Watching this interview gave me so much anxiety! I just wanted to hear him fully express himself and seeing him struggle through the language barrier really makes someone so big seem so small. He's very articulate in Spanish and should have been interviewed in Spanish with subtitles provided so that the world could witness his full genius in his native tongue.
This was my very first thought when they started the conversation, and I was curious if anyone else may have thought the same, so I went to the comments to see and behold, yours was the very top one, haha! It honestly should have been common sense to have paired him with a spanish speaking interviewer; all his music is in spanish for goodness sakes!!
@@ingridm4910 Yeah more than likely, they’re currently not pushing their agenda toward the Latin and Hispanic markets. I think the only reason they’re interviewing again is because of how big he is on Apple Music’s ratings. Zane interviewed him and J Balvin two years ago on Apple Music as well and it was also an English interview. It might also be because most Apple Music subscribers are from the states. It’s a shame I know 🤦🏻♂️
Apple need a spanish and korean speaking interviewers.. let them express themselves FULLY in their language and then put subtitles... 1 hour for Harry but 14 minutes for the BIGGEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD? ENOUGH DISRESPECT..
Puerto Rico has the most talent in the world for being such a tiny island in the Caribbean! He makes me so proud to be Latina from NYC, with a Mother that was born & raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Thank you for representing Puerto Rico! keep on shining your talent onto the world Conejo Malo.
@@trip.6499 agree, but specifically speaking of the first comment about small Caribbean Islands with the most global impact and influence, for an even longer period of time, historically to present day, that would be Jamaica. Plus, consider the roots of reggaeton and dembow are in Jamaican dancehall. But its still beautiful to see the success of PR, Conejo malo y todo, pero hay que reconocer la historia y los raíces de la musica también ❤
@@sehabla1 Why even bring Jamaica up? I love Jamaican Music and their people but do not understand your need to even make a comparison here. Why can't this person share his/her opinion without having to argue about it on the internet? Bob Marley speaks about the "Buffalo Soldier Trottin through San Juan in the arms of America". Yet you feel the need to belittle a whole people and tell then that their music is inferior... Jamaica and Puerto Rico are both islands of the Caribbean. People cut from the same cloth.
I wish they interviewed him in Spanish :/ he had said he isn’t comfortable translating himself. This could have been so much greater if he was speaking in his language. Beside the point loved the album and his story behind it ❤️❤️❤️
He couldve articulated himself alot better in spanish, but thats not really what the purpose of this interview is. Bad Bunny is an international superstar, with his English improved he only takes another step in becoming a staple in mainstream America
I just came back from a trip from Puerto Rico. They worship bad bunny there all over San Juan it was a beautiful experience and this album made my vacation way more enjoyable Thank you bad bunny for lit time. And thank you Puerto Rico for the culture. And the best hospitality I’ve ever had anywhere. Btw I’m Mexican American. And they treated me like a Puerto Rican over there and that’s why I’m going back way too soon
im in puerto rico atm and leaving tomorrow and i gotta say this is true, they treat you like their own all over and im grateful to have been able to see where he comes from, its truly so beautiful.
He speaks and feels emotions so deeply and beautifully. He is very rare and true artist not just in music, but his soul and his presence. Absolutely just gorgeous from the mind body and soul
I agree with everyone saying they should’ve interviewed him in Spanish. He’s very good at speaking in English as well and I think he articulated himself as well as anyone.
Puertorro, la cuna de grandes artistas, que comen allá que tienen tanto talento? 😎 Gracias por su legado musical y cultural, especialmente el fenómeno de la salsa y el reggaetón que amamos en el mundo 🇵🇷🇨🇴✊🏽
Thank you for being so humble , sending your messages through your music and still representing who you are and where you come from! Thank you for being you and put our island so well represented 🇵🇷.
Puerto Rico🇵🇷 es la meca del sonido y música en el mundo. Un puntito en el Caribe que ha repartido reggaetón, salsa, pop, tropical y música urbana al mundo entero.
Amo a PR , tuve la dicha de haber nacido en una islita tan pequeña, con tanta gente maravillosa, una islita hermosa, llena de alegría a pesar De… ! Muchísimo talento no solo en la música, en muchas áreas también. 🥰🥰🥰🇵🇷❤️
I love him so much! And so proud to see how much he is grown as an artist and his platform. He means so much to not only the Latin community for us Puerto Ricans. We all wish him nothing but continued success.
