Lent! Beautiful Mass setting that draws one past the point of common place recitation and into the heart of worship. Great job Josh!
I wish many churches could sing the Gloria and the Mass in such a manner that would rouse the hearts of many, if not, all to sing aloud to the Lord, whether we could do so beautifully or not! No need to do so in pompous, big-scale choir manner that unfortunately alienates the rest of the congregation who remains passive. Here, everyone can sing along, and that's what worship is about! P.S. Having said this, I know there'll definitely be people who are dead against such manner of singing the Mass, calling it profaning the sanctity of the Eucharistic Celebration. For me, I'll say that Holiness is to be found in the mundane day-to-day living our lives, not solely from any ritual. Jesus is Emmanuel - the Holy One comes to seek us first like the father of the prodigal son, running ahead to embrace his wayward son and lavishly pour out his love for him. And He rejoices in how we respond to him openly and honestly, straight from our hearts. The need to maintain some kind of decorum for the sake of upholding sanctity seems unnecessary, even vain!
Totally agree with you. Some churches take it to another level of strictness, which is totally unnecessary. I believe that music should help people pray in a better way.
There's a lot of pride in how you look down at 1,969 years of sacred tradition. Like literally a ton of saints wrote and sang the stuff you're condemning because you don't care to even try to understand and appreciate it. Your comment is very ignorant, brother.
Glory to God in the highest, glory to God And on earth peace to people, to people of good will. (2) We praise you, we bless you, We adore you, we glorify you, We give you thanks for your great glory, Lord God, Heavenly King, O God, almighty Father. Glory to God in the highest, glory to God And on earth peace to people, to people of good will. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-g-ot-ten Son, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us; You take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer; You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us. Glory to God in the highest, glory to God And on earth peace to people, to people of good will. For you alone are the Holy One; you alone are the Lord. You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ, With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, the Father. Amen Glory to God in the highest, glory to God And on earth peace to people, to people of good will.
i'm kind of mixed on this one. Musically I love it but I don't know that its easy enough for a congregation to get. The melody kind of wanders. Beautiful, though!
The problem with these people (and I’m not old, btw) is that the take over and the whole parish has to become “explosively” alive. There is often an underhanded steamrolling of people who have a quieter or more subtle devotional life, and little to -usually, more often than not - zero tolerance for the Church’s music - i.e. Gregorian Chant without the steel string (or any, for that matter) guitar - in the Liturgy. And I’m NOT talking about the Traditional Latin Mass, either. Maybe calm down and take your talent to a local pub. Why does Church have to be “cool”? It’s this kind of stuff that stalled my return to the Church in college.
If the Catholic church wants to grow then it needs this music. Those who stick to the traditional ancient music of the past have to realize that although it has its place at times, it is not what speaks to the heart of people today. Church is about the praise of God as much as it is about reverence of Him. If people cannot join in praise then what is the music for? If the music does not elevate worship, then what is it for? If the congregation is not involved and joining in then what is the music for? Try getting an entire congregation to chant - they can't because they don't know it and its not easy to learn. Plus it is boring. Most sit there and think to themselves "oh no! an hour of this?!!! That really stirs the Spirit doesn't it? Sticking to the old for the sake of sticking to it is not a good enough reason to ignore the needs of Gods people. Just because you suffered through it as you grew up doesn't mean the rest of us should (I hear from long time Catholics, "I had to sit through mass day in an day out and listen to this music then why can't our kids?" My point is why should they?) The reason the Evangelical churches are growing is because they celebrate the Joy of Christ, they allow for worship with abandon. And even our Catholic colleges have Festival of Praise with this music, where people can truly rejoice. We need to reach people where they live and not force them to listen to music from the 15th century. It is elitist hubris to continue to insist on 15th century music in the Church.
@HeyMildred Well I believe that God wants all his people and that it is really His church, our duty is to try to bring people to Him. If 15th century music is chasing people away, what do you think HE wants us to do? Continue chasing them away? or change our approach so that all can hear his Word? Church is not only for you or for me, it is for everyone. We are required to step outside our preconceived notions and desires and look for HIS guidance. I think that its pretty clear considering the numbers dropping out of the Catholic Church what he needs us to do...step outside our comfort zone and accept people in His matter what state they come in...poor, dressed in shorts, or rich and dressed in a tux...we need to make room for them all.
