I plan to extend one year here in Jeddah, my contract will end in January 2025,, but I see that my fate is better in Croatia because you have been there for 3 weeks and I see you enjoy it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
*You both should work out in the gym to shape up your upper and lower body and to make your bodies curved. Right now, your body shapes are making you look like 60 years old.*
Greetings to you two, you are very interesting and I am glad that you are representing my country in this way. Dubrovnik is expensive, but you must know that it is a world destination, so we locals say, whoever likes, lets go.
For visiting Dubrovnik much better time is after tourist season. The prices are lower, not so much crowded and not too hot. Best is early spring (march to may) and around October the weather is still beautiful
Hats off to you both. This has to be the best expose on the old town of Dubrovnik anywhere. Congrats...and I have been going there since the 1980's. As for the prices - well the rise is quite ridiculous, but then again the place is totally unique.
Your videos of Croatia's coast are very good, they make me as a Croatian from the inland want to visit our coast! But if you are looking for a more "Balkan" feeling in Croatia then maybe a part of the costal i teriour closer to Bosnia is what you are looking for. The coast from north to south has more of an Italian feeling, and the inland which you still need to visit, is more like Hungary and Austria.
I stayed in Cavtat two years ago (no €uro yet), and took the bus or the small boat to Dubrovnik old town. A nice and more quiet option for a stay close to the happenings in Dubrovnik.
I love Dubrovnik. Ive been 3 times now, but wont be rushing back after last year. Its got too busy now and its so expensive since the euro came in. Great video as always guys
nice vlog guys, and yes, pretty rational observation, Dubrovnik is way overpriced but still popular af.... city with tradition and history even b4 game of thrones although peoples opsession with tv shows just beefed up prices in all segments. cool place to see and have a blast for those who don't care to splash few grand a week beeing overthere... visiting on tight budget is a skill for those who can manage
I think you're right guys. It's a bit pricey. But can beat those views and water crystal clear. 48 hours in Dubrovnik is plenty And Molly , hope that sunburn was not too painful . The wall is worth visiting . Maybe the time of year you go would make a big difference in prices ? Your thoughts ? Sending you much love ❤❤from a very warm Richmond Va. Harriet, Jim and Yuki
Wow my idols another fantastic adventure wow wow wow beautiful buildings thank you Molly and Matt for your hard working your adventures you guys are amazing god always bless you and always be safe and take care 💖💖💖
I went to Dubrovnik last year at the very end of March. I actually flew in on easyJet's first flight of the year from Gatwick. It was a perfect time to go as it was warm, quiet and a LOT cheaper! The only drawback was that the season officially starts on the 1st of April, so some of the things I wanted to do, like the ferry to Lokrum island, weren't running yet. But by the 1st of April, I'd moved on to Mostar. Only one cruise ship came in during the few days I was there, too. So the place was overrun by Americans taking photos of each other at the Game of Thrones filming locations and visiting the GoT shops for three or four hours, but then they were gone and the place was tranquil again. I see it's very different in high summer, though!
That’s the problem with down season isn’t it, we always travel outside of peak season but there are drawbacks. And we can relate with people taking photos of GOT stairs🤣
I'm in dubrovnik today augusti 27 2024, it's so hottt +32 and no wind. Book a hotel with a pool and do the sightseeing seeing evening time and it's still hot in the evening
I plan to extend one year here in Jeddah, my contract will end in January 2025,, but I see that my fate is better in Croatia because you have been there for 3 weeks and I see you enjoy it❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Croatia has changed so much, not what it used to be. Their taxation and prices not just for tourists but for workers and is just so ridiculously crowded and expensive compared to bordering countries, Italy, Greece, Montenegro. A tip stay at Cavtat just down the road much nicer, cheaper and less crowded and a 40 minute small ferry ride at 15 Euro return, beats a 40Euro Kayak. Dubrovnik almost has an amusement park feel to it now which is sad and the wages they get are pitiful approximately 800 Euro a month for hospitality workers and most have to travel at least an hour to and from as they cannot afford to live in Dubrovnik.
