What I love about this puzzle is that the two "puzzles" (the caves, and then the LITS) could in theory be seen as two different phases of the grid: you first solve the caves, and then solve the LITS. But the two rulesets deeply interact with each other: we wouldn't be able to solve the caves if we didn't know that the LITS puzzle was coming afterwards.
I don't think his logic a little before that is sufficient. I solved that by seeing the bottom left wall had to extend over the 8. And then the 8 forces r8c7 (and less important for this case r9&10c3) to be unshaded.
Thanks! I checked midway to see if I'm on the right track and I was very confused as to how there can be a 4 cell Wall with no possibility to grow that is not a tetromino
I'm glad you said that, after realising the 7 had to go straight down and intuiting quite quickly where the I-beam had to go, I found a solution that looked right but the answer checker didn't like it, and after starting at it for 10 minutes in different lights, upside down and back to front I still couldn't see anything wrong with it.
Simon's a genius again! I was proud I figured out the tendrils logic but couldn't figure out what to do with that next lol definitely felt harder than a 3
I am in awe of Simon's ability to persevere on the wrong line of attack looooong after he should have given up and moved on to look at something different 😉
I spent the last 20 minutes getting mad because Simon didn't figure out the green tetromino when it was the ONLY thing that could possibly have made sense.
That intro and outro made me chuckle. When I wrote that comment what I meant was not that the puzzle required bifurcation, but instead when you understand the necessary insight (you can only let 5 different wall segments touch the cave tetromino, and the border of the grid with its givens already gives you 5 blocks of shadeds between cave, which is the absolute maximum you can take.), the puzzle solves extremely quickly. At that point you can just use local connectivity arguments to fill essentially 90% of the grid. The local connectivity deductions aftee the insight feel pretty intuitive to me as I am pretty much a cave fan (at least it being used as a shading method in many hybrids). That's the whole meaning behind the comment! Now I can watch the video fully to see how and when Simon grasped the core idea :)
Read this comment before watching the video, gave it a little thought, understood it, and proceeded got bored during the first half of the video :) Very interesting theory though!
Did Simon forget that the "no battenbergs" rule is a thing in cave puzzles generally, since it will either divide the cave or keep a wall from reaching an edge? I know on previous cave puzzles he's demonstrated and used it, but in this one while he keeps discovering it in specific cases he seems to think it's a result of the variant rules and avoiding more than five cave walls....
13:29 I started doubting myself at the start, but it really did boil down to a fairly simple initial insight that turned out to be powerful enough to fill the whole grid.
Höhlen means cave and Stil means something like style, in this case I would frame it to art, so it could be (freely) translated to "good cave painting"
Cave puzzles and yin yang puzzles are similar, in the sense that a cave puzzle is really just an (in this case) 12x12 yin yang puzzle where the entire invisible outer ring of the grid is cave color, which connects all of the cave walls together. That's why you can't have checkerboard patterns. The only difference is the 2x2 restriction.
@@gabrielbenamy5270 you know what? I literally looked at the grid as I typed it, and confidently counted 9x9... But you're absolutely right, it is 10x10! I think I might be losing my marbles...
totally agree with the more intuitive solve rather than logical. I am a more intuitive type of person, so I struggle with many of the puzzles on this channel, although im getting better. with this one I managed fairly well! roughly 25 minutes after a little help getting started. EDIT: as for the storm... you have it easy, im from the midwest, USA.... we get sideways rain, if it starts to rain, you shut the window immediately, or your computer WILL be soaked.
I tried it and I got stuck, so I turned to the video. Apparently I had done everything right up to minute 17-18 apart from [Spoiler 1]. At 20:00, I thought about [Spoiler 2] and then it was very doable (although I had to [Spoiler 3]). Also, extremely beautiful, as one would expect from a Phistomefel puzzle. [Spoiler 1]: that interference of the 7 clue with the 3s that I missed completely [Spoiler 2]: how many grey areas could exist, as well as the shape of the unshaded tetromino based on what Simon had done [Spoiler 3]: really work to prove that the I tetromino had to go to that central position
54:25 I sure wouldn't mind to see a bit more of 'desert island Simon' every now and then, just working through alternatives rather than spending time looking for the most complex solve paths.
