Giant TCR Advanced SL Rim Brake 2021 | Team CCC | Pro Bike Build
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At the World Tour Team CCC we could already watch the assembly of the new and already very light 2021 Giant TCR Advanced SL Disc for Matteo Trentin. If you are a lightweight fan and prefer to ride with rim brakes, then this bike which Team CCC built for Ilnur Zakarin is for you. The TCR Advanced frame is a bit lighter for 2021, with rim brakes the total weight is well below the UCI limit, how much you can see in this video.
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Beim World Tour Team CCC konnten wir bereits beim Aufbau des neuen und bereits sehr leichtem 2021 Giant TCR Advanced SL Disc für Matteo Trentin zusehen. Wenn Du ein Leichbaufan bist und noch lieber mit Felgenbremsen unterwegs bist, dann ist dieses Rad welches Team CCC für Ilnur Zakarin aufgebaut hat, für Dich. Der TCR Advanced Rahmen ist für 2021 noch mal etwas leichter geworden, mit Felgenbremse liegt das Gesamtgewicht deutlich unter dem UCI Limit, wieviel erfährst Du in diesem Video.
Pro team is a combination of pro riders, pro bikes and pro mech like this guy. Kudos!
Favourite bike brand with favourite type of brakes ♥️
That was absolutely therapeutic, i could watch that over and over and over!
Installing rim brake is still a very wonderful thing to watch... 👍
Giant TCR is a very outstanding bike for climbing.
Rim break road bikes forever!!!😍
4:15 thats one clean modification
Nice bike with rim brakes! Love it!
Request: 'How to route internal cables' session with this guy!
He's mastered his craft! *Round of applause.
Excellent content.
The magnetic Park Tool routing tool is very useful!
The tech really put his heart to this bike. That inur zakarin guy better win something.
Rusvelo with colnago this year 😉
Absolutely superb great effort and detail put into the build with an array of modern bike tools. The bike looks great and CADEX wheels free hub sound is fantastic. A must watch for all bike builders.
That's a properly weighted bike!
Through this video I learn how to connect chain easily
That bike looks so different when it’s not taking bad, wobbly lines on descents.
Best bike from the top world brand.......
Thank you for your introducing to build rim brake bike!!
This is like watching a Zen garden raking for bike geeks...
6.2 including pedals? thats freaking light
Only the love what you do , and a lot of experience can give you the speed and security.... i enjoy to see this build.... thanks!
Great you like it! ;)
@@roadbikechannel what type of bb did they use?? Looked like a two piece screwed together pressfit
Very light for a large frame! Beautiful refined bike.
6.27 kg wow, very light and fast bike
Truly my dream road bike
Great you like it! :)
Beauty of a bike and great to see rim brakes
That drop's insane
Personally i would never by a rim break bike anymore. But bike builds is so fun to watch
Awesome Bike!!!😍😍 Have a TCR from 2011 but upgraded to today’s all new Shimano components. Rides really fast. Pretty crafty builder Thank You Sir!!🙏🙏
a proper race bike at last.
Beautiful ride
❤︎ Love this vid and frame set! This may be the final upgrade opportunity for rim riders. I hope Giant can sell this version of the frame set as soon as possible this year! (tcr adv sl rim, team ccc painting)
This is a real performance race bike. Stiff as hell, stupid light and so easy to service.
Unlike all the road disc crap being sold today…. What a shame.
very nice!!! rim brakes aesthetics looks the best....disc breaks for.mtb only...dont mix it up...just for money
CCC Team 🤩 Meu sonho de consumo!! Muito top
Again, You impress me with another wonderful build
What a beauty!
Giant are the best 🙌 my 2019 tcr has done 3000 miles without any mechanicals, only just about to replace the tyres and tubeless sealant
vero!!!! lr giant sono il top. io ho una tcr advanced sl dal 20011 e funziona benissimo, non ho mai sostituito nulla!
Just bought a 2021 TCR Pro 0 framset, upgrading my 2011 SL3 Tarmac Pro. Keen to see and feel the difference
Can't get one in Australia - only ETap and discs yuk!
Save the rim brakes.
That weight is insane...for a not-as-popular bike (not popular near me)
Beautiful job 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
Congrats 🚴
¡Qué maravilla! Con frenos convencionales...
Rim brake 👍👍👍
Rim brakes 😍😍😍
Favorite cycling builds channel !!!
so amazing I am from taiwan, giant too.
I just noticed that the resolution of the weighing scale is 0.5
I love watching caliper brakes bike than disc brakes
Gee this is lovely to watch. How long would you say this took to build? Also looks like he enjoys his job which is great to see
it took around 3 hours, the wheels were already finished and the teams are just building the frames and grabbing a pair of wheels from the rack.