Thats the place i was born and i lived all my life there almost .On the opposite side is big building where i use to live . That is not Gruz its Batala or ragusea .Gruz is more further down to the port
It is expensive but my god it’s stunning and honestly I could pay more for this , I’d still eat casual as that’s what we both enjoy always have . But a nice cocktail bar and yes I have a feminine side lol but more ice cold beers. Great video you do the uk proud in the way you present your channel
16:20 Congratulations, you have become a local. Beer on a random stone by the sea or at a viewpoint is the most Croatian thing you can do. None of the Croats pay a fortune in an overpriced restaurant a few meters away to enjoy the same view they get from the wall nearby.
Next time you eat: the fish, octopussies, shells... the real croatian food. Not the burek and the fast balkans food, as you did. This is not Croatia. We have, also, Mc Donald's but we are not USA. And pizza you can also find in Croatia! But?😊😊😊 The video is super!
Horseshit, dubrovnik was always expensive af, in yugoslavia it was expensive af, in fact the difference was even bigger, now it's double compared to other places, then it was morw like tripple the cost, it was always an airport destination for the majority of croats, it was cheaper to visit southern italy than dubrovnik. So nothing new, but actually all the places were expensive af for us locals in socialist yugoslavia, i remember in rab, the entry ticket for a disco bar in lopar, islandcof rab was 800 din, my allowance per night was 100 din, what was basically a big 1 L keg of beer, on a beach beer stand, not in a bar, only time i've been inside was the one night we played, we some squad from the playground, me i had the basketball ball, one other croat that lived in germany, two brothers slovenes, and one young but tall kid from belgrade that already played for zvezda juniors, anyways that was all from the "locals" in lopar, we played basket every night, and about 20 germans played football on that usual asfalt playground, so one night they asked us to play a badkeball game yu vs germany, as baskeball was pretty novel to them, ofc we trashed them properly, but they were good aports and paid the entrance for all five of us, it was great, clumsy interaction with german girls, drinking etc, fun for 13-14 yo boys. Anyways, despite the propaganda about qorkers being able to go to sea vacations, oh i know how, cheapest of accomodations and eating tomato and liver pate on the beach, cooking something themselves in the evenig, the prices were so adjusted to western europeans that our reach was few beers from a tap, and one evening in some shabby pizzeria, but for thw majority just the ice creams for the kids during the evening stroll.
Streets made of marble, just incredible. There was a cuban cigar shop near the entrance. I'm cuban but not a smoker, regardless, It was cool to see my flag displayed on a window of this beautiful old city. But if my memory serves me right, they did have a strict no Croc policy. Don't shot the messanger. lol
Well it's not, it's just a type of limestone, if you have a quarry near by, the cost is the same, no matter the stone type, lot of downtowns on the coast have marble pavement.
The DJI app shows you the restrictions. we always fly in places with 0 restrictions and adhere to the height & distance regulations 👍 it’s really not that difficult when your drone is 249g!
This is not Burek. A disaster. The Vietnamese, or some other newcomers, make and serve "Burek", according to their recipe. After all, Burek is a national delicacy, and has always been made by Bosnians. In Herzegovina burek costs less than 3 euros, and it is ORIGINAL, not Vietnamese. Actually, everything there is very cheap.
Croatia is no longer the Balkan slum that you perceive it to be and expect to eat and drink there almost for free. Those days are over. Go to Denmark and Ireland to see what the prices are and then complain.
chill, nobody said Croatia is a slum; beer is cheaper in Prague than almost everywhere else in Europe; is Prague a balkan slum? all the region is developing, and the prices are raising accordingly; on top of it, Croatia is extra expensive because of the mass tourism; I found it expensive 20 years ago coming from Germany
@@damirblazevic4823 Javio se "zapadnjak", koji je mrzio Jugu. I dobro, nema štete za Jugu, ali za tebe će biti, jer ti nikad nisi bio Jugoslaven, niti ćeš biti "zapadnjak", jer Zapad ne voli Slavene. A zašto pišeš na engleskom kad ga ne znaš? Činiš greške.