I spent more time than I care to admit attempting to solve the cave part of the puzzle and ignoring the LITS part. I thought they'd be solved separately - my mistake! I ended up watching Simon's solve up to where he explained why the 7 clue couldn't extend below the 3s to the right, because there would be a one cell wall region that couldn't contain a tetromino. That's all the help I needed. I was able to find the core limiting factor after that by myself, that all the wall regions had to have tetrominos that didn't connnect to one another, but all had to connect orthogonally to just one common tetromino in the cave region. And that this limited the number of wall regions to just five. Once this has been established, then I think it becomes a 3 star difficulty puzzle. I kept wanting to shout "No checkerboarding" while watching Simon's solve. I think its easier to see that r8c7 isnt grey (55:15) by seeing that if it's grey, then the 8 clue is forced and this isolates the bottom left wall (I insist it's a wall, not a "tendril" 🙂). Every wall on the right is then forced to extend beyond the 7 clue column if they're to have any hope of being bridged to this bottom left wall - quickly becomes impossible.
59:46 to solve it logically, you could’ve proven that you had to extend the grey area between the threes. That would then close of a different grey area where you can prove that the “I” can’t connect to every grey area, in the same way you did at 1:03:30
A good solve Simon! It was a little frustrating at times with you not applying the logic that you'd already figured out, e.g. alternation around the unshaded tetromino... But you got there! And I'm sure the camera adds so much pressure!
Rules: 02:07 Let's Get Cracking: 11:19 What about this video's Top Tier Simarkisms?! Phistomefel: 5x (00:33, 01:00, 03:43, 04:45, 07:28) Bobbins: 1x (29:28) And how about this video's Simarkisms?! Hang On: 12x (20:07, 27:54, 28:09, 34:38, 49:21, 51:15, 59:17, 59:17, 59:17, 59:17) Ah: 12x (13:36, 13:36, 24:14, 24:14, 24:14, 29:22, 32:30, 34:31, 34:31, 34:46, 49:05, 59:13, 1:05:02) Sorry: 10x (18:30, 33:37, 38:16, 40:42, 46:58, 49:05, 51:37, 59:56, 1:00:59, 1:05:28) Brilliant: 4x (01:30, 04:32, 50:33, 50:36) In Fact: 4x (32:51, 34:31, 46:47, 53:48) Beautiful: 3x (11:50, 11:50, 1:06:22) Obviously: 3x (14:02, 29:44, 41:38) Weird: 3x (43:31, 48:14, 1:09:34) What on Earth: 2x (57:31, 57:40) Clever: 2x (1:02:49, 1:02:51) Stuck: 2x (03:03, 03:20) I've Got It!: 2x (1:06:25, 1:06:25) Nature: 2x (25:18, 26:16) Good Grief: 1x (29:08) Goodness: 1x (1:10:03) Nonsense: 1x (1:03:15) Lovely: 1x (01:57) Gorgeous: 1x (1:05:06) Off and Running: 1x (17:40) Bonkers: 1x (01:10) Magnificent: 1x (1:10:15) Checkerboard: 1x (49:39) Proof: 1x (1:02:37) Let's Take Stock: 1x (18:33) What Does This Mean?: 1x (05:04) That's Huge: 1x (34:52) Have a Think: 1x (58:43) Cake!: 1x (04:30) Unique: 1x (1:08:23) Symmetry: 1x (29:37) Most popular number(>9), digit and colour this video: Ten (6 mentions) One (54 mentions) Green (91 mentions) Antithesis Battles: Even (14) - Odd (0) Unshaded (8) - Shaded (2) Column (5) - Row (2) FAQ: Q1: You missed something! A1: That could very well be the case! Human speech can be hard to understand for computers like me! Point out the ones that I missed and maybe I'll learn! Q2: Can you do this for another channel? A2: I've been thinking about that and wrote some code to make that possible. Let me know which channel you think would be a good fit!
the auto-check solution is wrong on the puzzle. the bottom wall region should have 3s in it but it' all 2s instead. edit: simon tried to fix the problem by editing the solution, but now the top right wall's tetromino should have 3s in it but it' all 2s instead
At the point Simon slowed down, consider the tendril in the bottom left. It can't stop in the corner as it isn't close enough to the tendrils on the right. Then the green connecting the 4s must get out, which forces the tendril to go further to the right, which cuts off the 8 vertically so it extends horizontally. That cuts off the bottom tendril as a tetronimo, leading to the placement of the tetronimo in green and the rest of the solve.