You must be consider some things first. Therefore sacred music is to be considered the more holy in proportion as it is more closely connected with the liturgical action, whether it adds delight to prayer, fosters unity of minds, or confers greater solemnity upon the sacred rites. But the Church approves of all forms of true art having the needed qualities, and admits them into divine worship. - Sacrosanctum Concilium paragraph 112
@@un0846Sacred music was "contemporary" when first composed so it means that new music can also be deemed "sacred" for our times as well. The problem with born and bred Catholics is they have a hard time accepting change. It makes worship stale and by rote. Changing the music somewhat will not in anyway degrade the sanctity of the mass. God is present whether we sing "Because He Lives" or Joyful Joyful. It seems to me that a lot of Catholics are all tied up in knots over the "rules" and don't actually worship. There is freedom in true worship and it can be experienced in many different ways but one of the easiest is through music. Singing is like praying twice, so doesn't it make sense that the person like the prayer their singing? Isn't the goal of the Church to reach as many as possible with God's word? ,(Sometimes called the Great Commission). If the church cannot do this because it is rigid and uncompromising on something like music then it is doomed to fail the one task God set for us to do. As a Catholic I find this unwillingness to modernize ( without compromising the Sacred liturgical aspects of the mass) just baffling. It's like the elderly refusing to use new technology because "that's not how it was done in my day". It is just stubborness and self righteousness. And for many highly frustrating as we suffer listening to the dirges and ugly tunes during mass.
@@Kdramamomma in my opinion, what you're just telling now is about being secular. You should note that secular is far different from liturgical. There is nothing wrong sticking to the tradition of the rite because simply, it's just doing the way it was when it started. Mass is not for entertainment and emotional gratification, and that's what I would like to emphasize. And by your word "change to modern" or simply "modernization", do you actually think that this cannot degrade the the sanctity of the mass? If your just concerned to the attendance of people in mass, don't make any generalization on it, because you don't even know that some places are well attended even if the mass is done in the traditional way and that shows how people are being comfortable with the rite. Calling those chants and music in mass as ugly is not even justifiable, you cannot just appreciate it. From your comment, you're just degrading your Catholic faith. If you ever came up that you wanted those kind of genre of music in mass (specifically pop), you should try to convert now to have your own fulfillment. But, if you want to stay as Catholic, then do it with the norm, because that's what makes the identity of a Catholic (which you can easily differentiate from other religion). You can call me stubborn or self-righteous person, but still that's the reality with the mass. I learned from our lay minister that "we should respect the way others believe and worship because we don't even know what's behind those things that they're doing", so you should, too. In connection, a lot of people are whining about the way of worship in the Catholic faith and bringing up ideas to make the mass better for themselves. In that scenario, who is the self-righteous? I am not here to argue with your own way of faith, because I know that God gave us freedom in order to foster ourselves. What I am just simply explaining to you here is the way how the Catholic church believe and worship God. Also, there are a lot of ways on how the Catholic Church would grow, it's not only upon the change of the rites. Changing and sacrificing the rites of the mass for the growth of the congregation is unjust.
@@Kdramamomma I've been explaining how the Catholic faith works for years. Thank you for your opinions and point of views. Do whatever that makes you happy with your faith. God bless you!
Really great as devotional music - it reminds me of my Baptist youth group days, but not particularly useful as a Mass setting, as this style does not suit the liturgy. I just listened to the Kyrie too which would make a great chorus for a P&W style song. Nice work!
@@davidlimberger7506 I'm not sure what it's written as, but they are playing in E. That would make the open chord, at best Em. The drop would be a 7th. You can see it is E as the other guitar is playing aD with capo 2.
Stop being cringe, we're Catholic, remember that. Worship Our Lord in the correct way as He commands us. Keep it traditional, keep it reverent, and show some solemnity. Modernism has ravaged the Church and taken many souls with it, while Tradition is flourishing. The past is our future.
