well played man. quick question because you stopped farming after minute 23 or smth like isn't it safer to do baron when they have 3 inhibitors down and then end as you have 3 super minion lanes with baron buff.
Yes it was, that was correct and only one good play to go baron then end with super minions, only reason I didn’t do that was because we were ahead 20 kills and like 7k gold and we could of ended easily without it, if it was closer game in kills and with gold I would definetly go baron 100% of times
well played man. quick question because you stopped farming after minute 23 or smth like isn't it safer to do baron when they have 3 inhibitors down and then end as you have 3 super minion lanes with baron buff.
Yes it was, that was correct and only one good play to go baron then end with super minions, only reason I didn’t do that was because we were ahead 20 kills and like 7k gold and we could of ended easily without it, if it was closer game in kills and with gold I would definetly go baron 100% of times