Great puzzle, used some of my favorite cave/LITS logic! Loved the idea of using a sort of "kernel". Also, you're telling me Wirtual also watches this channel? Been a fan of both for years now. Crazy.
wow. got the obvious insight right away, but took me a while to realize the true insight and its implications, and then the board just fell apart. classic phistomefel. love this, it's completely ridiculous
@@ejvalpey the answer check goes through when the bottom-most LITS piece is filled with 2’s rather than 3’s, probably just a small oversight by whoever programmed the solution
I'm sorry, the solution was entered incorrectly in the link we originally shared. I've made a new link now that should have the same solution as the one I found. Apologies. sudokupad.app/6hbnzmi7wz
@@mikkokormann6814 I made use of the error checking function to verify whether all non-lits cells were filled correctly, then some trial and error to find which piece caused the problem
Amazing puzzle. Didn't get the auto-check to work, but whatever. ~60 minutes. I got the first half of the logic about the unshaded tetromino pretty quickly (
I assumed that there would be a different tetra for each clue in the cave portion. I can’t visualize how to connect them all any other way. Initially, I got hung up on whether 2x2 areas would be allowed. Oh well, this is why I just watch so many of them.
I think the argument around an hour is much easier if you focus on the 8 clue. If the bottom center cave is 5+ cells then the 8 blocks in the bottom left cave and there's just no way for it to attach to an I while leaving at least 2 places on the other side of column 5.
I see the "intuition" comment while watching through the solve. When the 7 vertical column went straight down I assumed that the I-tetromino would touch the bottom middle tendril. That being said, I would have never bothered to figure out how many possible tendrils could fit around each tetromino.
I finished in 121 minutes. I got confused about the rules and had to watch the video for clarification. I saw that there could only be one tetromino in the unshaded based on the rules, but I couldn't see how it would possibly work in the puzzle, so I thought I broke it. Luckily, Simon confirmed that this was the case. However, I spoiled a bit of the logic involving the limitation of the shapes and their connections. I did everything else myself, but that felt a bit like cheating, so that doesn't feel good. I wish I fully understood the rules, before having to do that. I guess I'm just tired today. Otherwise, the puzzle was very fun to figure out. It was quite funny how every shaded tetromino was the same shape. Great Puzzle!
Quick query the checker only marked as correct if the centre bottom tetromino was filled with 2s and NOT with 3s. Is that a bug with the checker or is that tetromino somehow invalid ? Thanks - otherwise thanks for a great video - I love to see the glee at a successful resolution with rigorous logic only!
It's an oversight by whoever entered the solution for the checker. They missed putting in the bottom region tetromino. There's an apology from CtC in another comment.
I think three stars was right. The puzzle was very unique, but it was only a half-hour solve for me. I think the hardest part was formalizing the intuition that the cave pentomino had to be an I in order to support a maximum of 5 tendrils. Other than that, there weren't any hard- or even medium-difficulty steps.
I spent some time on this, but got no where near the end. I grasped some of the things (like all the gray regions had to meet in a central location), but didn't see how to do them. I also do these kinds of region puzzles, but the given digits tell you the size of the "gray" region, where this puzzle they tell you something about the "green" region and that kept messing me up.
I tried this one. I got to a point where I was considering how many walls could join up in the center and told myself there was no way this would be used. It's just not something I'm interested in. I watched the video and it was indeed the way to solve this, so this is one of the few phistomefel puzzles that I vehemently dislike.
Surprised Simon isn't using the fact there can be no checkerboarding. He's mentioned similarities to Yin-Yang logic. Checkerboarding logic is the same. Okay, I'm just at 50 minutes and it seems he's now applying checkerboarding. logic.