Vatican II stated that both Gregorian Chant and the music of the people should be incorporated. This is the Christian praise and worship music that people actually listen to today -AKA KLOVE and AIR1. The 70's and 80's are over and the old folk mass and its music needs to be retired. Those composers from those era's are still putting out music that is difficult to sing or sounds like children's nursery rhymes. Nobody but people who direct choirs that want to keep that substandard music alive are the only one's that like that stuff. These Catholic praise and worship composers are merely fulfilling the call of the Second Vatican counsel.
I agree; while there are a few songs from the 70's and 80's that I personally enjoy as a church musician, the majority should really be shelved and replaced with stuff like this - I don't see anything irreverent here. The problem with the 70's and 80's music wasn't that it was "new" or "modern", but that it was trivial and irreverent.
this is true! The problem now is there are too many music directors who cling to the 70's and 80's junk do it for sentimental reasons. The mass is not about sentimental stuff. Some of the composers from the 70's and 80's are not even Catholic and their protestant views show up in their songs. The Mass is Catholic. The sacrifice at Calvary is not about being sentimental.
Paul Gman I think your idea of what was said in the documents of Vatican II, in particular Sacrosanctam Concillium, misrepresents what the documents actually say. Never does the document say, “the music of the people”. Those words are never used. The passage you refer to in your comment above reads: “ The church recognizes Gregorian chant and being especially suited to the Roman liturgy. Therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services. Other kinds of sacred music, especially polyphony, are by no means excluded from the liturgical celebration so long as they accord with the spirit of the liturgical action.” The document allows for some polyphony, but indeed places a limit on it and says that it must be in accordance with the liturgical act. While the words are sacred, this music IS music of the people, the musical style was invented toward a human and profane end. Gregorian Chant and truly sacred polyphony are uniquely sacred in nature, and were crafted specifically for use in the liturgy. They are therefore appropriate for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.
Well in the 70s you had the Jesus Movement which was a folk style setting and guys like Chuch Girard (calvary chapel ) aka band " Love Song" and Catholic artist Barry McGuire (Eve of Destruction) 1960s were putting out good Praise n Worship. In the early 80s much of this cool Praise n Worship was surpassing the old school music and Today we have Modern Praise n Worship today with Catholic Artist Like Matt Maher and Protestant Artist like Matt Redman all coming together to sing and speak the same God Language
@@pjackson2198 Contemporary music lacks the transcendental essence of the Mass. When I hear the Gloria traditionally sung in Latin, I see the heavens opening. Not so with this. If it's ok for liturgical music to be subject to the whims of society then you'll have no problem with the Mass having a nice rap version of the Gloria, or maybe even a heavy metal version?
Sorry im different but i left contemporary Christianity because of this. This is just live music. Hate to break it to you. The tradition reels people in. It doesnt scare them away at least from what ive seen. You want this? Just go to another church theres no need for it here in the one true. Im trying to be the least offensive as i can possibly be, truly. The lack of tradition and discipline and reverentness in the Holy Mass is so sad to me. Its not a show.
@@bartmcdonough I literally see it bring in people lol all the "progressive" Catholic churches in my area have extremely low attendance in comparison to the more reverent traditional one(there's like a total of 6). Not sure what generation you are from but for us younger people and every peer I've talked to in my age range we all agree we prefer the traditional music/mass. Its people who want to be there and foster a good community not just people who want something to sound like pop culture to make it bearable and then leave. It's literally just like live music you'd see at a fair. Super commercialized but I supposed that's how USA does things no surprise
@@ieatfoodthatisgood I don't disagree with you, btw, about reverence being important. Even contemporary music should be done reverently and have chant and other more traditional things mixed in (in my view) as well. What I disagreed with was the blanket characterization that the more traditional style/music "brings people in" because the exact opposite is true where I live. The musically "progressive" churches are doing the best and expanding in our diocese. The ones that went hard-core down the organ & chant route have been losing members steadily over the last decade and getting bad Google reviews ("What happened to the music here?") on top of that. But I know that's not true universally (like in your experience you shared) which is exactly why I think it's important for the Church to offer both. As for my age, I'm 41. And having led choirs for years now, what I've discovered is age doesn't play as a big a role as people think it does in general musical tastes across the Church. I know people from teens to their 80s who have a wide variety of musical preferences. What matters is good formation centered on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, good/rich liturgies, and everything in the liturgy - the homily, the music, and other "accoutrements" - always pointing towards Christ rather than towards the people doing those things. I've been to traditional parishes where Masses were done poorly and came across as a "show." I've also been to contemporary parishes where Masses were done poorly and came across as a "show." The attitudes and formation of the people involved were the determining factor, not the music.
