Oh and I forgot. I friggin' love your show. You make a true tribute to a sadly overlooked (by this generation) era of gaming. And for that, you're just awesome.
I loved it. Been a Duke fan since the very first game. Followed all of the news and developments about Forever from the moment it was announced, and what we as a gaming community received is a bittersweet, but still mostly enjoyable romp through a fun shooter - in my opinion.
I didn't like the 2 weapon limit either but in options, you can change it to 4. I also don't like the checkpoint system. I prefer to save my game as a file.
I think a reasonable limit could be 8 With a weapon wheel al primary and diagonal directions would be used. That's rough enough to hit it quickly with a stick and still gives the mousewheel/hotkey setup for PC
This vid is almost 7 friggin' years old already?... and Steam's interface hasn't changed a bit, LOL. (Which i guess means it's perfectly fine as it is).
This game kinda looks like the Doom 3 of the Duke Nukem franchise. An attempted reboot that received mixed reviews, leaving the franchise in desperate need of a return-to-roots facelift. I'm just hoping Nukem gets the Doom 2016/Eternal treatment some time soon.
Its not doom 3 was actually a good game, just not the game people expected while forever is ''OK'' at best. Doom 3 is made with a lot of care from the ground up, while forever was just duct taped to be released quickly. I finished forever few days ago, I'm not a duke nukem fan but im a huge 3D shoter fan. Duke nukem 3d was a good game, with the ocasional one liners and crazyness in the background. While forver is one liners and crazyness up front in the background there is a game. I usualy blitz through games like this and enjoy it so much i forget what time it is. But forever constantly felt off, after half an hour i start to lose intrerest. But my OCD's force me to march on. Its not terrible but it is bad.
@@SamaelTKN except, at it's core, it is a Doom game, with all the shotgun blasting, demon destroying and sometimes downright terrifying atmosphere, but with the addition of long sections "inspired" by games such as Half-Life. By time Doom 3 was made, the genre of First Person Horror-themed Shooters had absolutely raised the bar and a game that was just another Doom game would've been stupid since Half-Life 2 came out the same year, Quake 4 was right around the corner and FPSes as a whole were just about to be set to a new standard with Call of Duty. If Doom 3 released today, it would've been seen in the same light as many people see Duke Nukem Forever, which is why DOOM going back to it's roots works so well at this point. tl;dr : Doom 3 is a Doom game at it's core but also knew what the popular trend in Horror FPS games was at the time.
@@Alcoholic_Nerd Sadly, I was one of the few who actually played the game and watched the review. It wasn't a pleasant experience with the game, but I enjoyed the review.
I don't think DNF was terrible, I just think they got a little carried away with the scripted events. Having some cinematic driven levels is okay, but once in a while it needs to take a backseat and let the player just explore and enjoy the level, find secrets and so on. DNF was a step in the right direction but it's not quite there yet...I Hope they listen to the feedback and make Duke Begins the definitive Duke title.
007Tubedude Gearbox owns the rights to the Duke franchise at the moment, they even sued Take-Two over the development of DN: Mass Destruction a while back (who I think bought the rights to make a Duke game before 3d Realms died). Unless they decide to license it out it seems like Gearbox will be developing Duke Begins or nobody at all.
***** I don't think it's Windows in particular, I think a lot of the glaring changes they made to the game (two weapons only and linear levels) was because they wanted to make it more console friendly. Despite DNF and a lot of other games being rated M they still take younger audiences into consideration when making modern games; something they didn't do back in the 1990s.
Real reason why DNF didn't work was because of the difference in time. We don't have any more people like Arnold and Stallone in movies and pop culture nowadays so many people who pick up the title now won't appreciate it since we live in a more "PC" defined culture. Its a shame people won't give the game a chance, but the game itself doesn't help since the console ports were *very* unpolished.
Because of this review I finally did buy Duke Nukem Forever for the PS3. It was pretty fun game & since it cost me 10€ I couldn't complain much. It's not perfect as you said, but I think it's not as bad as people often say. The main reason why I did listen your review here is that you are honest in your review. You don't rate your games based on the popularity or review games like corporate salesman. If the game has real good & bad thing and is actually fun, then you'll bring these up. You know why we play games: because to have fun.
I bought this with my mom for my birthday back when it came out. Still love it to this day. (Fun story, when the gamestop employee tried to warn my mom about the content she basically said "Its Duke Nukem. I know." Lol)
LGRs voice changed SOO much in the past 11 years. His voice now is so much smoother and more elegant. I suppose he also uses better microphones than he did in the past too.
5:55 - unfortunately audio of this video is only going up to 16 kHz, so if the high-pitched tone was at 18 kHz - we can't hear it here. But I believe you.
To the health pack vs regenerating health, I have to say this: It erases higher strategy. With medkits, picking them up when you only have a few HP missing can prove to bite you back later, and scavenging supplies in order to get back to full health is a skill you have to learn. Also, regeneration makes the outcome of a single fight binary - either you live (back to full HP) or you die (and have to try again). Compare this to winning a fight with almost no health left, making you have to deal with the consequences. It's not about realism, it's about strategy and complexity being removed. At least to me.
This review makes me happy. After so many people wrongfully slamming an only mildly flawed game, it's great to find someone who actually remembers what Duke Nukem games were all about in the first place, Duke himself. And this game definitely delivered that. The DLC campaign was awesome too but you rarely hear anyone talk about it.
In 2011 I'd tend to agree with your review, but after the Interceptor ROTT remake and Shadow Warrior 2013. DNF feels like a cop-out for its failure to fully embrace the classic game mechanics that made Duke 3D shine. DNF is too slow the levels are shallow and the weapon and health system is straight out of Call of Duty 4.
Shadow Warrior, and the new Doom in particular, really do provide great examples of how to update a '90s shooter for the modern day while still retaining in its own identity.
personally I am still not enamored with the new doom. The upgrade system, the forced finisher system, level design and teleporting enemy encounter design just throw me. It is far from a bad game, but I just don't feel like I am playing doom. It lacks colour and impact for me. Honestly, a change in level design to be more reminiscent of the original game's philosophy and not having 90% of the enemies in the game just spawn in would have me feel more accepting of it. Same with DNF actually, weakest point of the game for me was the limited weapons and the horrid linear level design. It could just be me... But the level design of DN3D was why I loved it. There was so much variety and thought put into every stage.
The thing that bothers me the most about this game are the graphics. It's way too reminiscent of Doom 3 and Prey, that weird stage in 3d graphics and lighting where everything is way too glossy. It's like the uncanny valley of "realistic 3d graphics" - where the game isn't crappy looking enough to be obviously "unrealistic" but not good enough to actually look "good".