Anyone on LMD understand the solution code for this? Sudokupad is saying there is a mistake and the solution code I don't understand or this solution is wrong
Took me 25 minutes to solve the puzzle and 15 minutes to try and figure out how my correct solution was supposedly wrong. Turns out the solution checker is not working. Seems that initially the bottom tetromino was mislabeled as having 2's in it instead of 3's, but now its the top right one that needs its tetromino 3s replaced with 2s.
Does anyone know if Phistomephel comes from a country like Germany or Sweden where umlauted vowels are commonly used? Also, what does the title "Hohlenstil" actually mean?
I think it translates as something like “in the style of a cave”. But it looks like STIL is wordplay, as an anagram of LITS, and so makes sense given the puzzle itself requires both caves and LITS.
the answer check goes through when the bottom-most LITS piece is filled with 2’s rather than 3’s, probably just a small oversight by whoever programmed the solution. Copied from another comment :)
If I have to read the rules like a legal brief it's no longer fun for me. I think my favorites are the ones with a hook like Tatooine or ones the computer solver can't solve.
quite the interesting treat, once i got that there was only 5 possible walls, and when i got to the 7 line splitting the grid in two, it all fell together rather quickly for me, in 35 min, less if the solution checker didn't have a mistake in it
I feel like Simon made it difficult for himself and he pretty much bifurcated his way through the options. Surely there was a quicker and cleaner way. Still enjoyed the video though.
What I love about this puzzle is that the two "puzzles" (the caves, and then the LITS) could in theory be seen as two different phases of the grid: you first solve the caves, and then solve the LITS. But the two rulesets deeply interact with each other: we wouldn't be able to solve the caves if we didn't know that the LITS puzzle was coming afterwards.
I love it when he tries the I tetromino in the bottom right corner at 1:02:06 … just to be completely sure.
I don't think his logic a little before that is sufficient. I solved that by seeing the bottom left wall had to extend over the 8. And then the 8 forces r8c7 (and less important for this case r9&10c3) to be unshaded.
Only Simon would promptly rename walls to tendrils.
The solution checker is currently wrong. It mistakenly identifies the L tetromino in the bottom center as non-tetromino.
Thanks! I checked midway to see if I'm on the right track and I was very confused as to how there can be a 4 cell Wall with no possibility to grow that is not a tetromino
I'm glad you said that, after realising the 7 had to go straight down and intuiting quite quickly where the I-beam had to go, I found a solution that looked right but the answer checker didn't like it, and after starting at it for 10 minutes in different lights, upside down and back to front I still couldn't see anything wrong with it.
for me its the tetromino in the top right that i have to fill with 2 instead of 3
@@AditaBattleForge It sounds like CTC tried to correct the answer check, but in doing so broke it in a different place...
@@AditaBattleForge thanks, it was the same for me, top right one needed 2 instead of 3
I wonder if Phistomefel watches these videos, sits back, and laughs...LOL
Simon's a genius again! I was proud I figured out the tendrils logic but couldn't figure out what to do with that next lol definitely felt harder than a 3
In this video: Simon gets VERY distracted.
I am in awe of Simon's ability to persevere on the wrong line of attack looooong after he should have given up and moved on to look at something different 😉
I spent the last 20 minutes getting mad because Simon didn't figure out the green tetromino when it was the ONLY thing that could possibly have made sense.
That intro and outro made me chuckle. When I wrote that comment what I meant was not that the puzzle required bifurcation, but instead when you understand the necessary insight (you can only let 5 different wall segments touch the cave tetromino, and the border of the grid with its givens already gives you 5 blocks of shadeds between cave, which is the absolute maximum you can take.), the puzzle solves extremely quickly. At that point you can just use local connectivity arguments to fill essentially 90% of the grid.
The local connectivity deductions aftee the insight feel pretty intuitive to me as I am pretty much a cave fan (at least it being used as a shading method in many hybrids). That's the whole meaning behind the comment!
Now I can watch the video fully to see how and when Simon grasped the core idea :)
i took about 25 minutes to get to that insight and solved it in 45 :D
Totally understood your point as soon as it clicked
Read this comment before watching the video, gave it a little thought, understood it, and proceeded got bored during the first half of the video :) Very interesting theory though!
