Ultimate X Streak is different, though. In regular UX, yes, hold the straight flush because next hand is 12X. In Streak, I think you get 5 multipliers 2,4,8,10,12 but any current multipliers become 12? I'm not 100% on that. So holding the straight flush might not be right hold here.
@@djkid22 if you already have multipliers on all hands yes you are right you don’t need to keep the straight to increase the multipliers to 12. But in this case and in majority of cases this is not the case
It's an interesting call for sure! Too bad there weren't more multipliers on the board to make the decision to chase the 2222 easier. Thanks for watching and good luck!
gotta love when people leave u plays and since someone already told you about missing the pair of 7s on the last hand ill just say bottom pair are invisible to you lol
Thanks for sharing! I love VP!
Thanks a lot! What's your favorite VP game? Good luck and get that royal!
Great hits Corey!
Thanks so much! Hope all is well
Hell yeah bro 💪🏻🤘🏻💪🏻🤘🏻
Thanks a lot! Good luck and win big!
@@KilaueaSlot thank you I need a big win!!!!
Thanks a lot, Becky! I hope you've been crushing it like usual!
Nice work!!!
Thanks a lot! Bonus Streak is tough, but addictive
Great job catching that $1000+ multiplier line hit. Congratulations 👏🏼😁
Thanks! I guess dropping the deuce in the casino is a good thing? 🤣
The ultimate dilemma ... 3 deuces as part of a dealt straight flush. Not sure what I would have done, nice catch!
Of course, it couldn't have made things easy 😂. I went for the 2222 because that's why you play the game? Thanks for watching and good luck!
Love VP❤ 🤙🏽
Thanks for watching and good luck! Hit that royal!
The 12x all around is a beautiful site!
Thanks! Opportunities like that are why we gamble! Good luck and win big!
Hooray :)
Thanks a lot and best of luck to you!
You were lucky to get quad duece. The right play was to keep the straight flush and get 12x multipliers
It's better to be lucky than good 😉! Thanks for the pointer and good luck!
@@KilaueaSlot you don’t have to be better in one or the other. Try to be better in both. Do the right play so the viewers learn from you. Good luck
Ultimate X Streak is different, though. In regular UX, yes, hold the straight flush because next hand is 12X. In Streak, I think you get 5 multipliers 2,4,8,10,12 but any current multipliers become 12? I'm not 100% on that. So holding the straight flush might not be right hold here.
@@djkid22 if you already have multipliers on all hands yes you are right you don’t need to keep the straight to increase the multipliers to 12. But in this case and in majority of cases this is not the case
You missed a pair on the last hand
Ugh, I did! I need to pay more attention. Thanks for watching and good luck - get that royal!
With the multiplier factor, I don't think dropping the dealt straight flush was the correct play. But what a hit on getting that 4th duece!
It was correct. 3 deuces is a lot more valuable even after considering multiplier difference
It's an interesting call for sure! Too bad there weren't more multipliers on the board to make the decision to chase the 2222 easier. Thanks for watching and good luck!
Thanks for checking!
Nice pop.
Thanks, Sir!
Triple Double Bonus is the only way to go on Bonus Streak.
I hear you, but there's only so many short pay 3 of a kinds that I can take lol! Thanks for watching and good luck!
You missed the pair of 7’s on that last hand
Thanks for catching that! I was too preoccupied with the multipliers to notice. Thanks for rating and good luck!
Dont you have a hold button
There are buttons but one of them wasn't working. Thanks for watching and good luck!
I never use those buttons either
Tough break
If ever there was a time to get dealt 4 to the Royal, that was it 😂. Thanks for watching and good luck!
gotta love when people leave u plays and since someone already told you about missing the pair of 7s on the last hand ill just say bottom pair are invisible to you lol
When this game is good it’s good, when not look out because you just lost your entire bankroll in 15 min
So true, it's addictive like crack though! 🤣 Thanks for watching and commenting and good luck!
Be sure to take some Dramamine 😆. Thanks for the feedback and good luck!
Talk about click bait. Thirsty much?
The thirstiest! 🥤 😉