Bang kalo masih umur segitu jangan di kasih pisang, kasihan monyetnya masih kecil, kalo di kasih pisang sulit di cerna. Kalo punya saya umur segitu saya kasih susu
Sayangilah semua makhluk yg ada di bumi, niscaya yang ada di langit pun akan menyayangimu - Q.S At Tabrani Note : disini maksudnya hewan, tumbuhan, manusia yaa teman2. Bukan setan atau jin.
Very cute baby though. Nice fluffy full head of hair/fur. A cute little round head and sweet little face. Honestly I dont see many baby monkeys that I dont think are adorable. But some of these Java Macaques have parts in the fur on their heads that looks like it was made with a lighting bolt. Some have pointier heads/snout area. Some are even born with an RBF!! Like Toto!! The way her fur comes down on her forehead and her eyebrows always look furrowed like she is annoyed or cranky all of the time. She is still really cute. That is just Totos "cuteness." I think the ones with the "flatter/smaller" faces and the full head of fluffy fur are the cutest. Much like I think ALL pigtails are adorable but I prefer the Sunda Pigtailed Macaque as opposed to the Northern Pigtail and the Stump Tailed. I do however, know that it would be a dream fullfilled to be able to spend some time with ANY of those breeds. As well as a Rhesus Macaque and or the Geoffrey Spider Monkey. But just to be able to hold a newborn/baby, cuddle it and spend some time playing with it and being amazed by its intelligence. Yeah Yeah I know. DEFINITELY NOT an opportunity found in the state of New York.
Sangat bagus niatnya merawat anak monyet yg kehilangan induknya sdh sngat bagus jg karna sdh mempelakukannya sperti seorang anak, tp kalau boleh kasih sdikit masukan bagaimanapun jg dia adalah seekor anak monyet jd bisa saja ada hal yg dia kurabg nyaman jika diperlakukan seperti anak manusia, seperti memakaikan bedak, dan jg tolong berikan susu jg.. karna dy masih bayi jadi makanan pokoknya masih berupa Susu pengganti asi dari ibunya...
Chicos es un bebé necesita leche en madera con una tetina chica...hasta que le salgan los dientes recien puede le pongas ropas ajustadas...a nadie le gusta estar con prendas ajustadas que ni podes respirar...saludos desde Argentina!!
As a monkey owner and shelter rescue I find it appalling that you would hold this monkeys head down while the other put his diaper on and feed him while on his back, monkeys dont eat while laying on their back. This is my first time watching you and I will be watching so I cant see any terrible abuse other then holding his head and turn him over by his head, and the music is to make it look sweet and like he I'd loved it didnt work with me I see through bs.
Ok everyone we have another savior! Without this guys love and care this baby monkey would have perished!!! Because they killed it's mom and ripped it away from the wild... until they're done with it.
Kitty Kitty Meow Meow I only saved him from the farmer who abandoned him in a dirty and unkempt cage, I do not know how originally he could be in the hands of these farmers. don't you think if I don't adopt this monkey how can it be clean and healthy so far, you need to watch this video
Saya lebih suka piara baby monkey yg cewek, bawaannya ga agresif, sayang mati krn kecelakaan ulahnya sendiri, sampai sekarang belum berani piara lagi, masih keingetan si Monik ( namanya) 😔😶😔🙄
Monyet ga suka dibedakin 😁😁😁 Lucu imut, to kasian jg, pasti kangen sama induknya. Usia segitu masih umur2nya nenen sama induk.. Ah jd inget anak q, msh baby ini.. mdh2n sehat selalu semuanya ya.
That baby monkey really hates you! I think this is because you likely abuse him when the camera is off. Most baby monkeys love and appreciate the human that is caring for him!
Feeding the bugger to get his clothes on will not last. It distracts him for a bit, but a simple diaper is best. I see you have the whole family sharing in the duties, as well as legal tender...
pasti ibu lagi cari sedih loh soal nya aku paling suka nonton di youtup , hampir semua vidio mam n baby mongkey , berbahagilah kalo ada baby mong terpisah dar momnya ada yg rawat thx 👍🙏
Такой малыш чудесный. А где молоко . Домик у него суперский. Жалко что в нашей стране нет возможности иметь таких малюток. Сейчас бы ему молочка.спасибо за ролик
Почему это нет такой возможности? Очень даже есть! Посмотрите на АВИТО. Даже иногда бесплатно отдают. А вообще, такому зверю дома не место. Ему нужно жить на воле. Или создать условия как на воле. Без штанов останетесь!