Never did these kind of puzzles before but after watching Simon's puzzle state at 40 minutes, it was very easy to finish the puzzle in 5 minutes.
Fabulous comment from you and always respect you for how you set, your mind etc. 😁
Did Simon forget that the "no battenbergs" rule is a thing in cave puzzles generally, since it will either divide the cave or keep a wall from reaching an edge? I know on previous cave puzzles he's demonstrated and used it, but in this one while he keeps discovering it in specific cases he seems to think it's a result of the variant rules and avoiding more than five cave walls....
Wirtual was just mentioning the channel on his live stream and you guys upload. Perfect timing lol.
There's A LOT of CTC fans over there!!
I love these kinds of puzzles. I'm glad you're doing more like this. :)
I started doubting myself at the start, but it really did boil down to a fairly simple initial insight that turned out to be powerful enough to fill the whole grid.
Höhlen means cave and Stil means something like style, in this case I would frame it to art, so it could be (freely) translated to "good cave painting"
I like that
Stil is also LITS bakwards
Cave puzzles and yin yang puzzles are similar, in the sense that a cave puzzle is really just an (in this case) 12x12 yin yang puzzle where the entire invisible outer ring of the grid is cave color, which connects all of the cave walls together. That's why you can't have checkerboard patterns. The only difference is the 2x2 restriction.
That's how I think of it! But it's 11x11 I think
@@Atticus837 Normally, yes! But this puzzle in particular is a 10x10, and you have to add a full ring around it making it 12x12.
@@gabrielbenamy5270 you know what? I literally looked at the grid as I typed it, and confidently counted 9x9... But you're absolutely right, it is 10x10! I think I might be losing my marbles...
totally agree with the more intuitive solve rather than logical. I am a more intuitive type of person, so I struggle with many of the puzzles on this channel, although im getting better. with this one I managed fairly well! roughly 25 minutes after a little help getting started.
EDIT: as for the storm... you have it easy, im from the midwest, USA.... we get sideways rain, if it starts to rain, you shut the window immediately, or your computer WILL be soaked.
I tried it and I got stuck, so I turned to the video. Apparently I had done everything right up to minute 17-18 apart from [Spoiler 1]. At 20:00, I thought about [Spoiler 2] and then it was very doable (although I had to [Spoiler 3]). Also, extremely beautiful, as one would expect from a Phistomefel puzzle.
[Spoiler 1]: that interference of the 7 clue with the 3s that I missed completely
[Spoiler 2]: how many grey areas could exist, as well as the shape of the unshaded tetromino based on what Simon had done
[Spoiler 3]: really work to prove that the I tetromino had to go to that central position
here because of wirtual
We need a simon highlight video "and then he got this solve.."
What was the video that brought you here?
@@transient_ he mentioned it on his live stream today
“I am sitting here in the dark… anyway I was getting excited about tendrils”
Höhlen = caves
Höhlenstil = cave style
And Stil = style
54:25 I sure wouldn't mind to see a bit more of 'desert island Simon' every now and then, just working through alternatives rather than spending time looking for the most complex solve paths.
I spent more time than I care to admit attempting to solve the cave part of the puzzle and ignoring the LITS part. I thought they'd be solved separately - my mistake!
I ended up watching Simon's solve up to where he explained why the 7 clue couldn't extend below the 3s to the right, because there would be a one cell wall region that couldn't contain a tetromino.
That's all the help I needed. I was able to find the core limiting factor after that by myself, that all the wall regions had to have tetrominos that didn't connnect to one another, but all had to connect orthogonally to just one common tetromino in the cave region. And that this limited the number of wall regions to just five. Once this has been established, then I think it becomes a 3 star difficulty puzzle.
I kept wanting to shout "No checkerboarding" while watching Simon's solve.
I think its easier to see that r8c7 isnt grey (55:15) by seeing that if it's grey, then the 8 clue is forced and this isolates the bottom left wall (I insist it's a wall, not a "tendril" 🙂). Every wall on the right is then forced to extend beyond the 7 clue column if they're to have any hope of being bridged to this bottom left wall - quickly becomes impossible.