CALLING DUBROVNIK THE BALKANS IS A CRIME But how clueless these two are is best shown by the fact that they refer to the "Balkan Wars of the 1990s." The "Balkan Wars" are something entirely different. The Balkan Wars refer to two wars that preceded the First World War: The First Balkan War (October 8, 1912 - May 30, 1913) The First Balkan War was fought between the Balkan League (Bulgaria, Serbia, the Kingdom of Montenegro, and Greece) and the Ottoman Empire. The Second Balkan War (June 29 - August 10, 1913) The Second Balkan War was fought between Bulgaria and the alliance of Greece and Serbia, joined by Montenegro, Romania, and the Ottoman Empire.
No reason for a history lesson here. I understand that you’re trying to distance yourself from the Balkans but even Slovenia is considered Balkan. You are so lucky, Croatia is probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but I’m sorry to tell you this, it is still Balkan. Look it up. Still beautiful and unbeatable.
@@jasnadm77JASNA came to explain what Balkan is, OK JASNA. And no need for history lessons, right. No one to know Serbia in the 90 attacked: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo. Great JASNA.
@@jasnadm77 Slovenia is not considered Balkan by anybody with at least basic education. Neither is Dubrovnik in the Balkans. If one decides to present oneself as a "travel bloger", one should inform oneself about elementary geography of the place one is traveling to and blogging about
Ich gebe Ihnen einen sehr wichtigen Rat: Besuchen Sie alle Städte der Adriaküste, aber schwimmen Sie nicht in diesem See, Sie haben richtig gelesen, dass der See mit Fäkalien vergiftet ist!!! Keine einzige Stadt oder Gemeinde hat Abwasser!
Do you think the prices were reasonable? Let us know😅
I plan to extend one year here in Jeddah, my contract will end in January 2025,, but I see that my fate is better in Croatia because you have been there for 3 weeks and I see you enjoy it ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
*You both should work out in the gym to shape up your upper and lower body and to make your bodies curved. Right now, your body shapes are making you look like 60 years old.*
Absolutely not those prices are extortionate, but enjoy guys
supply and demand , simple market economy, I think best time to visit is begin of june or end of september!
Greetings to you two, you are very interesting and I am glad that you are representing my country in this way. Dubrovnik is expensive, but you must know that it is a world destination, so we locals say, whoever likes, lets go.
For visiting Dubrovnik much better time is after tourist season. The prices are lower, not so much crowded and not too hot. Best is early spring (march to may) and around October the weather is still beautiful
Totally agree!
We were there in May, still expensive and not everything open, it is a massive tourist trap.
You can hike up instead! It's a beautiful hike and honestly the museum at the top isn't all that much. Just hike it! Its worth it!
Visited Croatia, Montenegro and Bosnia this summer. Bosnia has my heart ♥️
Hats off to you both. This has to be the best expose on the old town of Dubrovnik anywhere. Congrats...and I have been going there since the 1980's. As for the prices - well the rise is quite ridiculous, but then again the place is totally unique.
thank you so much, we really appreciate that!
Beautiful Croatia! ❤
It really is!
Thank you for describing the city in my country so nicely but objectively!! Greetings from city Osijek from Croatia!!
Thanks for watching!
I think Dubrovnik is magical. Love the aerial view of the red roofs. Didn't realise they had city beaches.
Thanks so much for watching!
October is a good time to visit Dubrovnik! Still varm, not crowdy! 👍♥️
Totally agree!
Awesome view nice video 👍🥰
heading here soon fantastic video ! Kayaks wow dear !