Aihhh lucu... Sungguh mulia perbuatanmu deni. Smg kamu sklurga sht sllu n murah rizki.. Si monyet nya ttap senang dsitu, tumbuh besar n hidup layak. Aamiin.
🙉 monyet jinak lucu tangannya di gigit semut !!! rutinitas setiap hari 🐒
Masya allah smoga di balas allah
Monyet nya gatel" kasian karna di kasih bedak, klo ga bisa ngurus jangan di pelihara kasian
@@rezkidriaputrapurwanto1960 lllllllll1lllklllll
@@rezkidriaputrapurwanto1960 ploqq
Yang pinggin melihara monyet like ya
Bos klo mo beli monyet msih anakan dmn y
@@marythereza2955 di pasar ikan boy
@@pisangraja8711 daerah mana
@@marythereza2955 gabung di grup facebook khusus binatang,,
Yang pernah lihat monyet, like ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Bang kapan kapan buat Vidio tentang monyet ya... Cara merawat, jenis monyet yg cocok utk di pelihara, dan penjelasan lainnya🙏🙏
dimas dambhava se7
@@gdedimas1595 monyet yg cocok di pelihara mah monyet pantai
Bang kalo masih umur segitu jangan di kasih pisang, kasihan monyetnya masih kecil, kalo di kasih pisang sulit di cerna. Kalo punya saya umur segitu saya kasih susu
Aku ada pelihara 1 di rumah bang dari dia baru beberapa hari aku dapet nya di gunung
Sayangilah semua makhluk yg ada di bumi, niscaya yang ada di langit pun akan menyayangimu - Q.S At Tabrani
Note : disini maksudnya hewan, tumbuhan, manusia yaa teman2. Bukan setan atau jin.
Sayangilah bayi monyet, sekalipun ambil bayi monyetnya itu harus bunuh induknya dulu wkwkwk sayang tp membunuh dulu wkwkwk
Menyayangi tidak harus memiliki...
Makna hadits tersebut bukan semua makhluq.
Kalau semua makhluq sma aja sayangi dajjal sma setan juga.
Intinya maknanya tidak semua makhluq
@@Kesadaran-Murni ya enggak begitu konsepnya. Bukan makhluk yg itu jg. Memang ada kok haditsnya itu.
@@yonathanpamungkasputra1056 tolol kok dipelihara? Elu oten pasti😏 gak heran sih..
Lucu banget aq senyum2 sendiri baik bnget yg merwatnya penuh ksh syg dzn telaten.
Very cute baby though. Nice fluffy full head of hair/fur. A cute little round head and sweet little face. Honestly I dont see many baby monkeys that I dont think are adorable. But some of these Java Macaques have parts in the fur on their heads that looks like it was made with a lighting bolt. Some have pointier heads/snout area. Some are even born with an RBF!! Like Toto!! The way her fur comes down on her forehead and her eyebrows always look furrowed like she is annoyed or cranky all of the time. She is still really cute. That is just Totos "cuteness." I think the ones with the "flatter/smaller" faces and the full head of fluffy fur are the cutest. Much like I think ALL pigtails are adorable but I prefer the Sunda Pigtailed Macaque as opposed to the Northern Pigtail and the Stump Tailed. I do however, know that it would be a dream fullfilled to be able to spend some time with ANY of those breeds. As well as a Rhesus Macaque and or the Geoffrey Spider Monkey. But just to be able to hold a newborn/baby, cuddle it and spend some time playing with it and being amazed by its intelligence. Yeah Yeah I know. DEFINITELY NOT an opportunity found in the state of New York.
Sangat bagus niatnya merawat anak monyet yg kehilangan induknya sdh sngat bagus jg karna sdh mempelakukannya sperti seorang anak, tp kalau boleh kasih sdikit masukan bagaimanapun jg dia adalah seekor anak monyet jd bisa saja ada hal yg dia kurabg nyaman jika diperlakukan seperti anak manusia, seperti memakaikan bedak, dan jg tolong berikan susu jg.. karna dy masih bayi jadi makanan pokoknya masih berupa Susu pengganti asi dari ibunya...
Susu 2x sehari dia pun mau hanya susu zee yang mahal kalau tidak itu tidak mau minum. Di video hanya saja tidak di tunjukin saat kasih susu.