59:46 to solve it logically, you could’ve proven that you had to extend the grey area between the threes. That would then close of a different grey area where you can prove that the “I” can’t connect to every grey area, in the same way you did at 1:03:30
I feel it becomes even more obvious if you complete the 8 clue under this hypothesis, since it limits severely where the bottom left wall can reach.
A good solve Simon! It was a little frustrating at times with you not applying the logic that you'd already figured out, e.g. alternation around the unshaded tetromino... But you got there! And I'm sure the camera adds so much pressure!
Rules: 02:07
Let's Get Cracking: 11:19
What about this video's Top Tier Simarkisms?!
Phistomefel: 5x (00:33, 01:00, 03:43, 04:45, 07:28)
Bobbins: 1x (29:28)
And how about this video's Simarkisms?!
Hang On: 12x (20:07, 27:54, 28:09, 34:38, 49:21, 51:15, 59:17, 59:17, 59:17, 59:17)
Ah: 12x (13:36, 13:36, 24:14, 24:14, 24:14, 29:22, 32:30, 34:31, 34:31, 34:46, 49:05, 59:13, 1:05:02)
Sorry: 10x (18:30, 33:37, 38:16, 40:42, 46:58, 49:05, 51:37, 59:56, 1:00:59, 1:05:28)
Brilliant: 4x (01:30, 04:32, 50:33, 50:36)
In Fact: 4x (32:51, 34:31, 46:47, 53:48)
Beautiful: 3x (11:50, 11:50, 1:06:22)
Obviously: 3x (14:02, 29:44, 41:38)
Weird: 3x (43:31, 48:14, 1:09:34)
What on Earth: 2x (57:31, 57:40)
Clever: 2x (1:02:49, 1:02:51)
Stuck: 2x (03:03, 03:20)
I've Got It!: 2x (1:06:25, 1:06:25)
Nature: 2x (25:18, 26:16)
Good Grief: 1x (29:08)
Goodness: 1x (1:10:03)
Nonsense: 1x (1:03:15)
Lovely: 1x (01:57)
Gorgeous: 1x (1:05:06)
Off and Running: 1x (17:40)
Bonkers: 1x (01:10)
Magnificent: 1x (1:10:15)
Checkerboard: 1x (49:39)
Proof: 1x (1:02:37)
Let's Take Stock: 1x (18:33)
What Does This Mean?: 1x (05:04)
That's Huge: 1x (34:52)
Have a Think: 1x (58:43)
Cake!: 1x (04:30)
Unique: 1x (1:08:23)
Symmetry: 1x (29:37)
Most popular number(>9), digit and colour this video:
Ten (6 mentions)
One (54 mentions)
Green (91 mentions)
Antithesis Battles:
Even (14) - Odd (0)
Unshaded (8) - Shaded (2)
Column (5) - Row (2)
Q1: You missed something!
A1: That could very well be the case! Human speech can be hard to understand for computers like me! Point out the ones that I missed and maybe I'll learn!
Q2: Can you do this for another channel?
A2: I've been thinking about that and wrote some code to make that possible. Let me know which channel you think would be a good fit!
the auto-check solution is wrong on the puzzle. the bottom wall region should have 3s in it but it' all 2s instead.
edit: simon tried to fix the problem by editing the solution, but now the top right wall's tetromino should have 3s in it but it' all 2s instead
this person got it correct.
At the point Simon slowed down, consider the tendril in the bottom left. It can't stop in the corner as it isn't close enough to the tendrils on the right. Then the green connecting the 4s must get out, which forces the tendril to go further to the right, which cuts off the 8 vertically so it extends horizontally. That cuts off the bottom tendril as a tetronimo, leading to the placement of the tetronimo in green and the rest of the solve.
Great puzzle, used some of my favorite cave/LITS logic! Loved the idea of using a sort of "kernel".
Also, you're telling me Wirtual also watches this channel? Been a fan of both for years now. Crazy.
