Hi there! I'm a long-time Hraesvelgr user and certified GW mechanic skipper (Rank 7331 Water Adv. GW November 2023), and I noticed a few inaccuracies about how Hraesvelgr works, so I'd like to respectfully clarify and give context. I don't know much about the Earth element, so your videos have been very insightful, and I'd like to return the favor! 1) Normal Attacks deal 4-hit damage. I saw this one pointed out elsewhere in the comment section, but Hraesvelgr deals 4 hits per bullet (Single Attack), which on TA results in 12 hits overall. Someone else confirmed that Aertire does 1-2-3 for a total of 6 hits per TA. 2) The ougi. Yes, Aertire ougi looks really good! I like it a lot, but the Mugen gun setups you mention using Splitting Spirit to ougi turn 1 are entirely on Exo Antaeus for MC to get their 2-hit Flurry buff. It definitely seems like it would be beneficial for Aertire setups to SS turn 1 for the additional layer of echoes. 3) The summons. You mentioned running Titan x Titan, but a large majority of the burst setups for Hraesvelgr are reliant on elemental boost summons (Beelzebub x Qilin, Beelzebub x Varuna, Yatima x Varuna), while Varuna x Varuna is being used for more sustained fights like Super Ultimate Bahamut solos. 4) The grid. For the most part I agree with your theorycrafts for how the grid should look in Earth. However, right now, the 4th Calamitous Aquashade is pretty dead in Water for Hraesvelgr (It was a niche, borderline copium investment anyway, but it was mostly for dropping HP thresholds needed to cap the Special Damage Cap mod). If Earth gets NA Amp from exalto, it's probably better to drop Worldscathing Leon (Fire World Harp) for a weapon with higher raw attack mods like Attack awakened Mirror Blade Shard or an Ichigo Hitofuri. As stated above, most of Water's top-end Hraes burst relies on Providence/element attack auras because of how Hraesvelgr wants to hit a lot in a single turn. NM200 used Beelzebub x Qilin with Expert Model: Anagenesis bullet loadouts, for reference 5) Unfortunately, Celestial Gun will be introduced with the next water advantage guild war, so it won't be here in time for this September's Earth adv. GW. Celestial Gun will definitely be a boon later on for the setup but will not be anything for this upcoming GW. 6) Characters. I mentioned earlier that I don't know much about Earth, but for Hraesvelgr-esque setups, all of the characters are funneling buffs to MC, so getting another burst attacker for Earth may not have as big of an impact for this style of setup, while a burst-enabling support character would probably work really well. I think that's pretty much everything I noticed! If anyone has any questions, I can answer to the best of my ability here in the comments section, or I frequent DY/DK's stream chat as e4phoebe! Dy's also really invested into Water, so he can probably answer a lot of questions as well. Best of luck to everyone on the bullet farms, whether they're new to Hraesvelgr or if you're cooking with Aertire! It's definitely not a fun grind, but it's very strong if you do!
Ayo now this is what I'm talking about, I wanna address your points so I'll go in order too 1) Yeah we went over this so hopefully everyone else can see 2) This was kind of a misspeak I was referring to the exo gun's ougi setups since that's what I have experience with not hraesvelgr but I didn't make that clear, my point was just that we already have similar setups in water that use splitting spirit for an ougi effect so we could do the same thing in earth 3) Also kind of a misspeak since like 98% of bursts in general go single sided, but also maybe could see some legit play double sided if you wanted to do something with fewer exaltos, like I know for water gw people were just FAing stuff with hrae so maybe this is something that could happen with earth as well and you'd want to go double primal with less exaltos, but not sure 4) Yeah pretty much, I didn't really process that world harp is just more amp that you'd be capped on with the exalto when I said it but yeah 5) Yeah not in time for gw but as you can probably tell I look 50 light years in the future whenever I think about stuff LOL 6) This one was also kind of just an earth thing in general where I want to get another burst type character but what I'm really getting at is I just want someone who gives free damage like zeta or haase for just existing whether they're playing off mc or just the team at large I just want free damage in the burst All that being said though thanks again for the comment I'm actually going to pin it so people can just look at that and this follow up clarification for future reference 👌
Jokes on you mister Ajt500, aka Talentedtrack98, aka Heloise Wonderweiss, aka Helo, aka dirt lord, aka professional yapper, aka addendum man, aka Umikin's crewmember. I already grinded my bullets due to being a professional water enjoyer with the funny gun. And if you had repented your ways and accepted water supremacy long ago, you would have had your bullets already too. Water bros stay winning.