Your videos of Croatia's coast are very good, they make me as a Croatian from the inland want to visit our coast! But if you are looking for a more "Balkan" feeling in Croatia then maybe a part of the costal i teriour closer to Bosnia is what you are looking for. The coast from north to south has more of an Italian feeling, and the inland which you still need to visit, is more like Hungary and Austria.
Great video and commentary 👍
Thank you! 👍
Nice info..Thanks 🙂
I love your blog, I am praud Croatian. I am from coast a d now live in Zagreb is also great❤❤
Welcome to Dubrovnik, Croatia this week in great joy to tours many amazing places on the streets in Europe August of 2024❤❤❤
Thank you!
Molly getting any ideas!?! 😃😆😀 Great video. 👍 Cheers and stay safe. ❤
🤣😂🤣😂only a few. Thanks as always Richard 🥰🥰
Really enjoying croatia series
Thank you!
I stayed in Cavtat two years ago (no €uro yet), and took the bus or the small boat to Dubrovnik old town. A nice and more quiet option for a stay close to the happenings in Dubrovnik.
Thanks for the recommendation!
Dubrovnik is a fantastic destination, and you have captured its beauty perfectly. 😍👍 However, it has always been known for being sooooo expensive. 💰💰💰
Thanks so much for watching!
You get what you pay for usually
Alot of bang for your buck $$$$ compared yo some places
Great video!
Glad you enjoyed it! Thank you!
Looking forward to going back in January to really enjoy way less tourist, great video as usual guys
Sounds like you’ve got the trip down to a T! Thanks for watching!
I love Dubrovnik. Ive been 3 times now, but wont be rushing back after last year. Its got too busy now and its so expensive since the euro came in. Great video as always guys
Totally agree! Thanks for watching!
Excellent blog
Thank you 🙂
nice vlog guys, and yes, pretty rational observation, Dubrovnik is way overpriced but still popular af.... city with tradition and history even b4 game of thrones although peoples opsession with tv shows just beefed up prices in all segments. cool place to see and have a blast for those who don't care to splash few grand a week beeing overthere... visiting on tight budget is a skill for those who can manage
Brilliant video. We went today in September. The heat is still very oppressive
really!!! wow, hope you enjoyed it!
4:21 the beach 🏖️ is pebbly 😊
So pebbly!
Wow! Super frumos acolo în Croația! Sănătate tuturor!! Mulțumesc!
Thank you so much!✨
@@dabbleandtravel Greethings from 🇷🇴 !Pace !!!
You must see Skradin beetwin Sibenik and Zadar. Also great citys.❤❤
Nice informative story. I was lucky I guess when we were there it didn't cost as much and the city walls were free I 2007.
Oh wow!
I think you're right guys. It's a bit pricey. But can beat those views and water crystal clear. 48 hours in Dubrovnik is plenty And Molly , hope that sunburn was not too painful .
The wall is worth visiting . Maybe the time of year you go would make a big difference in prices ? Your thoughts ? Sending you much love ❤❤from a very warm Richmond Va.
Harriet, Jim and Yuki
Awesome, amazing , spectacular and very expensive ❤❤🎉🎉
Thanks so much 😊
Love From 🇧🇩
Thank you!
Zadar is the best part of Croatia for me ❤
gutted we didnt get to visit but we will save it for next time!
Hello sir watching from Dhaka Bangladesh 🇧🇩
@dabbleandtravel Lovely Croatia and super lovely creature your spouse is 🔥😍
Thank you!
Hvala što si posjetila moj rodni grad dubrovnik i posjetio grad najpoznatiji u ovom dijelu evrope.
Thank you for watching!💗
Nice vidéo.. hello from Tunisia 👋
Thank you!
Moj rodni grad i moga sina hvala ti što si bio u našem gradu i lijepo ga predstavio svjetski grad Dubrovnik bio i ostao zauvjek u srcu.
Sounds like an expensively hellish place. Thank God for cold beer 🍻🍺
Tell me about it
Fond memories of Croatia
Great country
Wow my idols another fantastic adventure wow wow wow beautiful buildings thank you Molly and Matt for your hard working your adventures you guys are amazing god always bless you and always be safe and take care 💖💖💖
Awesome tourist place life travel videos ❤️😊🇺🇸very awesome, enjoy happiness tastey life
Thank you! You too!