So your main complaint about a Duke Nukem game is the graphics...? There's more to gaming than just the frickin' graphics, man. the most important aspects in a game are: -The gameplay; -The level design; and -The soundtrack. Things like graphics and good voice acting are meant to be just the icing on the cake, not the cake's filling.
I know that this game could have been better, but it still a very underrated game according to the critics, and i enjoyed this game and the DLC quite a bit!
Hahaha I've watched your videos for a long time, (big fan by the way) and now when I went back to watch this one again I have to say your voice man.. it has changed so much in these past 5 years! :D
The problem with Duke Nukem Forever is exactly what Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw said it was. The game wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Which is the worst thing it could have been. Duke Nukem 3D was already maximum 80s/90s action hero satire, so Duke feels dated already. The worst part though is that the game is just mediocre, there couldn't have been a worse result than that. If the game was truly terrible, we'd love hating on it. On the other hand if it had been great we'd love it for being more great Duke Nukem. Instead it was mediocre with a massively jarring tone shift near the end of the game. What little love was left with our nostalgia with Duke faded into apathy. The one liners were stale and the game was bog standard uninspired shooter fare for the time. So instead of anger for a bad game, or joy for a great game, all we had was bitterness for a game that failed to stand out at all.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this review is not mentioning three very obvious and big issues with the game: - There is no shooting for the first 30-45m of gameplay ... WTF ! - There is no/hardly any level-interactivity after the first Duke Tower level. - Most of the levels feel like restricted-corridors instead of open levels like the original Duke 3D. Also, the given reason for the only 2 weapon-slots is just BS; 'technical challenging for consoles' ? Those consoles are still at least 10 times faster than the fasted PC 20 years ago and it worked just fine back then ...
Wow man, leave it to LGR to make me reconsider re-installing this game after angrily uninstalling it a couple days after I bought it new for 60 bucks three years ago. (and pre-ordered at that..)
+ashfoxx85 You're seriously going to let some guy on the internet force you to like a piece of shit game just because he says so? Have some dignity man, you're an individual, not a slave.
Max Sperg I told him to be an individual and not let someone influence him. With that said, yes, but it's more hatred toward 3dr and George Broussard/Joe Siegler. 3dr lied to us for 14 years, telling us it would be worth the wait. I was one of the guys on the 3dr forums waiting in anticipation for the game and had to deal with joe siegler running the forums like hitler, so yeah there's some bad blood. You wouldn't understand though. Go watch my video series, Why Duke Nukem Forever is going to Suck Ass.
Anybody else listen to loud music via earbuds for years? I did, and I remember my ears ringing several times (which supposedly means I'd never hear those frequencies again). I concur with the comment above me. Our hearing is fucked, boys.
I keep coming back to this review. Because, like, I really enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever. Especially since they patched in the ability to carry four weapons instead of two. It's just a really fun though indisputably dated FPS, and that's fine, because it's fun.
+Omega Rugal It sucks irrespective of when it came out. Even if this came out 14 years ago, it would still suck. Hell the build they made in 2000 looked better than this garbage.
Thanks for giving this a fair review. Like you, I am a big Duke fan since the 90s, so I was delighted when he got a modern take. My only real issue with it was the length, but the Dr. Proton DLC helps and gives it a satisfying conclusion. I'm glad the Duke won't just be remembered as a 90s franchise.
While the level design is a step down from Duke3D, I really enjoyed this one back when it was released. I still get comments with people saying that I should strangle myself for having absolute shit taste in games because I like this game (and Daikatana), but all I can say is that it was more fun than any singleplayer campaigns in recent CoD's.
+WesleyB Crowen Why are you playing CoD at all? Don't play this or CoD, play games that don't suck. It's a really sad state of affairs when you admit a game almost 2 decades old has better level design than this.
+EnigmaHood thanks for advice, but I prefer playing what I feel like myself. I was a massive CoD fan until MW2 turned me off from the series. I am still fan of mysoginistic beefcake known as Duk Nukum once and I waited for DNF for a long time it was almost like a moral obligation.
+EnigmaHood it sucked back then, it sucks now, and I still liked it and could replay it even now. Sure, if there wasn't Duke I would forget DNF as soon as something like Blacksite: Area 51 like a bad disease, but I could listen to Jon St. Jon saying action movie lines all day.
WesleyB Crowen It's a tragedy. They spent 14 years making a pile of shit. There were so many fanboys defending this game when it first came out, even they gave up on defending it because they don't like it. It's just a generic bore fest, there's nothing notable or interesting about it at all. I have no beef with Jon St. John but a game needs more than witty one liners. His voice made Duke 3D stand out from the crowd, but that was back in 1996 when no FPS game had a voice. These days, your player having a voice is common place. As is interactivity. All their "novel" ideas are antiquated and don't hold up in the modern era.
When this was first announced I was in 8th grade. When it was released I had been out of high school for years and had already been in the Army for quite sometime and deployed to Iraq for 18 months once. Amazing
The game became incredibly boring to the point where I just couldn't finish the campaign. The god awful driving sections, boring puzzles, incredibly linear levels with barely any exploration, the gameplay feels clunky, health regen(we don't want the game to be too hard), pointless dialogue and "sign this autograph!" that you aren't able to skip, a lot of useless weapons, the game holding your hand and shoving the weapon with infinite ammo at your face, and the list goes on that makes this less like Duke Nukem 3D and more like a half assed generic shooter. Probably the only level I actually enjoyed was Duke Burger.
This is the first duke game i ever played, after which I played 3D, time to kill, land of the babes, etc. It holds a place dear to my heart despite what people say about it. Just like Doom3 was my first doom game, and it is my favorite Doom game to this day. I play it daily.
I liked the game. It's not the best FPS ever for a game that was in development for over a decade, but it was still an okay game. After playing Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition for free on my Vita, I suddenly felt like playing DNF again and I think I might just do that!
Duke drinking the beer would have been made awesome if it was special Duke beer that would melt the insides of anyone and anything that isn't the Duke himself.
They could have reskinned the beer cans to have warning labels in the back (or had two aliens try to drink a can only to have their insides melt and the spilled beer corrode the ground just for shits and giggles)
I like this review. I respect you for being fair and going against the grain from the duke purists. My only complaint is that there wasn't much incentive to hunt down and kill everything and unlock all the secrets. One of my faves about duke nukem 3D was the fact that you looked for secrets to deck yourself out at the beginning of the episode, and if you died in level 1-2 then you lost everything you worked to grab in 1-1, but it was no big deal since you found the secrets yourself and now you could speedrun the level along with collecting all the secret goodies your friends never knew about, then you can watch their jaw drop when they realize there's a freaking RPG ready for you before you even empty your first clip of pistol ammo if you're crafty. Exploring and breaking levels is fun (I remember breaking the shit out of Halo levels) and I miss the games that reward you for this stuff. For me, Serious Sam seems like the best spiritual successor for the oldschool FPS anyways since they seemed to carry those concepts very well in to a full 3D FPS in "second encounters", although something does seem off about the new one. Maybe it's the way they chose to handle their secrets? I can't put my finger on it so I can't be too hard on SS.
