Spes|Mia Makaroff-北一女中合唱團(Taipei First Girls High School Choir)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 16 ต.ค. 2024
  • SPES(Hope) 
    曲 Composer|Mia Makaroff
    演唱 Performers|北一女中合唱團40th*41st*42nd*43rd*44th
    指揮 Conductor|卓邵仲豪 Zhong-Hao Zhuo Shao
    錄音 Audio recording engineer|王昭惠 Chao-Hui Wang
    2023.7.24 台灣 國家兩廳院 國家音樂廳 National Concert Hall 《和平頌歌》"Carmina Pax"
    Quis talis, ut sapiens est?
    Et quis cognovit solutionem rerum?
    Biekka oapmi lean
    muhto liikká ealán
    ja dat lea vissa eallima dárkkuhus
    Ealán odne dál ja dás
    ja just dat lea madoheapme de in eali sat ihttin
    nu ja maid dasto
    Non est in hominis potestate
    dominari super spiritum
    nec cohibere spiritum
    nec habet potestatem supra diem mortis
    sapientia hominis illuminat vultum eius
    et durities faciei illius commutatur
    Who is like the wise?
    Who knows the explanation of things?
    I belong to the wind,
    but I live,
    maybe that is the meaning of life.
    I live here and now...
    I won't be alive tomorrow.
    That is the way - and so what.
    As no one has power
    over the wind to contain it.
    so no one has power
    over the time of their death,
    A person's wisdom brightens their face
    and changes its hard appearance.

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