How can you not love him. I’ve had people who’ve known him, most recently, a close friend who was his waiter at the restaurant she works in. They all tell me the same thing: down to earth, humble, even sometimes a little shy. Lo amo. Benito no se si algún día leas esto, pero gracias por brindarme tantos momentos felices 💖
If you’re a tourist in Puerto Rico please do not go to La Perla without someone who is welcome there outsiders are no welcomed! He definitely has best album of the year! Love BB and how true to PR he stays
Peak ? This man right will forever be in his peak, everything about this man is perfect with his music and flow everything, this man motivates me to make my own music, one day I pray and hope I have the chance to not only meet him, but collaborate with him
In this beautiful modern age there is such thing as subtitles. Use them. Allow the artist to express themselves in their native language. English is an official language in Puerto Rico (as is Spanish), but not everyone is fluent in it and that’s ok and more common than people like me who are fully bilingual in both. I grew up in the metro area of the island so English was spoken quiet often, but he’s from Vega Baja where only now do kids speak it more because of social media. Public schools simply lack… well a lot. Doesn’t make those kids any less.
oh emotions of my beautiful island, thanks!! Beautiful interview. I miss my Puerto Rico and you brought me right into it. Thanks also to Bad bunny for the music.. ♥
Bad Bunny! el mejor artista que a pario mi isla Puerto Rico. Este señor rescata la escencia y el orgullo de ser borincano, lo reparte por todo el mundo. Y lo mejor de todo es que no necesita hablar ingles agringao para dejar saber que lo que hizo fue una obra de arte.
Articuló sí mismo muy bien en inglés, eso no es una hazaña fácil. Estoy orgulloso de él y todo logró y logrará. Es una lástima que esta entrevista no fue en español, pero como todas las cosas que encuentra, Bad Bunny se enfrenta y prospera! Habla muy bien en inglés y él se encontrará en la lengua como hizo en su propia.
I remember when he was new to the scene, with a short haircut, third eye - Oh I hated on him plenty... I'd like to apologise, he is one of my favorite PR artist today. Go Bad Bunny!
This made me love Puerto Rico more and bad bunny el rey 👑, in full Spanish would have been amazing though and his English is very good , BBBBBADDDD BUNNNNYY BABBBY
I love him so much he is a phenomenal artist so humble so real , he came from nothing and made something for himself by himself ! he writes his own music and it’s hit after hit he’s definitely the artist of the year and i see he’s gunna be much more successful these years to come ❤ god bless his sweet soul i can’t wait to go to more of his concerts his concert was a dream i cried ! he’s an old authentic soul ahh i love you benito😘
the fact that he has not even a half an hour interview is sad. apple music needs interviewers who speak other languages from around the world, bc the biggest artists are the ones who sing in another. language. right now, benito is the BIGGEST artist worldwide!! he wasn’t able to express himself the way he wanted to because he’s not 100% fluent in the english language. unfair to him, i hope apple music improves their interview game
I want a full Zane Lowe interview with him please Apple Music. Feel like he deserves that really inviting atmosphere Zane provides so they can talk freely about his art.
Watching this interview gave me so much anxiety! I just wanted to hear him fully express himself and seeing him struggle through the language barrier really makes someone so big seem so small. He's very articulate in Spanish and should have been interviewed in Spanish with subtitles provided so that the world could witness his full genius in his native tongue.
I know right apple couldn’t get ebro a translator
This was my very first thought when they started the conversation, and I was curious if anyone else may have thought the same, so I went to the comments to see and behold, yours was the very top one, haha! It honestly should have been common sense to have paired him with a spanish speaking interviewer; all his music is in spanish for goodness sakes!!
@@ingridm4910 Ebro speaks Spanish 🤦🏻♂️ Maybe they wanted to make a full English interview :/
@@cxshxnly7197 so they made this interview terrible on purpose? that’s even worse
@@ingridm4910 Yeah more than likely, they’re currently not pushing their agenda toward the Latin and Hispanic markets. I think the only reason they’re interviewing again is because of how big he is on Apple Music’s ratings. Zane interviewed him and J Balvin two years ago on Apple Music as well and it was also an English interview. It might also be because most Apple Music subscribers are from the states. It’s a shame I know 🤦🏻♂️
Apple need a spanish and korean speaking interviewers.. let them express themselves FULLY in their language and then put subtitles... 1 hour for Harry but 14 minutes for the BIGGEST ARTIST IN THE WORLD? ENOUGH DISRESPECT..
facts 💯
Totally agree
Facts the BIGGEST
We need an entire Netflix documentary in Spanish from him! What he's done is just phenomenal. What an amazing artist!!