That's how game was made: "Yo dawg, I've heard you like Duke Nukem. So I put Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem Forever so you can play Duke Nukem Forever while you play Duke Nukem Forever!"
I completely agree with this review, I don't understand the ridiculous amount of hate this game gets. I got exactly what I was expecting out of the game, and it pleased me.
courperationX Keep in mind, DNF was anticipated for YEARS. There was so much hype for it. DNF ended up not living up to the massively-built up hype. I enjoyed the game, too. Got it for the xBox 360. Only thing I didn't like was the two-weapon limit, but it forced me to think and strategize, so it wasn't all bad.
You know, I've waited for a long time to say this but, here it is: I think you and I are a lot alike. I have a room full of old hardware, and I have this weird lustful feeling towards old stuff, like old rigs (PC's). I actually use older hardware for my daily usage (except for things like youtube. I'm using my dex mode on my s8 for that). I'm just glad I've found you man, and know that there is someone else out there like me :) GG!
6:08 This is like Doom (2016)'s berserk...years before that game! (Yes, you mention Doom, but that's the old Doom, which doesn't do insta-kill punches, only overpowered ones.)
Good review. So many reviewers just wait to hear what everone else is saying, then they try to surpass eachother in praising or slaughtering, depending on what the consensus might be. In this case it was slaughter. Glad to hear someone with an honest review. Keep it up.
I'm so glad I just saw this review. It feels like every other reviewer out there just hates the game because it's cool to do so. Nice to watch a review by someone who sees that content-wise the game actually IS very Duke 3Dish and the game IS fun despite it's odd design decisions.
I never understood why people just expected that all that time in development hell should instantly equal the best game ever. Plenty of games go through development hell for many years but they weren't sequels so no one judges them on that. Its basically impossible to live up to all the ideas people imposed on this game- be cuttibg edge, yet old school, update Duke or keep him super crass... To me, though, I would've preferred them scrapping the DNF idea altogether and finding a different niche. I mean, imagine a quarter of a contemporary game development budget, an updated build engine, find the best old school level designers out there, give 'em a year and put the results on the indie marketplace/steam/IOS/android platforms at a low pricepoint and watch the praise roll in. At a low price point and tiny dev team, you don't have the expectations to crush.
I thought a while ago of a way to improve the Ego system and the ego boosting actions so I made a Steam post about it which I'll paste below: Source: steamcommunity.com/app/57900/discussions/0/1698293255130003939/?tscn=1520796856 Idea for improving Ego system, possibly as a mod I like the idea of using Duke's ego as a shield, but in the Halo 1 sense instead of the Halo 2,3 and 4 sense like we currently have: I think that Duke's ego should be a shield that functions as a spiritual successror to the armour from Duke 3D; Duke should have normal health underneath ala Duke 3D or Halo 1 that he can restore by eating and drinking (beer included?), traditional medipacks and taking a leak. Ego boosts should increase the Ego bar as they normally do, but your maximum Ego should decrease by one chunk if you die. This is to encourage messing with the envriroment more as once you use a particular ego boost object such as a pinball machine, pool table or basketball hoop, you cannot use it for Ego ever again, rendering them largely useless afterward. If this kind of mod gets made, it should fix that problem. Dying and losing Max Ego in said mod/update should reset all options to increase it and keep doing so if you die again, so as to allow you to recover lost Max Ego. To counter the issue of less interactive items later in the game, executions and Steroid kills should allow Ego boosts, as should killing normal size enemies while shrunk. EDIT: This is from a reply I made to some constructive feedback on the Steam thread, which provides a better option for the improved ego system: I actually forgot to mention that if you already have maximum ego for any reason, it should still award temporary layers at least. Maybe those temporary layers -up to x3 current max ego- could be the things you win from subsequent uses after permenant boosts instead? When you die, the tempoary ego goes but the initial boost from the vanilla game could remain, and the only grinding could then just be for the bonus ego which you may not even need. Dying would still reset the ego actions but they'd only provide the x2 and x3 ego bar chunks ala Marathon's health and shield system or Duke 3D's atomic health and it would not take away the permanent ego from the base game.
Man, you're just great. I've watched a lot of your videos but... I'm not sure. I can't quantify it, but keep on doing what you do because you do it well.
arguments are valid when it comes to this game i wish that magic Randy would sell the DN rights already and let someone make a true great Duke Nukem game that everyone can enjoy not just hardcore fans like yourself LGR
It's been quite a while since I first saw this review! It is still pretty much the reflection of the opinion I have on this game. The only difference is that I say the game is mediocre when I'm asked if the game is good or not. I don't feel like saying the game is utter trash like most people do and I won't praise it like a mindless fan either. I can see its flaws and you also were able to see those as much as I did back then when you made this video. I think DNF could've been a lot better, but you know how life and expectations are. Keep being awesome, LGR. You are among the ones that make TH-cam great.
Few reasons- - impossible to live up to the hype after 14 years in development. -dated pop culture references and game mechanics as a result of its ridiculously protracted development time (thank George Broussard and his monumental failure as a project lead for this) -woke cancer culture was in its infancy back in 2011. This game probably couldn’t even be released now with how fragile people are.
I was worried I was the only person who liked this game. I was just so fed up with the overly serious and uber realistic and very boring Call of Duty series. I play on consoles and gotta say this was a definitive breath of fresh air with my only gripes being the unbearable load times, unforgiving enemy AI (which feels super satisfying to win) and the tedium of the environmental puzzles and the lack of any music. But that main theme is 100% the best rendition of Grab Bag ever. And I love this.
Maybe DNF had less class, but its not as if the content in Duke Nukem doesn't have an audience if that's indeed what you're getting at. That style of explicit, immature humor still exists on Adult Swim and so much more. So, if that's you, fine. Personally, i'm not one to care about explicit crap that's there just to be explicit. I'm more into stupidity, observational humor and parody, like the Bale parody in DNF or a lot of stuff you'd find on South Park more recently (like the Game of Thrones and console war parodies). Its not funny only for being explicit. No. you need something else for to work. And that's one reason DNF failed. Some of the element came off as a bit too obnoxious. The 2001 trailer shows more an epic film presentation, which would mean the tone for the humor and parodies would be more in the style of DN3D or Time to Kill, where there's some form of balance between being epic and having all these other side gags.
Actually if the game wasn't duke and didn't had the funky elements of duke 3d like the wemen and one liners nobody would have cared and the game would have been forgotten.
