hi, thanks for sharing, in case if forgot to report the exceed amount back to HMRC for x years, when HMRC discovered this after x years whether they will charge you penalty ? or just simply ask you to pay the corrected tax ?
From the HMRC website, they'll just ask you to remove the excess amount as well as any interest generated from excess to your normal account. As the banks that provide ISA accounts need to submit report to HMRC every year, it's very unlikely your oversubscription will last more than a year. When HMRC see there is excess, they'll send mail/email to you to let you cooperate with your ISA provider to correct it. Btw, if you use Monzo, you can view your "ISA allowance left" when you view your ISA pot. Also they'll not allow you to transfer money into there if the amount is more than the remaining limit.
你既 ISA limit 係跟你既 National Insurance Number 既. 唔會因為你轉去另一間而 reset. 呢個係點解 HMRC 要求銀行每年提供 report 既原因: 如果有人響唔同銀行開多過一個 ISA 戶口, 會比對開戶日期, 只有最後開果一個會有 ISA status (所以如果你已經有 ISA 戶口, 唔好做 ISA 開戶而應該做 ISA 戶口轉移. 如果唔係你之後入落舊 ISA 戶口既錢會變成入完 ISA 之後全額提出轉去普通戶口既情況, 浪費 ISA quota). 而響當戶口轉移既情況, 如果有入多到錢, 亦都可以計返出嚟.
睇完新規則, 應該可以. Ethel subscribes £5,000 to ISA manager A on 7 April 2024. Ethel instructs a transfer of £3,000 from ISA manager A to ISA manager X on 13 June 2024 (no subscription information is provided by ISA manager A to ISA manager X). Ethel subscribes £2,000 to ISA manager X on 14 June 2024. ISA manager A reports £5,000 subscription to HMRC for tax year 2024 to 2025. ISA manager X reports £2,000 subscription to HMRC for tax year 2024 to 2025.
上年7月joined 左trading 212, 由5.15 跌到現在先4.9厘
息口跌緊,相信好大機會越來越低 。
你好,請問一下,如果我在今年一月開了個ISA, 入了2萬鎊,我最快是否可在下個財政年度即4月6日之後,再入2萬鎊?
係. 就算你係 4月5日 入 兩萬, 4月6日 再入 兩萬 都可以.
hi, thanks for sharing, in case if forgot to report the exceed amount back to HMRC for x years, when HMRC discovered this after x years whether they will charge you penalty ? or just simply ask you to pay the corrected tax ?
From the HMRC website, they'll just ask you to remove the excess amount as well as any interest generated from excess to your normal account.
As the banks that provide ISA accounts need to submit report to HMRC every year, it's very unlikely your oversubscription will last more than a year. When HMRC see there is excess, they'll send mail/email to you to let you cooperate with your ISA provider to correct it.
Btw, if you use Monzo, you can view your "ISA allowance left" when you view your ISA pot. Also they'll not allow you to transfer money into there if the amount is more than the remaining limit.
請問我喺一間銀行2023年12月做咗isa,2025年一月轉咗去另一間銀行嘅isa戶口, 我係咪今年可以加多20000磅落新isa戶口?
如果你係經由ISA provider去做轉戶,唔會影響今個稅務年度嘅額度 。
你既 ISA limit 係跟你既 National Insurance Number 既. 唔會因為你轉去另一間而 reset.
呢個係點解 HMRC 要求銀行每年提供 report 既原因: 如果有人響唔同銀行開多過一個 ISA 戶口, 會比對開戶日期, 只有最後開果一個會有 ISA status (所以如果你已經有 ISA 戶口, 唔好做 ISA 開戶而應該做 ISA 戶口轉移. 如果唔係你之後入落舊 ISA 戶口既錢會變成入完 ISA 之後全額提出轉去普通戶口既情況, 浪費 ISA quota). 而響當戶口轉移既情況, 如果有入多到錢, 亦都可以計返出嚟.
相信呢啲公司出優惠,係想喺稅務年度完結前吸引未用盡額度嘅新顧客 。所以現時嘅優惠唔一定延續到下個年度 。不過ISA providers不時有優惠,繼續留意吓囉 。
如果入咗錢落個Flexible isa 戶口,年內取岀部份現金,是不可以改入其他ISA 戶口? (除非不介意isa Limit 扣減)這個好像是由今個財政年度24/25 的新規例,是嗎? 我現在都有點混亂。謝謝。
請問我可唔可以响2間唔同provider開cash isa 戶口,各自入10000鎊?
你同一時間只可以響一個 ISA provider 開 ISA 戶口. 如果已經有既時候, 舊有 ISA 戶口會自動變成冇 ISA 特性既戶口, 你會需要就利息同投資獲利交稅之餘亦都會浪費10000鎊既限額.
@@chnet968 24年財政年度開始唔係改左呢點啦咩?
@ 係喎, 唔記得添
睇完新規則, 應該可以.
Ethel subscribes £5,000 to ISA manager A on 7 April 2024.
Ethel instructs a transfer of £3,000 from ISA manager A to ISA manager X on 13 June 2024 (no subscription information is provided by ISA manager A to ISA manager X).
Ethel subscribes £2,000 to ISA manager X on 14 June 2024.
ISA manager A reports £5,000 subscription to HMRC for tax year 2024 to 2025.
ISA manager X reports £2,000 subscription to HMRC for tax year 2024 to 2025.
Cash ISA都有4.91%
4 基本 (會變) 0.91 新人額外一年bonus
請問有冇用stocks and shares ISA
請找一位有資格的financial advisor,或者自己上google找資料。
請問有冇人知道喺米每個財政年度,都可以增加兩萬磅入同一個Cash ISA戶口內,所賺取的利息都可以免稅?即第二年4萬磅嘅利息都有免稅優惠?謝謝解答🙏