7:29 kayaking
Super beautiful in this Croatia city video Super beautiful 👌👌👌👌👌
Thank you very much
Thanks for watching!
I went to Dubrovnik last year at the very end of March. I actually flew in on easyJet's first flight of the year from Gatwick. It was a perfect time to go as it was warm, quiet and a LOT cheaper! The only drawback was that the season officially starts on the 1st of April, so some of the things I wanted to do, like the ferry to Lokrum island, weren't running yet. But by the 1st of April, I'd moved on to Mostar. Only one cruise ship came in during the few days I was there, too. So the place was overrun by Americans taking photos of each other at the Game of Thrones filming locations and visiting the GoT shops for three or four hours, but then they were gone and the place was tranquil again. I see it's very different in high summer, though!
That’s the problem with down season isn’t it, we always travel outside of peak season but there are drawbacks. And we can relate with people taking photos of GOT stairs🤣
❤ beautiful
Thank you! 😊
Reminds me on Symi island )
I'm in dubrovnik today augusti 27 2024, it's so hottt +32 and no wind. Book a hotel with a pool and do the sightseeing seeing evening time and it's still hot in the evening
So so warm!
I'll be there end-May. Just can't wait
I plan to extend one year here in Jeddah, my contract will end in January 2025,, but I see that my fate is better in Croatia because you have been there for 3 weeks and I see you enjoy it❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Croatia has changed so much, not what it used to be. Their taxation and prices not just for tourists but for workers and is just so ridiculously crowded and expensive compared to bordering countries, Italy, Greece, Montenegro.
A tip stay at Cavtat just down the road much nicer, cheaper and less crowded and a 40 minute small ferry ride at 15 Euro return, beats a 40Euro Kayak.
Dubrovnik almost has an amusement park feel to it now which is sad and the wages they get are pitiful approximately 800 Euro a month for hospitality workers and most have to travel at least an hour to and from as they cannot afford to live in Dubrovnik.
Thats the place i was born and i lived all my life there almost .On the opposite side is big building where i use to live . That is not Gruz its Batala or ragusea .Gruz is more further down to the port
It is expensive but my god it’s stunning and honestly I could pay more for this , I’d still eat casual as that’s what we both enjoy always have . But a nice cocktail bar and yes I have a feminine side lol but more ice cold beers. Great video you do the uk proud in the way you present your channel
It’s gotta be an ice cold beer always 🤣 thanks mate!! Appreciate you
I leave for Split tomorrow 2week can't wait..
split is great, wonderful old town , i love Split!
You’ll love it! Enjoy!
16:20 Congratulations, you have become a local. Beer on a random stone by the sea or at a viewpoint is the most Croatian thing you can do. None of the Croats pay a fortune in an overpriced restaurant a few meters away to enjoy the same view they get from the wall nearby.
Mission complete!
Wonderful Sea Dear . HEAVENLY ❤❤❤
Thank you! Cheers!
@@dabbleandtravel cool Cheers
Next time you eat: the fish, octopussies, shells... the real croatian food. Not the burek and the fast balkans food, as you did. This is not Croatia. We have, also, Mc Donald's but we are not USA. And pizza you can also find in Croatia! But?😊😊😊 The video is super!
And that the prices are so high, it is the result of Croatia's entry into the EU. Before it was much cheaper and people were more satisfied.
What do you know? 😂😂😂
People are quite happy in Criatia
@@alexhorvath9277 Tako i mislim 🤣
it's mostly because of tourism; Croatia was very expensive 20 years ago, compared to other countries in the region
Horseshit, dubrovnik was always expensive af, in yugoslavia it was expensive af, in fact the difference was even bigger, now it's double compared to other places, then it was morw like tripple the cost, it was always an airport destination for the majority of croats, it was cheaper to visit southern italy than dubrovnik.