+Lazy Game Reviews Another great Video... Never understood the hate for this game (Though I never played it myself...) - I enjoyed Duke 3D back in the day, and while times have moved on... Well, you said it your self!!! "it's Duke Nukem, your argument is invalid" I found most critics complained about the out of date humour and vulgarity that was acceptable in the 80's but not now... Yet many of these same reviewers (Never good to have cameras in your workplace when there are obvious links to your taste in MOVIES!!!!) were big fans of franchises such as SCARY MOVIE and other Wayans Brothers flicks!!! Talk about making your own critique invalid!!! IGN one of the biggest culprits there... Any Duke fan goes into the games knowing what to expect... They will be sexist, rude, crude, vulgar, dumb... Thats Duke Nukem!!! Simple!
It's been said by numerous other people already in the comments below, but I'm happy to see someone else who enjoyed this game -- particularly someone whose opinion I've come to greatly respect. I bought it on launch primarily as a piece of history, and very much enjoyed the whole experience unironically. I'm actually quite keen to revisit it now, a few years later. Also agreed with the below comments about other reboots. Shadow Warrior in particular is amazing.
The "I'm out of ass" line caught me so off guard I was laughing for a minute straight.
oh no
It's time to kick gum and chew ass. And I'm all out of ass
For. Me it was "my balls your face"
I'm here to chew ass and kick bubble gum and im all out of gum -dick kick em
@@GabrielCorpsegrinder where in the game?
I don't think Duke would drink a beer that couldn't get him drunk instantly.
Sounds like an awesome perk to me, talk about efficiency.
@@wolfpackflt670 the sims 3 ball of steel
50 ABV beer
Ricky Jaeger at some point you can’t call it beer it’s just barley-based vodka or if it’s rye-beer it’s just whiskey
I mean, when you're as manly as Duke, you need a beverage that wrecks your liver harder than a kick from Bas Rutten.
"That's one *Dead* *Space* Marine"
- Duke Forever
"That's one *Doomed* Space Marine"
- Duke 3D
+TetchyEquation I GET IT!
Idohn getit...
+TetchyEquation Oh how very witty.
+shady4091 I think one resembles the title Dead Space, while the other is...well...DOOM.
+TetchyEquation I never knew there was a Dead Space reference in DNF. I may need to replay the game just to see it for myself.
+KrisFrosz133 there's also a Borderlands reference with the psychos mask in one of the underwater levels.
Your Duke impression is impeccable.
Sam Morin u made me look up impeccable
Next game, LGR will narrate XD
Kinda funny that he doesn't use it in this video.
But his drip his respectable
This game is 10 years old now. Crazy how time flies.
12 years 💀
Now 13 years old lol
@@dlc435 14
You're the first person I've seen that actually likes this game.
I enjoyed myself quite a bit playing this game, but I never had any hype or expectation as I had not heard much of DNF beforehand.
I like the game.
I liked it too, despite its many flaws.
I LOVED Duke Nukem Forever!
I love the game and play multiplayer.
"Warning, this video contains mature adult content"
Partner Rating: No Mature Content
Me: Seems safe.
I guess the bright side of being old is that I can't hear the high pitch noise of the night vision goggles.
I couldn't hear it when I was younger, although today when I watched the video I could slightly hear it. It did sound annoying.
i didn't hear it
I didn’t hear it and I’m 17 so
@@williammickelson403 That means it's all downhill from here for you.
Oh shit, Im old then!
Oh and I forgot. I friggin' love your show. You make a true tribute to a sadly overlooked (by this generation) era of gaming. And for that, you're just awesome.
I appreciate that, thank you.
It's quite hard to believe it has already been 6 years since Duke Nukem Forever was finally released...
I loved it. Been a Duke fan since the very first game. Followed all of the news and developments about Forever from the moment it was announced, and what we as a gaming community received is a bittersweet, but still mostly enjoyable romp through a fun shooter - in my opinion.
9 years...
11 lol... and we got a 2001 leak to celebrate it : D
"nothing can possibily live up to a decade an a half of everyone's wildest expectations." Damn it Valve
And now it'd be time to kick ass and chew bubble gum in VR!
The 2 weapon restriction is what I hate most when a game has it. I love having 9 weapons to choose from at all times, I don't care about realism.
do you know they update it so you can have 4 weapons on the pc.
really? That's awesome!
I didn't like the 2 weapon limit either but in options, you can change it to 4.
I also don't like the checkpoint system. I prefer to save my game as a file.
I think a reasonable limit could be 8
With a weapon wheel al primary and diagonal directions would be used. That's rough enough to hit it quickly with a stick and still gives the mousewheel/hotkey setup for PC
Mythbusters proved you could carry about 9 weapons if your physcally fit...
This vid is almost 7 friggin' years old already?... and Steam's interface hasn't changed a bit, LOL. (Which i guess means it's perfectly fine as it is).
I had the exact same response when I checked the release date of the vid :s ...
If it ain’t broke don’t fix it!!
I've been on Steam for 8 years.. it really is practically identical to how it was in 2010, lol
ComandanteJ there is now a beta program on steam where the interface changes...
Steam just updated its interface, but it still has that 2000's software charm ;)
This game kinda looks like the Doom 3 of the Duke Nukem franchise. An attempted reboot that received mixed reviews, leaving the franchise in desperate need of a return-to-roots facelift. I'm just hoping Nukem gets the Doom 2016/Eternal treatment some time soon.
Its not doom 3 was actually a good game, just not the game people expected while forever is ''OK'' at best. Doom 3 is made with a lot of care from the ground up, while forever was just duct taped to be released quickly.
I finished forever few days ago, I'm not a duke nukem fan but im a huge 3D shoter fan. Duke nukem 3d was a good game, with the ocasional one liners and crazyness in the background. While forver is one liners and crazyness up front in the background there is a game. I usualy blitz through games like this and enjoy it so much i forget what time it is. But forever constantly felt off, after half an hour i start to lose intrerest. But my OCD's force me to march on. Its not terrible but it is bad.
I wish Flying Wild Hog would have gotten the license for Duke. They did wonders with the Shadow Warrior reboots.
@@clmBerserker Doom 3 was total shit, sorry.
Doom 3 was a good survival horror shooter, but a bad Doom game.
@@SamaelTKN except, at it's core, it is a Doom game, with all the shotgun blasting, demon destroying and sometimes downright terrifying atmosphere, but with the addition of long sections "inspired" by games such as Half-Life. By time Doom 3 was made, the genre of First Person Horror-themed Shooters had absolutely raised the bar and a game that was just another Doom game would've been stupid since Half-Life 2 came out the same year, Quake 4 was right around the corner and FPSes as a whole were just about to be set to a new standard with Call of Duty.
