JazakumAllahu khayran for the motivational reminder! It’d be great to hear about specific quran memorisation schedules depending on time goals. Also, would love to hear about balancing memorisation with learning the Arabic language - as doing both simultaneously is something I struggle to keep motivated in without getting tired/overwhelmed.
JazakumAllahu khayran for the motivational reminder! It’d be great to hear about specific quran memorisation schedules depending on time goals.
Also, would love to hear about balancing memorisation with learning the Arabic language - as doing both simultaneously is something I struggle to keep motivated in without getting tired/overwhelmed.
SubhanAllah Allahuma Barik ❤️
Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakatuh from The Gambia. may Allaah reward you brothers and protect you always. Ameen