@@marcosluizteodorodeoliveir9341 I think most people get ouroboros just off of the mats gotten from farming gold bars plus miscellaneous mats so things like akasha keys, pbhl horns, or gohl mats, but yeah if you're trying to specifically farm for ouroboros I could see that being a pain
I want the gun to be good but I'm skeptical.. Quick napkin math to compare raziel gun and hrae: - Raziel gun has 3 less "split damage instances" on first hit, 2 less on 2nd, 1 less on third. Which is 6 less per TA. - Assuming burst turn worse case scenerio for raziel gun: bubs, 2 uriel fists, raziel 2, beliel for 330k sup. - 5 instances of damage per attack (main attack, passive A, uriel 2, raziel 2, mammoth) multiply all that up you get 6*330*5 = 9.9m less damage per TA than hrae (water and dirt has access to different sup/echos so it's not really 1 to 1 but you get the idea). Of course if dirt gets a S. Lucio + Erika + Haase hybrid or something then it's a different story but I'm just showing it has a lot of ground to make up to make soldier work.
Hi fairly new player here, might be an off topic but im trying to go for my first primal which is on earth this upcoming gw (also near hrunting as well) i just have a few questions if you dont mind? 1. Would you recommend going titan even tho i dont have resonators? I do have 2 uriel fist and 2x sparks ready when exalto comes out (im pretty much commited to earth anyway so ill try to get some landslide as well, i just think that exalto will fall on a legfest) for the units i do have most of the important ones even raziel, summons as well like galleon, uriel, and titan. 2. How would exalto fare against resonators for endgame raids (hexa and faahlhl) Do we strictly use gal staves there or we could use exaltos with some workarounds? Would be nice to start doing hexa with the crew if i could with just exaltos. 3. Im pretty much close to caim flb, and i have extra mats saved up for lobelia i kept seeing him used on endgame raids, do you think he's worth the mats? Maybe i could flb him too someday. 4. Hrunting is going to be my frst illust so abit scared that it might quickly phase out, but for the most part hrunting should still be a good investment right? Edit: ill try to aim for 3 exaltos just like what you adviced on, and maybe get a code for 230 opus for the faa keys maybe that could help abit more Sorry for yapping too much lel thanks in advance
Always feel free to ask questions around here on any video, but to answer your questions I'll start by kinda combining 1 and 2 Having absolutely none could be kinda shaky but I think you'll be able to get by with 1 potentially with exalto if you have 3 exalto, the thing about earth's resonator is you need 3 of the exact same weapon so once we get exalto if you plan to use both together you'll either do 3 resonators and X amount of exaltos, 3 exaltos and X amount of resonators, or 3 of both. With the way exaltos have been used in other elements I expect that we will lean heavier into 3 exaltos and X amount of resonators unless we need more defense or hp in which case we'd used 3 of both, this is mostly the case for harder raids but at the same time you could always use other weapons for hp and defense if you didn't have 3 resonators. So ultimately I would wait to see how things actually pan out once exalto is released but I think you may be able to get by with 0 to few resonators once it releases. For 3 this is really how much you care about being invested in earth, lobelia's backline passives are pretty nice to have and his 4th skill is also nice just for extra damage but idk if he's necessarily a necessity, but if you're hyper invested in earth I'd plan to get him regardless so you have access to anything thrown at you For 4 I also don't think hrunting is going anywhere anytime soon, it's just too strong honestly and I don't think they'll get rid of it anytime soon, there will be other options for certain setups but I think it will persist, but you can wait longer if you're unsure and want to see how things pan out Hopefully this answers your questions
@@Ajt500 wow thanks alot for the fast response, its good to know hrunting is going stay for a while. Ill just go head frst on titan lmao wont wait for reso drops im too hyped for gw + hrunting i even started theory crafting burst comps with it even tho i havent bought it yet lmao. Just wanna ask for the last time, with our usual hrunting grids, when exalto comes out assuming it is na amp just like wind and since we want 3 of it anyway for the 30% amp what weapon do you think we'll drop for it?