2 x they suppose to eat 8x day
If working good great t then
Sangat romantis
Perkembangan monyet ini sampai dg skrng makin lucu dan pintar sekrang sudah bisa berenang, lihat videonya
Di mana vidonya bang
Bajunya di beli atau di bikin sendiri bos?
Funy one!GBU.cute well
Lucu banget monyet nya aku jadi pengen punya deh
Chicos es un bebé necesita leche en madera con una tetina chica...hasta que le salgan los dientes recien puede le pongas ropas ajustadas...a nadie le gusta estar con prendas ajustadas que ni podes respirar...saludos desde Argentina!!
Cang cing cong cing cong
It's another FUNNY FACE!!! Had to look at it again! Did sister put Attar on the Funny Face! Thank You for sharing your videos!
Good job its happy i can tell
As a monkey owner and shelter rescue I find it appalling that you would hold this monkeys head down while the other put his diaper on and feed him while on his back, monkeys dont eat while laying on their back. This is my first time watching you and I will be watching so I cant see any terrible abuse other then holding his head and turn him over by his head, and the music is to make it look sweet and like he I'd loved it didnt work with me I see through bs.
Aq tinggal didaerah kalimantan, dsini monyet skrg jd pngemis dpinggir2 jln, kdang ada yg spe klindas mobil, krna hutan mreka sdh rusak ntk tambang, prkbunan sawit, pnebangan phon, akhir ny mreka cr mkn mnta sm pngendara lwat
No music Please. We want to hear the sounds that the baby monkey makes. 🙂
msfigy No Milk for baby? Just Banana?
They probably don't want you to hear them screaming at it
@@chelledoll321 it will be dead soon enough. Poor thing.
They are definitely going to murder this monkey. I hate to say it, but these people trap and kill these monkeys on a daily basis. And eat them.
yaalloh kpn aq di takdirkan bisa merawat monpai seperti itu...gemes q pingin megang ...pingin heeemm
wow ,😆😆
Bayi monyetnya lucu
Salam satu hobi mas bro....paket komplit mlekat sudah
A monkey is not a pet, STOP ANIMAL ABUSE
Ini yg beruntung yg nasibnya jelek mungkin
100 kalle Seperti topeng monyet kadang miris
Lihatnya makasih om telah take care makluk
Ciptaan allah
The work here is very subtle to get the little monkey in line............
Awww what a darling
No fuss while bathing😊
Ini video monyet lucu lainnya
So sweet family, care lovingly baby monkey...
Lucu banget monyet nya🐵🐒
Sayang kata yg pernah merawat, konon setelah besar berubah galak.
Please take good care of it
Ok everyone we have another savior! Without this guys love and care this baby monkey would have perished!!! Because they killed it's mom and ripped it away from the wild... until they're done with it.
Kitty Kitty Meow Meow I only saved him from the farmer who abandoned him in a dirty and unkempt cage, I do not know how originally he could be in the hands of these farmers. don't you think if I don't adopt this monkey how can it be clean and healthy so far, you need to watch this video
😱😱lucu bangetttt
Baby looks good,he not screaming or crying.
saya pun nonton nya egk bosan eth kenapa mhn dukungan kawan.
Jessy n Paqui monyet dr thailand bagus perawatannya ,,gasaal doang meliharanya
Apalagi klo syukur2adayg mau ngasih saya..alkhamdullah.
Lucu banget pengen nabok
Menatap orang yang ngasih makan..lucu sekali Chiko.
Baperr liat monyet nya🥺🥺 tp klo gede tau diri gk yh🥺
Udh gede skrng. Nakal suka gigit 😅
Ahaha ini saya lg liat yg di mandiin mas yg berenang di bak😂
Duuuhhh...lucunya monpai ini...rezeki bener ya dapet dia....sayangin yaa...jgn taruh di kardus ...bobok didalem biar gk kedinginan...kasih susu yaaaa
Eles estão acostumados ao relento na caixa ele fica confortavel
Lucu jd kepengen punya deh
Saya lebih suka piara baby monkey yg cewek, bawaannya ga agresif, sayang mati krn kecelakaan ulahnya sendiri, sampai sekarang belum berani piara lagi, masih keingetan si Monik ( namanya) 😔😶😔🙄
Punya tangan tapi menggaruk gatal pake kaki kaya kucing si kunyuk emang lucu..!
Waduh dibedaki segala. It is so funny.