If Doom 3 released today, it would've been seen in the same light as many people see Duke Nukem Forever, which is why DOOM going back to it's roots works so well at this point.
tl;dr : Doom 3 is a Doom game at it's core but also knew what the popular trend in Horror FPS games was at the time.
for a lazy review you are very detailed
The reviews are FOR lazy gamers that are too lazy to play the games themselves so they watch a review instead.
@@Alcoholic_Nerd Sadly, I was one of the few who actually played the game and watched the review. It wasn't a pleasant experience with the game, but I enjoyed the review.
@@Alcoholic_Nerd 👉👃
The facial animations are still better than mass effect andromeda
polyhistor haha yeah
What is it with Bioware and facial animations... lol
Your not even memeing thats how pathetic mea really is!
Anything is better than Mass Effect Andromeda!
@@NexusKin Anthem says hello!
"Baby, you make me wish I had three guns" is also a reference to Total Recall haha
I don't think DNF was terrible, I just think they got a little carried away with the scripted events. Having some cinematic driven levels is okay, but once in a while it needs to take a backseat and let the player just explore and enjoy the level, find secrets and so on. DNF was a step in the right direction but it's not quite there yet...I Hope they listen to the feedback and make Duke Begins the definitive Duke title.
Is Gearbox still going to make Duke Begins? I heard it was a grey area after Colonial Marines flopped.
Gearbox owns the rights to the Duke franchise at the moment, they even sued Take-Two over the development of DN: Mass Destruction a while back (who I think bought the rights to make a Duke game before 3d Realms died). Unless they decide to license it out it seems like Gearbox will be developing Duke Begins or nobody at all.
I don't think it's Windows in particular, I think a lot of the glaring changes they made to the game (two weapons only and linear levels) was because they wanted to make it more console friendly. Despite DNF and a lot of other games being rated M they still take younger audiences into consideration when making modern games; something they didn't do back in the 1990s.
I agree it's not bad
Real reason why DNF didn't work was because of the difference in time. We don't have any more people like Arnold and Stallone in movies and pop culture nowadays so many people who pick up the title now won't appreciate it since we live in a more "PC" defined culture. Its a shame people won't give the game a chance, but the game itself doesn't help since the console ports were *very* unpolished.
Am i going crazy, I couldn't hear any high pitch noise in duke vision.
+Dan James i can't hear it in the video, but in the game it is noticeable
i assume that the youtube compression removes it at lower resolutions
"... And Duke's hair reminds me of coral!" Genuinely the best possible example of why I love LGR.
Because of this review I finally did buy Duke Nukem Forever for the PS3.
It was pretty fun game & since it cost me 10€ I couldn't complain much.
It's not perfect as you said, but I think it's not as bad as people often say.
The main reason why I did listen your review here is that you are honest in your review.
You don't rate your games based on the popularity or review games like corporate salesman.
If the game has real good & bad thing and is actually fun, then you'll bring these up.
You know why we play games: because to have fun.
Did you ever play the add on?
I bought this with my mom for my birthday back when it came out. Still love it to this day. (Fun story, when the gamestop employee tried to warn my mom about the content she basically said "Its Duke Nukem. I know." Lol)
My browser crashed when you said "the freeze gun".
It works!!
@@NinjaGodzilla Gadgetron will pay me millions!
oh wait.. wrong game
LGRs voice changed SOO much in the past 11 years. His voice now is so much smoother and more elegant. I suppose he also uses better microphones than he did in the past too.
stalker lol
@@nikkingman Who wouldn't stalk someone with such a sweet, sexy voice?😉
But seriously.. he has a great radio voice.
This video was recommended 11 years later
5:55 - unfortunately audio of this video is only going up to 16 kHz, so if the high-pitched tone was at 18 kHz - we can't hear it here. But I believe you.
To the health pack vs regenerating health, I have to say this: It erases higher strategy. With medkits, picking them up when you only have a few HP missing can prove to bite you back later, and scavenging supplies in order to get back to full health is a skill you have to learn. Also, regeneration makes the outcome of a single fight binary - either you live (back to full HP) or you die (and have to try again). Compare this to winning a fight with almost no health left, making you have to deal with the consequences.
It's not about realism, it's about strategy and complexity being removed. At least to me.
I saw the Balls of Steel edition going in my local store for like $20.
Grab it. Its worth at least 100 bucks.. Everyone is telling stuff about the game, but its actually very good game.
I still have mine wrapped in plastic. It's worth more like that to me. I wanted the history, not the game.
I can't tell if it's Duke or LGR saying "balls of steel." They sound so similar.
Daniel Hatfield LGR says it. He is known for doing a great job at imitating Duke's voice.
Here in 2020 to say, this Johnny Bravo game looks excellent.
This review makes me happy. After so many people wrongfully slamming an only mildly flawed game, it's great to find someone who actually remembers what Duke Nukem games were all about in the first place, Duke himself. And this game definitely delivered that. The DLC campaign was awesome too but you rarely hear anyone talk about it.
AngelBeeps There is a DLC campaign?
+DiggidyDelRio yea there is it involves him and clones
Jarrod Byrne sounds neat
+DiggidyDelRio plus it has Dr.Proton from the first Duke game make a return.
Armageddon3035 ....
wait what.
I agree Duke Nukem Forever is actually good & 100% doesn't deserve the hate.
Now that 2001 beta is released, I might replay this. It turns out the game is actually a lot of what they had planned since beginning
In 2011 I'd tend to agree with your review, but after the Interceptor ROTT remake and Shadow Warrior 2013. DNF feels like a cop-out for its failure to fully embrace the classic game mechanics that made Duke 3D shine. DNF is too slow the levels are shallow and the weapon and health system is straight out of Call of Duty 4.
Shadow Warrior, and the new Doom in particular, really do provide great examples of how to update a '90s shooter for the modern day while still retaining in its own identity.
But still good for the dollar I paid on Humble this week :)
I agree xD
personally I am still not enamored with the new doom.
The upgrade system, the forced finisher system, level design and teleporting enemy encounter design just throw me.
It is far from a bad game, but I just don't feel like I am playing doom. It lacks colour and impact for me.
Honestly, a change in level design to be more reminiscent of the original game's philosophy and not having 90% of the enemies in the game just spawn in would have me feel more accepting of it.
Same with DNF actually, weakest point of the game for me was the limited weapons and the horrid linear level design. It could just be me... But the level design of DN3D was why I loved it. There was so much variety and thought put into every stage.
2K, destroyer of game franchises. At least with modding.
LGR's Duke vocals are better than the actual Duke vocals in this game.
"I'm here to chew bubblegum and kick ass. And i'm all of ass." Seems legit.
The thing that bothers me the most about this game are the graphics. It's way too reminiscent of Doom 3 and Prey, that weird stage in 3d graphics and lighting where everything is way too glossy. It's like the uncanny valley of "realistic 3d graphics" - where the game isn't crappy looking enough to be obviously "unrealistic" but not good enough to actually look "good".