@@BelovedCommunity-od8ro Resonators lol, in my head a normal grid will look something like hrunting mainhand, sieg dagger, ultima, opus, 2 pns, 1 resonator, 3 exalto
Before I started farming bullets for hraes, I thought I would have had more mats from playing this game for 8 years. I pray for the day there's a free quest that we bookmark/refresh spam for bullets
@@Ajt500 I mean that a bunch of them are multi-wave fights so you can't just attack and refresh like you do for raids. They don't take that long, but it would be nice if it was like box farming
I might have to siero Raziel instead after the wasted 100+ pulls I did on her banner to end up not getting her, no Tefnut even :( Yatima can wait for another year. I can definitely foresee a new age of dirt burst coming soon.
@@keju6263 Yatima is definitely a sleeper hit but can be super useful when she pops up, that being said if you're not trying to be super invested in earth for gw you could always wait to annitix raziel and save your moons
@@Ajt500 Yeah but i'm pretty much far too deep for earth that I might be fomo'd for skipping her entirely but i'd definitely will wait out the free pulls for summer first before sierotixing.
I've got this 4*!! 3:10 you're right btw it's normal on the first hit, the double attack is 2hit n triple is 3 hit individually ((so yeah 5 in total instead of like 9 on a triple which is still fire
@@Ajt500I think you have your math wrong. It’s 9 less hits than Hraes. Soldier and Summer Lucio are used in Hraes set ups to give MC gta which means 12 hits with Hraes.
@@sexyninjam Oh ok I didn't realize hrae gave 4 per normal attack and not just 4 at the end of whatever you hit so that's a bit worse, but according to noodle's comment you get 5 total on raziels gun so it'd be 7 less
@@FlaccidSoft Bullets are permanent and you can swap them around between guns, bare minimum you aim for the subhl bullet and 5 bubs bullets but the all inclusive route is to add 5 belial bullets on top of those 6 because bubs bullets have higher highs than belials but belials are less rng and thus are more stable and consistent for something like GW, so if you want to be totally prepared you get both
bro those mat numbers... that's very yikes. I had half the mats of everything when I started farming and I thought that was rough. Best of luck in your bullet grinding. Hope some of those rare monsters don't bother you too much. Also I farmed bullets for the potential of hraes. Never thought they'd be useful for earth. It was meant to be. Also also farming bullets now can hurt the pot stash a bit, but with summer fest coming up soon, that'll help mitigate burning pots.
Dude the rare mobs pop ups are so annoying when trying to hit the back button, and I hate the little pop up on the course alluvium quest I wish you could just skip it entirely! And yeah you're definitely right about the strain on pots, another reason why I have my farming path setup like I do to hopefully land some of the heavier hitters during magfes (or I miss magfes entirely because I'm doing ffxiv savage and then I cry in a corner 😭)
As somebody who tried out Raziel in FA0, I... don't see her as favourably as before. I'm not saying she is bad when it comes to the raid, far from it, but my overall impression has remained the same as before. She is slow, like extremely slow. Since FA0 is nothing more than a DPS race, you'd normally think Raziel fits the build with all of the buffs and echo and flurry, but since you need to constantly press skills to increase her stacks while Lucilius is getting battered by 5 other people, it puts a lot of preassure on you and makes you prone to mistakes. At times, during the last stretch, I couldn't even use her 3rd skill because I just didn't have the time to press those skills to get to 10 stacks on each passive. One thing I will say though, she makes the first 40% of the raid very consistent with her 2nd skill. 50% to TAs is really good and gives Olivia that necessary multiattack boost to get to her empowered 2nd skill as quickly as possible. Having dispel on her 1st skill as well allows you to mash on ALL triggers Lucilius throws at you, but that's only after you get those 10 stacks, which again, can be hard to get to. Overall, unless we get another raid that dissuades this kind of agressive playstyle (aka. Hexa), in my opinion, Raziel will be mostly used for burst, but who knows? Maybe that ring I gave her will find more use other than bashing my head against the wall that will be 200nm in guild war PS: I know this is the gun discussion, but I just wanted to rant about Raziel herself a little