I think perfume made the monkeys body itching
Monyet ga suka dibedakin 😁😁😁
Lucu imut, to kasian jg, pasti kangen sama induknya. Usia segitu masih umur2nya nenen sama induk..
Ah jd inget anak q, msh baby ini.. mdh2n sehat selalu semuanya ya.
Kbetulan hari ini usianya dh 1,5 tahun lebih udah besar
He don't want banana he wants milk
lucu banget si monyet ya
Iucu banget
lucu sekali kak monpainya...semoaga sehat selalu ya utk monpainya
Lucu banget
Lucu bgt iya,jadi pengen merawat nih
Ya ampun lucu banget
Di menit 2:16 kek lagu dari anime kimetsu no yaiba wkwk
I love the part where you smack it in the face with a powdered jelly donut
Lucu sekali kak
Imut bett
That baby monkey really hates you! I think this is because you likely abuse him when the camera is off. Most baby monkeys love and appreciate the human that is caring for him!
Parece um chouriço
Feeding the bugger to get his clothes on will not last. It distracts him for a bit, but a simple diaper is best. I see you have the whole family sharing in the duties, as well as legal tender...
Feed him bottle
She his very cute little baby l wish I could have him so I could take care of him and give him lot of love
Ksih susu lah ksih dot msa pisang 🙈🙈🙈
Lucu bayi monyet mandi
Paling gemess klo liat baby monkey nangis karna dot susu ny diambil,,gemesss bnget manja2 gimna gtu ya
Where's it's bottle of milk lady..
That music You are not making a motion picture its just a video
What are you trying to do to that baby give milk not bananas that s a baby not your plaything
pasti ibu lagi cari sedih loh soal nya aku paling suka nonton di youtup , hampir semua vidio mam n baby mongkey , berbahagilah kalo ada baby mong terpisah dar momnya ada yg rawat thx 👍🙏
Ya ampun aku jg donk pengenn banget punya monyet soal nya pada punya monyet aku heran eh kok lucu gitu yaudah aku juga jadi pengen 😄😘
Pasti dari kaos kaki bajunya,heeeee
Lucu banget..m
Такой малыш чудесный. А где молоко . Домик у него суперский. Жалко что в нашей стране нет возможности иметь таких малюток. Сейчас бы ему молочка.спасибо за ролик
Он мороженое стрескал, удовольствие смотреть на него, спасибо за видио
Почему это нет такой возможности? Очень даже есть! Посмотрите на АВИТО. Даже иногда бесплатно отдают. А вообще, такому зверю дома не место. Ему нужно жить на воле. Или создать условия как на воле. Без штанов останетесь!
@@ТатьянаХолмецкая-ж6х банан съел.
Крысу себе на улице поймайте и будет вам счастье, разницы то никакой. 🤣
I accidently clicked on this. Im so sorry i did it. The music sucks
Ill never watch this channel agzin. Tyd mudic was torture
I am save this animals from people can’t keep her, he was abandoned by his mother fall down from tall tree
Si ipin pke kaos you can see mirip lorenzo lamas euy....
Aihhh lucu...
Sungguh mulia perbuatanmu deni. Smg kamu sklurga sht sllu n murah rizki.. Si monyet nya ttap senang dsitu, tumbuh besar n hidup layak. Aamiin.
hewan ke sukaan ku .. lucu ank monyet .. aku suka bangat ank monyet 🥰
Lucu bgt bgt jdi pengen cubit yg gendong😂
Nih video ipin monyet lucu lagi berenang dan menyelam
Aku mauuuuu bayinya
I actually LOVE the clothes made from socks better than the ones u buy. They fit better and saves money. 😊
Stolen baby monkey... 😢😦 ... like a toy?? 😠
Oh god not the music.
Baby needs milk don't forget please !
no shit
Masyaa Allah.. Lucunyaa
Kamu juga lucu @Ayu Afriliani
Ok bang jaga yang benar
kedinginan dia bang
How cutee 🥺🥺
Wow!! Starting really young with this one!! It’s an infant! Poor lil guy!
Needs to be slapped, ears pulled, tail chopped off short, dyed pink. Taught to walk upright. Lol
Dude its a baby i think all it wants is milk
Udah kaya ngerawat anak aja bang 🤭😁
NOPAL of WANTU gpp lah biar dia bahagia. Dia skrng udah besar ini vdeonya
Lucuuuuuu ....
Kaya Adek bayi🤩