So your main complaint about a Duke Nukem game is the graphics...?
There's more to gaming than just the frickin' graphics, man. the most important aspects in a game are:
-The gameplay;
-The level design; and
-The soundtrack.
Things like graphics and good voice acting are meant to be just the icing on the cake, not the cake's filling.
Insane Flash-bang mmm filling
Akim Vasiliev Yeah, you've got a point... but i'm not talking about Duke Nukem, i'm talking about games in general.
Insane Flash-bang
Why would you talk about games in general if we were discussing Duke Nukem Forever specifically?
Because there's a guy pointing a gun to my head and telling me to do so!
Who would have thought that 11 years later the bust of Duke would end up in an aquarium ?
this game is a guilty pleasure for me although i dislike certain frustrating levels
*I hate valve puzzles.*
LGR, I would like to say that because of you I actually wanna try this game.
I know that this game could have been better, but it still a very underrated game according to the critics, and i enjoyed this game and the DLC quite a bit!
A rare case of using word underrated correctly. Bravo!
Hahaha I've watched your videos for a long time, (big fan by the way) and now when I went back to watch this one again I have to say your voice man.. it has changed so much in these past 5 years! :D
The problem with Duke Nukem Forever is exactly what Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaw said it was. The game wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Which is the worst thing it could have been. Duke Nukem 3D was already maximum 80s/90s action hero satire, so Duke feels dated already. The worst part though is that the game is just mediocre, there couldn't have been a worse result than that. If the game was truly terrible, we'd love hating on it. On the other hand if it had been great we'd love it for being more great Duke Nukem. Instead it was mediocre with a massively jarring tone shift near the end of the game. What little love was left with our nostalgia with Duke faded into apathy. The one liners were stale and the game was bog standard uninspired shooter fare for the time. So instead of anger for a bad game, or joy for a great game, all we had was bitterness for a game that failed to stand out at all.
wow. this is the only good review i've seen of this game so far
Completely agree
Juan Collazos watch the rageaholic review
okay, i'll give it a watch...
fsffda Alphaomegasin also did a just review of this game.
Its not this is the only review from him I disagree. The game is fucking shite compared to 3d
Bought DNF for like $5 new at Gamestop a couple years ago. I had a great time with the game and didn't quite understand the hate. Great review, LGR!
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but this review is not mentioning three very obvious and big issues with the game:
- There is no shooting for the first 30-45m of gameplay ... WTF !
- There is no/hardly any level-interactivity after the first Duke Tower level.
- Most of the levels feel like restricted-corridors instead of open levels like the original Duke 3D.
Also, the given reason for the only 2 weapon-slots is just BS; 'technical challenging for consoles' ? Those consoles are still at least 10 times faster than the fasted PC 20 years ago and it worked just fine back then ...
"Let's look at Duke's amazing package!" Heh.
pepper Mill :D
Wow man, leave it to LGR to make me reconsider re-installing this game after angrily uninstalling it a couple days after I bought it new for 60 bucks three years ago. (and pre-ordered at that..)
+ashfoxx85 You're seriously going to let some guy on the internet force you to like a piece of shit game just because he says so? Have some dignity man, you're an individual, not a slave.
Max Sperg I told him to be an individual and not let someone influence him. With that said, yes, but it's more hatred toward 3dr and George Broussard/Joe Siegler. 3dr lied to us for 14 years, telling us it would be worth the wait. I was one of the guys on the 3dr forums waiting in anticipation for the game and had to deal with joe siegler running the forums like hitler, so yeah there's some bad blood. You wouldn't understand though. Go watch my video series, Why Duke Nukem Forever is going to Suck Ass.
***** Irrelevant to whether or not Duke Nukem: Forever is crap or not.
+EnigmaHood HAHAHA "be an individual hate this game like all the rest of us instead of deciding for yourself"
EnigmaHood I didn't reply to you though.
What high pitch noise?
Couldn't hear it myself
I could hear it and I thought it was annoying
Couldn't hear it either. Our hearing is fucked boys
Anybody else listen to loud music via earbuds for years? I did, and I remember my ears ringing several times (which supposedly means I'd never hear those frequencies again).
I concur with the comment above me.
Our hearing is fucked, boys.
Its very very high pitched, i could barely hear it myself
I keep coming back to this review. Because, like, I really enjoyed Duke Nukem Forever. Especially since they patched in the ability to carry four weapons instead of two. It's just a really fun though indisputably dated FPS, and that's fine, because it's fun.
Where can I find the four weapon patch? I don't have that in my game
@@lilyjade3450 expended inventory option enables this
@@JimmyJamaltm that’s just for pc right? I don’t think I saw it on ps3.
The game is not bad, it came too late that`s all...14 years too late...
+Omega Rugal It sucks irrespective of when it came out. Even if this came out 14 years ago, it would still suck. Hell the build they made in 2000 looked better than this garbage.
Robo9400 People can dislike what they dislike.
Robo9400 I absolutely am forcing my opinion on to others. U mad bro?
Robo9400 You're a kappa.
Robo9400 Your face = keepo
Thanks for giving this a fair review. Like you, I am a big Duke fan since the 90s, so I was delighted when he got a modern take. My only real issue with it was the length, but the Dr. Proton DLC helps and gives it a satisfying conclusion. I'm glad the Duke won't just be remembered as a 90s franchise.
Duke Nukem Forever: It is what it is, enjoy it for that.
+Wizard of Ass I can't. It's just not good enough to enjoy.
But how will the developers ever improve if they aren't being criticized.
While the level design is a step down from Duke3D, I really enjoyed this one back when it was released. I still get comments with people saying that I should strangle myself for having absolute shit taste in games because I like this game (and Daikatana), but all I can say is that it was more fun than any singleplayer campaigns in recent CoD's.
+WesleyB Crowen Why are you playing CoD at all? Don't play this or CoD, play games that don't suck. It's a really sad state of affairs when you admit a game almost 2 decades old has better level design than this.
+EnigmaHood thanks for advice, but I prefer playing what I feel like myself. I was a massive CoD fan until MW2 turned me off from the series. I am still fan of mysoginistic beefcake known as Duk Nukum once and I waited for DNF for a long time it was almost like a moral obligation.
WesleyB Crowen Yeah and you played it and now you know it sucks ass. Sad but true.
+EnigmaHood it sucked back then, it sucks now, and I still liked it and could replay it even now. Sure, if there wasn't Duke I would forget DNF as soon as something like Blacksite: Area 51 like a bad disease, but I could listen to Jon St. Jon saying action movie lines all day.