We're in the post-Vatican II era. We literally don't celebrate the Latin Mass as the main expression of the liturgy anymore. Not sure what you're getting at.
What is the need to keep protestantizing our Sacred Catholic Tradition with this terrible music and pretentious “musicians” This video is sacrilege: - Staging the Sacred Mass - Having an “Actor” dressed as a priest wearing a costume - All the musicians dressed as Hillsong United singers pretending to be all “hipster” to fit the new generations, instead of bringing the new generations to the real tradition of our Catholic Church Please Stop! What a disgrace. Im deeply disappointed on OCP
Marty Haugen is Lutheran and you probably been singing his protestant music in the mass settings for decades unless your singing in Latin. Most of the songs in the english missalette from the 70s and 80s are protestant..
Mass of restoration? Hope it restores real music to replace this caterwauling cacophony. What's up with hands? Are they trying to catch a tune? That guy in the priest costume looks pretty lame.
This song is so achingly beautiful. Every time I hear it at mass it gives me chills.
Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people of good will.
We praise you,
we bless you,
we adore you,
we glorify you,
we give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
you take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
receive our prayer;
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
you alone are the Lord,
you alone are the Most High,
Jesus Christ,
with the Holy Spirit,
in the glory of God the Father.
I'm not normally one for ultra-contemporary mass settings, but I respect this for being a sing-through Gloria, and no refrains.
This song lacks spiritual connection. It is more rhythmic than melodic. There are too many quarter notes in succession to sustain a lyrics importance. There have been much better Gloria's used in the past
this is the first time, am hearing what was read being sung. Our choir is singing this on Palm Sunday.
This has me sobbing all day today, 😢I’m congested, reflecting, repenting, and trying to put more faith in Christ
It's a beautiful one. God bless you.
Beautiful Catholic song
Beautiful song
May the Lord use you and your group and ministry this weekend in the youth rally in Punta Gorda
Just met some of there band members
Gray electric guitar and Blake the drummer
I pray over their lives that tomorrow God you use this ministry to reach all the youth at the rally
May God bless you greatly
Glory, Glory, Glory to Our God! May everything we do, say and think Glorify our Lord!
This is the best I ever had to honor and pleasure to hear. God bless you for this. Peace.
Beautiful. Just beautiful. God bless you all. 🙏
Blessed Gloria
During the feast worship during the holy mass
And feastcon
So Blessed! For the Greater Glory of God!
Prayers for Shauna and Dan have mercy on us all
May God bless you all for this song so beautiful Ty 🙏🏻🕊👍🏻and may God bless all of us in this world. 🙏🏻🙏🏻
I have been looking for something like this for so long. I’m a convert (formerly Pentecostal worship leader). It has been so hard finding current resources to lead mass in Catholicism... sooo frustrating... i screamed when I found found this TH-cam channel. I’ve been given one mass a month! Moving forward! ThAnkyou!
You don't necessarily need current resources. For really most to all of the church's history, the songs have not been current, but ancient and passed down through tradition. Those are fine.
Learn the Gregorian chant settings. I have no problem with contemporary mass settings, but I strongly urge new Catholic musicians to learn the glorious heritage of where they come from. Even if you don't use them, you'll appreciate their rich beauty, and the incredible synthesis of words with music.
I’m a convert of German heritage and it’s nice to return to my roots.
Blessed to come across this, thank you God. Glory to God
Glory to God in the highest! This rendition of Gloria just makes you want to shout it out loud. It is clearly a musical change from the traditional Gloria, but the bass feels refreshing to a degree. Still, as good as this is, it is probably better not to include this bass, tempo and overall style of music in mass. The idea is that we do not draw as much attention to ourselves as we do give glory to God and praise him, so we want to avoid something like a rock concert. Still, great job Josh! I still love listening to this!
Glory to God🙌🏾🙏🏾
Uplifting and beautiful! Thank you!!