33:45 Apologizing for shitty weather. Does it get anymore British than this?
wow. got the obvious insight right away, but took me a while to realize the true insight and its implications, and then the board just fell apart. classic phistomefel. love this, it's completely ridiculous
take a shot every time he says 'tendril'... you'll end up in the hospital
I got the same solution as Simon but the solution check doesn’t seem to respond. Anyone know what’s up?
@@ejvalpey the answer check goes through when the bottom-most LITS piece is filled with 2’s rather than 3’s, probably just a small oversight by whoever programmed the solution
@@tommiboy500 thank you, i was a bit confused :D how did you find that out haha
I'm sorry, the solution was entered incorrectly in the link we originally shared. I've made a new link now that should have the same solution as the one I found. Apologies. sudokupad.app/6hbnzmi7wz
@@CrackingTheCryptic now the top right region has 2s instead of 3s
@@mikkokormann6814 I made use of the error checking function to verify whether all non-lits cells were filled correctly, then some trial and error to find which piece caused the problem
The live stream was a lot of fun
It was brilliant. Can't wait to see them stream it again
Amazing puzzle. Didn't get the auto-check to work, but whatever. ~60 minutes. I got the first half of the logic about the unshaded tetromino pretty quickly (
i noticed the autocheck is wrong too. the bottom wall is all 2s for some reason
I assumed that there would be a different tetra for each clue in the cave portion. I can’t visualize how to connect them all any other way. Initially, I got hung up on whether 2x2 areas would be allowed. Oh well, this is why I just watch so many of them.
I think the argument around an hour is much easier if you focus on the 8 clue. If the bottom center cave is 5+ cells then the 8 blocks in the bottom left cave and there's just no way for it to attach to an I while leaving at least 2 places on the other side of column 5.
I see the "intuition" comment while watching through the solve. When the 7 vertical column went straight down I assumed that the I-tetromino would touch the bottom middle tendril. That being said, I would have never bothered to figure out how many possible tendrils could fit around each tetromino.
Think something is wrong with the solution in the software. The bottom region's LITS piece is not being marked with 3s.
Interestingly the first tendril I saw was column 2 row 789, and then something on row ten because the 5 need a gray to the left.
I finished in 121 minutes. I got confused about the rules and had to watch the video for clarification. I saw that there could only be one tetromino in the unshaded based on the rules, but I couldn't see how it would possibly work in the puzzle, so I thought I broke it. Luckily, Simon confirmed that this was the case. However, I spoiled a bit of the logic involving the limitation of the shapes and their connections. I did everything else myself, but that felt a bit like cheating, so that doesn't feel good. I wish I fully understood the rules, before having to do that. I guess I'm just tired today. Otherwise, the puzzle was very fun to figure out. It was quite funny how every shaded tetromino was the same shape. Great Puzzle!
On meaning of the title is "cave STYLE" or "cave MANNER" besides the wordplay with LITS. Thanks for sharing this amazing puzzle.
Holy moly, is this a non-sudoku Phistomefel? Alright, guess I know what I’m doing with the rest of my evening
Quick query the checker only marked as correct if the centre bottom tetromino was filled with 2s and NOT with 3s. Is that a bug with the checker or is that tetromino somehow invalid ? Thanks - otherwise thanks for a great video - I love to see the glee at a successful resolution with rigorous logic only!
It's an oversight by whoever entered the solution for the checker. They missed putting in the bottom region tetromino. There's an apology from CtC in another comment.
@@RichSmith77 many thanks for taking the trouble to answer
I'm betting that this is going to be beautiful
I think three stars was right. The puzzle was very unique, but it was only a half-hour solve for me.
I think the hardest part was formalizing the intuition that the cave pentomino had to be an I in order to support a maximum of 5 tendrils. Other than that, there weren't any hard- or even medium-difficulty steps.
I spent some time on this, but got no where near the end. I grasped some of the things (like all the gray regions had to meet in a central location), but didn't see how to do them. I also do these kinds of region puzzles, but the given digits tell you the size of the "gray" region, where this puzzle they tell you something about the "green" region and that kept messing me up.
34:54 for me. Not as easy as 3 stars would suggest, imo. Very enjoyable anyway!