WesleyB Crowen It's a tragedy. They spent 14 years making a pile of shit. There were so many fanboys defending this game when it first came out, even they gave up on defending it because they don't like it. It's just a generic bore fest, there's nothing notable or interesting about it at all. I have no beef with Jon St. John but a game needs more than witty one liners. His voice made Duke 3D stand out from the crowd, but that was back in 1996 when no FPS game had a voice. These days, your player having a voice is common place. As is interactivity. All their "novel" ideas are antiquated and don't hold up in the modern era.
When this was first announced I was in 8th grade. When it was released I had been out of high school for years and had already been in the Army for quite sometime and deployed to Iraq for 18 months once. Amazing
The game became incredibly boring to the point where I just couldn't finish the campaign. The god awful driving sections, boring puzzles, incredibly linear levels with barely any exploration, the gameplay feels clunky, health regen(we don't want the game to be too hard), pointless dialogue and "sign this autograph!" that you aren't able to skip, a lot of useless weapons, the game holding your hand and shoving the weapon with infinite ammo at your face, and the list goes on that makes this less like Duke Nukem 3D and more like a half assed generic shooter. Probably the only level I actually enjoyed was Duke Burger.
this... also, you forgot the loading screens that took a month to complete
danm22 That too. There were way too many of those.
***** upgrading my pc doesn't really help on a console
***** if you werent going to play it on console, then why did you buy it for ps3.
Huskiefluff He probably got it for cheap or as a gift. People are normally like that.
dude I can't stop watching your videos
This is the first duke game i ever played, after which I played 3D, time to kill, land of the babes, etc. It holds a place dear to my heart despite what people say about it. Just like Doom3 was my first doom game, and it is my favorite Doom game to this day. I play it daily.
Doom 3 was a good game but it just wasn't a DOOM game..
If this were an indie game it would be praised to the heavens as an accurate homage to old games.
If people didn't know it was in development for 12 years I feel like it would've been pretty well received
LaMusica I think they should have just called it something other than Duke Nukem Forever. Then it wouldn't be overhyped
I liked the game. It's not the best FPS ever for a game that was in development for over a decade, but it was still an okay game.
After playing Duke Nukem 3D Megaton Edition for free on my Vita, I suddenly felt like playing DNF again and I think I might just do that!
Wow, didn't know Duke 3D exists for Vita! I guess download only? Chances are that it's been taken down from the store now…
Duke drinking the beer would have been made awesome if it was special Duke beer that would melt the insides of anyone and anything that isn't the Duke himself.
They could have reskinned the beer cans to have warning labels in the back (or had two aliens try to drink a can only to have their insides melt and the spilled beer corrode the ground just for shits and giggles)
I like this review. I respect you for being fair and going against the grain from the duke purists. My only complaint is that there wasn't much incentive to hunt down and kill everything and unlock all the secrets. One of my faves about duke nukem 3D was the fact that you looked for secrets to deck yourself out at the beginning of the episode, and if you died in level 1-2 then you lost everything you worked to grab in 1-1, but it was no big deal since you found the secrets yourself and now you could speedrun the level along with collecting all the secret goodies your friends never knew about, then you can watch their jaw drop when they realize there's a freaking RPG ready for you before you even empty your first clip of pistol ammo if you're crafty. Exploring and breaking levels is fun (I remember breaking the shit out of Halo levels) and I miss the games that reward you for this stuff. For me, Serious Sam seems like the best spiritual successor for the oldschool FPS anyways since they seemed to carry those concepts very well in to a full 3D FPS in "second encounters", although something does seem off about the new one. Maybe it's the way they chose to handle their secrets? I can't put my finger on it so I can't be too hard on SS.
That's how game was made:
"Yo dawg, I've heard you like Duke Nukem.
So I put Duke Nukem in Duke Nukem Forever so you can play Duke Nukem Forever while you play Duke Nukem Forever!"
Can we just take a second and appreciate the fact that the Devestator fires 69 rockets?
Not only that, but the elevators in Duke's Penthouse have exactly 69 buttons for their respective floors.
"Baby, you make me wish I had 3 guns."
That is actually a reference to the original movie Total Recall.
I completely agree with this review, I don't understand the ridiculous amount of hate this game gets. I got exactly what I was expecting out of the game, and it pleased me.
courperationX Keep in mind, DNF was anticipated for YEARS. There was so much hype for it. DNF ended up not living up to the massively-built up hype.
I enjoyed the game, too. Got it for the xBox 360. Only thing I didn't like was the two-weapon limit, but it forced me to think and strategize, so it wasn't all bad.
You know, I've waited for a long time to say this but, here it is: I think you and I are a lot alike. I have a room full of old hardware, and I have this weird lustful feeling towards old stuff, like old rigs (PC's). I actually use older hardware for my daily usage (except for things like youtube. I'm using my dex mode on my s8 for that). I'm just glad I've found you man, and know that there is someone else out there like me :) GG!
6:08 This is like Doom (2016)'s berserk...years before that game! (Yes, you mention Doom, but that's the old Doom, which doesn't do insta-kill punches, only overpowered ones.)
the old games did insta-kills also with berserk in doom
@@atomic747 Only on enemies weak enough to be killed by them
Good review. So many reviewers just wait to hear what everone else is saying, then they try to surpass eachother in praising or slaughtering, depending on what the consensus might be. In this case it was slaughter. Glad to hear someone with an honest review. Keep it up.
everytime LGR says "Balls of Steel".... it sounds like his inner-Duke voice is coming out
I'm so glad I just saw this review. It feels like every other reviewer out there just hates the game because it's cool to do so. Nice to watch a review by someone who sees that content-wise the game actually IS very Duke 3Dish and the game IS fun despite it's odd design decisions.
God damn your old voice was so high pitch. Not an insult, just bizarre because im used to your current voice
I never understood why people just expected that all that time in development hell should instantly equal the best game ever. Plenty of games go through development hell for many years but they weren't sequels so no one judges them on that.
Its basically impossible to live up to all the ideas people imposed on this game- be cuttibg edge, yet old school, update Duke or keep him super crass...
To me, though, I would've preferred them scrapping the DNF idea altogether and finding a different niche. I mean, imagine a quarter of a contemporary game development budget, an updated build engine, find the best old school level designers out there, give 'em a year and put the results on the indie marketplace/steam/IOS/android platforms at a low pricepoint and watch the praise roll in. At a low price point and tiny dev team, you don't have the expectations to crush.
I thought a while ago of a way to improve the Ego system and the ego boosting actions so I made a Steam post about it which I'll paste below:
Source: steamcommunity.com/app/57900/discussions/0/1698293255130003939/?tscn=1520796856
Idea for improving Ego system, possibly as a mod
I like the idea of using Duke's ego as a shield, but in the Halo 1 sense instead of the Halo 2,3 and 4 sense like we currently have:
I think that Duke's ego should be a shield that functions as a spiritual successror to the armour from Duke 3D; Duke should have normal health underneath ala Duke 3D or Halo 1 that he can restore by eating and drinking (beer included?), traditional medipacks and taking a leak.