Excited to finally incorporate the Gloria into the lineup now that we're through Lent! Beautiful Mass setting that draws one past the point of common place recitation and into the heart of worship. Great job Josh!
Singing this Gloria tomorrow at the children's Mass.
I wish many churches could sing the Gloria and the Mass in such a manner that would rouse the hearts of many, if not, all to sing aloud to the Lord, whether we could do so beautifully or not! No need to do so in pompous, big-scale choir manner that unfortunately alienates the rest of the congregation who remains passive. Here, everyone can sing along, and that's what worship is about!
P.S. Having said this, I know there'll definitely be people who are dead against such manner of singing the Mass, calling it profaning the sanctity of the Eucharistic Celebration. For me, I'll say that Holiness is to be found in the mundane day-to-day living our lives, not solely from any ritual. Jesus is Emmanuel - the Holy One comes to seek us first like the father of the prodigal son, running ahead to embrace his wayward son and lavishly pour out his love for him. And He rejoices in how we respond to him openly and honestly, straight from our hearts. The need to maintain some kind of decorum for the sake of upholding sanctity seems unnecessary, even vain!
Totally agree with you. Some churches take it to another level of strictness, which is totally unnecessary. I believe that music should help people pray in a better way.
There's a lot of pride in how you look down at 1,969 years of sacred tradition. Like literally a ton of saints wrote and sang the stuff you're condemning because you don't care to even try to understand and appreciate it. Your comment is very ignorant, brother.
God is Great
This is beautiful, thank you!
Great remix of the song. Absolutely love it!!
Fabulously, praise worthy, I like it.
Wonderful music of gloria ❤️
Glory to God in the highest, glory to God
And on earth peace to people, to people of good will. (2)
We praise you, we bless you,
We adore you, we glorify you,
We give you thanks for your great glory,
Lord God, Heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
Glory to God in the highest, glory to God
And on earth peace to people, to people of good will.
Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-g-ot-ten Son,
Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father,
You take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us;
You take away the sin of the world, receive our prayer;
You are seated at the right hand of the Father, have mercy on us.
Glory to God in the highest, glory to God
And on earth peace to people, to people of good will.
For you alone are the Holy One;
you alone are the Lord.
You alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ,
With the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God, the Father.
Glory to God in the highest, glory to God
And on earth peace to people, to people of good will.
Amen 👑🎉
i'm kind of mixed on this one. Musically I love it but I don't know that its easy enough for a congregation to get. The melody kind of wanders. Beautiful, though!
It's simpler to pick up than first meets the eye. The melody wanders less than Heritage Mass, for instance, which people seemed to pick up okay.
We have been singing this beautiful Gloria for a number of years. We love it and so do the congregation.
🙌🏻 Amén
The problem with these people (and I’m not old, btw) is that the take over and the whole parish has to become “explosively” alive. There is often an underhanded steamrolling of people who have a quieter or more subtle devotional life, and little to -usually, more often than not - zero tolerance for the Church’s music - i.e. Gregorian Chant without the steel string (or any, for that matter) guitar - in the Liturgy. And I’m NOT talking about the Traditional Latin Mass, either.
Maybe calm down and take your talent to a local pub. Why does Church have to be “cool”? It’s this kind of stuff that stalled my return to the Church in college.
Good morning brother josh blakesley can i have a copy of glory to god.if you dont mind also the guitar chords.thank you and God bless
Hi there! All of the pieces of the Mass of Restoration can be purchased on our website: Thank you!
OCPmusic thank you
If the Catholic church wants to grow then it needs this music. Those who stick to the traditional ancient music of the past have to realize that although it has its place at times, it is not what speaks to the heart of people today. Church is about the praise of God as much as it is about reverence of Him. If people cannot join in praise then what is the music for? If the music does not elevate worship, then what is it for? If the congregation is not involved and joining in then what is the music for? Try getting an entire congregation to chant - they can't because they don't know it and its not easy to learn. Plus it is boring. Most sit there and think to themselves "oh no! an hour of this?!!! That really stirs the Spirit doesn't it? Sticking to the old for the sake of sticking to it is not a good enough reason to ignore the needs of Gods people. Just because you suffered through it as you grew up doesn't mean the rest of us should (I hear from long time Catholics, "I had to sit through mass day in an day out and listen to this music then why can't our kids?" My point is why should they?) The reason the Evangelical churches are growing is because they celebrate the Joy of Christ, they allow for worship with abandon. And even our Catholic colleges have Festival of Praise with this music, where people can truly rejoice. We need to reach people where they live and not force them to listen to music from the 15th century. It is elitist hubris to continue to insist on 15th century music in the Church.