New to Bad Bunny (Im from UK) what has he done that's phenomenal?
@@scarlettkhan9667make the best music ever
Not really but he’s really good
Puerto Rico has the most talent in the world for being such a tiny island in the Caribbean! He makes me so proud to be Latina from NYC, with a Mother that was born & raised in San Juan, Puerto Rico! Thank you for representing Puerto Rico! keep on shining your talent onto the world Conejo Malo.
No disrespect, PR is up there for sure.. but then there's Jamaica 🇯🇲 .
Puerto Rico is where the rockstar at
@@sehabla1 nah Puerto Rico is top tier
@@trip.6499 agree, but specifically speaking of the first comment about small Caribbean Islands with the most global impact and influence, for an even longer period of time, historically to present day, that would be Jamaica. Plus, consider the roots of reggaeton and dembow are in Jamaican dancehall. But its still beautiful to see the success of PR, Conejo malo y todo, pero hay que reconocer la historia y los raíces de la musica también ❤
@@sehabla1 Why even bring Jamaica up? I love Jamaican Music and their people but do not understand your need to even make a comparison here. Why can't this person share his/her opinion without having to argue about it on the internet? Bob Marley speaks about the "Buffalo Soldier Trottin through San Juan in the arms of America". Yet you feel the need to belittle a whole people and tell then that their music is inferior... Jamaica and Puerto Rico are both islands of the Caribbean. People cut from the same cloth.
Gracias por hacernos sentir tan orgullosos de ser puertorriqueños, me gusta su humildad y su sencillez.
I wish they interviewed him in Spanish :/ he had said he isn’t comfortable translating himself. This could have been so much greater if he was speaking in his language. Beside the point loved the album and his story behind it ❤️❤️❤️
He couldve articulated himself alot better in spanish, but thats not really what the purpose of this interview is. Bad Bunny is an international superstar, with his English improved he only takes another step in becoming a staple in mainstream America
I just came back from a trip from Puerto Rico. They worship bad bunny there all over San Juan it was a beautiful experience and this album made my vacation way more enjoyable Thank you bad bunny for lit time. And thank you Puerto Rico for the culture. And the best hospitality I’ve ever had anywhere. Btw I’m Mexican American. And they treated me like a Puerto Rican over there and that’s why I’m going back way too soon
Bienvenido a PR. Regresa pronto!
@@bestiaman vamo pa la plazita esta chevre.
im in puerto rico atm and leaving tomorrow and i gotta say this is true, they treat you like their own all over and im grateful to have been able to see where he comes from, its truly so beautiful.
@@kristelblu324 you should had visited Ponce and the south. I would had showed you a more lay back natural experience.
@@bestiaman i did visit these areas as well!!! it definitely is much more quieter but beautiful too
He speaks and feels emotions so deeply and beautifully. He is very rare and true artist not just in music, but his soul and his presence.
Absolutely just gorgeous from the mind body and soul
love thats puerto rico
I agree with everyone saying they should’ve interviewed him in Spanish.
He’s very good at speaking in English as well and I think he articulated himself as well as anyone.
Puertorro, la cuna de grandes artistas, que comen allá que tienen tanto talento? 😎
Gracias por su legado musical y cultural, especialmente el fenómeno de la salsa y el reggaetón que amamos en el mundo 🇵🇷🇨🇴✊🏽
Thank you for being so humble , sending your messages through your music and still representing who you are and where you come from! Thank you for being you and put our island so well represented 🇵🇷.
As a Puerto Rican artist born in America. Bad Bunny makes me so proud - hoping to one day give it back to PR as a US Born Puerto Rican ❤
Puerto Rico🇵🇷 es la meca del sonido y música en el mundo. Un puntito en el Caribe que ha repartido reggaetón, salsa, pop, tropical y música urbana al mundo entero.