So nothing new, but actually all the places were expensive af for us locals in socialist yugoslavia, i remember in rab, the entry ticket for a disco bar in lopar, islandcof rab was 800 din, my allowance per night was 100 din, what was basically a big 1 L keg of beer, on a beach beer stand, not in a bar, only time i've been inside was the one night we played, we some squad from the playground, me i had the basketball ball, one other croat that lived in germany, two brothers slovenes, and one young but tall kid from belgrade that already played for zvezda juniors, anyways that was all from the "locals" in lopar, we played basket every night, and about 20 germans played football on that usual asfalt playground, so one night they asked us to play a badkeball game yu vs germany, as baskeball was pretty novel to them, ofc we trashed them properly, but they were good aports and paid the entrance for all five of us, it was great, clumsy interaction with german girls, drinking etc, fun for 13-14 yo boys.
Anyways, despite the propaganda about qorkers being able to go to sea vacations, oh i know how, cheapest of accomodations and eating tomato and liver pate on the beach, cooking something themselves in the evenig, the prices were so adjusted to western europeans that our reach was few beers from a tap, and one evening in some shabby pizzeria, but for thw majority just the ice creams for the kids during the evening stroll.
I’m heading here next month, my return flight from Zadar was less than the cable cart 🤣
LOL!🤣 enjoy!
@@dabbleandtravel thanks I’m actually only in Debrovnik for 1 day and then travelling to Baska Voda. I also will be going to a shop for beer 🤣
@@jonnyb4271 good plan!😂
Hi guys, I was wondering whether otdering a tap water is for free at the restaurants? Will travel there at soon and wanna know these things. 😅
Have no idea sorry!
Streets made of marble, just incredible. There was a cuban cigar shop near the entrance. I'm cuban but not a smoker, regardless, It was cool to see my flag displayed on a window of this beautiful old city. But if my memory serves me right, they did have a strict no Croc policy. Don't shot the messanger. lol
Well it's not, it's just a type of limestone, if you have a quarry near by, the cost is the same, no matter the stone type, lot of downtowns on the coast have marble pavement.
what beer is better karlovacko or ozujsko for you ?
Ozujsko draft was 10/10!
Both are crap.
How do you manage to fly your drone everywhere? There are so many rules in every country regarding drones.
The DJI app shows you the restrictions. we always fly in places with 0 restrictions and adhere to the height & distance regulations 👍 it’s really not that difficult when your drone is 249g!
Hello hello you world travellers. Feels like soon you're going to revisit one more time my country Albania?
We won’t be revisiting right now!
@@dabbleandtravel Have happy travels wherever you going.
My town of youth ❤
Shah Rukh Khan’s film Fan was filmed here
This is not Burek. A disaster. The Vietnamese, or some other newcomers, make and serve "Burek", according to their recipe. After all, Burek is a national delicacy, and has always been made by Bosnians. In Herzegovina burek costs less than 3 euros, and it is ORIGINAL, not Vietnamese. Actually, everything there is very cheap.
boli li te burek
Last place to see balcan is Dubrovnik...
That doesn’t seem crowded at all 😅We went a decade ago during the shoulder season and it was easily 3x as crowded.
Oh it was really crowded. We just had to choose where we filmed so we weren’t packed like sardines!🤣
Drinking game- Everytime they say “Game Of Thrones,” you have to do a shot.
I have never seen as much a one minute of that show
This guy is the most overdressed kayaker! 😀
Never wear dark/black clothes during daytime. You will boil inside of it!
We had to hide from the 39 degrees🤣🤣
Hi Hello from 🇮🇳 🇮🇳 india
too many streets to explore.must be challenging to see everything to what's the place is offering for the visitors?
Beautiful. Too crowded. Too expensive. Maybe just a day-visit.
where you get money so young for traveling
TH-cam and your views
@@kayleung5722 haahahha i wish my oncle sam wold me give some money too at christmas oncle zou hot the message
You got to pay to play😃
Very true
If you drink many beers, the sea will be colder.