@HeyMildred Well I believe that God wants all his people and that it is really His church, our duty is to try to bring people to Him. If 15th century music is chasing people away, what do you think HE wants us to do? Continue chasing them away? or change our approach so that all can hear his Word? Church is not only for you or for me, it is for everyone. We are required to step outside our preconceived notions and desires and look for HIS guidance. I think that its pretty clear considering the numbers dropping out of the Catholic Church what he needs us to do...step outside our comfort zone and accept people in His matter what state they come in...poor, dressed in shorts, or rich and dressed in a tux...we need to make room for them all.
You must be consider some things first.
Therefore sacred music is to be considered the more holy in proportion as it is more closely connected with the liturgical action, whether it adds delight to prayer, fosters unity of minds, or confers greater solemnity upon the sacred rites. But the Church approves of all forms of true art having the needed qualities, and admits them into divine worship.
- Sacrosanctum Concilium paragraph 112
@@un0846Sacred music was "contemporary" when first composed so it means that new music can also be deemed "sacred" for our times as well. The problem with born and bred Catholics is they have a hard time accepting change. It makes worship stale and by rote. Changing the music somewhat will not in anyway degrade the sanctity of the mass. God is present whether we sing "Because He Lives" or Joyful Joyful. It seems to me that a lot of Catholics are all tied up in knots over the "rules" and don't actually worship. There is freedom in true worship and it can be experienced in many different ways but one of the easiest is through music. Singing is like praying twice, so doesn't it make sense that the person like the prayer their singing? Isn't the goal of the Church to reach as many as possible with God's word? ,(Sometimes called the Great Commission). If the church cannot do this because it is rigid and uncompromising on something like music then it is doomed to fail the one task God set for us to do. As a Catholic I find this unwillingness to modernize ( without compromising the Sacred liturgical aspects of the mass) just baffling. It's like the elderly refusing to use new technology because "that's not how it was done in my day". It is just stubborness and self righteousness. And for many highly frustrating as we suffer listening to the dirges and ugly tunes during mass.
@@Kdramamomma in my opinion, what you're just telling now is about being secular. You should note that secular is far different from liturgical. There is nothing wrong sticking to the tradition of the rite because simply, it's just doing the way it was when it started. Mass is not for entertainment and emotional gratification, and that's what I would like to emphasize. And by your word "change to modern" or simply "modernization", do you actually think that this cannot degrade the the sanctity of the mass? If your just concerned to the attendance of people in mass, don't make any generalization on it, because you don't even know that some places are well attended even if the mass is done in the traditional way and that shows how people are being comfortable with the rite. Calling those chants and music in mass as ugly is not even justifiable, you cannot just appreciate it. From your comment, you're just degrading your Catholic faith. If you ever came up that you wanted those kind of genre of music in mass (specifically pop), you should try to convert now to have your own fulfillment. But, if you want to stay as Catholic, then do it with the norm, because that's what makes the identity of a Catholic (which you can easily differentiate from other religion). You can call me stubborn or self-righteous person, but still that's the reality with the mass. I learned from our lay minister that "we should respect the way others believe and worship because we don't even know what's behind those things that they're doing", so you should, too. In connection, a lot of people are whining about the way of worship in the Catholic faith and bringing up ideas to make the mass better for themselves. In that scenario, who is the self-righteous? I am not here to argue with your own way of faith, because I know that God gave us freedom in order to foster ourselves. What I am just simply explaining to you here is the way how the Catholic church believe and worship God. Also, there are a lot of ways on how the Catholic Church would grow, it's not only upon the change of the rites. Changing and sacrificing the rites of the mass for the growth of the congregation is unjust.
@@Kdramamomma I've been explaining how the Catholic faith works for years. Thank you for your opinions and point of views. Do whatever that makes you happy with your faith. God bless you!