Ego boosts should increase the Ego bar as they normally do, but your maximum Ego should decrease by one chunk if you die.
This is to encourage messing with the envriroment more as once you use a particular ego boost object such as a pinball machine, pool table or basketball hoop, you cannot use it for Ego ever again, rendering them largely useless afterward. If this kind of mod gets made, it should fix that problem.
Dying and losing Max Ego in said mod/update should reset all options to increase it and keep doing so if you die again, so as to allow you to recover lost Max Ego. To counter the issue of less interactive items later in the game, executions and Steroid kills should allow Ego boosts, as should killing normal size enemies while shrunk.
EDIT: This is from a reply I made to some constructive feedback on the Steam thread, which provides a better option for the improved ego system:
I actually forgot to mention that if you already have maximum ego for any reason, it should still award temporary layers at least. Maybe those temporary layers -up to x3 current max ego- could be the things you win from subsequent uses after permenant boosts instead?
When you die, the tempoary ego goes but the initial boost from the vanilla game could remain, and the only grinding could then just be for the bonus ego which you may not even need.
Dying would still reset the ego actions but they'd only provide the x2 and x3 ego bar chunks ala Marathon's health and shield system or Duke 3D's atomic health and it would not take away the permanent ego from the base game.
"Warning: this video contains some mature-rated video game content" First thing in the description: "No mature content"
Seems legit
I wonder if LGR will ever talk about the leaked DNF and Endangered Species builds.
He's made a Tweet playing DNF 2001 on period-accurate hardware lol. Would love to see him make a video on them though.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that enjoys this game
Man, you're just great. I've watched a lot of your videos but... I'm not sure. I can't quantify it, but keep on doing what you do because you do it well.
arguments are valid when it comes to this game i wish that magic Randy would sell the DN rights already and let someone make a true great Duke Nukem game that everyone can enjoy not just hardcore fans like yourself LGR
play serious duke
It's been quite a while since I first saw this review!
It is still pretty much the reflection of the opinion I have on this game. The only difference is that I say the game is mediocre when I'm asked if the game is good or not. I don't feel like saying the game is utter trash like most people do and I won't praise it like a mindless fan either. I can see its flaws and you also were able to see those as much as I did back then when you made this video.
I think DNF could've been a lot better, but you know how life and expectations are.
Keep being awesome, LGR. You are among the ones that make TH-cam great.
Ten more years have passed, and I still can't understand all the hate this game got
Few reasons-
- impossible to live up to the hype after 14 years in development.
-dated pop culture references and game mechanics as a result of its ridiculously protracted development time (thank George Broussard and his monumental failure as a project lead for this)
-woke cancer culture was in its infancy back in 2011. This game probably couldn’t even be released now with how fragile people are.
because they cancelled a near finished game for no reason to release this
I was worried I was the only person who liked this game. I was just so fed up with the overly serious and uber realistic and very boring Call of Duty series. I play on consoles and gotta say this was a definitive breath of fresh air with my only gripes being the unbearable load times, unforgiving enemy AI (which feels super satisfying to win) and the tedium of the environmental puzzles and the lack of any music. But that main theme is 100% the best rendition of Grab Bag ever. And I love this.
Nice review, I felt the same way about DNF. Even though I never played D3D, so no nostalgia bonus (or rage) for me.
LGR I love your duke nukem forever intro it is awesome (also liked the review...)
It was this review that got me to buy the game despite all others condemning it.It was good fun.
I agree. I bought it yesterday at used EB games for $5 for the Xbox 360. Well technically I paid $7 because I got the warranty
what a good duke nukem forever review? what alternate version of our universe am i in
i think the biggest problem with this game is we all grew up :(
true i only bought it for the fact i remembered it. i didnt expect it to be good. Also cause of that i found it ok. not great.
Maybe DNF had less class, but its not as if the content in Duke Nukem doesn't have an audience if that's indeed what you're getting at.
That style of explicit, immature humor still exists on Adult Swim and so much more. So, if that's you, fine.
Personally, i'm not one to care about explicit crap that's there just to be explicit. I'm more into stupidity, observational humor and parody, like the Bale parody in DNF or a lot of stuff you'd find on South Park more recently (like the Game of Thrones and console war parodies). Its not funny only for being explicit. No. you need something else for to work.
And that's one reason DNF failed. Some of the element came off as a bit too obnoxious. The 2001 trailer shows more an epic film presentation, which would mean the tone for the humor and parodies would be more in the style of DN3D or Time to Kill, where there's some form of balance between being epic and having all these other side gags.
1:27 It's funny that Duke's hair reminds you of coral considering, years later, you put that in an aquarium pc build. LOL XD
The console version is what ruined people’s image of the game
As well all the 10 years of hype ruined people’s image
It isn’t a bad game imo
Actually if the game wasn't duke and didn't had the funky elements of duke 3d like the wemen and one liners nobody would have cared and the game would have been forgotten.
"It's Duke Nukem, your argument is invalid" - Agree 110%. Great review!
+Lazy Game Reviews Another great Video... Never understood the hate for this game (Though I never played it myself...) - I enjoyed Duke 3D back in the day, and while times have moved on... Well, you said it your self!!! "it's Duke Nukem, your argument is invalid"
I found most critics complained about the out of date humour and vulgarity that was acceptable in the 80's but not now...
Yet many of these same reviewers (Never good to have cameras in your workplace when there are obvious links to your taste in MOVIES!!!!) were big fans of franchises such as SCARY MOVIE and other Wayans Brothers flicks!!! Talk about making your own critique invalid!!! IGN one of the biggest culprits there...
Any Duke fan goes into the games knowing what to expect... They will be sexist, rude, crude, vulgar, dumb... Thats Duke Nukem!!! Simple!
That bzzzzt in the background that anounces a phone call is as classic as this video
the multigun menu was well done in wolfenstein the new order and the old blood
No wonder your Sim in your Sims reviews is Duke Nukem: You have good taste.
the game is cool, i just have head ache sometimes because of the speed but the game is just awesome
"Im here to chew bubblegum and kick ass and im all out of ass" -Holoduke
This game was great! I don't understand what people were expecting.
It's been said by numerous other people already in the comments below, but I'm happy to see someone else who enjoyed this game -- particularly someone whose opinion I've come to greatly respect. I bought it on launch primarily as a piece of history, and very much enjoyed the whole experience unironically. I'm actually quite keen to revisit it now, a few years later.
Also agreed with the below comments about other reboots. Shadow Warrior in particular is amazing.
I'd love to look at Duke's amazing package...
Get in line
"is Duke Nuke, your argument is invalid" hail to the King, baby