+Kenneth Washington The show's cast members (at the time this aired) were used for all the roles in this special anniversary episode. Irna Phillips was played by Beth Ehlers (Harley) Charita Bauer was played by Kim Zimmer (Reva) I probably hadn't watched these clips since I posted them (nearly 9 years ago!). What a great reminder of how incredibly talented these actors are! Very few casts could've pulled this off as brilliantly.
that would be pretty sweet to hear "Guiding Light on TV!"
Irna was amazing. I wish she was still around. She coulda saved the show today! She was so strict and powerfull. She would kill EW and DK!
Who played Irna Phillips, and Charita Bauer.
+Kenneth Washington The show's cast members (at the time this aired) were used for all the roles in this special anniversary episode.
Irna Phillips was played by Beth Ehlers (Harley)
Charita Bauer was played by Kim Zimmer (Reva)
I probably hadn't watched these clips since I posted them (nearly 9 years ago!). What a great reminder of how incredibly talented these actors are! Very few casts could've pulled this off as brilliantly.
Was Kim Zimmer sick during this time??? She picked up alot of weight.
ahh...i love Buzz:-) lol
where? WHERE!!!?!?!? I LOVE CARLY