Can't really imagine hoodie-up Simon.
The rain is not yet reaching the computer, it is just soaking the carper, so I can continue with the tendrils :)
Why the 2x2 rule? Doesn't seem to effect the solve.
need the Simarkism bot to give us a tendril count on this one
The solution checker is working now 👍
I tried this one. I got to a point where I was considering how many walls could join up in the center and told myself there was no way this would be used. It's just not something I'm interested in. I watched the video and it was indeed the way to solve this, so this is one of the few phistomefel puzzles that I vehemently dislike.
Surprised Simon isn't using the fact there can be no checkerboarding. He's mentioned similarities to Yin-Yang logic. Checkerboarding logic is the same.
Okay, I'm just at 50 minutes and it seems he's now applying checkerboarding. logic.
yeah, he was making this a lot harder than needed. Once you see the green wall below the 7 clue, it's a breeze
Is it done? There are several green regions without tetrominoes defined.
there is only a single green region, and 5 grey regions
surprised this wasn't kept for a saturday nonsudoku puzzle lol
I think as soon as the name 'Phistomophel' comes up, the puzzle is getting solved then and there
Anyone on LMD understand the solution code for this? Sudokupad is saying there is a mistake and the solution code I don't understand or this solution is wrong
Took me 25 minutes to solve the puzzle and 15 minutes to try and figure out how my correct solution was supposedly wrong. Turns out the solution checker is not working. Seems that initially the bottom tetromino was mislabeled as having 2's in it instead of 3's, but now its the top right one that needs its tetromino 3s replaced with 2s.
Out of popcorn 😢 box of Cheez-Its is going to have to do😂.
Even after watching the whole video: I don’t understand the rules so I don’t understand the solution either. Sad😢
solved in about 45 minutes, hilarious that only 2 tetromino forms end up being used! solution checker is fixed now.
Well, there are only 5 of them in total, and one is excluded by the rules :D
Does anyone know if Phistomephel comes from a country like Germany or Sweden where umlauted vowels are commonly used? Also, what does the title "Hohlenstil" actually mean?
I think he is German, yes
I think it translates as something like “in the style of a cave”. But it looks like STIL is wordplay, as an anagram of LITS, and so makes sense given the puzzle itself requires both caves and LITS.
@@brianj959 spot on! you got it correct (source: i'm german)
I have the same answer with Simon's, but the Check tells me that is not the solution. Why? (I did fill 1/2/3 to field)
the answer check goes through when the bottom-most LITS piece is filled with 2’s rather than 3’s, probably just a small oversight by whoever programmed the solution. Copied from another comment :)
@@mikkokormann6814 well, the link was "corrected" but now it's the top right tetromino that need 2 instead of 3
If I have to read the rules like a legal brief it's no longer fun for me. I think my favorites are the ones with a hook like Tatooine or ones the computer solver can't solve.
I think it was bit easier if simon would done like me every different wall region colored different color.
Phisto 🎉
Once again, please do not play a drinking game where you take a shot every time Simon says "tendril". You will not make it.
3 stars??? This was a very hard puzzle IMHO.
not so hard if you don't forget about no checkerboards :P
the title means cave style.
No Simon, the hint didn't help very much. For the first time I've had to abandon a hunt without even completing one puzzle :(
Aisling is garlic, in English it is pronounced dream
quite the interesting treat, once i got that there was only 5 possible walls, and when i got to the 7 line splitting the grid in two, it all fell together rather quickly for me, in 35 min, less if the solution checker didn't have a mistake in it
“Problem is with things like Cave and LITS is I do them once every 6 months…” The sentence could have ended there. That is indeed a problem.
I feel like Simon made it difficult for himself and he pretty much bifurcated his way through the options. Surely there was a quicker and cleaner way. Still enjoyed the video though.
How do we know phistomofel is a man?
I believe there's a video of him being interviewed somewhere out there.
Honestly, I have no F-ing idea what you were talking for over 1 hour about.
Don't understand it.
@@tdbraun6837 lol. Some Crazy ruleset :)
Yay more demons for the antiChristian channel
They do prefer things that can be proven, rather than relying on faith based assumptions.