Honestly I feel this, even after this video I started trying to experiment with her more as I said in the video I had barely used her and she's just very clunky as per usual in earth it's really annoying. She has a ton of strong points but everything takes time and buttons which again is a staple of earth. I have seen people mash VERY fast with her in faa0 but jp but here's a look, th-cam.com/video/UUM37NqC87o/w-d-xo.html, but I don't think any raid will ever really stop people from mashing, it's always slow at first then people endlessly spam the raid until they can find faster and faster ways of doing it. But perhaps I save my ring? Who knows (why did I choose to main this ele) 😬
Well, i will be frank when i see the weapon. " i don't like where this is going" Cause i feel like it's just a band-aid solution to the "The only different resonator skills". And my second (which probably my main reason) is i hate farming bullets (yes i do farm when a soldier dirt is a thing) Done it, and just never touch it honestly after that, not even try to use it. I think we have the grid space problem the most with how inflexible the grid are. (Thanks galleon staff). but let's see . I don't know, feels like they just not and will never know what direction they want to take on this element. Yeah raziel is good and nice but still. On 2024 era with everything is instant, We just lost to it, but on the other hand since our build up maybe one or if not the best build up = result element in the game (Olivia, Caim to front, and dirt performance in hard raids is there). Like we still need to change the fact we still use Xmas Naru until now, and then probably with this maybe we can hope for something, i legit never want dirt echo cause i never feel like dirt have big echo, i think from 2020 we never have that one really good echo setups, like the echo is there but maybe illnot era is the best era for it ? Maybe N.A Amplify is the way we will get exalto but i'm not even shock if they just gonna throw random shit on dirt's exalto at this point, we have the only resonators type of skill, why not the exaltos too anyway right ? I don't know, maybe it's just me and how i hope and keep praying dirt to get something that"s 2024 (i don't know if i word this right, but maybe saying "2024" a thing ? idk.) Or maybe this is just gonna be the downfall when we expect great things and it just turns out mediocre . Old Man's Rant, yeah. i know >.>. Maybe i will try it one last time and farm bullets and let's just see if i need to siero tix it. I don't know, it's just hoping the direction goes well (and not even good is enough, it must be really well made). I don't mind if it goes runaway around but having something ? maybe that's a thing. I'm not asking to able compete on fire (Like seriously, we all know everything break loose when they do S4 alanaan kit like that.) Well, not gonna add any longer weird rant that gonna spark debate (but i always welcome civilized discussion not kind of "But *this element* is bla bla bla and you just complaining yada yada" Especially dirt players =w=. Anyway, me gon, thanks for the vid as always '3' b. (Also i just realize how stacked Raziel buff , also Raziel best girl.)
Yeah even though raziel is really good with setup the amount of setup you need is ridiculously restrictive, the only idea they have for this ele is making it have a slow build up on everything
@@Ajt500 dont make me spark/ticket summer clarisse for off-ele memes And I have been E N L I G H T E N E D by the funny gun edit : there's a spreadsheet on the bullets page of the wiki to help keep track of the farm needed
Hi there! I'm a long-time Hraesvelgr user and certified GW mechanic skipper (Rank 7331 Water Adv. GW November 2023), and I noticed a few inaccuracies about how Hraesvelgr works, so I'd like to respectfully clarify and give context. I don't know much about the Earth element, so your videos have been very insightful, and I'd like to return the favor!
1) Normal Attacks deal 4-hit damage. I saw this one pointed out elsewhere in the comment section, but Hraesvelgr deals 4 hits per bullet (Single Attack), which on TA results in 12 hits overall. Someone else confirmed that Aertire does 1-2-3 for a total of 6 hits per TA.
2) The ougi. Yes, Aertire ougi looks really good! I like it a lot, but the Mugen gun setups you mention using Splitting Spirit to ougi turn 1 are entirely on Exo Antaeus for MC to get their 2-hit Flurry buff. It definitely seems like it would be beneficial for Aertire setups to SS turn 1 for the additional layer of echoes.
3) The summons. You mentioned running Titan x Titan, but a large majority of the burst setups for Hraesvelgr are reliant on elemental boost summons (Beelzebub x Qilin, Beelzebub x Varuna, Yatima x Varuna), while Varuna x Varuna is being used for more sustained fights like Super Ultimate Bahamut solos.