Can i ask for the lyrics with guitar cord pls so that we can also practise ...thanks a lot
Really great as devotional music - it reminds me of my Baptist youth group days, but not particularly useful as a Mass setting, as this style does not suit the liturgy. I just listened to the Kyrie too which would make a great chorus for a P&W style song. Nice work!
Well at my church, I have a teen mass with the music
Why are you strumming without holding down a chord at 0.09?
Open tuning, you know like
Richie Havens.?
I suspect he has tuned his guitar to the key of D which is the key this piece was written.
@@davidlimberger7506 I'm not sure what it's written as, but they are playing in E. That would make the open chord, at best Em. The drop would be a 7th. You can see it is E as the other guitar is playing aD with capo 2.
what type of tuning is your guitar in?
Open E
Hi! I’m performing this version for our performance task at school. Can I ask what’s the chord? and the strumming pattern?
E major
i. Like to lesison to theising with my family
are they on apple music?
Can i get this chords?
New friend
Stop being cringe, we're Catholic, remember that. Worship Our Lord in the correct way as He commands us. Keep it traditional, keep it reverent, and show some solemnity. Modernism has ravaged the Church and taken many souls with it, while Tradition is flourishing. The past is our future.
My.snog.mass.. 😆😃😅
Where can I find the lyrics?
Unfortunately, we don't have the lyrics on our website. Sorry!
It's based on this:
Is this an actual Mass somewhere?
Yes, indeed. You can find it here:
Vatican II stated that both Gregorian Chant and the music of the people should be incorporated. This is the Christian praise and worship music that people actually listen to today -AKA KLOVE and AIR1. The 70's and 80's are over and the old folk mass and its music needs to be retired. Those composers from those era's are still putting out music that is difficult to sing or sounds like children's nursery rhymes. Nobody but people who direct choirs that want to keep that substandard music alive are the only one's that like that stuff. These Catholic praise and worship composers are merely fulfilling the call of the Second Vatican counsel.
I agree; while there are a few songs from the 70's and 80's that I personally enjoy as a church musician, the majority should really be shelved and replaced with stuff like this - I don't see anything irreverent here. The problem with the 70's and 80's music wasn't that it was "new" or "modern", but that it was trivial and irreverent.
this is true! The problem now is there are too many music directors who cling to the 70's and 80's junk do it for sentimental reasons. The mass is not about sentimental stuff. Some of the composers from the 70's and 80's are not even Catholic and their protestant views show up in their songs. The Mass is Catholic. The sacrifice at Calvary is not about being sentimental.
Paul Gman I think your idea of what was said in the documents of Vatican II, in particular Sacrosanctam Concillium, misrepresents what the documents actually say. Never does the document say, “the music of the people”. Those words are never used. The passage you refer to in your comment above reads: “ The church recognizes Gregorian chant and being especially suited to the Roman liturgy. Therefore, other things being equal, it should be given pride of place in liturgical services. Other kinds of sacred music, especially polyphony, are by no means excluded from the liturgical celebration so long as they accord with the spirit of the liturgical action.” The document allows for some polyphony, but indeed places a limit on it and says that it must be in accordance with the liturgical act. While the words are sacred, this music IS music of the people, the musical style was invented toward a human and profane end. Gregorian Chant and truly sacred polyphony are uniquely sacred in nature, and were crafted specifically for use in the liturgy. They are therefore appropriate for the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.
Precisely! This kind of music infantilizes Catholics.
Well in the 70s you had the Jesus Movement which was a folk style setting and guys like Chuch Girard (calvary chapel ) aka band " Love Song" and Catholic artist Barry McGuire (Eve of Destruction) 1960s were putting out good Praise n Worship. In the early 80s much of this cool Praise n Worship was surpassing the old school music and Today we have Modern Praise n Worship today with Catholic Artist Like Matt Maher and Protestant Artist like Matt Redman all coming together to sing and speak the same God Language
Nice song for praise. Not in the Mass please.
Speak for yourself. One of the main functions of the assembly at Mass is to praise God.