P FKN R ….. Benito we love you so proud that you rep us BORICUAS hasta La muerte!!!! 🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷
#1 artist in the world
Puerto Rico is so beautiful. I love you bad bunny and your music so much. Keep inspiring people to purse what they want to accomplish 🫶🏼
Amo a PR , tuve la dicha de haber nacido en una islita tan pequeña, con tanta gente maravillosa, una islita hermosa, llena de alegría a pesar De… ! Muchísimo talento no solo en la música, en muchas áreas también. 🥰🥰🥰🇵🇷❤️
Time to feel this again for the summer !!!☀️🌻🍉🌞
I love him so much! And so proud to see how much he is grown as an artist and his platform. He means so much to not only the Latin community for us Puerto Ricans. We all wish him nothing but continued success.
This interview was really amazing , I love bad bunny and his vibes!!! God bless his talent.
TE AMO BAD BUNNY. Muy orgullosa de ser boricua. Loved the interview.
I love how he pushes himself to speak the perfect English . Love bad bunny
Que orgullo haber nacido en el Archipiélago Leyenda. 🇵🇷
Orgullo boricua,es que lo amo.pfknrR la bestia.Goat
How can you not love him. I’ve had people who’ve known him, most recently, a close friend who was his waiter at the restaurant she works in. They all tell me the same thing: down to earth, humble, even sometimes a little shy. Lo amo.
Benito no se si algún día leas esto, pero gracias por brindarme tantos momentos felices 💖
If you’re a tourist in Puerto Rico please do not go to La Perla without someone who is welcome there outsiders are no welcomed! He definitely has best album of the year! Love BB and how true to PR he stays
¿Entonces tratan mal a los turistas en La Perla?
@@kentokreativo827 es una comunidad no un lugar turístico y los extraños sin alguien que conozcan no son bienvenidos y a puede ser muy peligroso
My Mom was born in Santurce, San Juan. And this makes me so proud to have this in my blood!! Love me some BB! :) xoxo
Neverita, Otro Atardecer, and yo no soy celoso are my top three from the album
Great interview!!! The interviewer as well as the interviewed.
Bad Bunny is not the bunny we thought we would get but is the bunny we always need. Q DURRRRROOO
Orgullosa de Bad Bunny Benito. GRACIAS POR PENSAR EN PR PRIMERO DTB 💘 💕 💖 ♥️ ❤️ 💛 💘
Peak ? This man right will forever be in his peak, everything about this man is perfect with his music and flow everything, this man motivates me to make my own music, one day I pray and hope I have the chance to not only meet him, but collaborate with him
Ya somos 2
aun recuerdo el concierto en san diego y phoenix como si fuera sido aller 🥹🥹🥹❤️❤️🫶🏾
bad bunny es el mejor
He' s So Gorgeous,,Talented,,
Artist,,Model.....Proud to be
Puerto--- Rican. Ponce in the
House!!!! Love him
El duro sigue rompiendo bad bunny 💯🔥
Que bien aprendió ingles falta que le hacia ahora esta a otro nivel por que ya mismo arrasa con los americanos
In this beautiful modern age there is such thing as subtitles. Use them. Allow the artist to express themselves in their native language. English is an official language in Puerto Rico (as is Spanish), but not everyone is fluent in it and that’s ok and more common than people like me who are fully bilingual in both. I grew up in the metro area of the island so English was spoken quiet often, but he’s from Vega Baja where only now do kids speak it more because of social media. Public schools simply lack… well a lot. Doesn’t make those kids any less.
I love his expression and his accent...fabulous interview🍾🎤
Viva Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
Heres otro nivel bad bunny 🤛❤
Benito. god bless u! pusiste a lukiyo en las tomas, gracias. ❤️🇵🇷
I’m a Puerto Rican born - Brooklyn raised - pride of the island when I went 4 yrs ago - it’s a feeling only u can feel whe. You were born here
oh emotions of my beautiful island, thanks!! Beautiful interview. I miss my Puerto Rico and you brought me right into it. Thanks also to Bad bunny for the music.. ♥
Beautiful interview♥️ Puerto Rico has a shinning star ⭐️ reppin 🥰
Saludos...bravo por Benito...el #1..actualmente....espero todos lis GRAMY ...para un Verano sin Ti...👏👏
Man this interview gives me chills my home my beloved puerto rico 🇵🇷
MI Vega bajeno,boricua viva benito,etes de Los mio de Vega baja.desde persylvania .😊😊❤❤❤🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷🇵🇷
Te amo bad bunny
Benito me inspira a seguir creando musica ❤️
best album of the year for me fersure
Epic! UN VERANO SIN TI is a perfect album.