4) The grid. For the most part I agree with your theorycrafts for how the grid should look in Earth. However, right now, the 4th Calamitous Aquashade is pretty dead in Water for Hraesvelgr (It was a niche, borderline copium investment anyway, but it was mostly for dropping HP thresholds needed to cap the Special Damage Cap mod). If Earth gets NA Amp from exalto, it's probably better to drop Worldscathing Leon (Fire World Harp) for a weapon with higher raw attack mods like Attack awakened Mirror Blade Shard or an Ichigo Hitofuri. As stated above, most of Water's top-end Hraes burst relies on Providence/element attack auras because of how Hraesvelgr wants to hit a lot in a single turn. NM200 used Beelzebub x Qilin with Expert Model: Anagenesis bullet loadouts, for reference
5) Unfortunately, Celestial Gun will be introduced with the next water advantage guild war, so it won't be here in time for this September's Earth adv. GW. Celestial Gun will definitely be a boon later on for the setup but will not be anything for this upcoming GW.
6) Characters. I mentioned earlier that I don't know much about Earth, but for Hraesvelgr-esque setups, all of the characters are funneling buffs to MC, so getting another burst attacker for Earth may not have as big of an impact for this style of setup, while a burst-enabling support character would probably work really well.
I think that's pretty much everything I noticed! If anyone has any questions, I can answer to the best of my ability here in the comments section, or I frequent DY/DK's stream chat as e4phoebe! Dy's also really invested into Water, so he can probably answer a lot of questions as well. Best of luck to everyone on the bullet farms, whether they're new to Hraesvelgr or if you're cooking with Aertire! It's definitely not a fun grind, but it's very strong if you do!
Ayo now this is what I'm talking about, I wanna address your points so I'll go in order too
1) Yeah we went over this so hopefully everyone else can see
2) This was kind of a misspeak I was referring to the exo gun's ougi setups since that's what I have experience with not hraesvelgr but I didn't make that clear, my point was just that we already have similar setups in water that use splitting spirit for an ougi effect so we could do the same thing in earth
3) Also kind of a misspeak since like 98% of bursts in general go single sided, but also maybe could see some legit play double sided if you wanted to do something with fewer exaltos, like I know for water gw people were just FAing stuff with hrae so maybe this is something that could happen with earth as well and you'd want to go double primal with less exaltos, but not sure
4) Yeah pretty much, I didn't really process that world harp is just more amp that you'd be capped on with the exalto when I said it but yeah
5) Yeah not in time for gw but as you can probably tell I look 50 light years in the future whenever I think about stuff LOL
6) This one was also kind of just an earth thing in general where I want to get another burst type character but what I'm really getting at is I just want someone who gives free damage like zeta or haase for just existing whether they're playing off mc or just the team at large I just want free damage in the burst
All that being said though thanks again for the comment I'm actually going to pin it so people can just look at that and this follow up clarification for future reference 👌
@@Ajt500 Yeah no problem! I'm happy to help!
I will not farm bullets
Bullets are not consumable...
Jokes on you mister Ajt500, aka Talentedtrack98, aka Heloise Wonderweiss, aka Helo, aka dirt lord, aka professional yapper, aka addendum man, aka Umikin's crewmember.
I already grinded my bullets due to being a professional water enjoyer with the funny gun. And if you had repented your ways and accepted water supremacy long ago, you would have had your bullets already too. Water bros stay winning.
@@MrMarett1 The age of water is coming to an end, this is my era, the era of earth zehahaha!
I would farm bullets 10 times instead of farming ouroboros
@@marcosluizteodorodeoliveir9341 I think most people get ouroboros just off of the mats gotten from farming gold bars plus miscellaneous mats so things like akasha keys, pbhl horns, or gohl mats, but yeah if you're trying to specifically farm for ouroboros I could see that being a pain
Throw in Xeno mats from the skip, you will be surprised how much progress comes from just that
Yeah 80% of my ouroboros was just pro skip mats
@@cheer2moon i am doing it +pbhl and still in the half
At least i got a lot of bars.
I want the gun to be good but I'm skeptical.. Quick napkin math to compare raziel gun and hrae:
- Raziel gun has 3 less "split damage instances" on first hit, 2 less on 2nd, 1 less on third. Which is 6 less per TA.
- Assuming burst turn worse case scenerio for raziel gun: bubs, 2 uriel fists, raziel 2, beliel for 330k sup.