@@pjackson2198 Contemporary music lacks the transcendental essence of the Mass. When I hear the Gloria traditionally sung in Latin, I see the heavens opening. Not so with this. If it's ok for liturgical music to be subject to the whims of society then you'll have no problem with the Mass having a nice rap version of the Gloria, or maybe even a heavy metal version?
Sorry im different but i left contemporary Christianity because of this. This is just live music. Hate to break it to you. The tradition reels people in. It doesnt scare them away at least from what ive seen. You want this? Just go to another church theres no need for it here in the one true. Im trying to be the least offensive as i can possibly be, truly. The lack of tradition and discipline and reverentness in the Holy Mass is so sad to me. Its not a show.
@Bart McDonough reverence is a key value and the tradition of the Catholic Church shows the authenticity
@@bartmcdonough I literally see it bring in people lol all the "progressive" Catholic churches in my area have extremely low attendance in comparison to the more reverent traditional one(there's like a total of 6). Not sure what generation you are from but for us younger people and every peer I've talked to in my age range we all agree we prefer the traditional music/mass. Its people who want to be there and foster a good community not just people who want something to sound like pop culture to make it bearable and then leave. It's literally just like live music you'd see at a fair. Super commercialized but I supposed that's how USA does things no surprise
@@ieatfoodthatisgood I don't disagree with you, btw, about reverence being important. Even contemporary music should be done reverently and have chant and other more traditional things mixed in (in my view) as well. What I disagreed with was the blanket characterization that the more traditional style/music "brings people in" because the exact opposite is true where I live. The musically "progressive" churches are doing the best and expanding in our diocese. The ones that went hard-core down the organ & chant route have been losing members steadily over the last decade and getting bad Google reviews ("What happened to the music here?") on top of that. But I know that's not true universally (like in your experience you shared) which is exactly why I think it's important for the Church to offer both. As for my age, I'm 41. And having led choirs for years now, what I've discovered is age doesn't play as a big a role as people think it does in general musical tastes across the Church. I know people from teens to their 80s who have a wide variety of musical preferences. What matters is good formation centered on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, good/rich liturgies, and everything in the liturgy - the homily, the music, and other "accoutrements" - always pointing towards Christ rather than towards the people doing those things. I've been to traditional parishes where Masses were done poorly and came across as a "show." I've also been to contemporary parishes where Masses were done poorly and came across as a "show." The attitudes and formation of the people involved were the determining factor, not the music.
@@bartmcdonough that's crazy but sorry I'm not reading all of that lol societal modernernity corrupts and always has all I'm saying 🤷🏿♂️
@@bartmcdonough Nice
Forget the Latin mass, this is the Hillsong mass 💀
We're in the post-Vatican II era. We literally don't celebrate the Latin Mass as the main expression of the liturgy anymore. Not sure what you're getting at.
Sorry but the Filipina lady sings better
Why would you poison the sacredness of the mass with trying to turn the Gloria into a contemporary Christian song? Please stop.
Jesus said to them, "Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you. Matthew 21:31
would you poison the sacredness of the Eucharist with your judgmental anachronisms?
You see it’s people like you that make people go away from the church
Check your ego at the door, please. The Mass is the table where sinners and saints dine together.
Lol I think it sounds great
This is pretty awful. We have enough protestantized versions of the liturgy.
What is the need to keep protestantizing our Sacred Catholic Tradition with this terrible music and pretentious “musicians”
This video is sacrilege:
- Staging the Sacred Mass
- Having an “Actor” dressed as a priest wearing a costume
- All the musicians dressed as Hillsong United singers pretending to be all “hipster” to fit the new generations, instead of bringing the new generations to the real tradition of our Catholic Church
Please Stop! What a disgrace.
Im deeply disappointed on OCP
Marty Haugen is Lutheran and you probably been singing his protestant music in the mass settings for decades unless your singing in Latin. Most of the songs in the english missalette from the 70s and 80s are protestant..
I agree. This is a show. Its literally like live music hahaha does not belong in Mass.
Ugh. This is so worldly and cheap sounding. More chant and less guitar please. The faster this gone from the church the better.
Mass of restoration? Hope it restores real music to replace this caterwauling cacophony. What's up with hands? Are they trying to catch a tune? That guy in the priest costume looks pretty lame.