Where can I find this kind of donwtube cover? See 4:15...
If i had that I'd probably buuld a shrine around it 😍
Nice but what’s with all the weighting of all individual components?
6,2kg!!! Increible!!! Mi giant defy pesa casi 10 y además mete un monto de ruidos, vamos una mierda como un capazo. A gusto le daba el cambiazo.
The first 2 guys at the TdF rode rim brakes... 6 stage wins... the young riders jersey... and the climbers jersey... so discs must not give too much of an advantage...
Yet another awesome build. You guys make the best dream build videos. Can I request to see the build of Michael Schar's Giant Propel Advanced SL?
this is just the best
Great build. Is this size m/l?
Those wheelsets with rims, tyres and cassette weigh the same than my naked boxsection wheelset lol :)
Team CCC still use rim brake? I saw they used disc on TDF this year
Top frame, top bike 👍
hello, what is the brand of the tool you use to measure the height of the levers?
What tools there used for level the saddle and high seat
Hello, on the new tcr advanced pro, are the stems normal? If I fit it to me personally, can I use any stem or do I need to get one from giant? Thanks
Is this a pro only issue bike? I thought Giant have transition to disc only for their top of the range bikes?
at least in Germany / Europe Giant sells the TCR Advanced SL frame with the new lighter layout (as shown in the video). Complete bikes are only available with disc brake. No pro only issue bike.
What’s that bottom bracket? Can it be used on a Model year 2018 TCR advanced SL?
It's a bottombracket from and if iirc 2018 TCR also uses BB86 and should be compatible.
The bike uses press fit BB86, but this bottom bracket press fit style is a screw in design rather than two cups.
are those saddles are just from giant and no other manufacturers makes those saddles like that?
That is a CADEX Boost saddle. its a short nose saddle like the sworks one or prologo dimension NDR
Can you please explain the “CCC junction box mount”?
same question here, cannot find are giant sell it or not
is this the 2021 frame? what dura-ace groupset is used?
6,2 kg. con pedales está muy bien
Best bikes at the TDF 2020 are Rim brakes Bianchi and Colnago. 😊
I donot know why ppl like direct mounts. It means drilling holes into the slender fork arms, affecting its carbon layup and ride feel.
Turns out GVA is also a pretty good mechanic
Can anyone explain me how he do for the Di2 junction? I modified the frame?
what's the thing at 3:07? I saw it on the disc version too
Cadence sensor
You've forgotten the "L" for speciality, anyway nice build as always
Pq vc não deixa os link sobre a bike que vcs faz pq isso da mal vontade de ter uma bike top e legal pq bike tem quer amar e sou do Brasil queria que muitos sate entregasse aqui no Brasil 🇧🇷
Can anyone provide info on the shifter alignment tool that he is using? Thanks in advance.
Ok, I answered my own question.....
Where do you put the weights before the race?
Is this a training bike? I’m pretty sure CCC riders are all on disc brakes now for races
No, CCC riders get to choose.
yoog pretty sure he was on disc brakes at the tour
De todas as bikes world tour essa é a que parece ser a mais básica....
Why not weigh the bike after all put together
6.3 kg a true race bike
Has anyone any idea where I could get the downtube faceplate they use for this - even the 3d file would be fine so I could get one printed. I have searched everywhere and can get nothing!
which bottom bracket is that?
Any idea were can I buy those headset spacers. I've trying to find it online without luck so far
contact Giant directly or to your local Giant dealer
Que bonita esa bicicleta ya no las hacen así, ahora no bajan de 7 kg
love this
If only i could buy that one..
Only thing missing was the sprint shifters lol
which tire size are those? 28?
only thing better would be direct mounts
that would affect the carbon layup of the fork and its ride no thanks
Lovely bike. UCI weight limit holding the pros back. Agreed DM brakes would be preferable. And @Hippoace I think we're talking a frame designed for DM not retrofitted! 😂
@@GS-pk9rd Yes I mean by design too...they would have to compensate and compromise the layering around the cavities to place the DM mounting
Not necessary. Could you notice the difference?
Can you please share with us name of composition in background?
Can I have one in small please.. 🙂
I'll drink to that 🍻
The bike is too light (the UCI weight limit is 6.8kg and the bike is 6.2kg)
that's right, they place a weight under the bottle holder to reach the required 6,8kg
I'll leave mine at 6.2
hi does anyone know the tire clearance of thi model?
if it is the same frame as the disc version could I assume it will have the same tire clearance of 32 mm? (maybe changing the brake calipers)
May I ask. What’s the brand of the rear hub ? Tks
The wheelset comes with carbon spokes so a special "Cadex" hub is needed to hold the spokes.
road bike channel thank you for your reply