- 5 instances of damage per attack (main attack, passive A, uriel 2, raziel 2, mammoth)
multiply all that up you get 6*330*5 = 9.9m less damage per TA than hrae (water and dirt has access to different sup/echos so it's not really 1 to 1 but you get the idea). Of course if dirt gets a S. Lucio + Erika + Haase hybrid or something then it's a different story but I'm just showing it has a lot of ground to make up to make soldier work.
Ok, bye bye 150 gold moons.
I had a feeling this would be the case so I’m already 2/6 bullets into this hell
Hi fairly new player here, might be an off topic but im trying to go for my first primal which is on earth this upcoming gw (also near hrunting as well) i just have a few questions if you dont mind?
1. Would you recommend going titan even tho i dont have resonators? I do have 2 uriel fist and 2x sparks ready when exalto comes out (im pretty much commited to earth anyway so ill try to get some landslide as well, i just think that exalto will fall on a legfest) for the units i do have most of the important ones even raziel, summons as well like galleon, uriel, and titan.
2. How would exalto fare against resonators for endgame raids (hexa and faahlhl) Do we strictly use gal staves there or we could use exaltos with some workarounds? Would be nice to start doing hexa with the crew if i could with just exaltos.
3. Im pretty much close to caim flb, and i have extra mats saved up for lobelia i kept seeing him used on endgame raids, do you think he's worth the mats? Maybe i could flb him too someday.
4. Hrunting is going to be my frst illust so abit scared that it might quickly phase out, but for the most part hrunting should still be a good investment right?
Edit: ill try to aim for 3 exaltos just like what you adviced on, and maybe get a code for 230 opus for the faa keys maybe that could help abit more
Sorry for yapping too much lel thanks in advance
Always feel free to ask questions around here on any video, but to answer your questions I'll start by kinda combining 1 and 2
Having absolutely none could be kinda shaky but I think you'll be able to get by with 1 potentially with exalto if you have 3 exalto, the thing about earth's resonator is you need 3 of the exact same weapon so once we get exalto if you plan to use both together you'll either do 3 resonators and X amount of exaltos, 3 exaltos and X amount of resonators, or 3 of both. With the way exaltos have been used in other elements I expect that we will lean heavier into 3 exaltos and X amount of resonators unless we need more defense or hp in which case we'd used 3 of both, this is mostly the case for harder raids but at the same time you could always use other weapons for hp and defense if you didn't have 3 resonators.
So ultimately I would wait to see how things actually pan out once exalto is released but I think you may be able to get by with 0 to few resonators once it releases.
For 3 this is really how much you care about being invested in earth, lobelia's backline passives are pretty nice to have and his 4th skill is also nice just for extra damage but idk if he's necessarily a necessity, but if you're hyper invested in earth I'd plan to get him regardless so you have access to anything thrown at you
For 4 I also don't think hrunting is going anywhere anytime soon, it's just too strong honestly and I don't think they'll get rid of it anytime soon, there will be other options for certain setups but I think it will persist, but you can wait longer if you're unsure and want to see how things pan out
Hopefully this answers your questions
@@Ajt500 wow thanks alot for the fast response, its good to know hrunting is going stay for a while. Ill just go head frst on titan lmao wont wait for reso drops im too hyped for gw + hrunting i even started theory crafting burst comps with it even tho i havent bought it yet lmao. Just wanna ask for the last time, with our usual hrunting grids, when exalto comes out assuming it is na amp just like wind and since we want 3 of it anyway for the 30% amp what weapon do you think we'll drop for it?
@@BelovedCommunity-od8ro Resonators lol, in my head a normal grid will look something like hrunting mainhand, sieg dagger, ultima, opus, 2 pns, 1 resonator, 3 exalto
@@Ajt500 I see, lmao resonators now dropping like flies, i still prob need 2 just to be on the safe side, thanks as always
They gotta give earth Beatrix grand to pair with zeta grand and make her the exalto
@@DavidBrick-u9f Beatrix in earth would be an instant ring
Sheesh , that would be the dream
Oh noe, not the bullets 😭
All aboard the crit amp train 🚞🚞
@@pwndemnoob1035 You're banned!