Well fellas, how many cities you visited croatia
Hi guys how are you
Hey! How are you
@@dabbleandtravel I'm so good
Croatia is no longer the Balkan slum that you perceive it to be and expect to eat and drink there almost for free. Those days are over. Go to Denmark and Ireland to see what the prices are and then complain.
chill, nobody said Croatia is a slum;
beer is cheaper in Prague than almost everywhere else in Europe; is Prague a balkan slum?
all the region is developing, and the prices are raising accordingly; on top of it, Croatia is extra expensive because of the mass tourism; I found it expensive 20 years ago coming from Germany
Love you from Karachi Pakistan
Repubblica di Ragusa
15:40 this dude wants to steal Molly. Fight fight fight for her, or maybe say good bye to Molly and smile, kidding kidding hahahha.
mantis shrimp
Buy yourself a kayak for 2-3 hundred euros and paddle all day every day. 40 quid= rip off.
Will you both visit North Korea? 🇰🇵
It’s on the list!
Disastrous prices. In Yugoslavia, everything was cheaper, and a walk along the old walls was free.
Nobody gives a flying f**k about Yugoslavia
@@damirblazevic4823 Javio se "zapadnjak", koji je mrzio Jugu. I dobro, nema štete za Jugu, ali za tebe će biti, jer ti nikad nisi bio Jugoslaven, niti ćeš biti "zapadnjak", jer Zapad ne voli Slavene.
A zašto pišeš na engleskom kad ga ne znaš? Činiš greške.
16 euros small beer in Barcelona,5 euros in Dubrovnik, cheers.
It is most expensive Croatia city, so you must be smart with money... if you are not millioner 😄
🤣🤣 true
But how clueless these two are is best shown by the fact that they refer to the "Balkan Wars of the 1990s." The "Balkan Wars" are something entirely different. The Balkan Wars refer to two wars that preceded the First World War:
The First Balkan War (October 8, 1912 - May 30, 1913)
The First Balkan War was fought between the Balkan League (Bulgaria, Serbia, the Kingdom of Montenegro, and Greece) and the Ottoman Empire.
The Second Balkan War (June 29 - August 10, 1913)
The Second Balkan War was fought between Bulgaria and the alliance of Greece and Serbia, joined by Montenegro, Romania, and the Ottoman Empire.
No reason for a history lesson here. I understand that you’re trying to distance yourself from the Balkans but even Slovenia is considered Balkan. You are so lucky, Croatia is probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world, but I’m sorry to tell you this, it is still Balkan. Look it up. Still beautiful and unbeatable.
@@jasnadm77 another Serbian telling me Croatia is Balkan, I am shocked 😂😂😂
@@jasnadm77JASNA came to explain what Balkan is, OK JASNA.
And no need for history lessons, right. No one to know Serbia in the 90 attacked: Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Kosovo.
Great JASNA.
@@jasnadm77 Slovenia is not considered Balkan by anybody with at least basic education. Neither is Dubrovnik in the Balkans. If one decides to present oneself as a "travel bloger", one should inform oneself about elementary geography of the place one is traveling to and blogging about
@@damirblazevic4823No Dubrovnik is on the Moon😂😂😂
Ich gebe Ihnen einen sehr wichtigen Rat: Besuchen Sie alle Städte der Adriaküste, aber schwimmen Sie nicht in diesem See, Sie haben richtig gelesen, dass der See mit Fäkalien vergiftet ist!!! Keine einzige Stadt oder Gemeinde hat Abwasser!
Kroatien hat das sauberste Gewässer in Europa...das mit dem Abwasser trifft eher auf serbien zu
Molly you soooooo beautiful absolutely gorgeous stunning
Thank you!
Hey guys never watched GOT?Shame Shame Shame. Lol😅
Sounds like we need to do the walk of shame!