I love the 25 Years of Starman song you did years ago, still listen to that even after four or so years, hope to listen to this one for years as well. :D
Por algun motivo esa cancion la eh escuchado en algun otro lugar fuera del mundo de los videojuegos, no se por que pero creo que la original q escuche estaba hasta cantada
Rocking all that Mario music! Sweet and glorious tunes and so dance worthy! :D I'd wish I could listen to an hour long version of the Underground and Gusty Galaxy parts. :)
1:20 was the best part! Hit me right in the nostalgic feels! As a N64 gamer since my 90s childhood, thank you for such a memorable remix! Love your Crossing the Dark Road remix just as much!😉😊
What a fantastic remix. And a great end to 2015. Unless... we get another one just before New Years? Edit: Nope. But the Best of 2015 should be out soon and I'm excited!
Crazy to think that Mario is now 30 years old! I actually still remember the very first Mario game I played. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World!
"Thank you so much for to playing my game!" The Engrish is real xD Also awesome job :) this could have gone on longer imo but I understand why it wasn't a 7+ minute remix: lots of people would find the theme repetitive.
2:17 Best Metal Mario remix ever ❤
One of the most iconic characters in fiction and also one of my favorite characters in fiction
I wish every part of this remix had an extended version
Instead of rescuing Princess Peach, Mario decides to celebrate her kidnapping!
"Let's-a party!"
bro.Just watch the 25th year aniversary vid
I finally found it after all these years, this is just incredible.
Thank you so much for making this !!
4:05 that super paper mario part is just perfect!
Amazing. I don't ever think anyone made a Mario remix like this. This is incredible!
I love the 25 Years of Starman song you did years ago, still listen to that even after four or so years, hope to listen to this one for years as well. :D
You listening to this?
love the transition to the Mario galaxy gusty garden melody
ikr! I live gusty garden!
so do I! !!
I love it too
@@miciahkerr8417 hat was 4 years ago
2:16 épico
Metal Mario 😎😍
Eso me recuerda a varios videos de Zetassj
@@JcraftXde hecho por el estoy aquí ya q en la descripción dice q usa este tema
Back to the Future: Mario edition
The metal mario part will not be complete without the clanks of Mario's metal feet colliding with the ground.
Hola, Soy Z!!
Y aquí estamos en un nuevo video
De Super Mario Maker (2)! 🤩
I just became 5 years old again - nostalgic pure
I love the underground theme. I wish it was extended
Me too.
Me too
Me too ^^
Recuerdo la primera vez que lo vi como si fuese ayer
The underground soundtrack is LIT! 😃
If only there was an animation for this masterpiece.
When I get older I'll make animations and if I can this will be one of the firsts I do, I promise ;)
i can probably do this
like i can start right now
@@MitchelGatzkeso where is it?
Thanks for these Super Mario Remixes. They make remind myself I had a childhood.
The Hype when you hear Mario remakes for the Switch:
About 4 years later, and this is still amazing.
about 7 years later, and this is still amazing.
@@turgut33Time FLIES...
love the metal Mario theme
3:20 la mejor cancion en mi opinión es hermosa
Por algun motivo esa cancion la eh escuchado en algun otro lugar fuera del mundo de los videojuegos, no se por que pero creo que la original q escuche estaba hasta cantada
Rocking all that Mario music! Sweet and glorious tunes and so dance worthy! :D
I'd wish I could listen to an hour long version of the Underground and Gusty Galaxy parts. :)
Why does ANY version of Gusty garden galaxy just give me CHILLS?! Keep up the awesome work!
Edit: I was typing with tears in my eyes gg
i had the same thing happen to me. Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel are some of the best mario games, but Odyssey takes that cake.
Same, so beautiful.... 😢😢😢😢
Holy snap this is the best thing I've heard ALL day, great job!