Ye, Ye, Ye 🎶 Te amo Bad Bunny🐰🇵🇷🔥
How he mentioned his mom ♥️
Timestamp please?
Bad Bunny! el mejor artista que a pario mi isla Puerto Rico. Este señor rescata la escencia y el orgullo de ser borincano, lo reparte por todo el mundo. Y lo mejor de todo es que no necesita hablar ingles agringao para dejar saber que lo que hizo fue una obra de arte.
This was so much better than the chat with Zane Lowe, but I still think Apple Music NEEDS someone that can interview in Spanish. I volunteer, btw :).
One of the greatest albums of all time easily.
Bad bunny 🐰 🐐
Love how Bad Bunny represents himself and PR 💗
Love the fact he has an interview but we needed this in Spanish…
Moscow Mules y Medallas...hay mi madre... Salud!
qué lindo este hombre
I love him so muchh
Benito, siempre Al 100!! 💯 Es verda, nos llevaste a la playa Contigo con los sonidos xoxo
Bad Bunny the One and only
Articuló sí mismo muy bien en inglés, eso no es una hazaña fácil. Estoy orgulloso de él y todo logró y logrará. Es una lástima que esta entrevista no fue en español, pero como todas las cosas que encuentra, Bad Bunny se enfrenta y prospera! Habla muy bien en inglés y él se encontrará en la lengua como hizo en su propia.
Awesome awesome interview! Thanks for listening and letting him speak
I am so proud of him ❤
my favorite Bunny 🐰😍❤
Definitivamente el mejor... Artista integral lo amooo🔥😍
deserves more views
I remember when he was new to the scene, with a short haircut, third eye - Oh I hated on him plenty... I'd like to apologise, he is one of my favorite PR artist today. Go Bad Bunny!
im obsessed with his laugh
This made me love Puerto Rico more and bad bunny el rey 👑, in full Spanish would have been amazing though and his English is very good , BBBBBADDDD BUNNNNYY BABBBY
I love him so much he is a phenomenal artist so humble so real , he came from nothing and made something for himself by himself ! he writes his own music and it’s hit after hit he’s definitely the artist of the year and i see he’s gunna be much more successful these years to come ❤ god bless his sweet soul i can’t wait to go to more of his concerts his concert was a dream i cried ! he’s an old authentic soul ahh i love you benito😘
I love him🥰
That’s right! You don’t have to change anything about your culture to shine around the world!!!
If he’s saying he’s still doing music for his people, his next album NEEDS to be a 2016/17 Trap album 🥺
No thanks, reggaeton bunny is better
@@krisibarra2904 you had to be there, by that comment it looks like you wasn’t there so 🥱🥱
@@Jaydd_MC oh I was there, I enjoy trap bunny but reggaeton bunny 20x better
Que bello Benito ❤️
Love u Bad!
🥺❤️🇲🇽 Bad Bunny eres una estrella eres el número 1 del trap. Mis respetos para ti viejon
Love U bad 🐰 you Rock!
the fact that he has not even a half an hour interview is sad. apple music needs interviewers who speak other languages from around the world, bc the biggest artists are the ones who sing in another. language. right now, benito is the BIGGEST artist worldwide!! he wasn’t able to express himself the way he wanted to because he’s not 100% fluent in the english language. unfair to him, i hope apple music improves their interview game
He really is the revolution of reggeaton and the shining light of PR
This is his best album
Andrea is my favorite too , y no me la canto en concierto 😩
That was actually a really good interview
Love u bad bunny ❤
So inspiring
Bruhhh where did he get that shirt
Eres una leyenda bro! Un duro, un crack, un loco bien carbón sigue rompiendo
love u bad bunny
you know Ebro is not gonna dare to cross that line and talk reckless to bad bunny 🐰
que lindo Benito! I love you!! ❤️
I want a full Zane Lowe interview with him please Apple Music. Feel like he deserves that really inviting atmosphere Zane provides so they can talk freely about his art.
i think they already made one for this album bro, its here on yt
@@thePXRTY I’d like to see a longer one like what Harry Styles, Jack Harlow, Lil Nas X, Rosalía, Zayn and Post Malone got.
Yes please more Zane 😭😭
Me agrada poco la entrevista en inglés. Pero es un ídolo , actualmente es necesario ese inglés para ese gran icono nuestro suramericano♥️🌹🇻🇪