Hi! Did you try to change your script so, that it can work with predifined variables? For example I want to make some vias in coplanar microstrip line and I want to make all dimensions with parameters, so if I change some of them - polyline, vias are duplicated along, changes too
Hi @HowtoSim
I wonder on how to make a propeller animation in HFSS.
thank you for any attention given :D
您好 我在版本(2020R1)使用您提供的工具,但卻無法跳出DuplicateAlongPath的視窗,因此想向您尋求一些幫助,謝謝~
Hi! Did you try to change your script so, that it can work with predifined variables? For example I want to make some vias in coplanar microstrip line and I want to make all dimensions with parameters, so if I change some of them - polyline, vias are duplicated along, changes too