1:20 was the best part! Hit me right in the nostalgic feels! As a N64 gamer since my 90s childhood, thank you for such a memorable remix! Love your Crossing the Dark Road remix just as much!😉😊
2016 and still best remix I've seen
except it was made 2 days before 2016
Chrystalpher Montes 2017 and still my fave
Starman is my favorite power-up
3:20 Moment when a Super Mario fan cries
3:20 ZSSJ
What a fantastic remix. And a great end to 2015.
Unless... we get another one just before New Years?
Edit: Nope. But the Best of 2015 should be out soon and I'm excited!
+Artful Hobbes remix onett y foruside??
I dances to the Super Paper. Mario like I was at a rave party! XD
why do i love this sooo much
I could listen to this for years to come! Even until year 1QDG if I have to! (1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000)
Flawless editing….flawless.
Crazy to think that Mario is now 30 years old! I actually still remember the very first Mario game I played. Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World!
You are sooooooo underrated. I love this!
La música escucha por ZetaSSJ
Joder esto es demasiado bueno, definitivamente el mejor remix de canciones de Mario que escuchado
This is epic.. wow
no what version of the starman i hear, i always get goosebumps~~~
Hey get ready for 35 years i expect one!! Cause this song is great!!
Amazing work as always!
wow i love this star man theme
Zetassj remixed for his videos
Jajaja, sí realmente
Me encanta cocinar mientras bailo esta canción
Great job on this! You really do deserve more subs!
4:07 コレなんだよな。ここがいちばんすき。
The wing cap part is amazing
This is 5 Mins? I Was ready to wait 30 Years
I had my G-Fuel, My Life insurance ready and everything
Omg the Super Mario 64 part. Magic.
This song is epic of epic proportions
Bob-Bomb battle field remix *exists* PannenKoek2012: YES
This is the best music of Mario ever😁😁😁😁😁😍😍😍😍😍😍😜😜😜😊😊😊😘😘😊😊😊😊😁😁😁
Holy moly this is beautiful!
Best. Ever. Mario Remix EVER
OMG I love this remix. It’s so catchy. This is one of my all-time favorites.
With 2018 in less than 2 hours (10:39pm EST) itll be 33 years
How do you even do all this DJ? Everything you upload is too good!
it’s should of been the final boss music and super Mario wonder
2018 anyone? Also Super Paper Mario had to be my favourite.
This is epic! :D
I got some mad fuckin' chills when Bob-omb Battlefield and Gusty Garden came on.
can't wait for 35 years
This is good thank you DjtheSdotcom
This is the Best Remix i have ever heard
Just.... OMG, that was amazing!
Best remix i ever heard
Legendary! How about another remix for the 35th anniversary?
All rise for Charles Martinets theme song ❤
"Thank you so much for to playing my game!" The Engrish is real xD
Also awesome job :) this could have gone on longer imo but I understand why it wasn't a 7+ minute remix: lots of people would find the theme repetitive.
Wow this compilation of remixes is the best
I liked how creative you used sounds from the games like Mario's jump
If you could post extended versions of gusty and spm's mega starman I would cry and
Look luigi, I'm invincible!!!
My respect has been given
This is just freakin awesome
Awesome! The only thing I found very out of place is the Gusty part but except that everything was pretty much PERFECT.
The best remix in history although it is extremely catchy😎
Omg, the best remix i have ever heard...
Can’t wait for the 40 year anniversary
Great Remix Me And My Brother Loved It!
The title is right 1985 is the year release. Next, it's now 2018. 33 years of release!!!
WOW! Best Mario song ever 😃😃😃
If i could request something
Could you remix 'battle against dark crafter' from Kirby and the rainbow paintbrush?
You can write him a letter on his site =)
smash bros brawl meta knight
@@fojjaboy517 *HE WASN'T THAT BROKEN*
Said no one ever.
Should have been an option in super Mario run to change to this theme in remix 10
This is awesome!!
we are ready
this remix is awesome!!!
Awesome stuff :D
This video made me subscribe to your channel.