So what happens if we dont get an Exalto lol
@@SuperJimBobJoe I quit
Before I started farming bullets for hraes, I thought I would have had more mats from playing this game for 8 years. I pray for the day there's a free quest that we bookmark/refresh spam for bullets
@@stovenven We have the quests that they've marked under the new free quest tab or do you mean something else?
@@Ajt500 I mean that a bunch of them are multi-wave fights so you can't just attack and refresh like you do for raids. They don't take that long, but it would be nice if it was like box farming
@@stovenvenAhhh yeah for sure
Cygames and doing things that make sense?🧐
Imagine instead of normal attack amplify or bonus echo. . .
@@decilence6184 You're banned! Mods gettem outta here!
@@Ajt500 sorry man , i had to say it
I love hitting hard cap with Uriel skills
I might have to siero Raziel instead after the wasted 100+ pulls I did on her banner to end up not getting her, no Tefnut even :(
Yatima can wait for another year. I can definitely foresee a new age of dirt burst coming soon.
@@keju6263 Yatima is definitely a sleeper hit but can be super useful when she pops up, that being said if you're not trying to be super invested in earth for gw you could always wait to annitix raziel and save your moons
@@Ajt500 Yeah but i'm pretty much far too deep for earth that I might be fomo'd for skipping her entirely but i'd definitely will wait out the free pulls for summer first before sierotixing.
I've got this 4*!! 3:10 you're right btw it's normal on the first hit, the double attack is 2hit n triple is 3 hit individually ((so yeah 5 in total instead of like 9 on a triple which is still fire
@@noodlz.mp4819 Oh ok that's awesome thanks for confirming, so yeah one extra above hraesvalgr continues to make it seem very strong
@@Ajt500I think you have your math wrong. It’s 9 less hits than Hraes. Soldier and Summer Lucio are used in Hraes set ups to give MC gta which means 12 hits with Hraes.
@@sexyninjam Oh ok I didn't realize hrae gave 4 per normal attack and not just 4 at the end of whatever you hit so that's a bit worse, but according to noodle's comment you get 5 total on raziels gun so it'd be 7 less
Oh you’re right :D math is not my strong suit obviously.
@@sexyninjamNo problem I'm terrible at math too but your comment did give some extra insight on hrae so I appreciate it 👌
what bullets do we need to farm? is it a one time farm or the bullets get consumed
@@FlaccidSoft Bullets are permanent and you can swap them around between guns, bare minimum you aim for the subhl bullet and 5 bubs bullets but the all inclusive route is to add 5 belial bullets on top of those 6 because bubs bullets have higher highs than belials but belials are less rng and thus are more stable and consistent for something like GW, so if you want to be totally prepared you get both
@@Ajt500 Awesome video and thanks for this reply (even though i didnt ask first) on the bullets, got confused for a second which 5 i needed to farm.
if earth's nakama power is like JJK then we fuked as it is non existent.
if it's like fairy tail tho... we r up to a good start
I farmed bullets for light so halfway there
bro those mat numbers... that's very yikes. I had half the mats of everything when I started farming and I thought that was rough. Best of luck in your bullet grinding. Hope some of those rare monsters don't bother you too much. Also I farmed bullets for the potential of hraes. Never thought they'd be useful for earth. It was meant to be.
Also also farming bullets now can hurt the pot stash a bit, but with summer fest coming up soon, that'll help mitigate burning pots.
Dude the rare mobs pop ups are so annoying when trying to hit the back button, and I hate the little pop up on the course alluvium quest I wish you could just skip it entirely!
And yeah you're definitely right about the strain on pots, another reason why I have my farming path setup like I do to hopefully land some of the heavier hitters during magfes (or I miss magfes entirely because I'm doing ffxiv savage and then I cry in a corner 😭)
As somebody who tried out Raziel in FA0, I... don't see her as favourably as before. I'm not saying she is bad when it comes to the raid, far from it, but my overall impression has remained the same as before. She is slow, like extremely slow. Since FA0 is nothing more than a DPS race, you'd normally think Raziel fits the build with all of the buffs and echo and flurry, but since you need to constantly press skills to increase her stacks while Lucilius is getting battered by 5 other people, it puts a lot of preassure on you and makes you prone to mistakes. At times, during the last stretch, I couldn't even use her 3rd skill because I just didn't have the time to press those skills to get to 10 stacks on each passive.
One thing I will say though, she makes the first 40% of the raid very consistent with her 2nd skill. 50% to TAs is really good and gives Olivia that necessary multiattack boost to get to her empowered 2nd skill as quickly as possible. Having dispel on her 1st skill as well allows you to mash on ALL triggers Lucilius throws at you, but that's only after you get those 10 stacks, which again, can be hard to get to.
Overall, unless we get another raid that dissuades this kind of agressive playstyle (aka. Hexa), in my opinion, Raziel will be mostly used for burst, but who knows? Maybe that ring I gave her will find more use other than bashing my head against the wall that will be 200nm in guild war
PS: I know this is the gun discussion, but I just wanted to rant about Raziel herself a little
Honestly I feel this, even after this video I started trying to experiment with her more as I said in the video I had barely used her and she's just very clunky as per usual in earth it's really annoying. She has a ton of strong points but everything takes time and buttons which again is a staple of earth. I have seen people mash VERY fast with her in faa0 but jp but here's a look, th-cam.com/video/UUM37NqC87o/w-d-xo.html, but I don't think any raid will ever really stop people from mashing, it's always slow at first then people endlessly spam the raid until they can find faster and faster ways of doing it.
But perhaps I save my ring? Who knows (why did I choose to main this ele) 😬
@@Ajt500 Pray for NA amp in exalto 🙏
My only saving grace and the reason to main dirt
Bro I have 3 steel liquids, the quest drops up to 4 and I need 4500, this ain't balanced
So glad I don't main these bullet farming elements
Well, i will be frank when i see the weapon. " i don't like where this is going"
Cause i feel like it's just a band-aid solution to the "The only different resonator skills". And my second (which probably my main reason) is i hate farming bullets (yes i do farm when a soldier dirt is a thing) Done it, and just never touch it honestly after that, not even try to use it. I think we have the grid space problem the most with how inflexible the grid are. (Thanks galleon staff). but let's see .
I don't know, feels like they just not and will never know what direction they want to take on this element. Yeah raziel is good and nice but still. On 2024 era with everything is instant, We just lost to it, but on the other hand since our build up maybe one or if not the best build up = result element in the game (Olivia, Caim to front, and dirt performance in hard raids is there).
Like we still need to change the fact we still use Xmas Naru until now, and then probably with this maybe we can hope for something, i legit never want dirt echo cause i never feel like dirt have big echo, i think from 2020 we never have that one really good echo setups, like the echo is there but maybe illnot era is the best era for it ? Maybe N.A Amplify is the way we will get exalto but i'm not even shock if they just gonna throw random shit on dirt's exalto at this point, we have the only resonators type of skill, why not the exaltos too anyway right ?
I don't know, maybe it's just me and how i hope and keep praying dirt to get something that"s 2024 (i don't know if i word this right, but maybe saying "2024" a thing ? idk.) Or maybe this is just gonna be the downfall when we expect great things and it just turns out mediocre .
Old Man's Rant, yeah. i know >.>. Maybe i will try it one last time and farm bullets and let's just see if i need to siero tix it.
I don't know, it's just hoping the direction goes well (and not even good is enough, it must be really well made). I don't mind if it goes runaway around but having something ? maybe that's a thing. I'm not asking to able compete on fire (Like seriously, we all know everything break loose when they do S4 alanaan kit like that.)
Well, not gonna add any longer weird rant that gonna spark debate (but i always welcome civilized discussion not kind of "But *this element* is bla bla bla and you just complaining yada yada" Especially dirt players =w=.
Anyway, me gon, thanks for the vid as always '3' b. (Also i just realize how stacked Raziel buff , also Raziel best girl.)
Yeah even though raziel is really good with setup the amount of setup you need is ridiculously restrictive, the only idea they have for this ele is making it have a slow build up on everything
let's just see i guess, where they gonna go with this.
So much misinformation when it comes to Hraes setups and comparisons its insane lmfao
@@fhanas4338 People brought up the amount of hits you get per normal attacks that I got wrong but what else is incorrect?
As a funnygun enjoyer, you get used to it kapp
@@Skyline_NTR You are a victim
@@Ajt500 dont make me spark/ticket summer clarisse for off-ele memes
And I have been E N L I G H T E N E D by the funny gun
edit : there's a spreadsheet on the bullets page of the wiki to help keep track of the farm needed